
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Slow-Cooker Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup

So what does a "Mother of the Bride" do when it is approximately six months before her daughter's wedding and she is not happy with her appearance?  She joins a gym to workout a couple of hours every day and she goes on a low fat diet consisting primarily of vegetables.  At least that is what I am doing, and why I was happy to see this recipe for Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup in the December, 2011 issue of the Food Network Magazine. The ingredients of sweet potatoes, carrots, leeks, and red lentils, seasoned with fresh ginger and curry, sounded very appealing to me, and the approximate 257 calories a serving was a definite plus!

Best of all, it is a slow cooker recipe!

Perfect for this busy holiday season, when there is so much to do!

The most labor intensive part of making this soup is chopping all the vegetables into small pieces. I happen to enjoy chopping vegetables as I find it a meditative experience.  If I know I am going out for the day I will do this preperation the night before, so that all I have to do in the morning is add the ingredients into the slow cooker and turn it on.  Since this recipe is set to cook for eight hours on low heat, it's perfect for a very busy day.

How nice to come home to a bowl of wonderfully fragrant, hot soup!

  The recipe as it appears in the Food Network Magazine:

Slow-Cooker Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup

Total Time: 8 hr 25 min.
Prep: 25 min.
Cook:  8 hr 0 min.

Yield:4 servings


1 large sweet potato, peeled and diced

3 medium carrots, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

3 stalks celery, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

2 leeks, halved lengthwise and cut into 1/2-inch pieces (white and light green parts only)

3/4 cup dried yellow or red lentils

1 4-inch piece ginger, peeled and finely grated

1 teaspoon curry powder

Kosher salt

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

Juice of 1/2 lemon, plus lemon wedges for serving (optional)

1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro


Combine the sweet potato, carrots, celery, leeks, lentils, ginger, 3/4 teaspoon curry powder and 1 teaspoon salt in a 4-to-6-quart slow cooker. Add 6 cups water and stir, then cover and cook on low, undisturbed, 8 hours.

Stir the soup vigorously with a whisk to make a rough puree. Thin with hot water, if desired.

Melt the butter in a small skillet over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon curry powder and cook until the curry powder is slightly toasted, about 1 minute. Stir the curry mixture into the soup and add the lemon juice, cilantro, and salt to taste. Serve with lemon wedges.

Per serving: Calories 257; Fat 4 g (Saturated 2 g); Cholesterol 8 mg; Sodium 580 mg; Carbohydrate 45 g; Fiber 10 g; Protein 12 g

Did you watch the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on TV last night? This photo is of  last year's beautiful tree (view more photos here)  I contemplated going to the ceremony but when I heard that President Obama was also in mid town Manhattan last evening, attending another event, I decided to wait another year.  I knew all the added security would make a very crowded event even more difficult to see.  I'll visit this year's tree as soon as I can -- I never miss seeing it!  Happy December 1st!
I'm adding this post to "Alphabe" Thursday on Jenny Matlock's blog -- the letter this week is "D" -- December's perfect soup! I'm also joining in on Foodie Friday on Designs By Gollum. Thanks to both blog hosts!

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  1. I understand the whole Mother of the Bride losing weight syndrome. I am in the midst of it. I'll have to bookmark this recipe! :)

  2. We are getting ready for some snow so this sounds like a perfect soup! I wish you best with your pre wedding plan! It is always tough trying to lose a few lbs. I always do well in the summer and springtime but as the seasons change and it gets cooler it is hard for me to get motivated! Keep up the good work because I need to be inspired! Thanks Pat and I wish you well! Hugs Anne

  3. Good Luck on your 'diet' Pat... I have been dieting since April.. It's hard ---but I just keep on plugging...

    Great recipe... Looks delicious and healthy!!!!

    Didn't get to watch the big tree lighting --but I did see it on TV.


  4. How pretty the tree, the ornaments, and that yummy looking soup! I'd have to grind everything up, but I'm sure that would be allowed.

    I've never been the mother of the bride and it does not appear that that is in my future. I know that if it were, I'd be on a starvation diet or something and it probably still wouldn't work. My metabolism walked off on me long ago. All the very best with your efforts! The gym sounds like an excellent plan.

  5. Pat,
    I had sweet potato soup this week at a local deli! My first time to have it. So glad you provided a recipe!

    Love you other photos!

    Good luck with your weight loss. I have lost 11 pounds, but losing more is a struggle!

    Diane :)

  6. First, I love your new header - it is stunning! Second, I agree about going into the city on a very real gridlock Wednesday - and with the Obamas, too! This soup sounds so good - I love sweet potatoes and lentils, should make for an interesting combo! Have you tried any of the detox drinks on Pinterest? I am going to try one, need to buy mint. xo

  7. Love your Christmas header, Pat. Glad you decided to gussy up your blog for the holidays. :)

    That soup looks delicious. I have a slow cooker but I can't remember the last time I used it. Maybe it's time...

  8. Wow. .I'd love to see that Rockefeller center now in December. How beautiful. I saw the story about where the tree came from several weeks ago. It is always so amazing where they come from.
    I wish you much success in your endeavour to be all you want to be for your daughters wedding. I do think you are beautiful.

  9. Wintertime = Soup in a Slow Cooker in my world! This one looks like a keeper. And it's making me hungry. But it's after 10pm:) Thanks for a Delish post!

  10. This soup sounds good whether working on losing a few pounds or not. Don't you just love recipes that are good for you, but are still deliciously satisfying?

    One of these years, I want to see that tree in person. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  11. That DOES look like perfect soup! Can't wait to try it.

  12. That DOES look like perfect soup! Can't wait to try it.

  13. We are big soup lovers here. This soup looks too good to be diet soup!! We did just watch the tree lighting. Too much Justin Bieber, though!!

  14. The soup smells good...even from afar! Good luck with the weight-loss program. It sounds like a lot of hard work.

    Love those antique Christmas ornaments!

  15. This soup look delicious!!! I'll have to try it. I love making soups in the fall and winter. And crock pots make everything easier, don't they?
    Best wishes for your new healthy eating plan. I have been working on losing too. By eating lots more veggies and cutting out most junk food I have gone down a jeans size. Yay! I have a ways to go still, but I already feel better.

  16. I'm going to try your slow-cooker soup...I have a sweet potato that I couldn't decided what I wanted to do with it...this soup sounds perfect! I have lentils too but they're not yellow or red. Look forward to seeing your post about the 2011 tree at Rockefeller Center!

    I wish you every success with your healthy eating plan!

  17. Hi Pat. thank you so much for following my blog and your lovely kind comment. It is so odd for me to see folks getting ready for Christmas in the snow when here it is all about sand sea and sun! It looks magical though with the snow and I suppose that is why so many people here will imatate a White Christmas. Its wonderful how we have the best of both worlds in Blogland! Your blog header is just that , magical! As for the weight, I am also follwing a great diet at the moment with fruit veg and a little protien that involves a free soup! So it help a little to fill the

    Happy Weekend


  18. That looks like a delicious soup Pat and good for slimming. I start and try every day and planned to go to WW last night but then I thought we have 3 birthdays this weekend with cake and snacks so not the best time to start. LOL. I can try not to gain but loosing weight is a different matter. LOL . December is the worst month of the year for slimming ,with Christmas and the New Year coming.But I keep trying :)))
    Have a good week and good luck with your pre wedding plans.

  19. Thanks for the recipe of that delicious looking soup. We have only just bought a slow cooker last winter so I'll be trying that recipe next winter. The tree and winter scene is very pretty.

  20. Love the combination in this crock pot soup! That Christmas tree is in the midst of a perfect setting! Good luck with losing weight:)

  21. I can`t wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Eight hour soup??! YUM!! and perfect for when you've got other stuff to do! Yay - and it looks so good I can smell it from across the pond! Hooorah!

    Happy Christmas, Pat!! The tree is lovely - and I feel so happy looking at it as I do love Christmas! Take care

  23. Beautiful night picture, I love ice skating, but I'm very clumsy.

  24. Pat~ Your soup sounds delicious! I missed this recipe in the December issue, so I'm glad you posted this! I'm always looking another slow cooker recipe this one sounds perfect, flavorful & healthy for this busy time of year!

  25. Nice to come home to a big bowl of soup, it looks fantastic! Good luck, hey, I bet you would have burned plenty of calories maneuvering the streets to the tree with all the people in the city yesterday :) It looked packed! Was a great show.

  26. your soup looks delicious! such a diet must be a pleasure:)

  27. This soup looks and sounds wonderful! I love that it can cook in the crock pot.

    We did watch the lighting of the tree last night, and commented that we wished we had waited until now to go to NY instead of June :-). Maybe someday, we will get back in December.

  28. This looks wonderful ... I love soup and the ingredients so I will try it. I also like yellow lentils, for some reason! Love your new header photo and the one in the post of R.Center ... it takes me right back to the times we were there in December years past.

    Thanks for all your wonderful posts this year. I know it is a lot of work but your blog is always inspiring and informative, and a thing of beauty! I enjoy visiting!

  29. I don't have a wedding coming up but I'm committed to shedding a few pounds this winter. The soup looks and sounds delicious. I have everything but the carrots to set our own pot to simmer.


  30. That looks fabulous! Perfect to have on the stove for your tree trimming day!

  31. The soup looks delicious - and smart, too. We are soup lovers.

    I've been sick with a terrible cold and cough. It's been three weeks now, and I am beginning to improve. Unfortunately, now my husband has it.

    I hope you'll join us for Pink Saturdays this month as we celebrate the holidays together. No pink required - just holiday related.

  32. Delicious and perfect recipe for all of us who need to pare down after the indulgent Thanksgiving foods. I missed the tree lighting on TV this year Pat, but the one time I was there in person I nearly got trampled with the crowds. Never again.

  33. My guys love sweet potatoes! This looks delicious!

  34. Whenever I want to watch my calories in the winter I make lots of soups too - and salads. This recipe sounds wonderful to me because I love both sweet potatoes and lentils!

  35. I totally understand your heading to the gym and cooking with vegtables. I smiled as I read your thoughts. I also appreciate this new recipe, especially since sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods. It is cold and windy here today and hot soup sounds perfect. Thank you!

    I am thinking about you as you prepare for your daughter's wedding. Last year at this time, I was in your shoes. Enjoy the moments because it goes so quickly.

  36. I wish I were zen enough to enjoy chopping veggies. I have friends who, like you, truly do. I count them blessed!

    Looks like a wonderful soup, and Iove crockpot dishes.


    My post today: Divine Nature

  37. Yum, yum, yum! I can practically smell those sweet potatoes and the fresh ginger simmering. Mmmmmmmm!

  38. I clipped this recipe, but haven't gotten to it yet. Glad to hear it was a keeper. Good luck on your efforts. Our wedding is over, but I'm working at taking off those troublesome 10 pounds (not that I couldn't afford to lose more) that won't stay gone. I'm checking out train schedules for this weekend to see this year's tree. I love Tony Bennett and still like hearing him sing. Could have used more of him and less of the Bieb last night.

  39. Your soup looks wonderful, I love soup and especially ones that work well in a crock pot.
    The tree is gorgeous, I look forward to seeing your photos of this years.
    Hugs, Cindy

  40. That soup sounds delicious! We eat so much soup this time of year...I made cream of asparagus the other night and used non fat half and half...who knew there was such a thing! With fresh asparagus on sale very cheap right was perfect!

  41. I love that it's low-fat and I love that it's in a slow-cooker. Keep them coming. I have a "thing" this winter and I still need to take off Italy weight and drop another 15! (Although I do carbs on the weekend). Pat - that opening photo of the "tree" took my breath away.

  42. I make lentil soup all the time but I MUST try this recipe, looks yummy!!!!!!!!

  43. Hi Pat! Sorry for the absence, but there was a small accident around here...

    It looks yummy!!

    Blogtrotter Two is spending a day at sea. Enjoy (I've been missing you...) and have a wonderful weekend!

  44. WONDERFUL soup, Pat! And hope all goes well with your pre-wedding slimming. You inspire me actually, as I've been dipping in to the pre-Xmas sweets a bit already, I could slow down and slim too. ;o) Would you believe not slow-cookers here. Nope, no such thing. Isn't that crazy?! I miss them sometimes. But a pot on the simmer is easy enough. LOVELY collection of glass ornaments you have. And the tree at Rockefeller is always sensational... FUN new banner with it too! Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

  45. I just Googeled slow cooker Lentil soup and look what showed up!!! Was I ever surprised to find your newest post here:) Talk about synchronicity! I think I am going to start making this now as I have exactly what I lentils and sweet potatoes:)


  46. Thanks for this slow cooker soup recipe Pat. Good luck with your mission. Remember to choose the right foods and eat "just one" serving. Now if only I could follow my own advice! Good luck!

  47. Yes, a "mob" diets to look her best on the special day; a "mog" has a lot less stress and no one notices her figure at all--bliss!

  48. That soup looks so good.
    I am also eating mainly veggies lately and feeling a bit better because of it too.
    You are going to look great by the wedding!
    Have a lovely weekend Pat.

  49. Oh darlin', thanks so much. This just may be the delight of the weekend here on the Ponderosa.

    It's gonna be a soup weekend for sure!!!

    God bless ya and have a marvelous weekend!!! :o)

  50. How neat that you live close enough to go see the hugest of all Christmas trees!

    The sweet potato soup sounds wonderful. I love curry and ginger, but I'm not sure my husband will like it. I think I'll try it anyway!

  51. The soup looks delicious Pat! It isn't easy being the mother of the bride...I know from experience. Looks like you are getting into the spirit of the season though. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  52. That soup sounds very good!

    Yes, I watched the tree lighting ceremony. Growing up I think I only saw the tree once in person. My mother would read in the paper that someone was murdered in NYC and then she wouldn't want to go. She seemed to forget how many millions of people there were in NYC. I guess she never heard of safety in numbers. :) I never got to Times Square for New Years Eve either. In high school all my friends went, but I wasn't allowed to go. I feel like I missed the big three...the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, The tree lighting ceremony, and New Years Eve. Perhaps someday. Meanwhile, I'll live vicariously through you. I forgot about the Easter Parade. Do they still have it? I remember watching on television all the ladies with the big hats.

  53. Thanks, everyone for all your nice comments. I hope you will also enjoy this soup if you make it!

    Hi Betty--There is no formal Easter Day parade, but it is still a custom for some people to go to 5th Ave in Manhattan and walk around in their Easter finery and hats.

  54. Looks fabulous! I would love that with the cold front that blew in. You probably saw it on the news with wind gusts up to 110 about an hour north. We were spared that but it was bad here and cold and hot soup waiting would be just the ticket.

    I love seeing the tree. My son just told me today that he may have to go to NYC for work the week before Christmas and his wife was upset. I said, "Take her as a surprise! This is one of the top 10 things to do in your life - go to NYC during Christmas time!" He wondered what she would do all day while he worked! I said, "Duh, shopping!" I hope he takes her, seeing the picture of the tree makes me realize it even more!

  55. I know I will be looking for recipes just like this one in a few weeks and will be vowing to get to the gym more often. That's my usual New Year's ritual. The slow cooker is fantastic for a big pot of soup.

  56. The soup sounds soooo good, Pat. I like the fact that you can make it in a slow-cooker. Yum!

  57. Soup looks fantastic! We had a wonderful time visiting your awesome city! :)

  58. nice post! thanks for sharing... God bless you...loves soraya

  59. Your soup recipe reminds me of one I made recent. The ingredients in it were yellow squash, carrots, garlic, onion, chicken broth and curry. It was delicious. You can find the recipe on Pioneer Woman's blog.

    Good luck with the weight loss. I know you can do it.

  60. The Mother of the Bride is beautiful. With or without losing weight!

    What exciting and busy times for you!

    Tomorrow is my second week of an epic garage sale, and I'm going to throw this in the crockpot in the morning...minus the curry...for some reason I can't tolerate that spice!

    Thanks for a delicious link this week for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "D".


  61. Oh, another good one! I love slow cooker meals! Plus I can omit the butter if I want it vegan. GREAT!!! I am pinning recipes to my pinterest board called recipes to try then after I try them I just put them on my regular food board.

  62. We tried this last night and love it! I added it to my recipe blog--the only real changes we made is to add 3 cups of soup to the end because we wanted a more hearty soup. I loved the flavor and so did my husband. I think next time I might add a bit more of the red lentils since they dissolve and it would thicken it a bit more, but the rice gave it a nice thickness (this is only for those who are making it for dieting lol)


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