
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Viewing "The Chew" With Best Friends!

Have you been watching the new afternoon TV show called "The Chew"? Produced by Gordon Elliott's Chew Productions for the ABC Television Network, it is a fast-paced show broadcast from New York City that "celebrates and explores life through food." It stars Chefs Mario Batali, Michael Symon, and Carla Hall, along with stylist Clinton Kelly, and author of the 2006 bestseller "The Dorm Room Diet," Daphne Oz.  (All photos will enlarge if double clicked on)

I received an e-mail a few weeks ago asking if I'd like tickets to attend a taping. I had already had plans to meet a blogger, Linda from "Ciao Chow Linda," on October 4, so I asked if she'd like to attend the show with me, along with my husband and another friend, as I was allowed four tickets.

I've been reading and enjoying Linda's wonderful food blog for many years and I was looking forward to finally meeting her and having a fun NYC "foodie" day with her! Linda is a wonderful Italian focused cook, and her recipes and photography are always a delight!

My friend, Rosemary, took a photo of us sitting in The Chew's audience.  If you are curious to watch the episode we attended you can watch it in full on this link.  The theme of the show we attended was "Comfort Foods." We didn't get too much camera time, as we weren't sitting behind the people chosen to be "audience tasters," but we had a good time and enjoyed watching Mario and Michael cook delicious and easy chicken dishes --Mario made Grilled Chicken in Tapenade With Fennel Salad, and Michael made Braised Chicken Fennel and Potatoes.  Carla makes her famous Macaroni and Cheese with guest Sam Champion, the popular weatherman for ABC's Good Morning America. Click on the highlighted words to see their recipes.

No photography was allowed before or during the show, but I was able to take these photos afterward so you can see how many people are involved with the show behind the scenes in the studio.  Mario was engrossed in conversation with the producer Gordan Elliot after the show, but Carla, Michael, and Clinton came over to the audience area to say hello.

Linda and I outside the ABC studio. Each audience member was given a sample tin of Carla Hall's delicious Alchemy Cookie Bites as a gift to take home.

No, this is not our feet, but I did want to show you the fun set of orange crocs worn by Mary and Judy, two ladies from New Jersey, who we met on the audience line before the show. I promised to show their fun shoes on my blog.  Mario Batali is famous for wearing orange crocs, and as his fans, they donned their orange crocs in honor of him!

After the show, we went to the Lower East Side in Manhattan to have brunch at the Clinton Street Baking Company and Restaurant, which I previously blogged about at this link.  This popular restaurant is famous for its fluffy pancakes and buttermilk biscuits, and there is usually a line of people waiting to get in. We had to wait about 40 minutes before being seated, and we must have been very hungry, as we ate everything without taking photos of our delicious meals!  Finally feeling satiated, we continued on our day's adventure and drove into Brooklyn.

Linda lives in New Jersey and hasn't visited the New York City borough of Brooklyn, where we live, for a while, so we took her for a little tour of an interesting neighborhood along Atlantic Avenue.

This street is famous for its variety of antique shops and vintage architectural and industrial furniture salvage shops.  Linda's daughter was the happy recipient of an HGTV "Dear Genevieve," makeover of her Manhattan apartment early this year, and Linda thought they may have found some of the elements they used to decorate her apartment in Brooklyn, in shops such as these.

It was fun to wander in and out of many of the stores and see what was being offered.  Some of the objects we saw brought back memories.  Notice one building was once the 1925 flagship "Ex Lax" factory. It has been converted into a co-op apartment building.

Most of the objects in these stores were highly-priced and unusual antiques, so we enjoyed looking but did not buy anything.

Atlantic Avenue is also known for its wealth of Middle Eastern markets, bakeries, stores, and restaurants.

A market I thought Linda might enjoy seeing was Sahadi's, a Middle Eastern Specialty Food Market located at 187 Atlantic Ave., between Clinton and Court Streets, since 1948.

It is jammed packed with bins and jars and containers full of bulk nuts, seeds, beans, grains, flours, dried fruits, coffee, cheeses, condiments, and spices, all at wonderfully low prices!

There are many imported foods from the Middle Eastern countries such a Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan and also foods from Greece and Italy and some European selections.

Sahadi's large selection of fresh olives available for purchase would certainly make a chef like Mario Batali very excited!

I obviously found some food delicacies to buy in Sahadi's, as did my friend Rosemary and Linda. It was a wonderful day and we promised we'd get together again on another adventure very soon!

Now for the winner of the Bertolli free frozen soup coupons, soup ladle, and ceramic bread dish!  Thanks to all who entered. I had  103 comments on the giveaway post and using the winning number between 1- 103 was number 85, which turned out to be Susan, from the blog Beyond My Kitchen Window.  Congratulations, Susan! Please send your name and address to me so I can forward it to the Bertolli people who will send the gift set out to you. Enjoy their delicious frozen soups!

It is my 37th wedding anniversary today, so I am also celebrating! I feel blessed to be married to my best friend and look forward to many more years together. Love you, my sweetheart ♥

You can also find me on

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  1. Happy Anniversary, Pat! Looks like a fun day. xo

  2. How fun to get to go to a show taping, meet a blogging friend, and enjoy this wonderful time of year in a beautiful city. Thanks for your support with my daughter! It is nice to know people are so supportive!

  3. First, Happy Anniversary to you and your honey! Enjoyed this post very much. What a fun day you had with your friend and Sahardi's looks like a dream visit SEa Witch

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both!

    What a fun day you had with two friends, one from each of your worlds. ☺

    I keep looking at your hair, my dear, and I see no resemblance between your lovely mane and my own. Oh I wish! It's all been lopped off as of today. I was so done with that mop that I didn't even care what John had to say about it.

    (No, I haven't been watching this show, but I may have to take a look after this post.)

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both, Pat. What a fun day! I've been so busy I haven't been home to watch The Chew, but will do so very soon.

  6. What a fun treat to view this show and with best friends,too!!
    Love it.
    A very Happy Anniversary to you. Dear and I hit 37 in December!
    Blessings on your new year together...

  7. Oh Pat - You captured it all so well with your photos and every bit of it was a delight. You, Vinny and Rosemary were so gracious and fun to be with. The show was great, but your company was really the best part. Happy Anniversary to you both.

  8. What a fabulous outing. I think Michael Symon is adorable.

    Happy Anniversary!

  9. I haven't seen it Pat. I have read reviews of it though.

    You have the best times! Looks like fun!
    Happy Anniversary, Brooklyn Pat!

  10. First of all, Happy Anniversary, Pat! I hope you all have the most wonderful anniversary of your lives! You look faaaaaar too young to have been married 37 years so I know you were a child bride! :-)

    What a wonderful time you had with your friends, and the program and the tour of Brooklyn look like so much fun! I think I told you that one of my best friends was the public relations director of BAM many years ago, and she loved living in Brooklyn. She lived in an older brownstone there. I think NYC is one of the most wonderful places on earth, and seeing that market and all of the many thing it has to offer just reinforces that belief.

    Love to you and your honey!



  11. Hi Pat, Happy Anniversary to you all... Hope you REALLY celebrate!!!!!

    Sounds like you had a great time with friends --as you viewed "The Chew" and then had lunch and some shopping together. How SPECIAL...


  12. Happy, Happy Anniversary, Pat!! Hope y'all have a wonderful time celebrating!

    Wow, what a fun day!! Packed with all kinds of things!! Glad you all had such a great time! blessings ~ Tanna

  13. What a WONDERFUL day this sounds like to me. Everything sounds right up my alley. Happy Anniversary to you!

  14. You do THE coolest things!!! You must be a really big deal in N.Y. to get invited to do all these things! Of course I have been hearing about The Chew, we watched Carla on Top chef, which we never miss!! She has enough excitement for ten people! Love the picture of you in the audience! This looks like you had the perfect day!!! I hope you have a wonderful anniversary, that you BOTH have a great time!

  15. How fun that you got to see that show! I have been watching it because I am a fan of Mario and Clinton....

  16. what a fun foodie day! my husband and i
    saw mario at a wonderful italian restaurant
    in new york, called del posto.

    happy anniversary!!

  17. Happy Anniversary! And what a fun day! Oh how I would love to come see NYC with someone like you, who knows all the great places!!! I must find this show!! When is it on???

  18. I have never been to a live set but I definitely would love to be there, happy weekedn soon :)

  19. I would love to spend some time in Sahadi's. What a wealth of choice!!

  20. sounds like you had together a lot of fun!

  21. Awwwwwwwwwww Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!! Yay!!

    And what a day you and hubby and Linda and Rosemary had!! How fantastic!! What fun to be in a TV audience for what sounds like a fab cookery show! Unfortunately ABC won't let me have a peek at their The Chew show cos I'm outside the US! Nevermind - your pics and words are enough to give me a flavour of what the show's all about! Love the Orange Crocs! LOL!

    Awwww the antiques shops are lovely - very art deco!! Oh but those olives!!! Oh wow!! I love love love olives and I'm dribbling just looking at these fresh ones on offer! Yay!

    Thanks for the fab pics and tour around another fab area of NYC! Take care

  22. I left a comment on Linda's blog as well, and I'm here to say how nice was for you to meet up! Italy meeting Ireland in US, how good is that?

  23. It looks like a great set and a fun show! I had gotten an email for tickets and had to refuse. I go to Asheville next week and felt bad taking another day off from work. But now I am jealous. Hopefully they will invite me again. Thanks for sharing such great pictures. Usually no pictures before during or after. I don't get it for after. Martha Stewart lets you take pictures. Go figure. lol Hugs Grace

  24. Happy Anniversary!!! Looks like all of you had a great day starting with viewing THE CHEW! I'll have to check the local ABC station and see when it is on. Fun post!

  25. Oh Pat what a great post! I'm so happy you and Linda finally met! You two look fantastic in the photos, I'm so happy I got to meet both of you in person. I'm loving The Chew already, what a fun day, I'm completely envious!!!!

  26. Yay - you two finally met! I mean you are a mere one state apart! What a grand adventure you all had. Was fun to partake through the blog. Sahardi's looks like a "must-do." Chilly in NYC? We are in the upper 80's and it looks as if you all have fall jackets!

  27. Happy anniversary Pat. What a gerat day you must have had with your friends and see that show. nd I loved seeing all those shops with middle eastern foods and such. You really live in the middle of the world.

    We are leaving Spain tomorrow and going through France for 2 days and then be home on Sunday.

    Have a nice weekend.

  28. Happy Anniversary, Pat! What an exciting day you ladies had. I've seen several episodes of The Chew and enjoyed them. Mario is one of my favorite chefs.
    What fun to have met Linda. She is one of my favorite bloggers and I know you must have had a great day.

  29. Happy Anniversary, Pat. I wish you both many more years to joy.♥

    I am so happy that I was able to see the two of you on The Chew. It looks as if you all had quite an adventure and a fun day.

  30. Happy Anniversary! Glad to have stumbled upon your blog (from Linda's). It's great that you two got to meet up at such a fun event!

  31. Hi Pat....Your posts are always so much fun....I have never been to a t.v. taping but daughter always wants to me go with her...Now that she has moved back into NY maybe I will take her up on it....

    I heard from Joyce and she is having a wonderful time in Chicago...going to many cooking classes and she just became a grandmother again...Her son and DIL had another little boy....she is very happy and I hope to get to see her when she gets back to Atlanta in November....
    I will have to make sure daughter has your link so she can keep up with what's going on in the city now that she's back....She moved yesterday to Sutton Place @54th. and just reported that it's too quiet!!
    And the dog has not stopped barking at passerbys.....

  32. Happy Anniversary! Again such interesting posts (catching up, I've been away) ... how amazing to attend the taping of that show! I will check it out.

    Thanks for your wonderful blog!


  33. Well - what a great afternoon you 4 must have had. It would have been great fun to go to the taping of the4 show and so interesting to wander into the stores and see the food from different countries. Happy anniversary to you and your hubby, Pat!

  34. How exciting to be at an actual TV show taping. You live in such an amazing area. To have all different cultures represented by their wonderful food markets is such a treat. I guess congratulations are in order for me. WOO HOO!!! This was a great give away and I'm really thrilled to have won it. Thank you so much Pat.

  35. First and foremost...Happy Anniversary! Mr O and I will be celebrating our 35th this year...time flies!

    Carla is another of my favorite Top Chef stars...fantastic food and a great sense of humor...her food was always made with love:) How much fun you all had!!

  36. Happy Anniversary, Pat! We'll celebrate 38 years next week - October is a great month!
    What an interesting day you had. Would I ever love to walk along Clinton Street to visit those shops - they must smell marvelous.

  37. Happy Anniversary, Pat! Hope you both had a lovely & loving day celebrating! Such fun with "The Chew"... I didn't know about this, so this was interesting to find out about. Loved your foodie shop-hop too! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  38. Congrats on many happy years, many more to you and your husband! What a fun way to get together, the taping looks like a lot of fun! I saw bits and pieces of that show, would have watched out for you. The shopping looks fantastic!

  39. Happy Anniversary, Pat! My husband and I celebrated our 37th this year as well. 1974 was a great year to be married :)

    I have not seen The Chew yet, I'll have to look for it. How great that you got to see one of the shows taped and meet Linda.

  40. Happy anniversary wishes! Wow, you never fail to have fantastic posts! How I enjoyed this post and all of the photos. A great time for sure. So nice stopping by to visit with you!

  41. We don't get that show here ..yet.
    I loved seeing you in the audience. It doesn't seem like we live worlds apart anymore and I find myself thinking that there is much more to see in your area than I accomplished in two days.

  42. Happy Anniversary to you and hubby...great post...enjoyed my visit!

  43. Would you like to attend???? Duh!!! lol. I just love The Chew! You have so much fun in NYC! Lucky you. They knew what they were doing by inviting you....NY's best representative!!

    Happy, Happy Anniversary!

  44. I think you live a charmed life! I love your pictures of the antique store. Your NYC is a fabulous place,and I am proud it is my hometown!

  45. Happy Anniversary, Pat, and may you have many more happy years ahead of you.
    What a fabulously fun day you had! You do have the best photos and stories to tell, and this one is no exception. You make me want to see New York, a place I've never been and have always said I would never go.
    Thanks for taking us along with you on this one!
    Hugs, Cindy

  46. What Fun Pat! I've only seen one episode of The Chew I need to DVR it! Happy Anniversary to you~ wishing you many more!

  47. It was so much fun to read this post Pat! I have been a fan of Linda's blog for a long time now. I watched the show and saw your husband in the audience. I am thinking that this show may be geared to a younger demographic as much of the cooking segments were a bit silly. I am not sure about the attraction of having a news anchor do a cooking demonstration when he clearly did not cook. I watched the show two other times to see if I was being fair. It is a little disjointed to me...Ms. Oz is pushing a healthy agenda while Mr. Batali was making pasta a la carbonara (it did look delicious though). Nice to see you and Linda together.

  48. Thank you for taking us along for the behind the scenes and neighborhood tour. After seeing the olives, I'm hungry! Yum!

  49. Looks for an amazing day. Great to have you a part of Seasonl Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  50. What a fun time, Pat! There must always be something to see or do in New York City. I enjoyed the behind the scenes and the tour of New York. I am a big fan of the cooking shows and HGTV. Awesome photos of you and your friends. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  51. You always have such grand adventures! This one is fun and colorful! I am always in anticipation of your next outing, wherever it may be! HAVE A GRAND DAY! Cathy

  52. Looks like you had a great time. Never seen this show, I will look for it. Have a wonderful week:)

  53. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

    How fun it must be to get to go to a TV show!

    Happy Blue Monday to you, Pat.

  54. What an exciting adventure! Love the show photos, as well as those of Brooklyn. I hope you had an awesome anniversary! Congratulations on 37 years!

  55. Wow looks like you all have fun. Great post!

    Fall Colors

  56. Looks like a fun day!! I like watching The Chew...I have been taping it and watching later...I enjoyed the one about Mario's store called Eately...looks like my kind of place!!

  57. I am catching up with your blog after our trip to New York. I love that carousel – it is truly an art piece. I wish we could have seen it, but there was too much to do, as usual, when we were in New York last week. We did get to meet two NY bloggers and that was very nice.

    The Bertolli soups sound so yummy – I hope they carry them in my supermarket as I shall try them for sure.

    We were lucky to get tickets to visit the 9/11 Memorial - I’ll have a post on it as soon as I go through all my photos. As we walked to the Memorial we walked through the park where the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters are gathered. I have not been following this as we were traveling but I read their panels. I think they are trying to show that our economic system is dysfunctional. The problem I see is that people here don’t like criticism – they always believe this country has a better system than the rest of the world, so why try to change? But there is more joblessness, insecurity and homelessness here than in many European countries. I went back to France last May and people are a lot happier there – best free healthcare in the world (rated no 1 by the World Health Organization) – education is free and life expectancy is higher. I think the US can do better than thinking corporate capitalism is the only way – it does not look like it anymore.

    Happy Anniversary! I hope you had a wonderful celebration.

  58. Traveling around must be fun. I
    can't believe that face of yours. You look too young to be a grandmother. These photo's are wonderful.
    Happy Anniversary to you both.
    Visiting your blog is a treat.

  59. new follower..looks like you had a great time on your trip and Happy Blue Monday to you!

  60. First things, first: Happy Anniversary, Pat. I hope you had a grand day.

    Next: Thanks for another wonderful post. I traveled with you to The Chew and then back to Brooklyn and had a great time looking at all the shops. :)

  61. I always enjoy your blog! If you ever come across the book "Bruculinu, America" by Vincent Schiavelli, you might enjoy it. It's out of print, but possibly you will come across somewhere. It's about Brooklyn and the old Sicilian traditions... which you might find interesting. The recipes are wonderful! Just a tip...
    Have a great week.
    Ladybug Creek

  62. Hi Pat. wow what a wonderful day you had! I felt like I was there with you guys. How cool to meet a blogging friend in person as well!Phew the foodie market looks de lovely.. what a grand day!


  63. Hi Pat
    Thank you for your great post!!
    I have never been to taping of a TV show. Have to watch Chew one day.

    Happy Anniversary to you both!
    - Cheers Gisela.

  64. Well. If I ever make it to New York, you can be my tour guide. What a fun outing.

  65. Great post! Sounds like you had a fun day. I was just wondering what time you got in line for the taping, I'm going next week with a friend and want to make sure we get there early enough. I know you have to be there by 730 am but we were considering going at 7. Thanks!

  66. Another wonderful post, Pat, as always. And a belated happy anniversary!

  67. What a fantastic post; I just Love The Chew. I hope you realize how lucky you are to live where you do to have these fantastic experiences.
    Happy Anniversary!

  68. I have so enjoyed my visit here at your blog this evening. Every place you visit and share is so very interesting. I can't believe how blessed I am to have the privilege of visiting these New York attractions, for free and here in my own family room. I really liked the pictures of you, Linda, and Rosemary and your visit to "THe Chew". I liked the visit to "The Clinton Street Baking Co", and I am still thinking about their fluffy pancakes and buttermilk biscuits:) You all looked like you were having so much fun together. I liked the orange shoes and the gift of cookies you were given to take home.

    I wish you and your husband a belated happy anniversary!

    Thanks again for sharing all that you do. I really enjoy my visits here!


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