
Sunday, June 12, 2011

We Celebrated Our Birthdays in Colorado!

My husband and I were away for a week, visiting our son and his family in Colorado, and celebrating our early June birthdays. It was so good to see our baby grandson "M" again!  He's in the adorable smiling and cooing stage of infancy and we enjoyed holding and playing with him so much!

Our grandson "L" is getting big and is interested in so many different things. We had a lovely few hours one afternoon with him strolling through the delightful Denver Botanic Gardens.

Another day we accompanied my daughter-in-law and "L" and "M" to The Butterfly Pavilion, located in Westminster, Colorado!

It is a wonderful experience to walk among thousands of flying butterflies.

They move so quickly that it was difficult to photograph them, but this mosaic and ......

... this mosaic show the butterflies and flowers that I captured with my lens.

The Butterfly Pavilion is a very child friendly place with lots of activities for them to do!

We were all able to go to attend a Colorado Rockies baseball game at the beautiful Coors Field, as a wonderful treat from my son's in-laws.  The Rockies won the game!

We also attended a concert at spectacular Red Rocks Amphitheatre!  Unfortunately, I was not allowed to bring my camera into the amphitheatre as it is considered  a "professional" camera by the venue. I hope you can get an idea of how wonderful it is to see a concert here from these shots of the outside. The seats inside are literally nestled among the large rock overhangs.  The reflected sound is magnificent, and as the sun goes down the distant lights of Denver twinkle in the distance, making the experience magical!

This was a wonderful birthday week for my husband and I!  My daughter-in-law made us chocolate cupcakes in a cone and our grandson picked out the bulldozer paper plates and party hats -- bulldozers are his favorite thing in the world right

I could not believe that there was still snow on the high Rockies in June! Isn't this a fantastic location?  I wanted to shop, but I knew the sponsored shopping spree was coming up the day I returned home to New York, so I resisted.  More about that soon!

Please CLICK HERE to go to my review blog to see where I'll be going on a shopping spree to buy items for my bride-to-be daughter and also information on how you can enter for a chance to win a $25 gift card to HomeGoods through Blogher Prizes and Promotions, contest ending June 30, 2011.
I'm adding this post to Mary's "Mosaic Monday" event on her blog Little Red House.

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  1. Butterflies, birthdays and babies! It just doesn't get much better than that. Such a beautiful birthday celebration.

  2. Pictures are fantastic, especially the one of the littlest sweet fellow. It was a pleasure meeting you and your family and so enjoyed my shopping spree. Blog post on the way tonight!

  3. Your grandchildren are beautiful! I love those white flowers with the red on the tips! Who did you see perform at Red Rocks?

  4. What a wonderful vacation! Your grandsons are just adorable. Love the butterfly shots - that must have been an amazing experience. Have you read "The Butterfly's Daughter" by Mary Alice Monroe? I think you'd enjoy it. And a concert at Red Rocks! What a beautiful facility - what did you see? Glad you made it home safe and sound. Kat

  5. HB to you and your hubby! I wish I could have been there Saturday morning, oh well, next time I hope! Your grandsons are so beautiful. And of course your photos are fabulous. xo,

  6. We saw the group Jethro Tull perform the 40th anniversary of their album Aqualung. It is my husband's favorite group ...and I've learned to appreciate their music after hearing it my whole!

  7. Pat, I'm very happy that you were able to celebrate with your family in glorious Colorado. It looks as if you had one fantastic time, by the looks of these pics, which are beautiful! :-)
    ~ Sue


    It looks like you had a fun trip. Your grandsons are growing so big!

    Have a great week! La

  9. Your baby grand is growing so the stage of smiles and coos. When I first saw L in the mosaic, I thought he was wearing a hat much like the princesses at Kate and William's wedding. Had me wondering for a split second. Ha! My old eyes and my whacky computer fritzing up and understand.

    What an amazing snow pack in those Rockies. I would so love to visit that amphitheater. It sounds like an incredible evening.

  10. They are both adorable! HB to you and your dh.
    you saw snow, I saw a new Home Goods store! :)

  11. What a grand post! June is the birthday month for my family. There are 10 birthdays and 3 anniversaries. My brother, dad and I all celebrate this month. So exciting that you could go out there. I LOVE Colorado. Hope you have a grand shopping spree!

  12. it looks like you had a wonderful time with your family in Denver. Your grands are precious! The butterfly garden looks amazing!

  13. YOU SAW JETHRO TULL? Love it, had to be awesome at Red Rocks! One of my faves from way back when. Locomotive Breath! Now I have to go to youtube :)
    What a great vacation, birthdays and butterflies and beautiful grandsons! Great pictures!

  14. Happiest of Birthdays dear Pat! It certainly started off well with those cute plates and ice cream cone cakes:) Have a wonderful year! The children are adorable!

    Aqualung!! That brings me right back to my college years! I loved it and would love to see Jethro Tull!

  15. Happy happy birthday! It was a perfect opportunity to spend time with your grandsons!

  16. Pat, I agree with Cheryl. Butterflies, birthdays, and babies ~ you obviously had a terrific time. So happy you got to spend time with those little ones again. Gorgeous photos! ~ sarah

  17. Wonderful photographic record of a fabulous visit and awesome birthdays. And the boys are looking so darn adorable! I'm so glad the weather was beautiful while visiting. The Butterfly Pavilion is an incredible place. Although I half expected to see a photo of your grandson with the tarantula (did you venture to the spot where kids get to "hold" the tarantula? Blech!) Red Rocks is indeed awesome. I love seeing your photos of my state and what interested you while visiting here.

  18. Ciao Pat, your grandchildren are adorable little boys!

  19. happy anniversary and happiness !!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. What a happy time you must have had.
    There's still snow on the mountains here, but not as much as in years past, so there is concern about water shortages later in the summer.

  21. What a wonderful time you had! I would love to visit that ampitheatre. It sounds awesome.

  22. The kids are looking great and you surely had great fun...
    Wonderful pictures!!

  23. Celebrating your birthdays with your babies? I can't think about anything better! You little ones are such a cuties!

  24. Happy Birthday lovely Pat!! Awww and what a way to celebrate!! I'm so glad you got to see your beautiful new grandson M and have such fun with your amazing and growing other grandson L!

    The butterly pavillion is amazing! I think you did ever so well capturing these shots of butterflies so vividly! Given that they're so flighty and fast - these pics are fab!! Aren't the butterflies pretty?!? And Huge!

    Was it a classical concert? Oh but the pics on their site look stunning!! Peter Gabriel is playing now!! LOL!! And you can watch films and go shopping...!! Amazing amazing place!!

    Thanks for such a wonderful treat - as wonderful at that yummy chocolate cupcake in a cone!! Yay!! Take care Pat, happy birthday! x

  25. Your grandsons are both adorable Pat. I love your pictures of them and all the other pictures in the mosaics. What a beautiful country that is. THe one with the snow on the rocky mountains is fantastic. And the butterflies... wow.

  26. Wonderful pictures! Will be going home in July and can hardly wait to Set foot on that "holy ground!" Will be gathering with Ron's sisters and we'll have a grand time, just as you did! Well done! Cathy ;)

  27. How WONDERFUL- birthdays, babies, fun outings... beautiful butterflies. Your grandchildren are so sweet, Pat. HAPPY BIRTHDAY belated, my friend--wishing you the BEST year! :o) ((HUGS))

  28. A bulldozer birthday? Fabulous! What fun to be with those two adorable little boys.


  29. Aw such cuties! Your mosaics are beautiful Pat, it looks like you had a great trip:@)

  30. Awww! this post, your grans are great!And your photos' always leave me speechless!

  31. Happy Birthday! No better gift than getting time with the Grands! And they are so adorable, Pat! Gosh, what wonderful pictures.

  32. What fun you had with family in Colorado and birthdays, too! I love botanical gardens and baseball! Party on!!!

  33. Great photos, Pat. How fun that you got to celebrate birthdays with your family. My son went to college in Boulder so I visited the area many times. Thanks for sharing your great shots.

  34. There is no scenery to compare to the Colorado Rockies! Your grandsons are adorable and how fun that you got to see them again and celebrate your birthdays. Happy belated birthday to you!

  35. What a fun trip! Happy birthday to everyone! Looks like a very special time! I so hope we can travel out West in the Fall...I long to see the red rock mesas! Beautiful mosaics, my friend! ♥

  36. What a beautiful baby! Happy b'days to all!

  37. Happy birthday to you both, a bit late. Your grandsons are lovely and all your pics are fantastic.

  38. Happy birthday to you! It looks like you had the best of the Colorado Rockies. You packed in a lot. I would have enjoyed the ball game with you if I was nearby!

  39. Awwwww!!! The flowers are lovely, but nothing can compete with grandsons! :)

  40. Celebrations just don't get any better than that. Your littles are so cute. .and growing like good weeds.

    Happy Birthday and may the blessings continue all year.

  41. It looks like you had a spectacular birthday Pat! You have the most adorable grandsons! They are growing so fast. The Rockies are beautiful, you are quite the traveler girlfriend! Please tell me you eye is better, I sure hope so. Shopping sprees and a concert at Red Rocks? I want to be you for a day!

  42. Looks like you had a grand time, Pat. But then, I'll bet you're the sort of person who ALWAYS has a great time no matter where she goes. You enjoy life.

    It shows on your blog, m'dear.

    Happy Belated Birthdays to one and all. Your grandchildren are adorable. :)

  43. What gorgeous grandchildren. It must have been difficult to leave them. The snow on the mountain is beautiful.

  44. Beautiful new baby! What a treasure. Congratulations to you and happy birthdays!

  45. How gorgeous are your grandchildren! So wonderful you got to see and do so much with them. I can not beleive how fast they are getting big so fast. Hugs Grace OOOO

  46. That sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate your birthdays. Both of your grandsons are adorable. It must be hard having them in another state, but if it has to be, Colorado sure is a lovely place to visit.
    Your mosaics are all beautiful. I went to a butterfly pavillion in South Carolina and found it to be fascinating.
    The Red Rocks looks like an amazing place to go for a concert.
    Belated birthday greetings to both of you.

  47. Oh, Pat, those grandsons are the cat's meow!! I am so glad you and your husband were able to celebrate your birthdays with your precious ones! There is simply nothing like family! blessings ~ tanna
    ps your photos ARE professional grade! ;)

  48. The boys are beautiful and seem so big already! I know you and Vinny are having so much fun with them. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate a birthday - in the Rockies with loved ones of all ages!

  49. Omigosh Pat, your grandchildren are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your celebration with us. Such a beautiful affirmation of life is just what I needed to see this week. xoxo


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