
Monday, April 25, 2011

My Grandsons

When we flew home from Ireland last week we flew out to Colorado the very same day. We had lots of jet lag, but also lots of excitement about meeting our precious new grandson!  He was such a good baby and we could see him growing each day right before our eyes,

He got lots of snuggles, hugs and kisses from his Nonna and Nonno, and did a lot of sleeping, as newborn babies like to do.  Meanwhile, we had lots of fun with our older grandson, and the very first thing we did was go to see a Sesame Street Live show!

Our little guy was mesmerized by seeing his favorite characters bigger than life sized!

He kept us busy all week long. We visited the Easter bunny at a local mall, went to playgrounds and parks, tagged along to music class, took walks to look for flowers, read lots of story books and played with his train sets and construction vehicles, dyed Easter eggs, and generally had lots of fun together!
Needless to say now that we are back home in New York we will miss our little grandsons so very much.  It is always hard to have to leave them, but we hope to see them again very soon and that thought makes me happy!

I will be continuing with a few more posts about our trip to Northern Ireland, very soon.   I hope you will join me again then!

Linking with Mary at The Little Red House for "Mosaic Monday"

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  1. Darling precious photos Pat. Thank-you. I love the one of "L" with his nonno. You must be coming back with wonderful cherished memories. I look forward to more of Northern Ireland...
    Margaret from B.C.

    Margaret from B.C.

  2. Pat, new little "M" is just perfect, so darling and sweet.
    Margaret from B.C. ( I'm not sure why I'm signed twice... sorry! )

  3. Awwwwww!!! Your new grandson is Adorable with a capital A! Look at his little face!! He's lovely and so perfect!!

    As is your older grandson! He's grown!! My stars!!! What a treat for him to have his Nonna and Nonno take him to see Sesame Street and do lots of other fun stuff too!! Awwww!!

    What a lovely journey for you and hubby! Yay! Take care

  4. Hi ya Pat :) I am still alive haha! I love the pictures of your grandsons, feel like hugging and kissing them! Look how grown up the little mister is..I remembered him being so tiny when he was born. Hope you had a good Easter. Missing you Pat, hugs/Mk

  5. Such special moments with your grandchildren! Must have been so exciting meeting your new grandson.

  6. They are such sweet b photos of your grand children. How tired but excited you must have been. You sure packed in a lot of activities with the boy in a week. It is sad to say good bye, I know.

  7. Little M is an angel... And how much L has grown--WOW! What cutie-pies... Glad you've been having some wonderful time with your family, Pat. :o) Thanks for taking a moment to share. Hope you've all been having a lovely Easter now ((HUGS))

  8. Whew....what a crazy few weeks. So wonderful that you could be with them for a week. I can't imagine what it is like to be separated by so many miles. I hope your next reunion is SOON! So sweet!

  9. The boys are precious Pat! I know how much you will miss them until the next time you can visit. It is sad when our children live far from home.

    The photo of Ireland in stunning. Looking forward to seeing more.

  10. Gorgeous grandsons. What a wonderful time you had with them too. I always enjoy your posts Pat!!

  11. What a whirlwind you have had, but who could resist those precious grandsons. I know your heart is bursting with joy.

  12. What fun pics Pat! Looks like you had a great visit and the last pic of Ireland is just beautiful:@)

    There's nothing more precious!!

  14. Look at the baby's perfect features as he slept in contentment in your arms. Doesn't the love just come unbidden pressed down and flowing over?

  15. Both grandsons are precious! It looks like you had the perfect time with them...

  16. Looks like a grand time with the Grands! Such handsome little guys.

  17. Hi Pat! What a little darling! I know you loved this time.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Hey Pat! Congrats on the new little one...your grands are adorable.

    I know yall need to rest up.But can't wait to see more of Ireland.
    Lazy on Loblolly

  19. What fun you had! And what a sweet baby boy! Your photos are beautiful.

  20. Aww how adorable! They are both just so cute and I can imagine how hard it was to leave them. My nieces are 24 and 21 and only live in NJ and when they leave my mom (nonna) still cries! lol Great memories. Happy Easter. Grace xoox

  21. Your grandson`s are beautiful. Love the pic of Ireland too.

  22. The baby is so precious looking. Looks like you had a fun time with your grandchildren. I just love your pictures of Ireland.

  23. You had the perfect Easter, Pat. Who needs pasta when there are loving snuggles to be had?

  24. Baby "M" is a beautiful baby! Big brother is a real cutie too. I am sure you had the best time with them. Can't wait to see more photos of the boys, Ireland, and to hear your "good news"......think I have an idea of what it could be :-) xo,

  25. So much fun to see the fun you had with your little L and it was great to see your new baby grand. He's darling and he's got that new baby look down all right. (I can't imagine flying home from Ireland and then straight out to Colorado. You two have some grit!)

  26. Oh I so enjoy seeing precious children being loved. I'm so glad you were able to spend some time with your new little lad.
    I'll surely be back for a bit more of the Irish!

  27. It looks like you have made the most of your time with your grandsons! How fun to take in a Sesame Street Live show together.

    Looking forward to seeing more of Northern Ireland as well.
    Judy from B.C. (Smile)

  28. Hi Pat, Those babies are adorable--both of them... CONGRATS... I know you were thrilled to get to see the newest member of the family.

    I'm sure the older one kept you hopping.... ha....

    One of these days, you need to stop and get some REST... Your life is AWESOME...

  29. Adorable. What a wonderful way to enjoy time with them both. I'd suffer jet lag to do that.

  30. Oh what great fun pictures! Your new grandson is beautiful! And the last picture is stunning!!! Do you ever think of moving closer to be with them?

  31. They are adorable. You are truly blessed Pat. I hope you had a great Easter.

  32. A wonderful weekend, it sounds like, Pat. Good for you and your family. The boys are adorable. We had a great weekend too with my little granddaughter. :)

  33. I must have started reading your blog just about when L was is amazing how fast the time goes especially when watching little ones grow...Both of your grandsons are beautiful...Love that second shot....

    I hope you are getting some much needed rest now!! I know how tiring grandchildren can be:)

  34. What a happy time for you Pat, I know you're enjoying each and every second of it! Congrats to all your good news.

  35. Is there anything better than cuddling a sleeping baby or having adventures with a toddler? I admire your stamina. I have trouble adjusting to the one hour time change twice a year!! The boys are darling.


  36. Pat, your grandsons are just beautiful! How lucky are you to have those little guys whom I'm sure adore you!

    Looking forward to more "trips" with you to No. Ireland!

  37. What precious grandsons!!! I know you enjoyed your visit with them. And you are a busy lady, traveling all over the world!!! I so enjoy your beautiful pictures. Glad you had a great trip to Northern Ireland. We are counting down the days until we come to NYC. Can't wait!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  38. What a precious little guy! So happy you got to hold him and spend time with the other cutie. Sesame Street Live must have been great fun! ~ Sarah

  39. What a wonderful visit you had! They are adorable. I hope you had a great Easter.
    Don't forget to enter the 100 dollar gift cert give away on last week's TThurs post.

  40. What a cute little grandson! I'm glad you got to go meet him. I also hope you enjoyed your trip to Ireland.

  41. New grandson is adorable and so much fun doing things with older grandson. I know you'll be visiting them often. Look forward to more of Ireland!

  42. I'll be grandsons' parents are really missing you two! Sounds like made yourself very useful... in a most delightful way!

    PRECIOUS little boys!

  43. What sweet little boys!!! You are a lucky grandma!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

  44. Awwww! Thanks for sharing the pics. with us. They grow up so fast - cherish these moments with them.
    Looking forward to reading more about your trip.

  45. You have two little precious cuties over there, congratulations!

  46. They are soooo precious! What darling children. Love your mosaic of Easter happiness.

  47. So sweet....I know it was hard to leave them.

  48. What a wonderful trip! Grandkids are the best for enjoying the holidays! Looking forward to more photos of your trips! Hugs! ♥

  49. I enjoyed seeing the photos of your sweet brand new grandson Pat. His brother must have loved the special attention from you both. Thanks for sharing the collage of photos of special moments. You are very lucky to have two dear little grandsons!

  50. Dearest Pat, my heart is full for you and your beautiful grandsons. I know how much you adore them. And, just look at that precious new little one to love.

    I remember going to see Sesame Street Live with both my grandson and my son when they were each young. Such sweet memories to treasure.

  51. What precious grandsons you have! You are very blessed! I look forward to your posts about your trip!

  52. Congratulations! Your grandson is so cute. And it looks like you had great time with your family.
    Also thank you for visiting my blog.

  53. I know you were in 7th Heaven with your visit to CO and finally getting to hold little M and hug and play with L!
    It looks like you made the most of every minute you were with them, too!

    Wow....another trip to Ireland!! I "found" you in blog land a little before you went about 3 years ago. I so enjoyed your photos and text from that trip! Looking forward to your posts about this most recent trip.

    I know you must be tired from all of your travels, but I'm certain it's a "good tired".

    Have a great week! L, Dana

  54. Girl that is just so precious...sounds like such a treasured visit with those sweet dumplings....congrats on your new grandson...he is beautiful! Hope you have a great week sweetie..Picket

  55. That precious baby is so sweet! Looks like you had lots of fun with your grandloves!
    I will be back to see your photos from Ireland, those will be so wonderful to see!
    Hugs, Cindy

  56. Oh hug that bunny for me. Lovely brand new little person. How wonderful for you. :)

  57. Welcome home Pat. What a lot of travelling but so much fun. How special to see your new grandson and hang out with your older grandson. A wonderful age for discovering the world.

  58. Pat, your grandsons are so adorable. I know you must miss them.
    Looking forward the the Ireland photos!


  59. Oh, Pat! I loved seeing these precious ones! I got tears in my eyes looking at that sweet little newborn face. Just adorable! And what fun to get to see what you did with your other little darling. He has really grown!

    I'm so glad you got to be with those dear ones at Easter and that you had fun on your Ireland trip! I look forward to following along. Did you go to Londonderry? Just curiuos because I had some ancestors who were born there. I've never been to Ireland, but I've always wanted to go. I'd love to see both Southern and Northern Ireland. I had ancestors from both spots.

    I know this must have been so exciting for you with your Irish roots, too! I'm off to go see your other posts.


    Sheila :-)

  60. Beautiful photos and what a brilliant time you had. I bet your grandsons loved having you to stay.

  61. What precious little grandsons you have, Pat! I know you hated to leave them.

    I look forward to your photos of Ireland. I love Ireland and its people.

  62. Both of them are preciously adorable, Pat. I can imagine how sweet it was for you. And for your oldest grandson getting to spend a week filled with awesomeness with you. The feeling of empty arms that had gotten used to cradling and hugging is tough to get past upon a return home, but I'm so thankful you'll be visiting the little ones again soon. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos.

  63. Oh my goodness ... so much excitement happening in your life right now. How wonderful. Your newest grandson is so very precious. I also love "Nonno & Nonna". How cute. I'm assuming that is the Italian names?
    Your mosaic is so colorful and a wonderful depiction of happy times. I can imagine how hard it must be for you to be so far apart.
    I somehow missed your trip to Ireland, but must go back and catch up before you resume posting.

  64. they are precious
    I love the little striped shirt on the wee one
    and the older boy must have had a great week!!
    all those shots of fun things

  65. Hi Pat, they are so precious! Sounds like you spent some quality time with them...and made lots of memories for the oldest one! :)

  66. Look at your little angels! I'm a grandkid connoiseur and those little boys? Perfection. My own grandson in San Diego is four. We live on the east coast, but we were so entranced and desperate to be part of his life, we rented an apartment for his first 3.5 years. Now, we must economize, so we see him only 3-4 times a year.

    And he's coming to Gigi's house in about two weeks! It's like watching my own children come to visit me-- only even better, since the grown-up kids come, too.


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