
Friday, January 29, 2010

Pink Saturday Slide

My daughter-in-law sent these photos to me this week of my son and grandson and their constant companion, their Pomeranian Maurizio, having fun in a local park where they live in Colorado.  When I saw the pink slide I thought of Beverly's Pink Saturday event and decided to share them with everyone today. 
As you can see in the photos, my little guy is walking now!  How fast grandchildren grow! It is hard to believe that my son has a birthday approaching ... I remember so vividly how he loved the the playground when he was this age. Sons grow up fast too!

Beverly asks that we profile a new blog that we discovered through the previous week's Pink Saturday. I enjoyed Bernideen's Tea Time is always tea time at Bernideen's pretty blog.
 Bernideen is from Colorado Springs and says "My blog is about all things tea and tea parties, hospitality and food the love of decorating, florals, faith and summer gardening."  Please pay her a visit today.

To see a list of participating blogs in today's Pink Saturday blog posts please visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, and enjoy all the pink!

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  1. Perfect for Pink Saturday, Pat. I know how much you must miss them.. That grandson is a cutie. When do you get to see him again???


  2. Oh Pat...
    Sweetie Happy Pink Saturday. I love this post. Being a Gram I am a sucker for the babies. What an absolute precious face. Love the little hat. Looks like Dad is having a pretty good time himself.

    Oh thank you for sharing these beautiful pics, on this beautiful day at the park.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  3. Pat what a cute Pink Saturday treat! Your grand baby is a real cutie! Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Hi

    This Pink Saturday event is so, so sweet!

    And what a beautiful grandson (and son too!) I love the little guy's hat!



    Take care


  5. Oh, what fun. And isn't it sad we're too big/old to go on the slide and the swings! Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. What a lovely way to celebrate a Pink Saturday!Sweet moment for dad and baby!
    I love this post!
    Have a lovely weekend,

  7. GLORY...that is one cute kid. Such a fun post.

  8. Beautiful photo's
    Aren't children delightful at that age.


  9. Happy Pink Saturday!

    A super cute post!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. Perfectly pink, to be sure! Who knew they had pink playgrounds! How very Barbie Dreamworld of them!

  11. Grandkids are the best! My hubby is with our today in Columbia, Missouri. Tomorrow - he starts home and the party is over! Thanks for featuring me today. Maybe you will come here sometime?
    Have a great Saturday!

  12. Cute pictures. I noticed that he is walking now and climbing it looks like! My little Elijah is content to crawl for now. He has taken a step or two but that's all. His birthday is right around the corner as well.

  13. The pink slide is wonderful ~~ the child? The best part of all! Enjoy your weekend.

  14. What a gorgeous little boy that is. He looks so happy and yes sons do grow up so fast. But they give you grandchildren...

  15. sweet! love new photos of the grands!

  16. Hi, was this park been build for pink lovers or what? Would love to have one of these in my neighborhoood. HPS!

  17. They're having a good time with that pink slide. I see your son is still a NY Yankee fan. Happy Pink Day!

  18. Beautiful, sweet, pink and fun.As good as it gets.

  19. Thanks for visiting me today. I also follow Bernideen's blog. You have a very cute grand child.

  20. That little Leo is such a cutie-pie! It seems just like yesterday that he came into this world! Yes, time does fly by....faster and faster.

    Love the PINK slide and the cute pooch AND that handsome son of your in his Yankee hat!

    Hope your Pink Sat was the best! L. Dana

  21. What a fun collage Pat--I can't believe he's walking already. Where did Maurizio get his name--quite dignified for such a little guy!

  22. Such armsful of cuteness your son is holding! No I can't believe your grandson is walking already...too fast!!

  23. I ♥ to come here on Pink Saturday. Your blog is always so sweet and comforting. Cold and gloomy winter up here this year so Pink Saturday is one day I can always count on for a little pink ray of sunshine.

    The baby and the dog and the daddy - so PERFECT!

    Thanks for being my pink sunshine today☺

    Wishing you the comfort and warmth of those you love this weekend.

  24. Hello Pat. How cute and adorable. Beautiful photos and mosaic.
    Happy Pink!
    Have great week ahead.

  25. Wow...he's growing up so fast! Very cute pics!

  26. How precious! G'baby is growing up! I love that little hat; I'd wear one like that if it came in a "BIG" size.

  27. Hi Pat! Sorry for the absence, but this starting of the year has been even crazier than usual!

    The little guy is looking great!!
    And you got it for the pink Saturday...

    Blogtrotter 2 is departing Miami by sea. Hope you like it and have a great week!!

  28. Little Leo is adorable Pat, he is walking already oh my it seems like only yesterday that you were all excited about his arrival, bet you have enjoyed his first year so much. I read your Nonna interview are you due a visit soon?. hugs, Kathy.

  29. Your grandson is adorable, Pat! What a fun age! Your son seems to still love the playground :) Fun pictures! Time really does fly by so fast!

  30. What sweet pictures ~ your grandson is such a cutie pie!

  31. How very in the playground! Your grandson is just adorable.
    ♥, Susan

  32. So cute! I'm glad that I didn't miss this one. Playgrounds have great appeal for the little ones to be sure. I got a kick out of seeing your son holding both the dog and the boy. Gotta be able to multi-task for that. Off to check out the new to you blog.

  33. He is precious! What a blessing!

  34. What a little cutie your grandson is and he really looked like he was loving that pink slide:-) We have a little playground park up the street and I used to bring my boys there all the time when they were little. So many memories:-) xoxo


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