
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Friday Finding Beauty - "The Reading Mother"

"The Reading Mother"

You may have tangible wealth untold;

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.

Richer than I you can never be --

I had a mother who read to me.

-- Strickland Gillilan (1869-1954)

Today is the first "Friday Finding Beauty" event on Claudia's blog Dipity Road.  Today all the participating blogs can post whatever they like on their blog that touched them in some way and made them feel, see, or appreciate a moment of beauty in their lives.
I took the photo above last month of my daughter-in-law reading to my grandson before his nap.  It is a ritual they have participated in since he was two months old.  He obviously loves his books and already "reads along" in his sweet one year old baby talk voice.  When I saw this scene it immediately brought to mind Gillilan's poem that I've always loved, called "The Reading Mother," of which I quoted the last verse above. The entire poem can be read on this link.

This was a moment of beauty I'll always treasure, as I can think of no greater gift that my daughter-in-law can give to my grandson than the love of reading!

Please visit Dipity Road today and see the links to other blogs "Friday Finding Beauty" moments.  Thanks Claudia!


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  1. I used to love reading to my kids too.
    Lovely beauties,
    I tried Mr. Linky but he wouldn't let me in : (
    Happy FFB
    Love Claudie

  2. I always loved reading to my children, and now to my grandchildren. There's nothing better than reading a story before bedtime! ::Jill

  3. Absolutely the sweetest photo I can imagine! A mama reading to her boy!

  4. Couldnt agree more Pat, perfect Finding Beauty Friday post, hugs, Kathy.

  5. This photos is so sweet!
    The poem is beautiful!
    Have a lovely day

  6. Pat this is a great photo--it reminds me of a Mary Cassatt painting. I have so many fond memories of reading to my own kids.

  7. Hi Pat!

    What a great post and oh so true! The photo is so adorable.

    I really enjoyed visiting the Denver Art Museum through you - what a fabulous place! I love museums.

    We've got lots of snow in Ohio!! All the schools are closed and everyone is staying put if they can!

    Hugs to you & Vinny! Sherry

    Chris just got back from Calif and saw the Rose Parade there! She came back last nite to piles of snow LOL

  8. Pat, This is a precious picture of Leo and his mommy. It is truly special what a child takes and learns from a parent. Great post for Claudia's new meme.
    hugs, Sue

  9. Pat, oh reading is so vital to little minds. And your grandson is so adorable. Beautiful daughter-in-law, too! Thanks for a lovely, thoughtful post!

  10. so sweet. and so important to read to little ones.

  11. Very sweet... and what a fun new thing to join in on. Thanks for sharing, Pat! :o) Happy weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

  12. Very sweet. I do miss reading to my little ones. I even had a reading pillow ehere they would pile up their nightly books. Lovely memories - thank-you.

  13. Hi Pat sweetie...
    Beautiful photo for Ms Claudia's Friday Finding Beauty.

    I read to my 3 grown children all their lives and now read to my 7 grandchildren. I so enjoy reading and what a joy to share with the grandkids. I have given Barnes and Noble gift cards at the holidays so they could go and pick out whatever they would like. I have encouraged all of them to read.

    Thanks for sharing sweetie. Country hugs...Sherry

  14. A precious picture...and a beautiful poem.

  15. What a lovely post. It's so true about the meaningfulness of reading to your children. I started reading to mine the very day I brought each one home from the hospital. As a result, both are avid readers today.

    What a lovely way to celebrate Fridays. I try, in a small way, to do something similar in what I call my "Blessings Friday". Blessings go two ways, those I receive and those I'm moved to give. I try to be mindful of both.

  16. I am going over to read the entire "Reading Mother" right now; just those few lines you posted brought tears to my eyes! I, too, was blessed with a mother and a father who read to me!

  17. Hi Pat!
    First thanks so much for participating! I think you hit the theme on the head!

    Your lovely photo actually brought tears to my eyes as I recalled spending the most precious time with my children reading..

    Such a joy!

    See you next week I hope!

  18. That's a wonderful photo! It looks like mother and son have exactly the same color of hair. I'm sure he is going to grow up loving books.

  19. Love this new meme and reading to children is the best! Last year on MLK's birthday I read his story to about six Head Start classrooms of 5-year-olds and then they each got a new book to take home. The total was somewhere around 150 kids and all the hugs I got that day were incredible. I don't know who had a better time.

    In this electronic age, exposing children to books is a good thing.

    In case you're wondering, yes, I'll be back in the classrooms this month for more hugs!

  20. As a former elementary principal, I can't agree more with the sentiments of that poem. What a smart DIL you have to begin now the habit of reading to her child. Children should be read to long after they learn to do it themselves. A gorgeous picture of your beautiful family.

  21. Beatuiful photo...and how wonderful that your grandson has a mom who reads to him. He will learn to treasure books and stories because she took the time to read to him.

  22. That is a beautiful gift your daughter-in-law is giving your grandson. That is a great picture and a great poem. Grace

  23. Beautiful...and how true these words are!!!!

  24. Amen to that! Beautiful poem and what a lovely picture. I, too, read to my children as did my sons for their sons. It's one of the best things you can give your children. :) Nancy

  25. Very precious...and I imagine that your son reads to Leo, too. Parents who read to their children rock.

  26. I love this post Pat. Some of my favorite memories of Caitlin's childhood involve story time. And 21 years later, you can find both of us curled up on the sofa with a good book. There is no greater gift that we can give to our children than a love of books. Kathy

  27. I love that quote and what a perfect picture to accompany it! ~Jeanne

  28. Such a heartwarming picture and I love the poem! I always read to my boys as well when they were little and I really missed the ritual when they got old enough to read on their own. xoxo

  29. Sounds like your daughter in law is a very wise mother! Nothing helps a child in school like being read to...and I speak from personal experience as a former teacher!

    Love the pic of the two of them!

  30. Oh, Pat! I love this post. That is so true. And look at how precious they are together.


    Sheila :-)

  31. My grandchildren love when I read to them. I agree it is a very special gift to teach children to appreciate reading. What a precious picture.

  32. That is one of the funnest things I remember about my kids being little! Getting in bed and snuggling with a good book! Hope you have a great weekend! Sherri : )

  33. Great picture ---and your daughter-in-law is SO smart to read to him.. That's just one of the most important things we can do with babies and kids... What a great photo.

  34. A true moment of

  35. That is a wonderful poem...I had never read it before. It brought back wonderful memories of reading to my sons. What a lovely picture of your daughter and grandson. My first wedding is coming up in May..I can't wait to have a grandchild. At 65, I fear I won't have that long to enjoy one!!

  36. Hi Pat! Everything ok with you?
    This remembers me some twenty three years ago... Lovely!
    Have a greeat wekend!

  37. Wonderful poem and pic. I loved sitting with my children in my lap and them turning the pages and loving the pictures. I think the illustrations in children's books are as important as the ords. Have you seen any Inga Moore's illustrations? Beautiful!

  38. Lovely! I agree completely! When youngest grandson kept saying, "Read it again!" while they were here over the holidays, I was delighted.

    Precious photo, by the way!

  39. Hi Pat~ ~I'm enjoying my visit here and am so happy to have found you that I am now following. I very much enjoyed your sharing the museum trips with us.

  40. Some of my favorite moments were when I was reading to my children. This picture made me smile...looks like there will be another reader in your his grandmother.
    ♥, Susan

  41. What a beautiful moment to capture.


  42. what a beautiful picture...i miss sooo much when my boys were little...i spent many hours reading to them...both are voracious readers now!

  43. I have fun memories of reading with my oldest GD, now I can't wait to do it with my new one! Precious photo Pat!


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