
Monday, November 2, 2009

Go Yankees!! Mosaic Monday

Game One 2009 World Series at Yankee Stadium --click on to enlarge

The American League New York Yankees have been keeping me up late at night, and my finger nails have been bitten down to the quick because of the exciting close games they've played so far, as they battle the National League's Philadelphia Phillies for the 105th World Series Championship!

So far the Yankees have won 3 out of four games, and since it is a "best of seven" series, they need to win one more game to become the world champs and win their 27th World Series!

Game six is tonight in Philadelphia -- LET'S GO YANKEES!!!

I'm adding my mosaic of Game One of the World Series in Yankees Stadium that we attended last week to Mary of The Little Red House blog's "Mosaic Monday" event! Thanks, Mary, for hosting this enjoyable event every week. Please drop by her blog today to see links to other participating blogs and view thier wonderful mosaics.

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  1. Great photos of the stadium... I love coming to New York on your blog... Go Yankees!

  2. I love the World Series no matter who is winning, but I am rooting for the Yankees. I love to see excellence whereever I can find it.

  3. Not a big sports fan, however I am a big PAT fan! Thanks for a nice place to visit on a Monday morning!

  4. One day I will have to go to NYC during baseball season and see the new stadium. Iyt's not terribly popular to root for the Yankees in the Hinterlands - but I do! Go Yanks!

  5. The only team in my book. I alternate between my blue Yankee hat and my pink Yankee hat. Double stealing bases is amazing!

  6. What a very cool mosaic. Shhhh, don't tell my family they root for the Boston Red Sox. Go Yankees.


  7. Last night was a bit of a nail biter!!! I knew you would be rooting right along with me and my husband. We were actually reminiscing about the "old" days when they used to play ball in the daytime. We are tired and we miss the earlier games, especially on the weekends. Our neighbors also are having issues with these late night games...they are raising two adorable little fans who would love to stay up and watch, but they have school on Mondays. If we all write a letter of complaint to the baseball commission do you think that will help??
    ♥, Susan

  8. Oh Boy!! Oh Boy!!
    Go Yankees!! I will definitely watch it tonight!!

  9. Yes lets go yankees! lol Lets just hope they get it over with heart can't take the stress or the late nights I love your mosaic!

  10. Now I know what my dad has been occupied with recently! If there's a ball game to watch...he is there. I'll join you in cheering for your hometeam tonight!

  11. Love it Pat! Go TITANS! WE finally won a game! HA! :)

  12. While I am not a great baseball fan ( though I do get a bit excited if it's the Giants playing ), I must admit, since I've met you in the blogging world, I've found myself rooting for the Yankees. I've got my fingers crossed for you and your team to win the Series!

    Go Yankees!

  13. The World Series is my favorite sports event. I'm cheering the Yankees on with you!

  14. Wonderful photo's of the stadium and everything that goes on there.

  15. Go Yankees!

    Hubby disagrees with me on this.


  16. Yea! Go Yankees! Mr. Magpie and I are cheering with you, Pat.


    Sheila :-)

  17. Hi Pat! You've changed you blog header, haven't you? Love it! Look at that mosaic - it's marvelous! I love New York! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Wonderful mosaic, Pat!!

    I wondered, today, when I saw the new USS New York, if you are going to be able to see it.

  19. Great shots...oh how we wish our Kansas City team could pay the bigger salaries to keep some of the good players we have had start here. Hope your team wins!

  20. Go Yanks! Hopefully the next Mosaic will be a ticker tape parade! NY really knows how to throw a celebration!
    Last night was awesome, tonight should be even better!

  21. My honey said that the only "dealbreaker" he could find before he decided to say I do was that I was a life long Yankees fan and he is a Boston Red Sox fan. hahaha. GO Yanks! Sea Witch

  22. The Yankees have played GREAT baseball. That being said I am a Phillies fan, being a hometown Philly girl. I think the Yankees will take it. They have done very well.

    Your game one pictures are great.

  23. Oh my gosh, Pat- these pictures in your mosaic are fantastic! I've always been a Yankees fan- here's to the next win!
    xo Sue

  24. YaY! I LOVE this mosaic. Of course the Yankees are my favorite team so I'm a bit prejudiced. GREAT shots! Hope we're cheering tonight.

  25. Timely mosaic ;-)
    Alas, I'm not watching but my friends are very much engaged! Sorry to be visiting so late ... the day just got away from me!
    Hugs and blessings,

  26. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tonight. I've been staying up late too, but it will be worth it if they win tonight.

  27. Go Yankies! (Hehehe, the Dodgers did not make it)

    I will be rooting for your team tonight! Good luck!

  28. Sorry, Pat..DH is a Boston Red Sox fan..I just can't root for the Yankees..
    Son was at the first game..

  29. We are rooting for the Yankees here in Michigan, too!!! Thanks for your comments on Mackinac Island... it is magical. "Somewhere in Time" with Christopher Reeves was filmed there.

  30. Hi Pat, I'm a huge sports fan--but mostly football. I'm a Tennessee Vol fan and a Tennessee Titan fan.. As Carol said, the Titans FINALLY won a game yesterday. Whew!!!!!

    Good Luck to your Yankees.

  31. Not much of a sports fan but the photo of the bridge?

    Does it for me!

  32. This mosaic is absolutely stunning Pat, have a great week ahead.

  33. GO YANKEES! I've been catching up with what's happening... and my sweet mom, who is a big baseball fan keeps me posted too--LOL! Super photos, Pat... fun way to start the week! Oh, and thanks so much for your wonderful comment at my place on reading and history. Happy week, my friend :o) ((HUGS))

  34. Great photos and mosaic!
    Been to NYC but not yet here:).

  35. Nice pictures of the stadium...although I must confess that I am not into sport, know many people that are crazy about Yankees :-)

  36. Just dropped by to say hello ... and go A's (Oh shoot...they lost)....Go Dodgers (Oh shoot, they lost out too)....Go Mariners! Strider

  37. I love your mosaic! Awesome!


  38. Like a typical New Yorker in a heavy nasal accent:

    Aw, c'mon Yanks, ya shoulda hadit awready!!!!!

  39. I am not a sport fan bur you made a Great mosaic!

  40. WOO HOO we are gonna take it in 6 on OUR HOME TURF!

  41. I don't know if I can take much more!! PUH-LEASE let tonight be the night!

  42. Congrats to your beloved Yankees Pat! Woo Hoo!!

  43. Oh how cute! Did you go to the parade? Thanks so much Pat, for sharing your fun images at MM. :)


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