
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory

The weather this past weekend was beautiful in New York City and my husband and I decided to go over to the new Brooklyn Bridge Park on Sunday to enjoy a stroll along its paths and take in the views of the Manhattan skyline. As we approached the park entrance we saw the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory building--the white building in the photo above--and decided that an ice cream cone would be a perfect refreshment to carry along on our stroll.

The Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory is located in a landmark fireboat house on the Fulton Ferry Pier, and features one of most sweeping views in America-- the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan skyline. They offer simple, pure and delicious ice cream, home made in small batches. It is so delicious there is almost always a line of people waiting to get in to purchase some.  We saw so many people coming out of the factory with banana splits that we quickly decided to treat ourselves and share one.

We chose coffee, vanilla chocolate chunk and butter pecan ice creams, with toppings of caramel and hot fudge syrup, walnuts, and fresh whipped cream. It was absolutely fabulous!

It was a wonderful summer treat that we shared in the shadow of the iconic Brooklyn Bridge.

Please join me on my next post and I'll show you scenes from the new Brooklyn Brdge Park and its magnificent views!

I'm linking to "Mosaic Monday" with Mary of The Little Red House blog, and My World Tuesday with Klaus and all the My World contributors. Please visit their blogs and enjoy their special blog events!

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  1. I want to: walk across the Brooklyn Bridge again, have a banana split, have weather where the banana split does not melt in a nano-second. Can I crawl into your blog and live there for a few days?

  2. I'm with Claudia - I'd love to cross that bridge and get a sundae like that one!

  3. That banana split really brings me back to my childhood Pat...what a perfectly beautiful day to be there!

  4. Yes, that banana split looks wonderful! Looking forward to pictures of Brooklyn Bridge Park!

  5. You had a delicious day!
    Oh that looked good.
    I love sharing these things with you and I am so happy you do this.:)

  6. Yum, Pat.... I haven't had a banana split in years ---and none like you all had... Made my mouth water.....

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day... The Brooklyn Bridge Park looks like a great place to walk on a beautiful day.


  7. Great choices for your banana split. Boy it's been ages since I had one of those. Your mosaic is so much fun!

  8. Oh and good idea to have Vinny hold the melting delicious banana split, too! ☺

    What a great location; it almost has the feel of a much smaller community rather than NYC. Lovely spot!

  9. Yes, that does look fabulous, and my favorite part about it is the FRESH whipped cream! Yummy!

  10. Great pics Pat! It was a pretty weekend and the banana split looks fantastic:@)

  11. Oh man...that is THE ULTIMATE summertime indulgence, Pat! I can't remember the last time I had one, either. I am going to have to correct that lapse soon. Probably TOMORROW! I'm blaming every single calorie on you & that yummy photo!

  12. Oh, Pat, you are making me hungry for a bit of ice cream. Looks like a fun day with a sweet ending.

  13. OMG that icecream looks so...yummy!
    I love to see the photos you take because I will probably never get to your neck of the woods and it's always neat to see a place through a locals lense.
    Take care Millie!

  14. You got a wonderful picture of the bridge, and I'm salivating now!!

  15. Summer and ice cream sure go nicely together. That looked like a fun day in a beautiful city!

  16. Good choice to go with a banana split, looks great! So does the view. Perfect afternoon, I'd say!

  17. Yummy post, that banana split looks great. I love the flavors you chose. xo,

  18. Do you work for the chamber of commerce? Your blog makes me want to come to New York and check out all these places for myself! Great post!!

  19. Hello Pat :) anything to do with ice cream will do just fine with me and the family. Just did a post and am back in blog land finally. You have a fab week ahead ..hugs/M

  20. Oh wow Pat, that looks delicious, seeing this makes me want one too.
    What a treat. Of course I am coming back to look at the views from the Brooklyn Bridge and what I see here on this post is already beautiful.
    Have a nice day!

  21. I am looking forward to seeing the views from the Brooklyn Bridge Park! Meanwhile, I'll just sit over here quietly and drool over that banana split!

  22. Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory! Oh that speaks to my inner child!!! I'd never leave!! LOL! I'd be back queueing up for more!! LOL! OH how lovely!! Awwwww and what a setting!! Brooklyn Bridge!! Can't wait to see the views you saw in your next post! Yay! take care

  23. I try to avoid ice cream bet in the summer it is so hard! The treat you pictured would make it impossible! Yum!

  24. I'm with Claudia, too!! Man, that bridge is beautiful to see. Our weather is still so hot the ice cream sounds really, really good! blessings ~ tanna

  25. It sure looks a beautiful summer day, better than the grey foggy days we had there but it didn't take away the magic of NY. That banana split could just come out of the screen for me to eat right now.
    It was sad that you were not well enough for a visit when we were there, however we were also very busy with our guided tour. In our spare time we walked and walked to find an APPLE computer shop.It was a good way to see the city.
    Hopefully we'll have another chance to bump into each other somewhere in the world.

  26. What a fun summertime outing. Your treat looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing it with us. Sorry I kind of hogged the whipped cream. Sigh.

  27. OH my goodness!

    How mouth watering does that look...YUM!!!

    What a beautiful scenery, too :)

    <3-Cami from
    Serendipitious Life

  28. Pat - I would have chosen the same flavors as you - love them all. It's so great to hear how you and the hubs are always doing fun things together.

  29. Though we are not having 'ice-cream' weather these days...I am suddenly craving a banana split. I wonder why? A lovely spot to enjoy an ice-cream treat...with a view of of the Brooklyn Bridge and the city skyline.

  30. Oh the blue skies and the sites are gorgeous Pat. I love the old Fashioned Banana Split photos. . clearly the way to spend a sunny afternoon.

  31. Oh, I just have to go and have a delicious banana split!

  32. The link at Little Red House didn't work for me, so I came by an alternate route. Worth the trip!

  33. Once again, what a wonderful place to visit.
    Your ice cream looks and sounds delicious! What a great view of the bridge, I look forward to seeing more.
    Hugs, Cindy

  34. I am a big, big fan of banana splits! I think walking around the Brooklyn Bridge after eating that yummy ice cream would make the perfect Sunday Afternoon!

  35. Your banana split does look absolutely fabulous! What a great way to spend the beautiful day!

  36. Pat what a perfect day including my favorite ice cream treat!! Yum!


    Art by Karena

    Do come and enter my new Giveaway, a very special painting!

  37. Now THIS was a killer post!!! Ice cream, shot with a great digital camera and posted in July. Am I drooling? Duh! :)

  38. like it! :)

    If you want, follow me and I'll follow you back. :)

  39. We need ice cream around here today and I haven't had a banana split in many years--decades, maybe. Of course, we won't have the spectacular views. Will be looking forward to you sharing those.


  40. WOW, that is a lot of calories even with a good walk. Drool, drool . . .

  41. What a nice way to spend the day! I wouldn't have been able to pass up that banana split either.

  42. SUPER YUM! LOVING these views... of ice cream and Bridge alike! ;o) Thanks for the treat, Pat! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  43. Hi Pat! It’s not what it seems: I’ve just been too busy... No holidays... ;)


    Blogtrotter Two is posting on Corsica this summer... Enjoy and have a wonderful week!!

  44. Wow banana splits, the NY skyline, wonderful!

  45. Wonderful post on your world. The banana split looks delicious. Now, I will be craving one. Love the mosaic.

  46. Hi Pat!

    What a fabulous park!! The views are breathtaking! There's just so much to see in New York... I'll never forget that trip!!

    Tell Vinny "Hi" from us!!
    Hugs, sherry

  47. My mouth is watering at the thought of banana and icecream. A local place here sells banana caramel icecream.

  48. I have been wanting ice cream all day! My girls work for Sonic and I have been so bad getting vanilla malts! But on the up side I do walk at least 1 1/2 miles daily! Hee Hee!
    Thank banana slipt looks so yummy! Thanks always for sharing with us. Anne

  49. I just gained a few extra pounds, damm....


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