
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yosemite National Park Valley - Part One

In my last post we left the awe inspiring Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park and drove into the Wawona Tunnel. Just after exiting Wawona Tunnel and entering the valley from the south you will see one of the most famous views of Yosemite Valley called the Tunnel View.

You will see El Capitan and the Bridalveil Falls on opposite sides of the valley, and Half Dome in the distance.

Enlarge to read this historical look back in time.  As always, all photos can be enlarged by clicking on them once and then again when they open on a new page.

The Bridalveil Falls is often the first waterfall visitors see when entering Yosemite Valley. In spring, it is thunderous; during the rest of the year it has a light, swaying flow.  * Please note: the spelling of "Bridalveil" as one word is not a misspelling -- it is spelled this way on the National Park Service Yosemite web site.

We hiked to the base of the falls and watched the pretty formations of water which did at time resemble a gauzy veil, as you can see in the photo collage above.

The first sight of El Capitan from the valley floor is impressive! It is a 3,000 foot high block of granite on the Northern side of Yosemite Valley, and it is the largest monolith of granite in the world.

The size of all the walls of granite peaks surrounding the valley are tremendous.

"In God's wildness lies the hope of the world." ~ John Muir

Some views of the beautiful Ahwahnee Hotel located in the Yosemite Valley.

The hotel web site states: "The Ahwahnee shines as Yosemite National Park’s distinctive AAA® Four-Diamond hotel.  Known for its magnificent façade, and architecture, The Ahwahnee was specifically designed to highlight its natural surroundings, featuring Yosemite Falls, Half Dome and Glacier Point.  The destination of queens and presidents alike, The Ahwahnee offers a perfect balance of history, hospitality and elegance."

Cathedral Rocks and Spires, opposite El Capitan, form the Eastern side of the canyon through which Bridalveil Creek flows.

The Merced River is approximately 112 miles long, flowing from the Sierra Nevada into the Central Valley and San Joaquin River, which ultimately flows into the Pacific Ocean.  According to the Yosemite National Park web site: "In 1987 the U.S. Congress designated the Merced a Wild and Scenic River to preserve its free-flowing condition and to protect and enhance the unique values that made it worthy of special protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Both the Merced River above, through, and below Yosemite Valley, and the South Fork of the Merced above, through, and below Wawona have this special status."

A more distant view of the Bridalveil Falls.

El Capitan glowing as the late afternoon sun shines on it.

In the late afternoon the deer come down into the valley to look for fresh greenery to eat. We spotted this young doe near a trail we were walking on.

This little fellow came right up to me begging for food. Unfortunately, visitors throw snacks to some of the animals which is frowned upon. There are many signs throughout the park asking not to feed the animals as they then do not learn to scavenge their own food and suffer when winter comes and the amount of visitors decline.  Also, many precautions are made to secure disposed of food in bear proof containers to prevent the bears from looking for human garbage to eat.  This protects both the visitors and the bears.

A view taken from the Swinging Bridge. The famous Yosemite Falls would be visible from this point, flowing down the peaks in the distance, but as we visited in late August the waterfall was only a trickle in size as it is fed mostly by snow melt.

In my next blog post I'll show what we did see of Yosemite Falls, also Tuolumne Meadows and some magnificent views from Olmsted Point and Tioga Pass.

I'm linking this post to Jenny Matlock's "Alphabe Thursday." The letter this week is "B" for Bridalveil Falls.
I'm also linking it to Claudia's "Friday Finding Beauty" on her blog Dippity Road, and Sandi's "Friday Favorite Linky Party" on her blog The Whistlestop Cafe.

Please visit all three blogs over the next two days and join in all the fun!

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  1. Wow Pat..... More gorgeous views of Yosemite.... I always enjoy seeing Bridal Veil Falls ---and of course, El Capitan. I still hope to go there sometime--especially since my niece and hubby work in he park there.... You are so lucky to get to see all of this beauty, Pat. Thanks so much for sharing it with us...


  2. these are amazing shots! wow! I can not wait to see this in person.

  3. Amazing photos of such natural beauty. Thank you for sharing! (Now I need to plan a trip. . .)

  4. I love Yosemite and you have captured it so beautifully! When I was last there, 5 years ago, I spent one night at the historic Wawona Hotel.
    Recently, while at Zion National Park, I saw signs posted saying there would be a $100 fine for anyone feeding wildlife.

  5. These photos are just majestic!! I've never seen anything like El Capitan!!

  6. Great photos! It looks like it was a really fabulous trip!

  7. This is one of our favorite spots on earth. And your photos are gorgeous!


  8. Pat I always enjoy your posts ... i sure get a lot of arm chair travelling done through them ... this looks like a beautiful spot!

  9. I was there a few years ago, it's such a beautiful place ! I even remember the smell of the fresh air !

  10. Isn't it crazy that people LOVE to climb El Capitan? Well I think it's crazy! Loved your pictures.

  11. What a stunning place to visit. It's good to know that it is protected for future generations to enjoy.

  12. Wowza, Pat! My heart literally soared when I looked at some of those shots! Glorious!!

  13. More amazing photos of a really amzing spot! Thank you so very much for those!

  14. Simply breathtaking pictures...They bring back fond memories! Well done, as always! Cathy

  15. Thank you for the amazing pictoral tour to Yosemite. It's one of the places I hope to visit someday. Until then your pictures have been a wonderful trip.

  16. Gorgeous! Your photos are beautiful. I love the last one, I can feel how clear and sweet the air is. No wonder Bierstadt chose this place as a subject for his work, it's magnificent. Kat

  17. Pat, it takes my breath away! Gorgeous pictures and scenery. I think I would be gasping and swooning every few minutes with the awe of it all. What a place. You are so lucky to have visited. We live in a beautiful world!!!!

  18. Such MAJESTIC view! To be witness to such grand beauty...dazzling! Just loved catching up on your most recent posts, Pat. We're just back from London. It is the best city--I can easily daydream of living there...*sigh*...Happy Days,my friend ((HUGS))

  19. How beautiful Pat. Your pictures look like postcards! I almost felt like I was there with you!

  20. Pat,These pictures are FANTASTIC!
    I feel as if I'm traveling right along with yall!
    Thanks for visiting LazyonLoblolly,and watching the video.and your comment is always so appreciated.

  21. Wonderful photos! We have a bridal veil falls here in Provo Canyon. I'll have to head over there and take some pics sometime!

  22. How interesting to see another Bridal Veil Falls...we have one a few miles from my doorstep. One of these years, I would love to stop by Yosemite...and see the other Bridal Veil Falls...and all the rest the park has to offer. Beautiful!

  23. All these pictures the last few days from Yosemite have been magnificent. Good job.

  24. The falls are amazing. The photos do a great job of highlighting them.

  25. Thank you all for all your wonderful comments! Yosemite is definitely a beautiful park to visit!

    ****I know the the spelling of "Bridalveil" as one word looks like a misspelling, but it is spelled this way on the National Park Service's Yosemite web site.

    I guess the person who first named it spelled it that way and it remained.

  26. What a wonderful trip you had! The pics are fabulous!
    I mentioned you in my last post. I think I spelled it wrong though! :)

  27. What stunning photographs. I want to see more, so I shall be following your posts back! I'm in awe!

  28. The views are stunning and you captured them beautifully. Thank you for the tour of a place still left to visit on my list.

  29. stunning views...said already 30 times...but they are...beautiful and heavenly place....bkm

  30. Pat, you have had an amazing trip and I have so loved your pictures. My cousin and her husband are going out west next summer. They are so excited! I always enjoy reading your posts, because I enjoy learning about the places you visit. Great job!! Love & blessings from NC!

  31. AmaZiNg! Those photos are just fabulous.
    Thank you for sharing your favorite this friday... that is what makes friday's so FuN!

  32. I haven't been to Yosemite in years so I thank you for the trip today!

    Such a magnificent place.

    Thank you for this lovely stop on Alphabe-Thursday.

    Your travels are astonishing...and we're all so lucky you let us tag along.


  33. Amazing photographs of these national parks. I feel as if I've been on the most delightful tour. I was interested to read that the local Indians took such troubles to keep the area beautiful with controlled burns. Many people, myself included, believe that controlled burns are a good way to manage the forests. Yearly burns...not so sure about...that's a lot of commitment.

  34. I think every mountainous area must have a Bridal Veil falls!
    El Capitan is certainly imposing. It's easy to feel quite insignificant in such surroundings.

  35. Oh, Pat... one of the things I've missed most about blogging these last few weeks are my visits to you. This is just breathtaking. I know you must have had the most wonderful trip, ever.

    I would be a bit uneasy in the parks after the spate of recent bear attacks out West, but I'm happy to see you made it safely. Love that cute squirrel. I worry about the ones here, too, because when we have a cold winter, they are sometimes short on food. We had a very cold one last year, but fortunately, the oak trees produced a LOT of acorns. They spent a month or more burying their bounty.

    Sending you warm hugs. I hope to be blogging again in a week or so. I'm SOOOOO behind I don't know if I can ever catch up, but I missed you and wanted to pay you and some other friends who had been kind enough to visit me and pray for Mr. M a visit.


    Sheila :-)

  36. The magnificence absolutely takes my breath away. I hope to be able to visit some day.

    Pat, you are the best for taking us along so that we can enjoy the splendor.

  37. This is one of the MOST beautiful National Parks that I have ever visited. My husband and I first visited MANY years ago, when we were first married. My husband didn't believe in RESERVATIONS so we ended up at the hotel late at night, and FORTUNATELY someone had cancelled! We had a delightful little cabin, and a great sleep! We woke up to a spectacular view of Bridalveil Falls in the morning!! I will never forget that trip!!

  38. Hi Pat, sorry it has taken me so long to visit, we have been out of town the last six days. We arrived home last night. I see you have taken some fabulous photos of Yosemite National Park. I checked out your previous post too. Love the photo pf you and your hubby. Your smiles say it all. What a wonderful trip to this National Park. I now feel like I have been there. The Bridal Veil Falls is so pretty an El Capitan sure stands proud and tall. I hope we will be able to travel there some day. Your travel log and photos are really awesome.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  39. Absolutely breathtaking pictures Pat! What an amazing place. Seriously makes me want to take a trip.
    ♥, Susan

  40. Can I hire you as tour guide AND videographer of the game for my next vacation? These are such lovely and informative posts, I feel like I'm right there with you!

  41. Hi Pat, I am glad to be back again after our moving and be able to see your beautiful pictures again. Yosemitypark is beautiful and I love to learn all these things you tell us.
    Thank you for sharing

  42. Again, breath-taking photos. You are a truly amazing photographer. I feel I have been traveling with you. There are no words to describe your fabulous pictures!

  43. Your photos took my breath away, how absolutely majestic all of those peaks look! El Capitan is fascinating, its sheer massiveness alone is impressive. I so love traveling with you through your photos:-) xoxo

  44. I have just spent the last half hour here visiting your blog and the many posts that I have missed. I feel like I was given a free trip with pictures and commentary of places on my bucket list. What an enjoyable time I had seeing your photography and reading about your trip. The Bridalveil Falls were beautiful! The Ahlwahnee Hotel would be a place I would love to visit. The pictures of the Yosemite Valley were breathtaking, and the peach jelly with the english muffins made me hungry. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us. I consider it a gift.


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