
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hotel del Coranado

This was my second visit to the beautiful Hotel Del Coranado located on Coranado Island located in San Diego's Bay. Built in 1888, this classic beach front hotel has long been heralded as one of America’s most beautiful beach resorts.  Nicknamed "The Del," it was designated a historic landmark in 1977.

According to the hotel's website:

"The Del's visionary founders - Elisha Babcock and H.L. Story - dreamed of building a seaside resort that would be "the talk of the Western world." Since then, the resort has become a living legend, visited by celebrities, dignitaries and U.S. presidents. In fact, publisher Rand McNally recognized the Hotel del Coronado for enjoying more "fame and historical significance than perhaps any hotel in North America.'
Eleven U.S. Presidents have visited The Del, starting with Benjamin Harrison in 1891. One of the resort's most famous visitors was England's Prince of Wales in 1920. He would later become King Edward VIII, only to give up his throne in 1936 to marry Coronado divorcee Wallis Spencer Simpson. Many have speculated that they may have first met at The Del.
The Del has played host to some of America's greats, including Thomas Edison, L. Frank Baum and Babe Ruth. Famed aviator Charles Lindbergh was honored at The Del in 1927 after his successful trans-Atlantic flight. At this lavish banquet, a replica of Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. Louis" circled the enormous Crown Room ceiling.
Hollywood has been making movies at The Del since 1901. In 1958, The Del was the backdrop for the comedy classic "Some Like It Hot," starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. The resort has also seen a steady stream of celebrity visitors - from Charlie Chaplin and Humphrey Bogart to Brad Pitt and Madonna."

 I enjoyed looking at the elegant lobby and reception area....

...and the equally wonderful array of gift shops located in The Del!

The grounds were immaculate and quiet except....

...for an occasional Navy jet practicing maneuvers overhead!

The Del faces the Pacific Ocean with the large white sand Coronado Central Beach in between.  From the beach you can see how enormous and beautiful the entire hotel is!

I walked along the beach for quite some time as the cool breeze off the water was delightful.  Point Loma, San Diego, can be seen in the distance.

The water was quite chilly!

Pumpkins, San Diego style, made out of beach sand!

Happy Halloween!

Be sure to come back for my Monday blog post to see an exciting give away!

I'm linking this post to the "Mosaic Monday" event on Mary's blog Little Red House and "Blue Monday" event on Smiling Sally's blog. Thanks you to both wonderful hosts.

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  1. What a beautiful place! I would love to stay here some time...will have to put it on my list. I also like how clever the pumpkin sand sculpture came our.
    ♥, Susan

  2. I love San Diego! My husband's dad stayed at the Hotel del Coranado - many years ago! I love the elegance of the lobby!

    Also, what a beautiful quote from Marilyn Monroe, I think I'll copy it and hang it up in my classroom!


  3. Oh, this is a wonderful post, beautiful, and I have learned so much! I didn't know about this place! Of course I saw "Some Like It Hot", who hasn't?? And the quote on the gift shop window, of all people Marilyn Monroe said it!! I also love the shot from away that shows this place sits right on the beach!! And the sand pumpkins, how cool!!! You are so blessed to be able to go to all these fabulous places!

  4. there aren't enough words to describe the beauty...I remember Don and I driving across the bridge and maybe to one of the Naval Bases...just going across the bridge was pretty exciting

    thank you for sharing Pat

  5. I love walking past The Del, both on the street and in the sand. Whenever we visit our daughter who lives in SD, we make sure to drive over to Coronado for a beach walk. (I never knew that Wallace Simpson was from Coronado. Thanks for the information)

  6. I've visited San Diego a few times and the Hotel del Coranado was my favorite landmark. I stayed across the bay from it, sadly, but the view (when there was no smog) was spectacular.

  7. Oh what beautiful pictures. I wish I was there in the beautiful sunshine. lol I can not beleive this snow in NY. The pumpkin sand sculpturs are so cute. Have a wonderful weekend. Grace xoox

  8. I always enjoy seeing beautiful photos of Hotel del Coronado. Fun sand sculptures!

  9. I've been to the Del once. Dick had a meeting in San Diego and one of the dinners was held there one evening. A beautiful place. Your photos are gorgeous. Loved the pumpkins!

  10. I recognized the hotel from "Some Like It Hot", one of my favorite movies, even though I was a toddler when it first hit the big screen. I would love to stay there one time. xo

  11. I have read about this beautiful place and it is even more beautiful than I imagined!
    I love there sand pumpkins too!

  12. I have never visited San Diego, but would love to. I remember the Pacific being quite chilly. Your pictures are lovely. I look forward to browsing through your earlier post. Thank you so much for stopping over at "Living Life" and commenting. I am always happy to meet another lover of quotations. I hope to see your again. Bonnie

  13. Swoon, swoon and triple swoon. This is definitely on my Places to go list and I am pinning it. That beach is unbelievable. San Diego is just wonderful. How fun.

  14. Oh, cool, I LOVE those sand pumpkins! And I love the Del too. And those amazing military jets that fly over every day. And walking along that beachfront, and, and, and.... Maybe I need to get in my car and drive the two hours it takes to get there one day very soon.

  15. I love those beach pumpkins.
    Locals have a tradition of visiting the Del at Christmas time when the decorations are up and amazing. I wanted to honeymoon there after our week before Christmas wedding but they only had twin beds or a full sized bed...too short for us Gll folks.

    Did you know the Del was built without blueprint or drawn plans? Craftmanship was so much better back then.

  16. That looks like a scene from a romantic movie. I hope you got to have a fun evening, too!

  17. I love the Del! I've only stayed there once and was a bit disappointed that it was one of the newer rooms built away from the original Del building. I understand the newer rooms are nicer, but they lack the character that the old hotel has!

  18. AWESOME post!!! I have visited here in years past when my daughter was a synchronized swimmer. I took the whole team there and we spent the day on the beach. Thanks for a wonderful post to stir up some good memories.
    BEAUTIFUL pictures. Where else could you get those sand pumpkins??

  19. What a gorgeous hotel! Looks like a nice visit Pat, love the pumpkins-Happy Halloween:@)

  20. What a beautiful hotel and resort Pat. Right at the beach, what a treat.
    You must have had a wonderful time.
    Have a nice week.

  21. Thank you Pat for your great tours of Southern California. My son and daughter in law visit San Diego when they need to relax and it`s a cool respite from the heat of Yuma.

  22. place is a little chunk of paradise! Such elegance and grandeur! LOVE that wonderful quote from Marilyn Monroe. I have to note that in my journal! How fun are those sand pumpkins--very cleverly done! Happy Halloween, Pat...wishing you a spooky weekend ((HUGS))

  23. Beautiful! Big difference form the yucky weather we had yesterday! Love those pumpkins :)

  24. Oh Pat!! It is so Some Like it Hot!! OH wow! I love love love love love that film - and yes that's the hotel! Oh wow - now I've got stars in my eyes and I'm twinkling!! Yayyyaayayay!!

    Happy Halloween! Take care

  25. Lovely spot...what wonderful plantings outside, too!

  26. That is a lovely place and so tied together with that movie. Love the pumpkins and the shots of the sea. How different from what we got here on the east coast!

  27. Lovely pictures - I've just heard of the snowstorm in New York. Hope that you're keeping warm and safe. I love the quote - it's so true!

  28. Hi Pat! Sorry for the absence, but these last two months have been nasty! My mother (90) was in hospital for more than three weeks and the post-surgery was hard! My father (94) seemed to be orphan while my mother was out and felt into some kind of depression... The economy is a disaster and the media only bring bad news... The € Euro is rescued every day, only to be known that it needs to be rescued again and again... What else? Well, maybe «Midnight in Paris»... The problem is that the Gil there is a different one... ;)

    With a new British airways direct flight from Heathrow to San Diego, things are getting easier... ;)

    Blogtrotter Two wanders currently around Porto Vecchio and the beaches in the region! Enjoy and have a wonderful week ahead!

  29. My friends were just there and took photos of this hotel. Beautiful! I'm going to share this blog with her. Love the sand pumpkins. Blessings, Pamela

  30. Paul and I had lunch there years ago when he had a business trip to San Diego. Oh you have me wishing he could have another business trip - I remember walking the beach with him - just enchanted.

  31. The hotel is immaculate, grand and very elegant, but my favourite shot of all was of the rocks and the sea. I could drink in that view all day!

  32. Fabulous photos. Makes me want to take a vacation.... :)

  33. I was there years ago and loved it. Your photos of it are wonderful.

  34. I've stayed there with my husband and girls about 18 years ago and loved it! I don't recall the beach being so pristine and white though. Maybe they've brought in some better sand ;)

  35. What a beautiful hotel and San Diego is a lovely city. Great post and photos, the sand pumpkin sculptures are cool. Have a great week!

  36. I love its localization! Very elegant interiors

  37. What an amazing place! You treat yourself so good my lady!

  38. Pat, I'm just catching up after being gone for awhile. LOVE Hotel Del!! We stayed on Coronado Island a couple years ago for a Valentine's getaway. There was not a thing about out visit I didn't enjoy including some outstanding shrimp tacos with a frosty margarita!! LOL! blessings to you. tanna

  39. Ooo, nice.

    Happy Blue Monday to you, Pat!

  40. Beautiful shots! Looks like a great place to visit.

    My Blue Monday.

  41. That's quite a pumpkin sculpture!

  42. A beautiful place. We so enjoyed our time there a few years ago...and spent an enjoyable afternoon on the beach in frot of thta hotel.

  43. this place is amazing... i love it!!! Happy Halloween my dear!

  44. Hi goodness but time flies when your havin' fun bloggin' and livin' life. I've been doing lots of both without much time for visiting, so I'm just droppin' in to say Howdy, and invite you to stop by CollectInTexas Gal.

    As times change for all of us, our Blogs seem to reflect those changes in our interests, and CITexas Gal has changed a bit with the addition of Tracks of My Texas Ancestors. Yep, I've been bitten by the Genealogy Bloggin' Bug.

    I'd love to share the Blogging Genealogy Community with you. I hope you will have a minute to stop by and see/read the 'May I Introduce You To' interview Feature on CollectInTexas Gal/Tracks of My Texas Ancestors by GeneaBlogger.

    Sue...CollectInTexas Gal

  45. Del Coronado hasn't changed one bit since my hubby and I were there on our honeymoon in 1985! Thanks for the wonderful post down memory lane for me!

  46. Hello, dear blogging friend!

    I liked this post... it reminded me of a time long, long ago that John and I stayed here. He had a business trip and I was able to tag along. It was wonderful!

  47. I love this, Pat. What a swanky place, and those beach sand pumpkins are too cute!

    Hope you are doing well. We've been in a tizzy around here, but we are alive and kickin'!

    Love you...




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