
Monday, March 2, 2009

March Comes In Like A Lion

March came in like a lion.......

.....OK, he's a cute little lion, but the snowfall we received wasn't little...

It began snowing about 10PM yesterday.............

............And we awoke to about 10 inches of snow and lots of shoveling to do! Thankfully my husband took a vacation day and was here to help.

Here he is shoveling in front of our house.............

.........and then we went down to shovel out my Mom's house and both her neighbors, who are also elderly and need help.

Under this mound lies our car!

I felt a little like Michelangelo releasing the figure from the I swept off as much snow as I could.

Thoroughly exhausted and hungry we went inside and prepared a nice asparagus and cheese frittata for breakfast.

Five eggs beaten, leftover broiled asparagus chopped, about 1/3 cup chopped Gouda cheese, a 1/3 cup of grated parmigiana cheese, about two tablespoons of Mrs Dash (a salt less mixed herb seasoning) and a dash of dried oregano -- mix well and pour into hot cast iron skillet. Meanwhile reheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook the frittata over medium heat until firm on the bottom, and then place the skillet into the hot oven and cook about 10 more minutes until the top is firm and fully cooked.

With a slice of whole wheat toast and a sausage patty it was a wonderful hearty breakfast treat after a snow shoveling workout!
It's still snowing so we may have to go out and do more shoveling before the day is over.
Hurry Spring!


  1. I thought of you up there in the snow this morning as I watched the Weather Channel showing all the snow! I'd gladly shovel snow for a breakfast like that!

  2. Hello, fellow New Yorker! Just wanted to say "Happy Snow Day" to you. I was thinking the same thing about the lion this morning. Since I'm a public school teacher, I had an unexpected and most welcomed surprise this morning. I'm on Staten Island and I don't think we had 10 inches over here, but there was a lot! Wanted to tell you your banner is beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. My family is originally from Brooklyn, by way of Italy:) Enjoy the day,

  3. And a lion it was...for sure! But an asparagus cheese frittata sounds like a wonderful consolation prize. We are having lamb weather here today (13 Celsius this morning) I'm back to thinking about spring once again.

  4. Guess who had to schlep into work today? That would be me. :-) But I'm eating lunch now (not half as good as that frittata of yours, I can guarantee you!) I can see it looks a bit better out there. Should be much easier getting home. (Famous last words...:-)

  5. I thought spring was on its day last week it was almost 70....i hope this is the last of it...can you believe its almost 3:30 and NOT ONE DARNED PLOW has come through yet....they will wait till late and plow our cars into the driveway im sure.....i cant wait till spring

  6. It's really pretty!

    I am fascianted by the snow pictures. I wish we had gotten some...

    Stay warm! ;)

  7. We have a lot of snow and after coming in from taking a small hike, shoveling and sleighing, we had a frittata, too!

    Hope you have a cozy, warm evening:)

  8. For once, those of us in the hinterland had a kinder, gentler storm. We got about 5 inches. I was still unhappy since I'd just begun to see my front lawn and the driveway and front steps had finally dried out. The frittata looks delicious. I love asparagus. I'll have to shake things up next weekend and make a new "flavor" frittata.

  9. Oh my goodness, Pat, that's a lot of snow. Be careful, both you and your husband.

    Thank you for the frittata recipe; I've been wanting to try making one and your recipe sounds delicious.

  10. I saw your snow on the news! WOW! Like a lion indeed! It was cold here, but the sun was shining!

    The frittata looks delish!!

  11. Oh wow, you too? So much snow. Your lion is adorable, and March did come in like a lion. Our snow here in Massachusetts was finally washed away from rain the other day. Now it's pretty cold tonight and we have about 15 inches. Snow day today for my daughter. That asparagus frittata looks delicious.

  12. Oh my! My condolences on the snow :)

  13. So sorry about all the snow Pat...I remember those snow days in NY as a kid...definitely want to try that frittata-I love frittatas! Stay safe in the snow and be careful walking!

  14. Wow thats alot of snow and your frittata looks yummy....Barb

  15. But it looks so beautiful Pat! I know that's easy for me to say since I don't live in it, but it does look like wonderland. And your Frittada looks delicious!
    We had rain unexpectedly today and it was so nice to hear it hitting the roof tops.
    I hope you're staying warm!

    xoxo Cori

  16. Hi Pat,
    I can understand why you all don't like snow. Guess it hasn't occured to me how much work it is for all of you until I saw your post! Hope it is all gone when I come back!

  17. Pat, my yard looked like a flurry hit it in comparison to your big snow. I hope you didn't have to shovel again! It is really beautiful though.

    We are supposed to be in the 70s by this weekend. That's AL for ya!

  18. Hello Pat, food always make me happy, it doen't make the waistline happy but I am happy haha :D NOw, that's a LOT of snow..for someone who never experienced winter's quite amazing. Can one drive in that snow? Is the road slippery..sorry, these must be silly questions from me, but we only have hot or wet..and one climate only. So does this mean spring is not coming soon? Anyway, hope the weather improves at your side. Much love, M

  19. MMmmm! That frittata looks so yummy!

  20. Looks like here...hip-deep in snow! We've been having lion weather all winter. But it sounds like March roared in like a lion many places in the US there. Keep safe...Keep warm! Your frittata looks very like the quiche I made last night ;o)...mmm...Happy Day, Pat! ((HUGS))

  21. Hi Pat!

    Talk about a fierce lion! You got pounded!! That's a lot of snow to shovel girl! And it's so nice of you to help "Mom" and her neighbors. They really need the extra help when it's that bad outside.

    If the lion/lamb theme is any indication then March should be GORGEOUS when it goes out!
    The frittata looks wonderful! I love them and the asparagus must have been delicious.

    Your music is enchanting Pat. I love it!! You are my music inspiration.

    Have a great week! Hugs, Sherry

  22. That does it! I'm packing my bag and moving in! That looks too divine to resist!

    Hope you get dug out from all of that snow, Pat. It just blows this little Florida girl's mind to see something like that. AMAZING!


    Sheila :-)

  23. I can't believe your car! We had to get our car out from under 3 inches of snow and we were struggling -- that is crazy! Hopefully spring is on its way.

  24. Hi M Kate and all else who wonder the same as she did ---- no question is ever silly!

    NYC Sanitation Department snowplows remove the snow from the roads and they also spreads salt, which help melt the ice.
    We all have to clean it off our cars and dig them out if they are snowbound. It's hard work!

    That is why usually only children love snow because they might get a day off if the schools are closed (and they were closed yesterday becasue of this snow, but open today) and they can play in the snow and go sledding etc.

    Spring is still scheduled for March 20 -- but in NYC it doesn't really get to be really nice weather until May.

    Once we even had snow in April!

    In like the four seasons -- it keeps life interesting! :-)

    Hugs, Pat

  25. I'm so glad it missed us Pat! But I would haved loved your frittata after I worked out shoveling!

  26. Your dinner looks absolutely delcious and just right for a Wintry day. I am one of those odd balls that loves snow and being snowed in! Your pictures look did get so much didn't you!
    Stay safe and warm.

  27. Mouth wateringly lovely. :-)

    My you have been having snow! We had a brief flurry this morning as the children were off to school but it didn't settle.

    I love your mixer- I hadit on my Christmas wish list with Amazon as a less than subtle hint to hubby.

  28. Wow. This make our snowfall look decidedly puny. I know it is a lot of work to shovel out from under a snow like this, but gosh, it's pretty.

  29. That little lion is sooo cute! Your guys got a LOT of snow. Breakfast looks great!!

  30. Think I'm going to have to invite myself over for breakfast yum! ..that's if I bring my shovel first! :D

  31. I was lucky enought to miss this storm and returned from vacation to warm weather...but I think I would have loved to stay and shovel if I thought I would be rewarded with that lovely fritatta!


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