
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Random Five Friday

(1)  Even though the calendar says" Spring," we can still have very changeable weather on the Front Range of Colorado. One day it is 65 degrees and sunny, the next below freezing and snowing. The mild, sunny days usually outweigh the cooler days, so I can't complain. This was our first full winter living in Colorado, and it was a very good one!

(2)  My husband and I, and our children and their families, live in what is considered Metro Denver--which is comprised of the city of Denver plus the surrounding suburbs. The city and county of Denver are comprised of over 634, 000 people, while Metro Denver is made up of a total of approximately 2.9 million people, and rapidly growing! Denver is built on the high plains, east of the Rocky Mountains, and although it is a mile high in elevation it is also one of the flattest cities in America!  If you click on the photo above to enlarge it, you will see the white peaks of Denver International Airport in the upper right of the photo. Very soon there will be light rail service connecting Union Station in the city of Denver to the airport--very exciting news!

(3) Three very special people who live in the Denver Metro area are my two grandsons and my granddaughter! They are the main reason my husband and I moved 1,800 miles west from New York City last year so that we could live near them. Of course, we also enjoy living close to their parents, but our extra special joy these days is to be able to watch our grandchildren grow up!

(4) This past weekend we celebrated my youngest grandson's third birthday!  Happy birthday, "M"!  Nonna and Nonno love you very much!  You are the brightest, funniest, the most lovable and sweet three-year-old child that we know!

(5) My husband and I are excited about our new life in Colorado and we love discovering all this state has to offer. One of the fun activities my husband and I took part in during our recent trip to the Rocky Mountain town of Breckenridge, besides visiting the Ice Castles, was a sleigh ride! It was something I've always wanted to do since I was a child, and I wasn't disappointed!  My next blog post will be about this wonderfully fun adventure....hope you will come back to join me then!

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  1. Do you find it as ironic as I do that Colorado has had a wonderful winter after the winter the rest of us have had (are having)? =D You pick all the good places to live!

    It is amazing how fast the grands are growing. M is as cute as can be!

    I haven't been on a sleigh ride in years! Will be back to read more about yours!

  2. Your grandsons are so sweet and you are very fortunate to live so near them now and enjoy seeing them grow. Denver looks like a beautiful city. I didn't know it was on a flat plain. I love a sleigh ride and haven't been on one for about 3 years now. We certainly had the snow for it this year but it just didn't happen.

  3. So much to enjoy in your new state and city! Of course the best is that your grand are close by...
    Fun favorites!

  4. So much to enjoy in your new state and city! Of course the best is that your grand are close by...
    Fun favorites!

  5. So much to enjoy in your new state and city! Of course the best is that your grand are close by...
    Fun favorites!

  6. The west has certainly had a milder winter this year. Those poor folks in the east are still shoveling the snow. I love the way you have embraced this new life of yours in Colorado. It's certainly different from New York.

  7. You and your husband have adjusted so well and I know it must be wonderful to live near your adorable grandchildren. Looks like your winter in Colorado was much more pleasant than the northeast.

  8. Kids sure grow fast! Too cute. Glad you are enjoying Colorado ... very different from NY. I do love the Rocky Mts. Aren't sleigh rides fun?! ... stuff dreams are made of.

  9. Exciting as usual this post, dear Pat, but among all the things you've listed here the one that I enjoy most is the birthday of your little grandson, I'm sure he's very lucky to have a Nonna so lively and joyful as you are !
    I look forward to the story of your sleigh ride, ( how many beautiful pastimes the wonderful Colorado offers !! ), I think it was an unforgettable adventure!
    A big hug from italy. xxoo

  10. Pat, I love your new life in Denver with your loved ones as Mapuche as I enjoy payed touring your NYCl life.

    Thanks for sharing.



  11. I'm so glad you are there with your family and enjoying all of the fun. I love the sleigh special! I think I'll put it on my list of things I would like to do some day. Sweet hugs, Diane

  12. Pat, your children and grandchildren are lucky to have you close by. What a special gift for these young families,
    I've never been on a sleigh ride. I think it would be fun.

  13. It's wonderful to be close to family and to discover someplace new and exciting, it has been too long since I've been to Denver. Looks like lot of changes for the better.

  14. So glad your first full winter was a good one! What could be better then living near the grands? Good move!

  15. I enjoy reading about your new adventures in Colorado! I know you are happy to be there and getting to see your grandchildren growing up.
    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your sleigh ride. Looks like so much fun!

  16. I'm looking forward to the sleigh ride in the next blog post! That's something I've never done. Have a good weekend. We should be having more Spring weather!

  17. Hi there, We are back from ANOTHER trip. This time we were in Georgia checking out yet another waterfall... Check my blog today when you get a chance.

    Denver is a gorgeous city for sure... Glad you two are enjoying living there. I'm sure that your kids are glad to have you there too.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. Wow that view of Denver was pretty cool. I have an Aunt who lives in Denver but I've never visited the city.
    Isn't it wonderful to be able to spend time with your grandkids. One of ours lives with us along with her mom and it's a joy being able to spend so much time with her.
    That Sleigh Ride looks like fun. I'm not much of a winter person but I'd do that at least once.

  19. Lovely pictures. We're all waiting for the "real" spring here, too.

  20. Yes, looking forward to hearing about your sleigh ride. I'm not sure I've ever been on one. Your grandchildren are so sweet! And look at those tiger balloons!

  21. When our daughter gets married and has children I can not imagine living very far away from them. So who know where we will wind up.

  22. Wow! What a difference from 1967.
    This place has really Grown.
    I would love to take that sleigh ride. Nice Post and thanks for the info..Give those babies a big hug.. yvonne

  23. I applaud you and your husband for making this big change in your lives -- and living in Colorado is a dream of many. You made it happen! Yay for you Pat!

    Love the images of your new life -- beautiful!

  24. I applaud you and your husband for making this big change in your lives -- and living in Colorado is a dream of many. You made it happen! Yay for you Pat!

    Love the images of your new life -- beautiful!

  25. Being near those precious grandbabies is well worth the move, Pat!! We are too tied with the Evan's work and our rental properties to make that change, but I know you enjoy ever minute of being closer to your family. blessings ~ tanna

  26. I'm so happy that you are enjoying your new life in Colorado…it sounds wonderful. I know what makes it special is to be near your family.

  27. Pat - You are living the good life - and so nearby to your children and precious grandchildren. Lots of good health and many years in the future to you and Vinny.

  28. oh i love that you followed your family to denver and will get to watch those cute grandbabies grow! i'm going to have to follow you as you explore your new home! great photos!

  29. Beautiful grandchildren and you are fortunate to be able to watch them grow.
    That sleigh ride looks wonderful, but oh so cold!

  30. So happy that you are enjoying your move.

    Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescape

  31. I'll be back for the sleigh ride. It is also something I have always wanted to do. Love your photos of Denver and explaining where you live in Denver Metro. The light rail sounds a great idea. We are getting our first one in QLD . It is linking all the beaches on the Gold Coast. It should be good for tourism. It opens in June.

  32. Awww, precious grandchildren! How wonderful to be near them, a blessing for all! Oh that sleigh ride must have been magical!

  33. The Denver view is beautiful. I love to go on a good old fashion sleigh ride with the bells on the Clydesdale's and listening to their large hooves sucking out of the deep snow. Your pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing. Your grandsons are sweet, it is great that you are close enough for a visit.

  34. What a beautiful area of the country you moved to! Our son just relocated to Oregon and I think he and his wife will be starting their family soon. It's so far away that it makes it tempting to move there too just so we can be part of their lives. Only problem is our daughter looks to be firm here in Michigan. That sleigh is quite a piece! How fun!

  35. Welcome to Sunlit Sunday, Pat! I'm glad that you decided to share your sunny photos here this week.

    The beautiful Colorado scenes of both city and countryside are surpassed only by the brightness that must be added to your life by your grandchildren! It's lovely that they will grown up with you nearby.

    Have a wonderful week.


  36. Love love love the photos. We had a layover last year at the Denver airport - amazing place. It took us 20 minutes to get to our departure gate - and that was riding in a golf cart - amazing for sure!

    We moved to Bellingham WA from California to be near our daughters - and now we have two grandsons - greatest treasures in the world.

  37. You and your husband did the right thing by moving closer to your grandchildren. Kids grow up so fast. Colorado is a nice place to call home.

  38. Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  39. Sounds like a great adventure! And some nice pictures too.


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