
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tomato Tart

I have a bounty of tomatoes ripening all at once, so I am trying to find new ways to use them.
This recipe was delicious!

Tomato Tart
2 cups flour, plus more as needed
(I used whole wheat flour, but you can use white if you prefer)
1 egg yolk
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup ( one stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup Grated fontina or mozzarella cheese
4 medium red and yellow tomatoes if available, about two pounds total.
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
0ne tablespoon dried chopped basil -if desired
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano - if desired
One 1/2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

1) Prepare pastry. Combine flour, egg yolk and salt in a large bowl. Quickly mix in butter with your hands until evenly blended. Add ice cold water by the tablespoon - 2 to 3 total --until you can gather the dough into a ball. Wrap ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate 30 minutes or longer ( up to one day)
2) Heat oven to 450 degrees Coat a 10 to 12 inch pizza pan or tart pan with oil or butter -- I used a cast iron frying pan. Roll out dough on a floured board and place in pan making a rim. Bake at 450 degrees of 12 to 15 minutes, or until it just begins to color. Remove and cool in pan on a rack ( can be made and hour or two ahead of time)
3) reduce oven temperature to 400 degrees.
Make filling:
Sprinkle grated cheese over cooled crust. Core and slice tomatoes 1/4 inch . If very juicy allow excess juice to drain, along with excess seeds. Layer the tomatoes over the cheese and crust, slightly overlapping. Season with salt and pepper, basil and oregano, drizzle with oil.
4) Bake at 400 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes or until tomatoes are hot and crust is browned. Transfer to wire rack to cool for 20 minutes, and serve warm.
Buon Appitito!


  1. Morning Pat

    Oooh, Pat, doesn't this loook scrumptious! Love tomatoes with mozzarella but this is a different twist that looks soooo good!


  2. It looks delicious Pat!

    I made a tomato pie from a recipe we were given at a resturant in Mentone, Ala.
    I may have to try yours! I'm going to hate to see the tomatoes go!

  3. Oh...that looks yummy! I seem to live on salsa during tomato season...I should try some variety;D

  4. I have quite a lot of tomatoes, too! I think we'll have this for dinner tonight! :)

  5. That is the most beautiful looking creation! I must try this for John as he loves tomatoes.

  6. Love "Postino" by the way...very pleasant to listen to as I snagged your recipe!

  7. Ohhh...Jesus! More than yummy...! Need to place a home delivery pizza rite now. Crazy lover that is me, about Italian cuisine.
    Buon appetito anche a te, cara. Auguro buonissimo giorno.

    Tantissimi saluti,


  8. Hello Pat, that look just too yummy to miss..send it over delivery haha..

  9. Hi Pat,

    That looks delicious. Now that I am over the "tomato phobia" scare from the FDA, I 'll have to give it a try.

    I hope you have a great rest of the week.


  10. Great recipe, Pat! It looks delicious and a wonderful way to celebrate the tomato harvest.

  11. Looks wonderful!

    I must go buy myself a new cast iron frying pan...they are good for so many dishes.

  12. How lovely to have a bounty of tomatoes, and enough to make, what I can only describe, as a delicious tart. My plants haven't been very productive this year, but what I have had have been lovely and sweet. Pop over to my blog when you can Pat to pick up an award. x

  13. Ooh, that looks so, so good! My garden is filled with tomatoes right now as well!

  14. Um....YUM! My stomach is rumbling just looking at that pic.

    I sat down to finish up your Ireland posts last night, and WOW! Stunning. I loved each and every post. I went to Ireland for a wedding in 1995 and am itching to get back there. Thank you for the reminder to get on that! :-)

    And p.s. – in answer to your Q on my blog, I did get to keep my knickers on in the version of Hair I was in. :-)(Phew! It was a close call.).

  15. This looks so good, Pat! I should try something like this, too.

  16. I just copied that recipe, Pat. Goodness that sounds good! Not only should you open a Tour Guide Service, I think you should consider opening a Bistro! You could serve lunch to the folks as they ride your tour buses around NYC! Let me know when your tickets go on sale! ;-)

  17. Oh, wow! I love the idea of a tomato tart! Cool! Love that you have different colored tomatoes.


  18. Pat ~ we just finished dinner and I had to tell you that this tart was very yummy! Alex ate 2 pieces! I think he thought it was a pizza! :)

  19. OMG! You ALWAYS make the best things!!!!


  20. I love fresh tomatoes and your pastry looks yummy. I'm still thinking about the salad you made with your summer bounty too. I need to try both recipes. They look so easy to prepare but so tasty. In fact I have been thinking about a BLT all week. MMmmmmm.

  21. That looks so delicious! We will have to try this as we al llove each of those ingredients!
    I wanted to tell you that Grace asked if she could take the Irish Wishing Stone with her to schol on the first day. Whe she got home, she was so excited! "Mommy! The stone really works! I like my teacher and I have a lot of kids in class that I know!" So, there you have it! It works!!


  22. This looks so delicious! Your photo could be on the cover of Bon Appetit magazine! I am no good at pastry-making, so if I try this (and I just might, after visiting the farmer's market next week for farm fresh field tomatoes) I would use a ready made pastry...the frozen kind. Not the same but there you go....lucky talented you that you can make a good pastry. Thanks for sharing...

  23. OMG! that looks so delicious I have to try it. Maybe I will have enough tomatoes in my garden, I will have to look hard. It seems the season is ending early for me this year.

  24. This looks so good! Like summer on a plate. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Pat! -Julia :-)

  25. That looks delicious Pat! I would like to try to make that if I find the time. My tomatoes are slow to ripen this year...I've only had one so far.

    Steviewren wrote about a BLT...I totally forgot about those, is that possible?

  26. I love tomatoes. Your tart looks terrific!

  27. Lovely Pat! Bursting with flavor and color! I would say your urban garden was plenty bountiful for you.
    My mouth is watering for this!
    xoxo, Marie

  28. delicious Pat!...thanh you..."eu te amo, perdoa-me eu te amo."...!?...(i love you, escuse me, i love you.)...kiss

  29. As Rachel Ray would say - Yummo!

  30. My mouth is watering... That slimfast bar just isn't cutting it right now LOL


  31. Hi Pat,
    This looks absolutely delicious! I haven't cooked in months. Isn't that terrible? During the summer we're strictly sandwich and salad people. But I think I'll have to try this recipe.
    I hope you have a wonderful day and any news on your itenerary for S.D.? I will gladly come visit!

  32. I found you by way of Vee's Haven, and I must tell you that tart looks incredible. I am copying the recipe as we are still having a few of those grand, home-grown tomatoes right now. Mmmm... can't wait to try it.


  33. YUM. I make almost the same tart, except i brush the pastry with honeycup mustard (or honey mixed with a grainy brown mustard)...and top with grated asiago as well as the mozzarella. My tomato crop was TERRIBLE this year...guess i should hit a farmstand so i can make one of these!

  34. Ooooh, I want it! looks more then good - super!

  35. Thank you everyone who commented! I really appreciate it!

    I am especially excited to see that Betsy and Vee made the tomato tart and enjoyed it too!

    Laura --yes --go back to Ireland! It's even more gorgeous but be aware the $ doesn't go as far anymore compared toi EUROS!

    Dana --you make me laugh!

    Susie Q -- I'm glad Grace had good luck with that wishing stone!

    Steviewren and Latin Lupe -- BLT's are yummy too!

    Cathearder --I've heard of using mustard but my husband hates mustard so it's cheese instead :-)

    Welcome Hooked on Houses and Charm & Grace!

    Cori -- I can't wait to meet you! :-)

    Thanks for all the comments everyone!

  36. Yum!!
    That looks like just the thing I need. Thanks!

  37. This recipe looks yummy... over here from Vee's blog. Thanks for sharing...I would love to give this a try with all the ripe tomatoes coming on now.


  38. By the way...great playlist!

    I think I will leave it on for awhile and listen.

  39. Oh Pat! That looks and sounds wonderful. And I love that it can be made without a tart pan....I checked out the price of one the other day and it was $40!!

  40. Oooo my that looks good! I think I ought to offer my services as chief taster in your kitchen as I love tomaot based things. I didn't realise just how much of my cooking is based around tomatoes until son had a non tomato friend staying over this week. I was honestly flummoxed going through my usual quick and easy fodder reportoir. Just HOW has the boy survived without likeing tomatoes?

  41. Hi Pat! That tart looks absolutely delicious! I love tomatoes and have really been enjoying them from the garden this summer. I may have to give this recipe a try.

  42. That recipe looks GOOD! I will give it a try, since I have a few tomatoes on hand, Thanks

  43. Very similar to our Tomato Pie...sounds scrumptious, think I'll be giving it a whirl!


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