
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Living Life Backwards

Do you ever feel like you are living life backwards? I've been having a few frustrations lately that are making me feel that way. I wouldn't mind if this phenomena was reversing the effects of time on my skin and hair, but I think it's actually contributing to the wrinkles and the gray.

Cases in point:
  •    My favorite airline to fly to Denver, the one who's credit card I use all the time so I can accumulate frequent flyer points, is eliminating their one daytime direct flight from New York's JFK Airport to Denver International  Airport and is going back to one direct flight to and from both airports only during late night hours! That will mean an almost midnight arrival to Denver and an after midnight departure when I want to return to NYC. That is going to make visiting my sweet little grandson more difficult for awhile, until I can find another carrier.
  •   My relatively brand new one month old lap top computer that my husband gave me as a Christmas gift, after my old computer died, has developed a problem with the optical reader. I can't install programs and it needs to be replaced (thankfully under warranty). Unfortunately this was only discovered after 6 hours of "on the phone" tech support in which the tech made me do all sorts of different checks and finally made me back up and then delete all programs on my computer and then reinstall from backup, only to confirm what I already knew, that the part wasn't working properly. Now I have to start all over AGAIN with trying to re-install all my photos and files and favorites.
  •   All of this happened after I spent 3 hours waiting in a radiology office in the morning, to have a routine 10 minute sonogram performed, because the staff quadrupled booked appointments! Why do doctors and labs feel a patient's personal time isn't important and appointments are overbooked like that? Luckily for me I was able to entertain myself with the one tattered magazine from the year 2005 that was being passed around by everyone in the waiting room. Sigh.
Putting it all into perspective, however, I have my health, and food, clothing and shelter, and my family is all alive and well. So these are all very minor frustrations. Watching a tragedy like Haiti unfold on TV makes me realize all I have to be thankful for, and how minor all my problems are in reality.

As an aside, have you seen this backwards " lip dub" video on Youtube as yet? It really made me smile when I needed something lighthearted after watching so much sadness. It was made by Shorewood High School in Seattle, Washington. I wish every high school in the world could be like this. It is obviously a school full of great students, great classes and resources, and great teachers. This was a video production class project and the answer to a challenge from a rival school who made their lip synch video a Youtube success.

 Remember the students are filming and singing the Hall and Oats song "You Make My Dreams Come True" backwards!

 If you'd like to see how they did this watch here:

 I think I better start learning some lyrics in reverse so I can keep singing along in my "backwards" life.
Please give me a few days to catch up with you all -- thanks!

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  1. OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!! That is amazing...such talent.

  2. Wow haah I love it. Hang in there honey I just bought a click free backup little thingy Love it it backs everything up just in case! Sometimes it seems like everything is going backwards you are so right! Hugs Grace

  3. Hi Pat, I'm so sorry that you lost your favorite Jet Blue flight to Denver. I know it will be more complicated and expensive now for you to travel there. My sister in NY just loves Jet Blue. It's her favorite airline.

    I agree about feeling like at times we are living life backwards. With all of our technology and "time-saving" devices why do we spend so much time doing things over that should only need to be done once? And don't even get me started on hanging on the phone for hours with tech support--oh brother! It can be hard to have a good attitude sometimes, that's for sure. Just because these are not major catastrophes doesn't mean that they don't drag us down at times.

    Thanks for posting the fun video, it's a nice little escape from the real world for a few minutes.

    I hope that things turn around for you soon.

  4. Hi Pat! You're right: compared with Haiti, that's nothing...

    Thanks for your comment at my new blog Blogtrotter Two, now at the Art Deco District in South Beach! Hope to read you there often! Have a great week ahead!!!

  5. Doctor's offices double and triple booking ticks me off to no end; don't even get me started! You are right, they do not value our time!

  6. Oh, I loved the video - it made me smile a lot!

    Hang in there! Oh, rats - I better check what other flights they are changing around...

  7. Oh that was fun. Thank goodness some high schools still have fun. One would think the high school years are the end of time for some kids. Hope you get things back in order soon.

  8. What a great video! Sorry about your flight--been there, done that. I've finally switched to Jet Blue since I can fly out of Stewart, which is 30 minutes away. Unfortunately, I can't get to Sarasota, which is 20 minutes from my condo, but will fly direct to Orlando and drive the 2 1/2 hours. It sure has become difficult to get any direct flights. Horrible about your laptop. Hope it's back soon!

  9. I'll catch up with you last month!

  10. Oh boy...sounds altogether too stressful right now.

    You know what? I watched both videos and I still don't get it. I should not confess this because I'm sure that it means something's wrong with me.

    Hope that you find a new flight to Denver that will be perfect, that your new laptop won't have any bugs and will last for years, and that you'll get a great report from the overbooked doctor's office.

  11. My Aunt used to have a little sign hanging in the cottage that said..."The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!".... How true... Maybe you should just stop, take a deep breath & regroup!!

  12. That is a cool u-tube...but not a cool bunch of stuff happening to you. I'm hoping it all passes pretty soon and that things look rosy again soon for you!

  13. love it! next time I am caught in that moving backwards drama I am going to start humming this song--hang in there!! great post-c

  14. Too bad about your disappointing week so far. Hope nothing else backwards happens. I would be steaming about the time lost on hte computer...afraid I'm too used to the wasted time at the doctor's office.

    Love the video.

  15. Hi Pat, Trying to catch up w/my friends after a couple of weeks of dealing w/Mr. S's health issues. Talk about waiting- we were in the ER for 9 hours before they admitted him last Wed. Dealing with hospital staff has really been an eye opener for me this past week! I feel as if time has stood still instead of going backwards or forwards! I just wanted to check in while I had a moment. Hope all is well!
    hugs. Sue

  16. Hi Pat...happy to see a high school letting their kids have some fun....that was very cute...
    So your having airline trouble visiting the little guy too...We gave up during the holidays when Delta doubled their fares to Newark....It's Newark for Pete's Sake!! we drove...I'm no worse for the wear of sitting in the VWBug for 16 hours...will do it again in May....We are lucky to have that option that you don't...Maybe things will change or flights added for your next trip....

  17. That was such fun,, Pat. Those kids were great and I am sure they all had such fun doing it. Sure beats an algebra test!!

  18. We have a saying in England that things tend to come along in three's and it sure looks like you have had your triple dose of trouble Pat. (those techie people drive me bonkers, really they do).

    But now you can look forward to a trouble free year where all things will go your way :-). That utube clip is awesome, I have to send it to Stephen right now, meanwhile I tried out my first foodie post, Gollum's son's Ultimate Sandwich. It will certainly cheer you up, it did me, at least until I got on the scales that is, hope you get to see little Leo very soon, Kathy xoxo

  19. AWESOME!! got a big ol' smile on my face and will be humming this song for the next day or so for sure. thank you for sharing it. yay (yay, backwards) *wink*

  20. Cute videos Pat... We all need to LAUGH more ---especially after days like you had!!!! We all have them---and it does no good to get mad. We just need to LAUGH....

    Sorry about the 3 hour wait for your procedure. There's no excuse in that. Sorry also about your favorite airline flight being canceled. AND to have computer problems with a brand new computer is HORRIBLE... Pat, Get a MAC.

    Hope tomorrow is better. Keep SMILING.

  21. I have had one of the worst days ever! I work with some very immature women and it got to me today! So, I screamed inside my car on the way to lunch today and felt a little better. Then I saw the horrible brown cloud hanging over Denver and confirmed my migraine was caused partly due to that! Argh...But once I started blogging and visiting all of you I found out that I won a giveaway, my first ever here in blogging land and then I read your post Pat! I wish you all the best with all the things that you need to deal with. I truly do not feel alone! Thank you so much for sharing! I feel better already! Hang in there and I know we should continue to pray for Haiti and for everyone else not as fortunate as us. God Bless You!

  22. I also loved the you tube post! Incredible!

  23. Sorry about your flight and new laptop Pat. Hang in there, I'm sure it will all work out for you in the end.

  24. Big sympathies Pat. Life with a PC isn't much better. I had a lot of problems in the latest update where email was scattered all over the place and then loads of little problems that turned out they knew were issues!

    That was bad of the Drs I heard that airlines do that double booking too. It's just not on.

    So sorry to hear that you need to find a new airline. Midnight to midnight flights feel like they are run for the airport's convenience not the passengers. I think you are right to vote with your feet.

    I hope life gets better soon.

  25. Sometimes things don't work properly, dates are disappointing, people unkind. But life is good anyway! Keep it up lady!

  26. I have weeks like that...seems like I'm going backwards...well, make that a year...LOL! Oh me! Hope things are looking up, and "forward" for you! :) ~Rhonda

  27. Cool video! and know how you feel, we all have days like that :) The doctor's office, and I bet they'd be pissed at you if you kept THEM waiting!

  28. But just think how well you are dealing with all - br providing such videos - to make all smile.

  29. Rant all you like Pat, we understand! Would your new laptop happen to be a Dell? We have had our own issues with them. That video was amazing and since I live with kids that age right now, I can fully appreciate how clever and noisy they really are. My son's friends are always here...messy, funny, and at least I know where they are. Good reason to continue the performing arts in the schools.
    I am convinced that the doctors keep us waiting on favorite is when you wait and wait and then they slap the blood pressure cuff on and are surprised that it is high...really? Stress would raise our blood pressure? Duh!
    ♥, Susan

  30. I had a USAIR card because
    they flew out of Rockland
    to Boston then anywhere .
    They quit flying out of here.
    I got Jet blue Amer Express card. Only to find noboby wants Amer. Ex. The Shop's won't take it.
    The flights to Fl. on Jet Blue were more expensive than Delta.
    I can't win . The Airlines have gone NUTS on charges, and they
    are dictator's they Rule America.

  31. Gosh that would be like SW canceling my flight to Dallas....awful!

  32. I have had times like this in my life...I can understand. Sometimes I feel like when it rains~it pours. Losing your routine flight to Denver has to be disappointing for you.

    As for taking a while to catch up with your blogging...that is okay, we will be here when you have time to come back. Hope the tide starts to turn for you soon.

  33. I know the feeling. The good thing is tomorrow is another day. Computer problems are the worst. I've been having some frustrating problems with Word and it's making me feel like I need a teacher.

    On days like this my mother-in-law used to say "why me?" I try hard not to use those words even though I know exactly how she felt.

  34. Very cool video! Good luck with all your other fires!

  35. Some changes are not for the good...sorry about your cancelled flight. And waiting so long for a short appointment is no fun either. And installing and un-installing on your brand new laptop seems wrong. But you really know how to put things in perspective. Compared to Haiti...all inconveniences pale.

    Now I must go listen to the kids singing backwards.

  36. Okay, I'm glad someone else said it first. I watched the video a couple of times and except for a few seconds on the bleachers, I didn't hear them singing backwards. Guess that's what happens when your old and backwards. Maybe it sound normal to me because I was hearing their version backwards, which would actually be forwards. Now I'm just confused. I'll go to my room now.

  37. aww! the good news is your experiences make an interesting post.
    Thanks for sharing & your humorous video as well!

  38. What a week, Pat! Think we can all relate to those "backwards" moments or "backwards" weeks, months, etc...LOL! I do hope you find a better way to get to CO--anyway to see your sweet grandbaby! And that your pc woes turn around too. What a fun video--definitely helps life the spirits! :o) And what with has been happening in Haiti, we count our blessing extra... Hope things are looking up all in all soon, Pat! :o) ((HUGS))

  39. Pat

    I am gong to have to watch that video! And I am having a similar week--I just want to send everyone off packing and spend some time alone--even a hangnail's bothering me! Must be winter doldrums! I'm sure the video will help!

  40. !efil sdrawkcab dellac os yM Love this post. Brings all into perspective backwards and fowards. Sea Witch

  41. Yikes!...some weeks are just like that I guess...if you have your health and your family all will seem fine soon...take deep breaths! already know that laughter is the best medicine:) Love the video!

  42. OK...clearly that is the best high school in the country. In the WORLD. I didn't have one tenth that kind of fun. :-)

    Sorry to hear about all your woes...eek! And I can't believe that computer already packed its (data) bags on you!! Unbelievable. And the doctor's office is typically my largest pet peeve. Once, I showed up at the given time and about 15 minutes later my doctor walked in with a gigantic Starbuck's cup. So...she had time to stop for coffee...? That was my last little visit. :-)

  43. Hi ya Pat, I know how you feel. At times when stuff like this happens, it happens all together. I hope you do find alternative ways to meet that super cute grandson of yours. And yes, Pat, I often remind myself and children how super lucky we are, compared to all the misery of the Haiti people. Hope everything goes smoothly now..and oh, computer trouble can be very frustrating ..hopefully, its all in the past now. Love/M

  44. SO! I have been catching up with you and your computer woes, thoroughly enjoying the photos from you summer vacation, and then I got to these videos.
    Oh my! These are really something! I can't imagine the practice and timing that went into this,even after watching the "how it was filmed" video.
    Thanks for putting these out here. I've sent the videos to my kids. I know they will enjoy these too. They used to film things all the time- first as little kids, then for school projects.
    It's always fun to see what kids can come up with.


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