
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pumpkin Update

My sweet grandson is growing big and strong and is fast approaching three months of age!

Unlike his Nonna (me) he is a morning lark and wakes up early with lots of smiles and coos.

Cranky time, if any, is in the evening, but Mommy & Daddy tell us he's usually a very good boy.

He already has a few favorite toys and enjoys his outings to the park, riding in his stroller and baby carrier. He even has a few other baby friends!

Nonna and Nonno have enjoyed talking to him through our web cams, and when he smiles our hearts leap with joy!

We love him so much and can't wait to see him again, to hug him and cover him with kisses!

An extra special thank you to Laura @Shore(house)Chic for the adorable jacket, specially embroidered with Leo's name! Leo loves wearing it, and gets a lot of compliments wherever he goes in it.

It's just perfect for our little pumpkin, Laura! Thanks again!


  1. There is a reason why they are called "GRAND", the are the grandest thing in life!

  2. That is the CUTEST pumpkin ever! Leo is just adorable...Look at that sweet smile! And he looks so good in the color of pumpkin. What a great little snowsuit. A virtual kiss to that baby's cheek from me! And a ((HUGS)) to you, Pat! :o)

  3. Aren't webcams great for keeping in touch with loved ones far away? We'd be so lost without them. Leo is just a doll!

  4. Good Morning Pat!

    Leo is sooo handsome!! What an adorable little gut! He looks so happy and healthy. And what a great idea to have a webcam so you can see him and talk to him! That is the neatest thing.
    You are such a proud Nonna and so blessed! And that little jacket looks so sweet on him too.

    Big grandma hugs, Sherry

  5. Leo is so cuddly and sweet. I`m glad you post pictures regularly.

  6. Leo is truly adorable and makes the best-looking "pumpkin" ever. What fun you're having being a Nonna!

  7. Awww, your little pumpkin is adorable. I bet you are counting the minutes until you can skwish him again:))

  8. He's a cutie and I'd be covering him with kisses too! He's just getting into that perfect age - lasts until they start wanting "down" all the time! I love that jacket too. I know you're really anxious to see him again - the baby stuff doesn't last nearly long enough for "grandmas". PAM

  9. That color is perfect for Leo...and for some reason, I'm finding that amazing. Your grand is so cute and the other amazing thing is how much he's grown! Glad that you have your web cams to enjoy him better and I hope that you are able to visit soon.

  10. How cute is that little boy? Have you already decided if he's more alike nonno or nonna?

  11. Awwwwwww! Leo is SO SO SO SO SO cute! Can I hug him?! =)

    You must be so proud!

  12. The "Lion hearted" is looking good!

  13. Hi Pat...Little Leo is a real charmer all decked out in his monogrammed jacket...I know you are so anxious to hold him in your arms again! ;-) Bo

  14. Cute, cute, cute! Thanks for sharing your sweetie!

  15. Hi Pat :)

    Leo is getting so big! He's such a handsome boy too :)

    How sweet of Laura to send that outfit!! So cute :)


  16. OMG Pat, he has to be one of the sweetest little boys I've ever seen. I'm not just saying that because he is your Grandson either. He is adorable!


  17. He's a cutie,aren't grandchildren the best?....Barb

  18. Oh, Pat... he's so precious! Just adorable, and Laura did well with that cute jacket. :-)

    Loved the pics...


    Sheila :-)

  19. He's already looking like a little boy! So adorable!

  20. Look at him smile! Darling!God bless him!

  21. Hi Pat,
    He is adorable. Cooper is always good in the AM too...not so much in the afternoon. LOL

    I think it is wonderful that you can talk to him through the webcam! Technology is wonderful. Hope you get to visit him again soon....but please wait til after I visit you! LOL


  22. wow. he got big quick! He is so adorable!

  23. OOOHHH! What a great post for me to return home to (home from the land of Leo, for that matter! I am in love with both Colorado and your grandson, now.) I'm glad he liked his new sweatshirt...he looks pretty handsome if I do say so myself. :-) Thanks for sharing the pictures!!

  24. I love the name Leo. It is growing on my and I can tell you just love him. I love the pumpkin picture.
    Could it get better?

  25. Hi Pat,
    I feel like I haven't been over here in a while. I'm so sorry, but now I'm catching up.
    I can't believe how big Leo is getting and how darling! Hopefully you'll be able to visit soon!?

    How are things going wit you?
    xoxo Cori

  26. He has grown so much. He's so cute. I believe Jolie is pretty in French. She has taken the name of Jo since the show Facts of Life back in the 80's. Also, she was a tomboy like that Jo and it just stuck. Little Leo is growing so fast. I know you can't wait to hold him again.

  27. What a handsome little guy Leo is..He's getting so big for only 3 months...Love the adorable jacket Miss Laura sent..

  28. Leo is quite the looker. He is absolutely adorable! I can't believe that sweet baby is every fussy! I hope it won't be long before his Nonna and Nonno get to visit him again.

  29. Oh Pat he is getting cuter and cuter by the minute!!!

    What a precious lil' sweetie! Love the Orange outfit.

    Thanks for the visit and kind words about our move.
    We will know something here very soon..... :)

    I'm glad you liked my new blog makeover as well. Thank you.

    ~Melissa :)

  30. Aww he looks so sweet- hasn't he grown already! I love the personalised touch with his own pumpkin suit. :-)

  31. Wow he is growing fast! Already looks like such a little man!!

  32. Mille,
    Just stopping by to say hi after your kind visit to my blog. How nice to meet you!

    What fun you have going on here! You have a vibrancy for life, love, and family that is simply palpable. Leo is adorable. We have a "new" grandbaby at our house too. Max. He's 5 mos. old now and brings us great joy. Our first boy...

    Believe, breathe and be well!

  33. I think the first day I read your blog was the day you announced Leo's birth...How he's grown...and how time flies! Thank God for web cams!

  34. Very cute pics of your sweet little Leo!! he looks very smart in the orange jacket..what a lovely gift :D


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