
Friday, October 21, 2011

How Do You Stay Happy....$250 Sweepstakes!

A window in Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY

Do you ever feel like this? 

You have a million tasks on your "to do" list, errands to run, deadlines to meet, reports or blog posts to write.  You have much work to be done, yet you feel tired, worn out, and just plain blocked?

Windows along the NYC Highline Elevated Walkway

BlogHer posed the question "How do you stay happy and engaged while working?" to bloggers on their "Life Well Lived" editorial panel, and asked us to name in a few sentences one tip that we use to do just that.

Can you guess my answer?

Castle window in Ireland

The first thing I thought of was to open my windows -- pull up the blinds -- pull back the curtains and let the natural light and air fill my work area. 

Doing so never fails to invigorate me!

Window in Montauk Lighthouse, Long Island, NY

Even the smallest window can let in a large amount of natural daylight which helps chase away the doldrums and boredom which can drag me down. I always feel more productive when I work in good light.

Do you feel the same way?

 Window in Montauk, Long Island, NY

Taking a few moments to look outside my window and virtually stretch my vision and my thoughts to a distant vista can be as relaxing as a mini vacation.  It leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to get back to work.

Window in Officer's House, Governor's Island, NYC

Blogher's "Life Well Lived" Sustainable Happiness expert, Dr. Aymee Coget, shared her valuable tips for "4 Steps Toward Serenity While Working" which were:

  1. EMPOWER yourself to take charge of your own happiness
  3. CONTROL your environment to the best of your ability
  4. BOOST your mood using positive mood boosting techniques
  5. Intrigued?  You can read more of what Dr. Amyee wrote on this link.  
While you are there please leave a comment and share the ways you help yourself, stay happy and engaged at work in the BlogHer comments section.  It is also a nice way to introduce new readers to your blog and find other interesting blogs to read!

You can also read the "Happy at Work" tips that other bloggers on the "Life Well Lived" panel suggested on this link.

Window of a house in Greenwich Village, NYC

Enter to win a $250 Visa gift card on the BlogHer "Life Well Lived Moments" Sweepstakes by leaving a comment on the general little moments in life that make you happy on the Sweepstakes page on this link.  The sweepstakes runs until November 16, 2011.  Wouldn't winning a $250 visa gift card be a happy occurrence, especially with the holidays coming soon?

Window of the American Indian Museum,
 formerly the Customs House, NYC

One of the things that brings me many happy moments in my life is to travel and discover new things -- whether it be in my neighborhood, in my city, or on a vacation far away.
In fact, I have been away the last two weeks in California, having a dream opportunity of driving up the Pacific Coast Highway with my husband from San Diego to San Francisco

It's always good to return home and now I have quite a bit to catch up on -- especially on all I missed on your blogs while I was away!  As soon as I download all my photos I'll be back with all the wonderful sights and some sounds that we experienced in sunny California -- even a earthquake tremor or two!


  1. I like to draw my curtains and open windows the moment the sun is up and there is light! :-)

    Reducing my blogposts to once a week has really freed up my time! It's amazing how much I get done - even if it's just writing a story a week too!!

    Awww WELCOME BACK!!! Glad you had a great time in San Francisco and San Diego!! Take care

  2. I would love to be in Montauk antiquing right now. That would make me a happy girl. Not so sure about my husband and his wallet...

  3. I have just returned from a trip too. I am looking forward to your photos of California. That is a great road trip.
    I too like to open the curtains and have the light streaming in to feel happy and ready to work, not that I do paid work any more, just retirement work.

  4. I'm always looking out my window.

    Glad you got to enjoy that trip up PCH with your hubby. I've done that three times with mine and loved every minute of it! Can't wait to see your photos!

  5. Yes, light is very important and I think sometimes we don't realise this till we find ourselves trying to work in a dark and gloomy environment. My way is to look at my dog!

  6. What a wonderful post. I agree with you...light, fresh breezes and sunshine make me happy!

  7. I was wondering where you were ... I've missed you here and on Pinterest! Can't wait to see the photos of your trip. I know they'll be great! I always have problems when I go to BlogHer ... don't know why, but I'll pass ... Welcome Home!

  8. This was interesting and inspiring, while I am now feeling a little bit tired with my work

  9. Oh I tried it, right in the middle of your post, hopped up, and opened the blinds, and found the sun waiting for me and those scarlet sumacs still shining on the end of the street. Thanks, Pat!

    Looking forward to seeing and reading more about your trip! A tremor or two? Oh my!

  10. Nice post Pat...I am looking forward to your return. I always open the windows and let the natural light in. One of the things that I look forward to is the sounds of the church bells. At 12:30 PM every afternoon, the church up the street will play a song that sometimes will last for several minutes. The sweet melody of the bells coming from the church is one of those everything is right in the world moments for me. Have a wonderful weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  11. I LOVE that drive up the California coast. I'm looking forward to your pictures. As I read your post about opening up the windows...which I loved...I realized that those are the moments when I need to turn my gaze to God and throw my arms upward and "open" myself to Him. I need much beyond myself to move on and function.

  12. enjoyed your post...and the excellent photos of windows!

  13. Wonderful post! I love light and lots of window and enjoy looking through windows, whether from inside or outside! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip to California and I'll look forward to seeing some of it through your camera lens eye! Have a good weekend!

  14. One of the things that drew me to Pondside was the number of windows in the house - views, breezes, light all freely available.
    Sometimes, like right about now, I feel overwhelmed by the demands of life - on Sunday I leave for two weeks of work at two different locations, and while the thought of three days with my grands is uplifting, the other demands loom. the best thing for me? - a long, brisk walk - walk and think, walk and plan, walk and dream - to take the edge off.

  15. Hi Pat, I agree about opening windows and natural light during the day. Makes such a big difference. Being out and about with my close friends always lifts my mood. I will visit these links, too. Welcome back! Can't wait to read all about your West Coast adventure. xo

  16. My husband and I love to sit in front of the tall windows in our living room and watch the seasons change, the sunsets, the occasional deer, fox or raccoon walking through the yard.

    Can't wait to see your photos and hear about California.

  17. Hope my home town of San Diego suited your visiting time!
    Fresh flowers always perk me up.

  18. Oh, I feel the same way, Pat! Light always lifts. And I light candles a lot too, which also adds light... especially in the darker days now with autumn here and winter to come...LOL! LOVE the window images today--very happy & uplifting. Glad you had a great time in CA. :o) Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

  19. Glad to see you are home for awhile. How much are you home and how much away? You have such a FUN life, and it is fun living it through you. The first thing I do when I get up and dressed is to throw open all the drapes, and I have lights that put out a LOT of wattage! When we go to other people's houses in the evening, I can't stand how dim their lights are and I can hardly see. The name of my blog is no coincidence. Hope you have a great weekend!

  20. I love windows and sunshine! I'd have to say sunshine and my garden make me happy, and of course my two dogs!

  21. I start each morning watching the sun rise in the east and I walk to the rooms that have the curtains drawn and let the light in. The light energizes me as does listening to music while I work. have a wonderful day Pat and welcome back from your holiday.

  22. Welcome home, Pat!
    I am def happy when I see the beautiful blue sky!
    Have a great weekend!

  23. I keep as little in the way of curtains on my windows and doors as possible because I love to have as much light in our home as I can.

    I am also a morning person. I am invigorated much more then, than any other time of the day.

  24. I can't wait to see the photos and read of the restaurants you have visited on your California trip!

    I love the way you illustrated your love of light and open windows! I am always invigorated by a good long walk:)

  25. Sunlight and fresh air will cure whatever ails you. Seeing new sights is also something that I love.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  26. I love light and I hate it when the days get shorter.
    Have a nice weekend.

  27. The first thing I do every morning is open the blinds and windows (weather permitting)! I love natural light and fresh air! So naturally, I'm headed to the Maine coast this morning, which makes me a very happy girl!

    Have a great weekend!

  28. When I'm working from home, natural light and fresh air are must-haves. At work, I am surrounded by children and don't have a second free to think of anything at all.

  29. Pat, good advice! Your window shots are stunning. I always feel happy when I visit your blog! ;-)
    Eager to see your CA shots. Earthquake tremors????
    Yikes! ~ Sarah

  30. Great post, Pat! I love the windows, makes me feel better already. Looking forward to posts of your trip! Welcome back, just in time for some cooler Autumn weather, too!

  31. Thanks for the link to the sweepstakes Pat, but I only need to read your blog to instantly feel happy.

  32. I love this - because I am in the midst of de-cluttering - working my fingers to the bone with a new work and grant applications and sometimes - just get overwhelmed. I am now looking at Yoga classes to lift the mind, spirit and body! But maybe - a glance through a window will do! Especially through your windows.


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