
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayers For the People of Haiti

I'm sure everyone has seen the terrible death and destruction in Haiti from the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake that rocked the country on Tuesday.  New York City, and especially where I live in the borough of Brooklyn, cradles Haiti's largest expatriate community.  It is hard for us to not know someone, be it a friend, co-worker, employee, neighbor, fellow student, church member, or just someone you may pass on the street every day or share a bus or subway ride with, who has not been personally effected by this sad and terrible tragedy.  We are reminded how fragile life is and how a people who have suffered so much in life are now asked to bear more suffering.  My deepest condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to those that have lost a loved one, and to those suffering from injury and the loss of property.

If good can come from tragedy it has been the response of governments and aid agencies all over the world who have banned together in an effort to bring help to the island of Haiti.  God speed their progress.

I have also been amazed by the swiftness of the technological age that has enabled people to donate to charities and how wonderful the response has been!  When I listened to the news tonight I heard that the American Red Cross already had received 3.5 million dollars from text message donations of $10 each. How just a little sacrifice from each person can add up to so much is testimony that we can all help our fellow man in times of crisis. It reminds me of what a good place this world can be.

If you would like to text a donation from your cell phone here are some options I found on the USA Today Website:

Text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross relief efforts;

Text Yele to 501 501 to donate $5;

Text HAITI to 864833 to donate $5 to United Way Worldwide's disaster fund for long-term recovery.

If you would rather donate another way the same website has many suggestions for relief organizations, faith based organizations, and other agencies that are accepting donations and also tips on "how best to obtain a list of credible responding agencies for international emergencies, and how to get valuable information on making informed decisions when supporting charities."

Whatever you did for the least of My brothers and sisters, you did for Me.   Matthew 25:40

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  1. Hi Pat, what a compassionate and wonderful post. We did the texting yesterday and were both astonished at the ease in which you can send funds to help now. One of the real pluses of the technological age. Thank you for sharing this information.

  2. Hi Pat, We've been watching the coverage about Haiti on Fox News... I can just sit there and cry. It's horrible. George and I are sending a large check to the Salvation Army for Haiti. Oh how devastating.


  3. What a wonderful post Pat. Technology is truly amazing, hopefully the aid will reach those who need it the most very swiftly. The devastation is simply unbelievable and I feel so badly for those here and abroad who can't contact their loved ones in Haiti. This certainly does make you count your blessings. Kathy

  4. Thanks for posting this Pat and letting people know some ways to donate. We should all be helping out the people of Haiti who are suffering now more than ever. God bless you.

  5. Your photos are very touching and absolutely perfect for your post. Thank you.

  6. I haven't had the TV on the last couple of days. When I turned it on this evening I learned about the earthquake on tonight's news. It's tragic and my heart and prayers go out to all the people of Haiti and the family and friends elsewhere. Thanks for posting about this, Pat.

  7. Me, my husband, my daughter and my mother just did the same with our cells providers. It's a small sum each but all together we can make the difference.
    Gracie @

  8. An especially wonderful post, Pat. It seems inconceivable that a people already living in abject poverty have to confront this disaster. The response from around the world has truly been remarkable and will continue, I pray.

  9. It's been headline news here too. Radio 4 had an interview with an orphanage head. She knew what was happening and kept praying. The palace fell in on itself and the prison caved in but that 3 storey orphanage didn't have so much as a crack. What a miracle!

    Sadly help from the UK was delayed by snow at the airports but is on it's way now.

  10. It has been heartbreaking this week to see the devastation and loss in Haiti... I feel so sad, and cry so often for the people, and pray too. But it is amazing how much there is we can do--and how fast it can be done too! And every little bit helps, every $ or $10 adds up. Thank you for this wonderful post. Hope you have a good weekend, my friend--and thank you so much for your very lovely email! :o) ((HUGS))

  11. Thank you Pat for this loving post. I can only think of your "weeping angel" photos when I think about this devastating situation. I pray that the aid that is being donated from all around the world can arrive in a timely fashion. It's upsetting to see that because of the destruction, planes have been delayed in landing to unload supplies and workers. The nation of Haiti is in my prayers.

  12. It's so heartbreaking. Thanks for the links on how to help! They were saying all over the news that this when all the scammers come out!

  13. Lovely post. Thank you Pat for your tender heart. Sea Witch

  14. Beuatiful loving blog. Love the phone donation. You just text and they add it to your bill. It is so small from a land that has so much - but together - it is enormous.

  15. What a wonderful post.It is heartbreaking when you see about the earthquake in Haiti. In our country helpfunds are started like when the tsunami hit Insonesia. Of course we all want to help those poor people.

  16. It's hard to be untouched...or to turn a blind eye. Thanks for sharing your compassion...and spurring us on to do what we can!

  17. Our town has two sister parishes in Haiti. Many folks here have been there and there is a group getting ready to go now. One parish near Port-au-Prince was hit, the other was not but supplies going there will be held up too. We know the priests here well and their Archbishop was killed. Haiti is a unique situation. So much charity has gone there but it is such a crime state neighbors rob neighbors.

  18. I remember the utter chaos after hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit here. I can't imagine how bad it must be in Haiti, where they don't have all the money and technology we had here in the US.

  19. Thanks for using your sight to encourage people to give if they cannot find a site of their own.
    It takes so much to rebuild this country...It's overwhelming...but sometimes God can use opportunities like this to bring people and countries together.

  20. I think text messaging a donation is a wonderful idea. I only wish I knew how to text! I've got to learn now...generally I'm too cheap, but this is a good reason to learn. Those poor people surely need our help.

  21. Hi Pat,here in Italy as well we raised funds.
    Let's hope this helps all the people in Haiti.
    A prayer for these people,

  22. It is just horrific..and what makes me cringe is the thought of all those scammers out there trying to make a buck on this :-(

  23. I had no idea what a large Haitain population Brooklyn has! Thanks for the info on how easy it is to donate...I heard they have raised quite a bit so far by all the texting donations--maybe this new age of technology isn't so bad after all...God Bless and watch over Haiti!

  24. My post today was also about Haiti and, also, about earthquakes we've been feeling in California. All the news from Haiti has me thinking about these catastrophes in general. How very sad, though, that so many of these events befall people who are already suffering from the most devastating poverty already. It is amazing how small donations, made by all of us, can amount to huge sums. We must all contribute to help this country survive.

    Great post, Pat, here in CA, too, there are immigrants from all over the world.

  25. Hi Pat! That was a beautiful post. I always enjoy visiting you and I commented to a gal on blogger who has an etsy store that I thought it was incredible many of the sellers on esty were donating monies to Haiti. It is amazing how people can come together in such times. Thank you for sharing.

  26. The devastating reports continually sadden my heart. I just cannot imagine the heartache and poverty that these dear people face. I appreciate you providing ways for all of us to give. You always share a giving heart.

  27. We know people who are there in Haiti and others (firemen) who are leaving this week to go there. My prayers go with them.

  28. It is truly horrible, these people really do need help. Thanks for your post and for your caring!

  29. Thank you for this post. I watched 60 Minutes tonight and I almost died...did you catch it? It was the most devastation I've seen ever. It looked like images from the Holocaust. I keep thinking if everyone in the U.S. gave a dollar (realizing that not everyone can, but those who can should, and should give more to compensate) that would be $300MM. My heart is warmed by what bloggers are doing. Together, we can make a difference.


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