
Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I found the web sites of two amazing paper cut artists today.

Peter Callesen is a Danish artist whose small and room size paper cut works become astoundingly 3-D in appearance. The skeletons emerging from the body silhouettes on his web site are not to be missed, and his framed series of paper cut pictures were very imaginative as they each told their own story with just one sheet of A-4 paper.

The next was Sharyn Sowell, whose beautiful and intricate handcut silhouettes were featured in the January/February issue of Victoria Magazine . It is hard to believe that paper can be cut so delicately, and her images are so vintage looking in style, and so romantic.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Your paper cutting sites proved to be quite interesting.
    Come back anytime and say hello while your there!

  2. Hi, thanks for popping in and I hope you will come again. I enjoyed reading some of your's, and I love the cookies. It is funny, but I don't really cook. I mean I get by with cooking, but never anything fancy or hard. Things have got to be easy and quick for me. I feel like my children missed out on some parts of life by not having a wonderful cook for a Mom, but I hope I made up for it in other areas. I really admire those who can and do cook and bake. A wonderful talent.

  3. Those paper creations are awesome! At the beginning of each month, I take out all the Victorias I have for the new month and read them. The recipes, ideas, and just general wonderful things help me celebrate all month. There was some beautiful papercutting info in one of them that I was enjoying just this morning. There's also a blog called "Scherenschnitte" that I keep my eye on--she periodically posts some really awesome projects.

  4. What a fun blog! Thanks for visiting The Marmelade Gypsy -- hope you come back! Meanwhile, I really enjoy the paper cutting images, and others on your blog, too! I'll return again!

  5. Amazing! I love the castle!

  6. neat papercuts! glad to find your blog!



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