
Friday, November 6, 2009

Pink NYC Marathon Runners for Pink Saturday

I blogged about New York City's 40th annual 26.2 mile marathon that had it's 43,000 participants run through all of the five boroughs that comprise NYC on this link. Today, for Pink Saturday, I thought it would be fun to show some of the many participants I saw who were wearing pink as they ran by!

Their pink color uniforms really stood out!
Do you notice the tags that the runners have on their sneakers? That is an electronic sensor that records their time as they cross the finish line in Central Park. The first three male and female runners in the open division, as well as the first place male and female finishers in the wheelchair division, receive the Samuel Rudin Trophy, a silver tray designed by Tiffany & Co. and presented by the Rudin Family. Other top finishers in the open division and top finishers in various other divisions receive awards.
I was standing in Brooklyn at mile 6 of the almost 27 mile race when I took these photos.

I loved their colorful pink and yellow running uniforms.

Wait a minute! There was a bare foot man running in this group! I also showed another barefoot runner in my prior post.

I saw so many participants both coming and going.....

There were many serious runners, but also many were just having fun and running in costume.

Another clown with a very colorful wig.....but my favorite of all was this man...

He was wearing a pink tutu and running for a great cause! Thank you, and I hope you made it across the finish line!

A blog I'd like to recommend this week is Grace of "Pink In The City" Grace also lives in New York City, in the borough of Manhattan, and she blogs about all the wonderful pink things she finds there, among other topics. Please pay her a visit today and say hello!

To see more Pink Saturday posts today please visit our gracious hostess Beverly at How Sweet the Sound

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  1. Now, those pinkies were doing great things in that race, Pat! Loved that last guy the best. What a hoot! LOL!

    Happy Pink Saturday to you, friend!


    Sheila :-)

  2. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie.
    You sure did capture alot of pink in this post. I too, think the best one of all was the gentleman in pink, wearing the pink tutu. I bet his wife or girlfriend had something to do with this. Who knows maybe he had a Mom or Grand or a family member who had breast cancer. Whatever the reason, he should get a prize for the most creative. I loved it.

    Thanks for sharing on this beautiful day. Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you. Country hugs, Sherry

  3. I love the Pink runners! There is so much Pink in NYC totally love it. This week I posted Nashville go figure! lol We definately have to meet one day I think we would turn the city upside down! Thank you so much for putting me on your blog! I am truly so touched. Happy Pink Saturday. Baci Grace xoxoxoxox

  4. Loved this post and pics,I was stunned at the guy running barefoot....Barb

  5. Your photo's are so great. Those guys in pink are so much fun but be sure they did get to the finish. The answer your question. yes, my son and his friends all did finish in central park.We have been looking ar various places till Central park. It was pouring with rain all day, and I felt terrible for all those runners but they all made it. THey can be proud of themselves.Have a nice day

  6. I just loved the cheeky grin of the guy in the tutu!! He really knew how to get into it.....
    Great photos & by the way... I just love your Yankee Congrats in the top sidebar!!
    We watched clips of the ticket tape parade yesterday....

  7. I loved that floral wig! It must've been such a lovely atmosphere once the serious runners had gone past.

  8. Great focus on the pink, Pat! Wonderful cause and it should be emphasized. It is so nice that people are running for the cure. All of us know someone who has died from breast cancer.

    Congratulations to your Yankees.

  9. I love watching that race on TV! This year I had my mini trampoline(rebounder) set up and jogged along with them as I watched. It was an odd experience but kept me going. I was thinking how can I be tired??? Look at these guys and gals running all those miles!
    Love the pink angle today!

  10. Great Pink in the City post!!! Happy Pink Saturday! Thanks so much for sharing and please come visit when you have a moment!

  11. Oh, so glad to see you. I got worried there for a few days! First of all...did your husband start his training yet? That is fascinating. I would like to watch a marathon one day! Notice I didn't say RUN?!? Happy Saturday!

  12. What a great post and a super post for Pink Saturday. Love the pictures!

  13. Great pinks for today and so special to my heart. My mother died as a result of breast cancer so all of the people who wear pink and do so much to find the cure are so special to my heart.


    And, as someone who is counting blessings in November with you - I, too, have a kitty that sits on my lap and she is so precious to me.

  14. Great pics..i LOVE the guys in pink!

  15. What a wonderful post. Those pinks are as close to perfect as any I've seen. The shot with the man in the tutu is priceless. I'd love to have dinner with him. I hope you are having a great weekend and enjoying Pink Saturday.

  16. Great PINK post for Pink Saturday... It's nice to see so many running 'for the cure'... Thanks be to God.

    Happy Pink Saturday to you, Pat.

  17. What fun....although I'm thinking the barefoot runners are CRAZY....that can't be good for you...

  18. Love seeing the runners in pink - the last guy is definitely my favorite! Happy Pink Saturday!

  19. How fun to see the runners wearing PINK ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  20. Just swinging over to check out your Giving Thanks list. And it's growing - good! We are blessed!

    ~ Leah

  21. The barefoot runner! Ouch! I love these photos, Pat.

    When my kids ran the Disneyland Half Marathon in September, we saw plenty of clowns and costumes. I don't care how the runners do it as long as everyone is having fun running, but I enjoy the silly ones more.

  22. A marathon, will I be able to sustain it? :-) I do enjoy the site. PInks here and there but no doubt the man in a pink tutu and with that sign in his shirt is the best :-) He I'm sure he made lots smile that day as he passed by.


  23. great pink post!!!
    ~*Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. My feet just hurt looking at bare foot runners. Love the pink outfits! Your opening bridge photo is amazing. Blogging has opened the world of photography to me. Man I got a lot to learn!!!!

  25. I'm still unsure about the guy in the pink tutu??

  26. I can't believe you found pink marathoners! Oh wait; yes I can. :-)

    I think I celebrated the Yankees' victory perhaps a little *too* much...I wasn't exactly firing on all cyliders today. ;-)

  27. That last photo is so sweet...bless that man's heart for wearing pink for breast cancer awareness! I can't imagine what it must be to run on asphalt hard that must be on the feet--yikes!! Very fun post, Pat. Hope you're having a good weekend. Putting my feet up today... We had a lovely get-together with hubby's parents...but tired after all the cooking & cleaning--LOL! Happy Day, my friend :o) ((HUGS))

  28. Hi Pat

    I had three friends who ran in the marathon and were about to make the 4 hour mark...great shots!

  29. When I llived at West 86th Street - I always walked to the park for the marathon - entertained dreams of entering it - but not to be. Loving the pink, loving the wonderful tutu man!

  30. Wow! It seems that this marathon is going to last in posts more than in miles... ;))
    Great shots!!

  31. That captures and heart and soul, makes you want to stand up and sing. What great pictures and a fabulous post, Happy PInk Saturday, Char

  32. this was a fun post! I can't believe some people run barefooted! I loved that dress the one guy was wearing LOL I hope he made it to the finish line too. Great post!

  33. What a fun post Pat--I love seeing these pink runners. But those barefoot guys--oh my aching feet--what are they thinking?! They really must be ironmen to run all those miles on pavement with no shoes.


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