
Monday, February 8, 2010

Pomegranate - Kosher Supreme

Another ethnic market opened recently in Brooklyn, New York called Pomegranate.  It is a entirely kosher gourmet market located at 1507 Coney Island Avenue at Avenue L.  This upscale market is in the style of Whole Foods, and caters to a growing population of Ashkenazi and Sefardic Orthodox Jews, who live in the Midwood neighborhood. Other ethnic groups are also welcome to shop here, and many do! My husband and I visited for the first time this weekend.

Pomegranate offered a very large fresh fruit and vegetable section. (all photos will enlarge when clicked on)

Many pre-packaged meat, poultry, and fish selections were available, as well as fresh lamb, veal, bison, brisket, turkey, chicken, duck, pickled meat, sausage, ribs, baby chicken, sweetbread, filet mignon, capons, organic meat and poultry.  There is also a sushi bar that offers nigiri, sashimi, sushi rolls.

The appetizing section offers slabs of nova and belly lox and chunks of sable, whole whitefish and chubs, sixteen kinds of herring; fifty olive varieties, fresh salads, fish salads, pre-packaged dips and salads, marinated vegetables and seventy types of specialty cheeses.  It was nostalgic to see the old fashioned large pickle barrels with many assorted types of fresh pickles to chose from. 

Pomegranate has 20,000 square-feet of space, which includes a 25 feet of deli counter space filled by three active kitchens -- dairy, meat and parve.  There is also a bakery with many kinds of artisan breads and a large selection of cakes, cookies and desserts. The store also has gluten-free selections of foods.

It was an interesting experience for us to walk up and down the aisles of Pomegranate, and browse the offerings on the shelves. We are not Jewish, but we found that we were familiar with most of the foods and we were curious to try some of those that we never had before. We are both admitted "foodies" and enjoy trying new things.  It certainly is nice to have another fine ethnic market in Brooklyn to chose from!

I am linking to Mary at The Little Red House blog's "Mosaic Monday" event.  Please visit Mary today to see her pretty Springtime mosaic and links to other participating blog!  Thanks Mary!

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  1. I love seeing the stores and restaurants in NYC through your eyes and words!

    The Russian Tea Room was one of the places I wanted to go while there...didn't make it.

    Always next time! :)

  2. What a great place to shop even just to see all the wonderful different food and it is so colourful. Jackie in UK

  3. What a neat idea for a mosaic! Really nice pictures.

  4. I love it! I had not heard about this place but I sure hope they come to New Jersey.
    Love the variety.
    Have a lovely Monday!

  5. Hi

    Gosh it looks so lovely and very welcoming and so colourful! I like that the outside just looks like a warehouse but inside, it's lovely! I don't recognise some of the foodstuff but they sound fascinating: "nova"? "belly lox"? And in some of your pics "Mushroom Borekas"? "Salt and pepper Kugel?"

    Oh but LOOK at those olives!!!! Yum! And that big barrell of pickled gherkins - I think - but HUGE! Wow!!

    The name is sweet as well, isn't it? "Pomegranate". It doesn't sound like a supermarket.

    Thank you for sharing and taking amazing pics as always - I always feel I'm actually there as your pics are so vivid and full of character.

    I'm most curious about "Mosaic Monday" so will now visit the Little Red House.

    Thanks again for a fantastic guided tour of another amazing bit of New York.

    Take care

  6. This post reminds me of our time in Spain where we visited the market in Rambla district of Barcelona. I live they way the display the fresh fruits and vegetables.
    Can't help but trying to cook healthy.

  7. Pat I love visiting your blog...peeking into your world. That's an amazing grocery store. I also LOVED the Russian Tea Room post...stunning decor.

  8. I was just saying to Hayley (while out and about over here) that you could probably find any and every type of food, but not on this scale Pat, Pomegranate is huge, colourful and so very tempting, I would love to spend time there. What delicious mosaics. hugs, Kathy.

  9. What an amazing market!! I can't imagine shopping in something so grand & the fresh food!! WOW!!
    Great Post!!

  10. How fun! Kind of reminds me of Pikes Place Market in Seattle. But then again, I haven't been there for years. And years.

  11. What a fabulous market. I wish we had one close by.

  12. Wow it looks awesome. I'd love to visit it myself for the sensory experience of it all. ~Jeanne

  13. Yummy. I see the macaroons I love!
    & everything looks so fresh and wholesome. I love how clean the place is too.

  14. What a gorgeous market. So much beautiful fresh stuff. How fabulous to be near a store such as this.

  15. Pomegranate looks like a wonderful place to shop. We love our Wegmans here in Md.

  16. ooo...DELICIOUS!! I want to go there... now... LOL! That looks like food heaven! Wonderful Monday photos, Pat... Happy Week, my friend :o) ((BIG HUGS))

  17. To foodies like my husband and I, this market would be an adventure, Pat. What a fun place to walk through (like a walk in the park) and enjoy the scenery.
    ♥, Susan

  18. I would need a guide and translator. This is a whole different world. . . but so, so fascinating! You make everything look wonderful!

    I'll wait for you in the chocolate aisle. :)

  19. A well stocked grocery store is a treat for the eyes as well as the stomach. I love the colors and textures of the fresh produce and the graphic design and color of the labeling. My mouth waters in the deli section and I love the smells of the bakery. A large specialty grocery store like this would be a treat.

    What did you guys take home to try?

  20. Wow, what a market! If you can't find it there I guess it doesn't exist!
    I was watching a video on shrimp fritters and they were from some place in the city that closed and just moved to Bklyn. I thought I wonder if Pat goes there..
    I will email you the name when I find it!
    In my Sun Silver post I talk about the Astor Hotel in NYC..closed in 1967..Do you remember it??

  21. i'm pretty excited to have found my first new york
    blogger, one of my favorite cities!

    since i don't get to visit ny as often as i would like,
    i will just come to your blog, which is so fun.

    i, too, am a bibliophile and love many of your

    have a great day.

  22. Wow--what a place, Pat... As I say frequently, you are so lucky to live where there are so many different origins and cultures of people. It has to be very interesting.. That market looks so neat. My oldest son loves sushi -so he would love that place!!!!


  23. Looks fabulous...clean and organized. I'm coming...just for the salads!

  24. What a great market Pat.It is wonderful to be able to get all fresh food.

  25. What a great place to shop. I can't wait to see fresh produce and farmer's markets, when spring comes. How great to be able to shop like that year round.
    I would love to go to the Russian Tea Room.

    Have a blessed day

  26. What a fabulous place, Pat! You are so blessed to have this kosher market near you. I would love it!


    Sheila :-)

  27. Oh my...I so want to go there!!!:O Places like those drive me crazy!!I would spend all the day there!


  28. Hi from one New Yawka to another. :o) Great blog you have. I am following you and I have bookmarked you. That Pomegranate market looks great....I will have to check it out.

    Have a great day.

  29. What a great market Pat. Love all the different things to see. I bet the smells were amazing.

  30. Your collage is wonderful. I can't tell you how envious I am that you have access to that market. Everything looks lovely. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  31. Looks like a really wonderful place. I'd like to shop here. Or just stroll around.

    Love your Russian Tea Room photos. I've passed there several times but never eaten there.


  32. What a wonderland of tasty treats! I probably wouldn't make it past the fruits and vegetables - all so beautifully displayed!

  33. Oh I would love to visit such a market. I know that kosher food is delicious even though I am not Jewish. What lovely produce and the meats...ooooo, ahhhh... How were the prices?

  34. I have to say that it looks super. My husband is Sephardic and I have had to learn to cook several Sephardic dishes. When we were living in KY we had to drive over to Ohio just to find a Kosher chicken when my hubbys grandmom came to visit as she only ate Kosher. One of my best friends is a Morman and owns a Kosher bakery which I could never figure out??? I can also remember driving from one part of Long Island to Long Beach to find products years ago. My husbands GM would have loved this store. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Good Gosh!!pickles in a barrel,
    Deli, I am going mad in Maine. The Damn Groc chain won't get anything
    I ask for. The Russian Tea room
    used to be my favorite. I am Cancer free again an coming to NYC in March.. Have to get a dog sitter.
    My cousin will take me..she lives in Bayside.


  36. I like the name of this place. I like the tour that you gave us and the way you shared the pictures. I am slowly becoming more cultured by my visits here. It is a world away from mine but I am so thankful to learn about new and different places in our world.

  37. This was a fun foodie post.I haven't been to NYC in ages. This was a treat.
    To answer your question about the food gallery, any of your foodie photos will be welcome.

  38. My husband, who does all the cooking for home, family and friends, would LOVE this place! I'd go shopping with you any day! Nice mosaics!

  39. The looks like an amazing place and foodie heaven.
    Thanks for visiting the QCI Blog.
    ~Maggie & Carolyn~

  40. Hi Pat! Oh, I love seeing the great places you show us. I would love to browse through the aisles of this market. I love your new header.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  41. A pickle bar! How cool is that? The appetizers are reminiscent of the old lower east side delis in Manhattan - mostly gone. Maybe what goes around does indeed come around... and return better than ever.

  42. This looks like a wonderful new market Pat--thanks for the tour! I'm with you--those pickle barrels are pure nostalgia for me. I can't remember when I've last seen one.

  43. That store is huge Pat, it would be fun exploring in there, and bringing home all different goodies!

  44. Another "GREAT" market, wish I was shopping there NOW!

  45. What a great market!!! I would love to shop there.
    Sure beats the heck out of Wal-Mart!!

    Have a great day!!!

  46. AAAAAHHHH! White fish, brisket,
    cornbeef had to get a second whiff.
    lost in Maine the no Deli state.

  47. You are so lucky to live near such wonderful markets!


  48. Well the snow has started to fall here. I think this one is headed your way too. It doesn't look like this one will pass you by. Do this come to a halt when in snows in NYC? How do you deal with all the snow in the city?
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment.
    Stay cozy and warm.

  49. Pat, I live in Queens and my nephew and his family live in Brooklyn, Carroll Gardens. I 'll ask him about Pomegranate. I don't know if he's ever gone there... :)

  50. I am officially starving now... thanks Pat! LOL
    Now I'm going to see what I have to eat for dinner ;)


  51. very cool! Well, except the gefilte fish! Yuck!

  52. Oh My Goodness..if my little southern town had a place that offered healthy foods such as this..I'd be there every day! Now I have to think about moving to NY instead. Good gracious's wonderful up your way! Your photographs are the best! I felt like I was actually walking the isles looking for something in particular. Ha ha. Thanks for sharing these!

  53. Sorry "Prasant" ...I do not allow ad links to be left in my blog comments.

  54. I would have a field day there - and I am not Jewish either! I love food markets!!! And, I'm game to try pretty much of anything!


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