
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth -- (oil on canvas 1914) artist Jennie Augusta)

Our Thanksgiving will be extra special this year, as this will be our first Thanksgiving in Colorado, and the first time in many years that we will celebrate with both children and their families. It will also be my granddaughter's first Thanksgiving!  I have been cooking and preparing for days and I am hopeful my experience cooking a 22-pound turkey at high altitude will be a good one. I'll let you know in a later post!

My oldest grandson, who will be five next month, will lead us in grace this year.  He is so serious when he tells us to "fold our hands together like angel wings, place them in our lap and bow our heads," and then he recites a prayer he learned in Sunday school. Is there anything sweeter and more sincere than a child at prayer?

We have much to be thankful for this year, and I pray that God will bestow more blessings on us in the year to come. Life becomes more precious to me with each passing year, as I become more aware that the years ahead will be shorter than the years past.  I try to savor the joys of each and every day and be thankful for each day's beauty. I appreciate each and every one of you, as you have enriched my life in many ways and I value your friendship more than you can ever know!

Wishing you all a most wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day! 

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  1. Happy thanksgiving dear Pat :) hope you enjoy this wonderful time with your family . Looking forward to seeing how the Turkey turns out.. I am sure it will come out great :) much love .

  2. Enjoy Thanksgiving I'm afraid I'm at work as it is somthing we don't celibrate in the UK but we make up for it at Christmas.

  3. Lovely post, Pat! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving Pat! Enjoy the day:@)

  5. Awwww your oldest grandson sounds so adorable with his seriousness! Wishing you and yours a peaceful Thanksgiving! Take care

  6. Lovely post Pat and your grandson sounds adorable. I wish you and your family a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

  7. What a special Thanksgiving you are going to have! Happy Thanksgiving -- to you and yours.


  8. Have a wonderful first Thanksgiving in Colorado with all your family gathered around. Blessings!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and good luck with that turkey.

    Our son has led us in prayer at every meal since he was five. He has got quite good at it so he'll do for Thanksgiving also.

  10. Wishing you a lovely day.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, dear lady!
    Hugs, cindy

  12. Wishing you and your family God's richest blessings Pat. Happy Thanksgiving.
    I enjoyed seeing that first Thanksgiving painting.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.

    We are having a wonderful Thanksgiving also---at the home of George's son and family in Florida.

  14. May the altitude be good to you and your turkey! That must be very interesting adjusting for...
    A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of yours in the same place!

  15. Happiest Thanksgiving best wishes to you and your family, Pat. I hope your day is a special one.

  16. So a year ago you were in the midst of packing up, etc. You have embraced the change so well, it sounds like. Enjoy all your family at your table, and that very special blessing!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Enjoy this special day with your family. I love the beautiful art you've shared! Sweet hugs, Diane

  18. Thanks for your good wishes, Pat. I hope you and your wonderful family had a fabulous time out in the wilds of Colorado. :) So different from the wilds of Brooklyn. :)

  19. I knew baking was different at a high altitude, but I didn't realize cooking a turkey would be different too. I hope all turned out well!

  20. I'm just a little late in wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving...but let me wish you a most blessed advent season!

  21. What a wonderful Thanksgiving you must have enjoyed with your family all together. How did baking the turkey in Colorado work out?


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