
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday George Washington!

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February 22 is the 278 birthday of the first President of the United States, George Washington.  All of the photos above were taken in Federal Hall National Monument, in Manhattan, New York, where on April 30, 1789, George Washington, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.

I was inspired to learn more about George Washington after blogging about the American Revolutionary Battle Of Brooklyn, and Fraunces Tavern where he made his farewell address to the Continental Army after the revolution, and also Federal Hall in Manhattan, New York, where he was sworn in as the first American President.  I recently read this excellent biography of George Washington, written by Joseph J. Ellis.  This scholarly and succinct biography revealed much about Washington's humanity, his kindness and compassion.  It also revealed the issues he struggled with in his early life, in his years as Commanding General during the American Revolution and his two terms as President, while stripping away the many myths that surround his life and presidency.  The biography is an excellent introduction to the life and times of our first President and I highly recommend it.

One of the facts I found the most fascinating in the biography was that beginning with Washington's presidency, efforts were made by detractors to conduct a smear campaigns. Many tried to discredit his intellect, his morals and his even his sanity!  I was surprised to learn that even in the earliest days of America's two party system, infighting and partisanism were the unfortunate byproducts of politics.

George Washington on Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

Washington retired from the Presidency in 1797 and enjoyed less than three years at his home in Mount Vernon, before he died of a throat infection on December 14, 1799. 

An exhibit in Federal Hall

"If after all my humble but faithful endeavors to advance the felicity of my Country and mankind, I may indulge a hope that my labours have not been altogether without success, it will be the only real compensation I can receive in the closing of life."                                   - George Washington
The more I learn about George Washington the more he has become among my favorite Presidents. As the centuries pass may our country never forget how fortunate we were to have this man of outstanding character among our Founding Fathers.

I am linking this post to Mary at The Little Red House blog's "Mosaic Monday" event. Please visit Mary's blog to see her pretty vintage green and silver mosaic and links to other blogs participating today.

I'll be busy catching up today after a weekend away from my computer watching the Olympics!  Congratulations to all the outstanding athletes!  This has been a very exciting Winter games and our friendly neighbors to the north in Vancouver, Canada, are excellent hosts.

I also want to introduce my new "grand dog,"  a "Golden Doodle" (part Golden Retriever  part Poodle) named Biscuit, who was a birthday present to my son from his loving wife.

Did you ever see a more adorable face?  Welcome to the family Biscuit!

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  1. George W. is one of my favorites too Pat. What a great post full of so much information.
    & Biscuit is adorable.

  2. Congratulations on your Mens Hockey Team! Yea USA!.
    I've been thinking of you, especially as you post George Washington's birthday.
    Vancouver reminds me of NY..I've been there twice (NY)in the past few years...but never did I get that feeling till Saturday...The energy and enthusiasm for our country was the same feeling I felt, while touring NY. Thanks for keeping us posted with live history.

  3. Happy Birthday George. Biscuit: you are adorable!

  4. I love your mosaics! Great photos along with great content! And I don't know what a "Golden Doodle" is, but I do know its ADORABLE!
    ~Really Rainey~

  5. Hi!

    Happy George Washington Day! It's a great day to celebrate isn't it? And certainly a fascinating man. Thanks for the info about the book by Joseph J Ellis. I'm rather ambitiously compiling a list of all the books recommended by fab bloggers - to either purchase or borrow from my local libraries! So this will be a very interesting addition. The best programme last year for me on one of the TV chanels here was a drama series about John Adams whom I knew scant about. But that series really brought that particular event of American history to life for me. Absolutely fascinating stuff.

    And once more thank you for introducing me to the Little Red House Monday Mosaics - they're a great way to beat the Monday morning blues.

    Mind you, your ADORABLE and absolutley beautiful grand dog Biscuit wins it for me! LOL! He is simply gorgeous - hello Biscuit *waves to Biscuit* :-)!!!

    Oh I can't wait for the figure skating to start...!!!

    Take care

  6. Welcome Biscuit! Pat, great post! Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same- in politics as in life Your pics are awesome. I was interested in Martha's "mourning ring" I've not heard of that custom- must look it up. Have a great day!
    xoxo Pattie

  7. Biscuit is nice enough to eat.
    I am interested in learning about American history now that i have many American blogging friends. So thank you for the ifo about George Washington. Great shots too.

  8. So much to learn about GW! I know that there has been a history of fighting since the's almost biblical! Love that cute, B's fluffy sweet!

  9. Another wonderful post Pat and this time of George Washington. Beautiful pictures of a very special president. I am learning every day here. We are watching the olympics a lot as well. We are most interested in ice skating because we have some talented young people who won gold medals already. So when you see a lot of people dressed in orange coloured clothes you can be sure they are Dutch because orange is our national colour.
    Have a nice day

  10. Welcome to Pat's place Biscuit, he looks so adorable. The post on George Washington is fantastic Pat, have a great week ahead. Hugs/M

  11. Little Biscuit is so adorable!! I think I will definitely get this book about Washington. I really love to read biographies & this sounds great!!
    What a wonderful post!! I really enjoyed it!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  12. He may be 278, but he doesn't look a day over 55!!

    Excellent post and I REALLY liked your mosaics!

    Imagine how brave and determined he had to be as the first president! It's amazing to think about.

    And smear campaign? People have been crummy since wayyyyyyy before Jesus played short stop for the Bethlehem Baseball Team.

    Biscuit is a cutie pie. I'm a big time dog person. If she's missing, don't look at me. Nuh-uh....I didn't do it.

  13. Hello, George, and Hello sweet Biscuit! A Golden Doodle...oh, how cute!! Very interesting post, Pat... Makes me want to read more! Happy week, my friend :o) ((HUGS))

  14. Loved all the photos of our first president that you put together Pat. Another great book to read is called "Washington Crossing" - all about that fateful night crossing the Delaware River. Love the adorable little Biscuit.

  15. A great post about our first President, PAT! How lucky we were to have him in that role. . . a truly brave man.

    Love your grand pooch! He's adorable!

    We're digging out from another round of snow this morning....all of the schools are closed again. Come on Spring!

    Have a great day! L, Dana

  16. I'm sorry Pat. George is interesting and all but LOOK AT THAT PUPPY!!!!!!!!! He is soooo adorable. Thanks for the wonderful smile this morning.

  17. I will definitely be spending more time in Brooklyn on my next NYC trip. Fascinating. But you have to know - Biscuit stole my heart. What a face - look at those eyes!

  18. Biscuit is so cute! George Washington is my favorite. I so enjoyed reading your usual! Is the exhibit always there? I did not know. Have a wonderful week. Grace

  19. I'll be back to read this one carefully. Thank you for this tribute to one of this nation's finest!

  20. Pat,
    Hello from your friendly neighbour in Canada. We lost last night against the US Mens Hockey Team. Too bad..
    "But if you judge by the spirit, we Canucks really outdo ourself.”
    Just admired the new member of the family "Bisquit".
    You asked about Alpinia zerumbet - Shell Ginger plant post:
    Yes, their flowers and leave are fragrant.
    Take care,

  21. What a lovely tribute to George and Martha Washington. And I love Biscuit. A "Golden Doodle," that's a new species (LOL) for me, but the name is apt.

  22. That is one adorable face! What a cutie pie Biscuit is :)

    Enjoyed your post on George Washington, Pat. The pictures are fabulous!

    I'm loving the Olympics this time around!

  23. Cute, cute, cute! Little Biscuit...not George, although he might have been when he was young. The mosaic is terrific, Pat, and I have become so much more interested in our county's history lately. The Olympics have me mesmerized...glued to the tv.
    ♥, Susan

  24. Hi Pat! Sorry for another long absence, but after a busy start of the year I decided to make a break during the Carnival week, anticipating new hard weeks ahead!!

    Interesting post! Always learning...

    Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is at sea. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!

  25. Yes, Happy Birthday George Washington! My favorite President as well! We have visited Mt. Vernon, George's birthplace and George's childhood land (all in VA). I, also, have read "His Excellency George Washington" by Joseph J. Ellis. We have Valley Forge north of us which we have visited and the Bandywine Battlefield where a major battle of the Revolutionary Was was fought near us. Mr. Washington was everywhere - he was an excellent horseman. I wish we could have Presidents now with his sense of honor, morals and ethics.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  26. Wonderful mosaic, Pat.

    Biscuit is a cutie!

  27. I have been enjoying some historical novels and will add this one to my reading list. I read John Adams and then New York by Edward Rutherfurd ... both excellent. I've always loved reading about the history of our country. It is humbling to realize the sacrifices made. And what a cute dog! I love him...and Biscuit is the perfect name!

  28. Pat

    What a great festive mosaic for Feb!

  29. Biscuit is adorable, such a precious face! I had never heard of a golden doodle until I saw them on Dogs 101 yesterday.

  30. Hi Pat, I too have been enjoying the Olympics. This was a great post, as usual. I love historical biographies. GW was an amazing man for sure. I read that the early citizens wanted to make GW a god and he would have no part of that adoration. I am glad he decided to take the presidency. I did enjoy John Adams and the guy who played GW. Can't remember his name. Love your cute Biscuit.

  31. How appropriate that you did this post on George Washington today. I too was surprised that there was a smear campaign way back then. I thought that only happened in the last few years. I found this post quite interesting. Thanks for the info. and the pictures.

    The puppy's little face stole my heart. I bet he will add much joy to your family.

  32. Very interesting post Pat. I don't think I knew/remembered that Washington was inaugurated in New York.

    Biscuit is such a cutie. I hope we'll get some update pictures as he grows up.

  33. thank you for the mini history lesson on
    george washington. i, too, am a huge fan!

    and yes, that grand-dog has the cutest
    face ever!


  34. I love your historical mosaic Pat...and Biscuit!...sweet as a biscuit!

  35. What a cutie! We have a black Goldendoodle grand-dog and she is so much fun!

    I'll look forward to hearing more about Biscuit!

  36. I love all the history you put into your posts. Nice pictures, too.

  37. I agree with you! George is one of my favorite presidents too.

  38. Washington, Adams and Lincoln are my favorites.

    Biscuit is adorable!! :-)

  39. thank you for the extra caution about the
    use of photos.

    i have been reluctant and will be careful
    to ask permission.

    you may have saved me from a terrible

    thank you, thank you, thankyou!

  40. Where in Italy is your husband's hometown?

  41. Biscuit is so cute! Labradoodles are popular here and cockerpoos (smaller) as they have known breed traits being a 1st cross and less of the draw backs of a pure breed.

    George Washington was a very interesting man from the bits I had read about him.

  42. Hi Pat, this is a wonderful tribute to George Washington. I knew this was president's Day and yet it didn't occur to me when I was posting. I admire him very much and I am so glad you published a bit of his life. I enjoyed reading about him, although I have read books about him already.

    I adore Biscuit. What a darling dog. I know this sweetie will bring lots of fun and love to your son's family. I know your grandson will have so much fun with this sweet fur ball.

    Thanks for your visit Pat. i am trying to keep up with my blogging friends. Time just eludes me sometimes.

    Happy day to you.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  43. What a lovely tribute to George Washington. We've been to Mount Vernon and Jockey Hollow in New Jersey. I was fascinated with the kitchen at Mount Vernon.

    Your pooch is adorable. I'm sure he must be a great friend to have.

  44. Biscuit is too cute...what a little face!!!

    Really interesting post on George Washington...

  45. The only face more adorable is Leo's. :-)

    And how did I not know Washington died of a throat infection?! I'm a total American history buff. And apparently I'm also an embarrassment. ;-)

  46. I haven't ever heard of a Golden Doodle. Biscuit has a very cute face indeed. x

  47. Wonderfully TIMELY mosaic this week! I love your Golden Doodle ... a few of my friends have this breed and they're wonderfully friendly dogs ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  48. should get paid to be a tour guide LOl! :-).....hold on, spring is ALMOST HERE LOL!!!! :-)

  49. Oh Pat, this is wonderful! He was truly a great man. Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  50. Pat! Now I think I'm going to go out tonight in search of that book about Washington. I would love to read it, and I know Fred would, too! Washington is my favorite president, too.

    I also enjoy reading about Andrew Jackson. Robert Rimini is the leading Jackson authority/historian and has written some excellent books about him. The one about the battle of New Orleans is fascinating and so well written. I recommend it to you. There's a professor from VA Tech who is considered the authority on Stonewall Jackson and wrote the definitve bio on his life, which I highly recommend.

    In the book about Hamilton as well as the one about Adams, I read about much of the infighting that took place in early American politics. There is nothing new under the sun, I guess, but I enjoyed those books SO much. I love how much John respected Abigail, and I cried at how mean Burr was to Hamilton and how the Hamilton children and widow defended Hamilton's honor after his death.

    If you ever got the chance, I would love for you to take pictures of Elizabeth, NJ, to share with me. I have a relative a gggggggggggg uncle who was a Presbyterian clergyman named the Rev. James Caldwell who was quite famous during the Revloution. He and his wife both died patriots. He pastored the church there in Elizabeth and had as members of his congregation both officers of the Revolution and famous politicians of the day, including the president of the Continental Congress.

    Caldwell himself was a rabid patriot of Scottish descent and was the great uncle of United States VP and SC Senator John Caldwell Calhoun. After James Caldwell died, General Lafayette took one of Caldwell's sons to France with him, and President Boudinot (I hope I spelled that correctly... who was actually the first president of America... and the Continental Congress) took one of the others. The sons turned out well, one founding the American Colonization Society and living in NYC.

    Caldwell actually preached with two loaded pistols on either side of the pulpit because there was a price on his head of some staggering amount. The Revolution was often referred to as a "Presbyterian War" or a Scottish war because so many of the Scots were fighting the British and were so outspoken, Caldwell being one of them.

    After his wife was murdered by a British solider, Caldwell settled his children in safety and rode back to the army. They said that his presence rallied the sagging spirits of the NJ troops and that they routed the British! :-) Lots of neat stories about him. The British burned his church in Elizabeth because it had housed wounded soldiers.

    He and his wife both gave their lives for the price of liberty, and their children, though orphanned, were the orpahns of true American heroes.



  51. And I meant to tell you... that is one very, very cute pup! He is an absolute doll. Makes me want one SO bad, Pat! :-)


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