
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Most Americans will be home tomorrow,
 enjoying the feast of Thanksgiving with their family.

According to census figures, Americans originate from more than 125 countries.
This diversity has made us strong and multicultural, but we all
share this wonderful celebration of Thanksgiving.

Lovingly prepared foods will be made,
using traditional recipes handed down through the generations,
and maybe a new recipe, or two, from a favorite food blog!

Thanksgiving Grace will be said before the meal, and happy memories
of what each person is most thankful for will be shared.

Afterwards, while a football game or two is being watched on TV,
 there will big pots of turkey stock simmering on the stove,
 made from the leftover turkey carcass.

However you celebrate Thanksgiving,
I wish you a day filled with the
love of family and friends,
good food, laughter and sharing,
and most importantly of all, 
a day filled with gratitude for all the blessings
God has given to all of us and our country.

All of my photos above came from a recent visit to the historical "Strawberry Banke Museum,"
located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire--a most beautiful place to see!

This is a very special Thanksgiving for my family as our sweet daughter turns 30 years old! She has always had turkey picks on her cake since she was one year old, as we always celebrated her birthday at our family's Thanksgiving dinner, and this year will be no exception.

Happy birthday sweet girl, one of our life's most wonderful blessings...we love you!

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  1. Thank you for the lovely greeting, Pat. I had a smile at the pressure cooker--much like my grandmother's. When Nanny put it on the fire, my mother would separate herself from it by several rooms!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and a happy 30th to your daughter.


  2. Pat, fun photos to go along with your charming text as we all are busy in the kitchen today. ;-)
    Wishing you and your family a splendid holiday and Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter.
    ~ Sarah

  3. I knew that kitchen looked familiar! =)

    Oh sweet photo of the and Vinny! My gosh, you were babies then. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter and have a lot of fun celebrating Thanksgiving and her birthday.

  4. (I was trying to make that kitchen be from A Christmas Story. Same era I think or close within thirty years or so. =)

  5. Happy birthday to her. Our oldest daughters birthday was yesterday. In two years it will be on Thanksgiving again. Fun museum. Hope your day is special and filled with joy! May His favor rest on you all has you give thanks!

  6. Happiest of Thanksgiving Days to you and your family, Pat! I am thankful to have you as a blogging buddy. These are great photos. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter and bride-to-be. xo

  7. Happy birthday to your daughter, Pat. You truly do have something (and someone) to be thankful for on turkey day. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    This is the time of year when I miss my dear mother the most.

  8. A very happy birthday to your daughter, Pat. A blessed Thanksgiving to you all!

  9. Fabulous post Pat! Your words and the photos you used were perfect.

    But, my favorite photo is the one of your daughter's first birthday. The love of family and celebration can not be missed in it. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and tell your daughter Happy Birthday from me.

  10. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family!

  11. I wish that was my kitchen! I've always wanted to live in a charming old house. Like Bonnie the pressure cooker brought back memories for me too. My mother had one and she'd always tell us to stand back when she would let the pressure out. I've actually been thinking about getting one since I've heard they're very safe today.

    Happy 30th Birthday to your daughter!

  12. Happy Birthday to your daughter and a happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Pat. Enjoy the day!
    The museum looks like a fun place to visit.

  13. Happy Birthday to your daughter and Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Oh wow!! Happy Thanksgiving to all your family, Pat! May your celebrations be full of fun, food and fantastic company!

    Happy birthday too to your beautiful daughter!! Yay!!! Double celebration!

    Thanks for these beautiful museum pics of these timeless homes! Take care

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Pat! And Happy 30th Birthday to your daughter. Great photos to share for this special holiday. I always enjoy your blog dear friend.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from Canada! Pamela

  17. Fun pics! Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family and Happy B-Day to your daughter Pat! Wishing you a wonderful day:@)

  18. gorgeous photos...especially the one of the beautiful fall colors...that tree is astoundingly beautiful. heres to a happy thanksgiving and joyful birthday celebration.

  19. Wonderful post Pat. The pictures were fun , your sentiments, lovely.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  20. May you be blessed with Family amd friends. Happy Thanksgiving.
    I will be missing several people
    from past Thanksgivings. I have lost so many friends this year.
    You look beautiful in that photo..

  21. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! And have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend! ♥

  22. Thank you Pat...a Happy Birthday to your daughter and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  23. Pat I enjoyed all the photos, especially the last! Happy Birthday to your daughter! My sister is twice her age, and also a "turkey" baby.

    Blessings on your day tomorrow!


  24. Pat, your post today was wonderful and I hope your daughter enjoys her birthday celebration. I just stopped by to wish you and those you love a Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to you all...Mary

  25. Pat, I wish you and your wonderful family all the blessings of a grateful heart. Happy Thanksgiving!

  26. Hi Pat, Have a wonderful birthday and Thanksgiving celebration. Thankful for your friendship!

  27. What a blazing, beautiful tree!

    Happy anniversary to you and yours...and best wishes to your sweet daughter on her 30th birthday.

  28. Happy Thanksgiving to you Pat! Have a wonderful weekend!

  29. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and happy birthday to your daughter !!!!!!!

  30. happy thanksgiving! Nice to visit this place with you!

  31. What a fabulous picture of you & Vinny and your darling daughter! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

    Have a wonderful blessed day!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...

    Hugs, Sherry

  32. What a wonderful place... I would like to move in! ;o) So sweet that photo of you & your family celebrating your daughter's birthday. Hope she has a lovely day. Wishing you & yours the happiest, blessed Thanksgiving, Pat! ((HUGS))

  33. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Pat. It's amazing how the years fly by isn't it? the coming year will be a wonderful one for your daughter. I predict this year's wishes will come true!

  34. What great photos of kitchens and dining rooms - I thought one of them might have come from The Tenement Museum. But the one of your family when the kids were young were precious. You were beautiful then as you are now Pat. Hope you and your family have a wonderful celebration together.

  35. Happy Birthday to your girl! ( My oldest turned 30 in May) I want to wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving today!
    XO Kris

  36. Happy birthday to your girl...and have you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving...blessings, baci e a abbracci, Flavia

  37. Happy Thanksgiving, Pat, I hope your every wish comes true for this special day. Happy Birthday to your daughter.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  38. Happy Thanksgiving Pat, to you and your family!

    Boy, that last photo brings back memories of those days...the hair and mustaches and fashions! Did all that really happen? I guess it did...but sure seems a few lifetimes ago to me.

  39. Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your family Pat. Wishing You a wonderful day with your family celebrating the holiday and your daughters 30th birthday :)What a beautiful family photo, a priceless memory of your daughters 1st birthday. I've so missed reading your wonderful blog! I'm looking forward to and will enjoy catching up and keeping in touch again... :)
    Margaret from B.C.

  40. Beautiful Thanksgiving post, Pat!! Love the last family photo! Happy birthday to your daughter and hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful day!! blessings ~ tanna

  41. Well, Happy Birthday to your daughter! What a fun time to have a birthday!

    And Happy thanksgiving to you, dear! I'm thankful for you. :) I hope you have had a lovely day!

  42. Happy Thanksgiving, Pat. My granddaughter fell asleep at the table today! Lots of excitement. Happy birthday to your "little girl!"

  43. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday to your girl too!

  44. A beautiful post. Thanksgiving sounds like a great family celebration. I like the way you selected the museum pictures to go with your description of the tradition. I hope you all had a great day especially your daughter.

  45. Happy thanksgiving Pat, love the last photo and its amazing how fast the children grow. I am still trying to tie the kids to my apron and never letting go haha! I am grateful to have you as my friend..hugs and love

  46. So many reasons to be thankful!
    I know that the day is over for you, way out there on the east coast, but from our coast to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

  47. I know this must have been a very special Thanksgiving for you with your daughter's birthday as part of the celebration. Hope you had a great one Pat.

  48. Oh how charming. I loved the photos Pat, they were neat. I am enjoying my Mom and sis, just wish the week did not fly by so fast..what's up with that? Always does when you are having fun. Enjoy the weekend.

  49. Happy Thanksgiving beautiful lady! Your post was wonderful!

    And Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter, too.

  50. Your holiday posts are always filled with love of the day. This is no exception. I am sure yours was grand having your daughter home - I celebrated my daughter's birthday two weeks ago - it was always a mixture of Halloween and Thanksgiving!

  51. So sweet! Happy 30th to your girl. My oldest turns 30 next August. (Funny, this is the second blog I wrote that on tonight. Another grandma in our circle had a child turn 30 this past week.)I hope your Thanksgiving was absolutely lovely...and that you'll soon have time again with your loved ones.

  52. Lovely photos of celebration of a happy family time for you.


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