
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aprons by "Vee"!

Vee, at one of my favorite blogs, "A Haven For Vee," had her one year blog anniversary on Tuesday, July 22, 2008, and offered to give a beautiful apron she had just hand made in a random draw from someone who commented on her blog that day.

She had her handsome new husband model her creation, which you can see here, and do the random draw.

I was the lucky winner!

I was so excited to hear I was going to soon be receiving an original Vee apron! I love aprons and I have a collection of them, but none that was an original!

Her package arrived yesterday and inside was this very beautifully lavender scented wrapping paper tied with a pretty shear bow.

Inside, wrapped so neatly in tissue paper, was this cheerful red plaid apron!

It also had a lovely note by Vee in the pocket, and shhhhh .... our secret forever, but now I know what the "V" stands for!

Vee, it was your blog anniversary and you celebrated as you always do in your blog, by sharing a part of yourself and being a good friend. Through the days and weeks that added up to a blog year you have been honest, entertaining, informative, inquisitive, sharing, devout, funny, questioning, encouraging, perfect, and imperfect :-)

I feel a sisterhood between us, and it has been wonderful to be your blog friend these past six months that I've been blogging.

Thanks so much for being you, and thank you for this special apron! I will always think of you when I wear it!

So here we are!

Me, and my hubby who is a "V" too, modeling the special apron as we cook dinner!

I'm glad it was made extra large, as you can see we both need it! :-)

Thanks Vee!!

We know this apron will be a favorite!


  1. So that's where my apron went! I just knew that I would be a winner on this, lol...congratulations on the win and thanks for stopping by to see me...the coffee is always on and the kettle is always hot...

  2. What a lovely package and a really great apron. I'm so tickled that your name was drawn, congratulations! You and your honey look wonderful modeling it.

  3. Hi Pat,
    Congratulations on winning the apron! The pictures of you and your hubby are adorable!

    And thank you for your sweet comments to Kelli on her new blog! She was really excited when she read them all!
    You are one of the sweetest ladies out there in cyberspace! LOL

  4. This is so cute! How fun to win that nice apron...and I love that your hubby wears it and cooks, too!

  5. You two just look too cute in that apron!!!

  6. What great photos of two great sports! It's so much fun seeing you wear "the apron." Thanks for keeping my secret, though you aren't the only one to know it. ;>

    Whatcha making, btw?

  7. A big CONGRATS to you Pat. You know when I started blogging, I never dreamt that it will be this special, connecting with people and getting beyond just virtual friends, but I am just glad it did. Great gift from a wonderful blogger :D

  8. Congratulations on winning the apron, Pat! Isn't it lovely!

    She packaged it up so beautifully and with such care. I'm jealous.

    I stopped over at her blog and now have another person I must visit (it's getting out of control - there are so many welcoming and wonderful blogs in this community).


  9. Wow, what a nice two look like you are really enjoying it.

    It would even look great during the holidays!


  10. Congratulations on your special win! You and you hubby look so cute in your new apron!

  11. Hooray! Isn't winning just the best?! And the apron is the perfect complementary colors to an Italian kitchen!

  12. What an adorable apron! Congratulations, Pat! :)

  13. Vee really knows how to wrap up a special package, doesn't she? I was the recipient of her 200th post give-away and it was a real treasure! It also smelled heavenly...I'm thinking it may have been that mauve flowery paper I see in your photos.

    Enjoy your looks like you two are cooking up something yummy!

  14. Pat, it is wonderful. You and hubby both look great. I know your Vee creation is an instant treasure.

  15. How fun! What a great giveaway you won! Lucky you. You and your husband look darling in it.

    Hey, what are you two cooking there? It looks good.

    What a Susie Homemaker you are, cooking in your apron with a cake already baked next to you. I'm impressed!


  16. I knew the red apron was going to suit you with your hair colouring, that was before I scrolled down to see the photos and great to see it suits your husband as well. I love the tissue paper it was wrapped in. I must investigate Vee's blog, I have noticed Vee cropping up in comments, and wondered what it stood for, I guess I will never know! Congratulations on winning the prize, I always find the giveaways great fun. x

  17. The apron looks terrific on you and the hubby. Congrats on winning it.


  18. Congrats Pat on winning this special gift from Vee!! You are your hubby look like a sweet and happy cooking couple.

  19. Hi Pat!
    I LOVE your apron! It looks so festive and fabulous. What a perfect person to win it, you are a true cook and will get sooo much use out of it!
    Hugs, Sherry

  20. You both look so adorable in that apron! What a sweet post.....

  21. Congratulatios on this! You both look quite fetching in it!
    You are both such good looking people and always with happy smiles!



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