
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Montauk Point Lighthouse & The Memory Motel

Montauk Point is located at the tip of the South Fork peninsula of New York's Long Island, and is one of our favorite destinations. I'm a fan of visiting lighthouses whenever I can, as I feel there is always something so romantic about them. The Montauk Point Lighthouse is the oldest lighthouse in New York State. It was authorized by the Second Congress, under President George Washington, in 1792. Construction began on June 7, 1796 and was completed on November 5, 1796. This historic landmark has been part of Long Island's land and seascape for over 200 years and still serves as an active aid to navigation.

(Mosaic photos can be enlarged by clicking on them once, and then again a second time.  Use your browser's back arrow to return to the post after viewing the enlarged photo)

A photo mosaic of architectural scenes inside the lighthouse and the lighthouse museum. The lighthouse is the fourth oldest active lighthouse in the United States. The height of the tower is 110 feet 6 inches and there are 137 iron steps to the top of the tower. The light at the top flashes every 5 seconds and can be seen a distance of 19 nautical miles.  Automated by the Coast Guard in 1987, the Montauk Point Lighthouse no longer needs a lightkeeper, but the Coast Guard has transferred ownership of the lighthouse to the Montauk Historical Society in order to provide for its continued maintenance and preservation.

Some of the beautiful skies and vistas seen from the lighthouse and from the surrounding grounds on Montauk Point.

From Montauk Point
"I stand as on some mighty eagle’s beak,
Eastward the sea absorbing, viewing,
(nothing but sea and sky,)
The tossing waves, the foam,
the ships in the distance,
The wild unrest, the snowy, curling caps --
that inbound urge and urge of waves,
Seeking the shores forever."

 ~ Walt Whitman -- Leaves of Grass

Looking out from the rocky shore at the very tip of Long Island, NY, towards the vast Atlantic Ocean.

Some misty early morning fishermen in the waters off Montauk Point.

A little fun music trivia -- The Memory Motel which is located at 692 Montauk Hwy, Montauk NY, has a place in the rock and roll band, The Rolling Stones, history. When The Rolling Stones were on tour in 1975-76 they stayed with a friend, the artist Andy Warhol, at his home in Montauk. The Memory Motel was said to be the only place in the area with a pool table and a piano, and The Stones came by to hang out at the bar. The seven minute song "Memory Motel," from their "Black and Blue" album was written during this period. You can hear it on this Youtube link.

I'm adding this post to Mary's "Mosaic Monday" event over her blog The Little Red House. Please visit Mary today to see her beautiful photo mosaics, and to find links to participating blogs with many wonderful mosaic contributions.

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  1. Now your talking my language, Lawn Guyland :) Beautiful pictures, Pat, just beautiful! I have yet to go to Montauk!

  2. Your photos are gorgeous! The views of the inside and outside are stunning.

  3. I love the photos. My daughter and I have gone to some lighthouses in NC and love them.
    Your photos are really great.i LOVED the Stones trivia.
    thanks for commenting for me today and for following. I'm returning the gesture..Can't wait to see more.

  4. your posting is outstanding, both the words and the photos!

  5. Hi Pat, yes you can use anything on my posts anytime. I would be pleased if you did.
    I love this lighthouse post and the history. Imagine G. Washington being the President who commissioned this job. Mantauk Point is a beautiful place. All of your photos are lovely.

    Interesting about Memory Hotel. I like the Rolling Stone's music for the most part.

    It's late (as usual) HA! I am hitting the sack. Goodnight Pat.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  6. I love the Lighthouse at Montauk. The view from the top is awesome.
    Nice mosaic, you picked the perfect time of year to visit !

  7. I agree, there is something romantic and dreamy about lighthouses. I love the pictures. Such an interesting and beautiful piece of history.

  8. Pat, you found one of Ray's favorite places ever! He grew up in Rockaway Beach and is an avid fisherman- he has many happy memories of weeks spent at Montauk camping in his truck with the other guys who went for the fishing! I can't wait to show him this!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Beautiful place Pat !
    Love the lighthouse. The mosaic is awesome.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers and happy Monday.

  10. Wonderful photos of the lighthouse outside and inside. The skiy photos are just beautiful. The hotel has a cool history.

  11. I have always admired light houses & this one is sensational!!
    Great post.....
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  12. I love your lighthouse mosaics. Such an interesting post. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm enjoying yours. Went to school in NYC. I'll be back!

  13. Oh Brilliant!! Who would have thought NY would have a lighthouse!! But of course they would, it's on the coast!!! :-)

    What an amazing lighthouse and such history!! I'm so glad that it's still working and is so obviously lovingly maintained.

    And they are romantic aren't they? I can just imagine this beacon of light giving ships being tossed about the angry seas a lifeline of hope!


    I've not heard this song by the Stones - but there is that hotel they named it after! Wow!! I can't have the volume up to hear the song as I'm at work but I've read the wiki link and it's fascinating. Not only is it named after the actual Memory Hotel but it also could be about Carly Simon.

    My favourite pic has got to be the fishermen fishing in the mist - how dreamlike is that?

    thanks for another fascinating trip to NY!

    Take care

  14. Amazing photos and a fun history lesson! Love your mosaics...interesting! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  15. Great lighthouse pics and history. That is cool about the Stones visiting that little hotel, too. I love to look at lighthouses, too.

  16. I grew up on the Atlantic Ocean so lighthouses have a special place in my heart. One sound I miss from my childhood is foghorns! Ha! Who would believe that?

    LOVE your mosaic...but now I feel homesick. LOL

  17. What an interesting place. Love the lighthouse. This sunny weather has been calling me to the sea. I had a little swim. :-)

    Fanfastic pics Pat!

  18. When I was a teenager...I think about 15 or 16, we would go out to Montauk all the time. This was in the late 60's. It was a different time and place back then...not very ritzy and perfect for bike riding. Thanks for reminding me of such a happy time that mosaic.
    ♥, Susan

  19. Hi Pat! What a lovely place! You've made a stunning mosaic too.
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. Hi Pat, nice to see you. I have been a slacker lately making my rounds:) My boys are home now for the summer. Love your inspiration photos...looks like a cool place. As always your mosaic is the coolest!

  21. What beautiful photos in those mosaics. They are unmistakable East Coast - I imagine I can smell the salt air.

  22. So much loved this outing, Pat! I love lighthouses--such magic & mystery about them. What a beautiful place, beautiful photos! And fun bit of trivia too... I didn't know that. :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  23. What a beautiful place. I am longing to visit.

  24. Love your east coast scenery...and the Montauk lighthouse.

    Fun trivia...about Memory Motel.

  25. Fascinating! You know, it could be the coast of my corner. Lovely scenes and such interesting cloud formations, too. Thank you for another wonderful Mosaic Monday!

  26. I was so excited to see your beautiful mosaic and to learn about Montauk. Hubby's college frat brother lives there and has something to do with the lighthouse and he keeps telling us to come out to his house for a weekend so after seeing the photos I think it would be a nice place to visit. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Lighthouses are a wonderful reminder of our history. Your mosiac is wonderful. Valerie

  28. I love the views and the words for Walt Whitman...... what a lovely education! Thanks!

  29. Lighthouses I love them and everything that has to do with the coast and the water. Wonderful mosaics Pat. Wonderful story of explaining how they work. Thank you

  30. Lovely photos...first time here, attracted by the Italian name of the blog.



  31. Gorgeous photos and I thoroughly enjoyed the history lesson. Even The Rolling Stones were touched by Montauk :) I never knew the background of the song before.

  32. Thanks for taking us with you! These are beautiful pictures and looks like a great place to visit!

  33. Pat, this was such a fun post! Not only are the pictures wonderful but, I loved hearing about memory Motel!

  34. Like you, I so love lighthouses and I agree with you, there's just something romantic about them:-) Your pictures are a true delight to look at and oh what gorgeous scenery around the lighthouse. It always amazes me that such old structures can survive so long but I'm glad they do so that we can enjoy them!! I'm finally catching up with everyone after a busy couple of weeks:-) xoxo

  35. love the lighthouse pictures...all beautiful...and got a kick out of the memory hotel story...

    i guess that's why i haven't been blogging...Teddy has me on my toes...what a handful...but a handful of LOVE...we ADORE him....

    he makes our little family so HAPPY !!!!!

    good to see you today...

    Kary and Teddy

  36. Hi, just lovely photos and mosaics! I hope that you have a wonderful new week!

  37. Hi, Pat! I love and adore Walt Whitman, so I enjoyed reading this poem and seeing the lovely pictures. Thank you! I always feel as if I've been on vacation when I visit you here. It's that enjoyable.

    And it's fun to hear about the Stones. Gotta love Mick!

    Your photographs are so beautiful. I wish so much that one day I would be able to visit NY again. I really am longing to go there and to Martha's Vineyard. I wish my cousin still had his house there. He's working on a new project.

    Sending you hugs across the miles. Thank you, too, for the info on web photos. I have to nail Mr. Magpie down long enough to get him to figure out what I need to do. I truly appreciate your input. I had started to erase pictures that I hadn't used, but that is scary because it could mean I erase some from blog posts. I hope I didn't do that, but one never knows. But I didn't have a header and needed to erase to be able to try and upload one or two shots.



  38. The Memory Motel. . . what a name!

    Oh, the places you go for your fans!

  39. What a wonderful post! I've enjoyed the trip...and the music! ♥

  40. Amazing photos, beautiful mosaic breathtaking views!..Christine

  41. Love seeing the lighthouse, Pat. I have a 'thing' for lighthouses... Your mosaics are fabulous.


  42. What beautiful photography. I'm so glad you shared it with us. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  43. Interesting about the Stones and the little motel.

    And I liked Walt Whitman's line about "standing on some mighty eagle's beak"

    Beautiful scenery there, and lighthouses are always something special.

  44. My favorite view is to look out over water, beautiful photos Pat!

  45. Pat, your photos are extremely gorgeous! What a beautiful day it was! I have climbed up to the top of the lighthouse and it was scary!

  46. Never been there... It looksa very nice place to visit! I'll try next time in NYC!

  47. Those mosaics were some of my very favorites, Pat! I wish I could get in the car and drive there!!

  48. Me too, I love the lighthouses, so romantic indeed! Thanks for sharing this one memories.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. We go up to Split Rock for the Lighthouse quite a lot. They started charging an arm and a leg for the pleasure which upset Minnesotans. I have never been to the Montauk Lighthouse - I always thought it evry far - even when I lived on Long Island but shall have to make the trip. The shots of the Atlantic always evokes strong emotional response in me - so beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

  51. Oh, this is lovely. I adore Lighthouses and this one is so charming. This post just made me lonnnngg for a vacation! Happy Tuesday Pat!

  52. Whenever I see a lighthouse now I think of you and the time we went to see that one in San Diego. I now have a love of them and love finding them on my trips and vacations.

    When I was on my cruises last year I would often see them off in the distance and they always made me smile.


  53. Hi Pat,

    I love Montauk Point. My mom, sisters and I have spent many visits there, when my mom lived in East Hampton. We all love it there. I am tempted sometimes to take the ferry to Block Island and then onto Montauk. A quicker way than driving from Massachusetts to the tip of Long Island. Thank you for always sharing what you experience of New takes me down memory lane all the time.

    Beautiful photographs.


  54. Pat I have really enjoyed this post. I grew up on Long Island and as a Girl Scout I spent many summers in East Hampton first as a camper and later on as a counselor. On our days off we would sometimes go to Montauk and I have clear memories of looking out at the Atlantic from the rocky beach, and also of sitting on the beach at night watching the beam of the lighthouse pass by. Oh, those seem like such long ago and innocent days...

  55. Pat, I can't believe I missed this post. My husband spent his summers on Shelter Island and his mom had a home there for many years. Montauk is a gorgeous village and I love the lighthouse. The history behind it is fabulous. Thanks for the great memories.


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