
Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Driehous Gallery and the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows

When I visited Chicago recently, I wanted to see the historic Navy Pier, as I had heard it is the number one tourist destination in the Midwest. I was very excited when I found out that the pier contained two free stained glass gallery/museums.  I have always been interested in the beauty and workmanship of stained glass, especially Tiffany stained glass. The Tiffany window above was in the Driehaus Gallery and was entitled "Christ and the Apostles," It was made in 1890.  It depicts Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with eleven of his apostles. The color, radiance, and detail of the glass are magnificent! (Please click on all the photos and photo collages in this post to enlarge them, in order to see the wonderful details)

The Richard H Driehaus Gallery of Stained Glass is located near the top of Chicago's Navy Pier and contains eleven of Tiffany Studios stained glass windows, ranging from Ecclesiastical to secular landscapes. This gallery is part of the Richard H. Driehaus Museum, located at 40 East Erie Street, in Chicago, Illinois, which is dedicated to the design and decorative arts of America's Gilded Age.

"The Annunciation" Tiffany Stained Glass

Louis Comfort Tiffany ( 1848-1933) was an American artist, designer, and decorator.  He revolutionized the art of stained glass making in the 1870'a. In his New York glass factory, he developed new types of glass, such as drapery, opalescent, etched, rippled mottled, and enameled glass. Tiffany built his reputation on stained glass window commissions for public buildings, churches, and private clients. Many of these windows can still be viewed in their original locations worldwide.

More Tiffany windows on display in the Driehaus Gallery

I was mesmerized by the beauty of all the windows...

...and the brilliance of their color and design.

This Tiffany window, entitled "Chicago Skyline" was commissioned in 1928 for an electrical company in Joliet, Illinois, to commemorate the electrification of both rural and urban America.

The Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows is a permanent display of 150 stained glass windows housed in an 800 foot long series of galleries in Festival Hall on the Navy Pier, with free admission. It is the first museum in the United States dedicated solely to stained glass, divided by artistic theme into four categories: Victorian, Prairie, Modern, and Contemporary. All of the windows were designed by prominent local, national and European studios, and most were originally installed in Chicago area, residential, commercial and religious buildings.

As you walk through the gallery the windows are displayed with either natural light...

...or backlighting.

These were a small example of the many exquisite stained glass windows on display.

There were also many examples of Tiffany stained glass in the Smith collection, both the ones above...

...and these.....

...and these!

There was also an assortment of modern stained glass, such as this piece entitled 'The American Flag 2001" by mosaic glass artist Khaim Pinkhasik. As a native New Yorker, any tribute to 9-11 touches my heart, and I found this piece to be dazzling!

I could have spent all day browsing and admiring the stained glass in both the gallery and museum and I'm sure if I ever return on a visit to Chicago they will be high up on my list of places I'd like to see again.

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  1. Pat, these are beautiful images. So many gorgeous pieces of stained glass. The Stained Glass museum is a wonderful place to visit, thanks for sharing. Have a happy Sunday and week ahead!

  2. What a gorgeous exhibit and I would have been mesmerized too. I found the Chicago skyline very fascinating and even more so because of the significance of to electrifying all of American. Every couple of years we visit Thomas Edison's winter home in Fort Myers to remind us of what electricity means to all of our lives and how we now of course, take it for granted.

  3. What wonderful museums. Stained glass always attracts me. I didn't know about these free museums before. If I end up in Chicago again I'll make sure to check them out. Thanks for sharing, Pat!

  4. Each one is a world unto a word...exquisite!

  5. Oh My Heart... I love Stained Glass --and see lots of it in some of the beautiful churches and cathedrals we visit... BUT--I've never been to a museum of Stained Glass before. I'd love it.

    Especially love all of the colors.. WOW!!! And that last one touched my soul. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That is such an astounding and beautiful collection! How amazing it must have been to see these gorgeous stained glass artworks in person. This is a place I'd love to visit someday.

  7. I think when I was a child Navy Pier wasn't much more than just that, a pier. Thanks for sharing the wonderful stained glass. I can see how you were captivated but it all. Such depth of color.

  8. I like a visiting a place through your lens, Pat. These varied stained windows are incredible. Such colors and designs!

  9. What a wonderful museum. Stained glass is so beautiful and your photos show the windows off to great advantage.

  10. Amazing artistry Pat!
    I'm so glad you visited and took such wonderful photos, as I will never be lucky enough to visit in person!
    Through your camera lens I get a taste and appreciate that - thank you!

  11. Beautiful art! I didn't know there was a museum just for stained glass. I could stare at them for hours.

  12. What a great display of windows

  13. Hi Pat,

    Wow, what a find! I had no idea that such museums existed. Isn’t it fun finding blue?

    Happy Blue Monday!

  14. pat these are all gorgeous more beautiful that the next. amazing! Loved the tour :)

  15. Exquisite glass, the shading of faces and draping of the cloth is amazing. I know how hard it is to photograph rectangles and have the edges stay straight, you did an amazing job.

  16. Your photos are wonderful but I'm sure standing there in person and viewing these would be even more impressive. It must feel peaceful. Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs, Diane

  17. So beautiful! It must have been amazing seeing them up close.

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...


  18. Stained glass exhibits that Wow! factor. Great to see so many pieces gathered in one place. Thanks for sharing.

  19. How beautiful and what elegant fun ~ Great photos of stain glass creations for OWT ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  20. I love stained glass windows. As you can imagine I see many in the numerous old churches in and around London. Whilst it is good to see the windows in situ, it is not always easy to see their detail as they are too high up. This museum has an amazing collection of stained glass that seems much easier to appreciate.

  21. Stained glass is so beautiful, love the photos you took. A friend of mine took a stainglass making class.
    She said it is very involved. Have a great week and Happy Blue Monday!

  22. What beautiful art pieces! This must be an outstanding museum. The colors in stained glass are so luminous. I especially like the Chicago skyline stained glass you showed. What a lovely post.

  23. Very mesmerizing as you said! Nothing beats a Tiffanys stained glass!

  24. What a great museum. I never knew Tiffany made stained glass using religious subjects. I really love that one of the Chicago skyline.

  25. I can only imagine that I could spend hours in this museum and never get bored. What beautiful workmanship and artistic interpretations ... I love them all. One thing I thought I would like to try someday, but I think I am better off leaving to those who can. This is beautiful, Pat. Thank you for sharing ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  26. Breathtaking!! I was just in Chicago last week, and I had no idea that those were there :( Well, I guess that leaves something to see next time!
    The naturally lit ones in those frames are actually amazing, I've never seen stained glass displayed that way before! Thanks so much for sharing!

  27. I have missed the places you lead us to. You are our guide; showing us some of the finest museums, architecture and natural grandeur the world has to offer. When you travel we come along in your back pocket and you show us beauty through your camera lens. Thank you once again Pat/

  28. Pat, I really enjoyed this post with the stained glass windows. The colors are so rich and the themes worthy of our admiration.

  29. This is a fabulous museum and gallery. I don't know how I didn't see them when I was there. I know I was tired at the end of the day and I hadn't done any research on what to see there. I'll just have to go back one day.

  30. I love stained glass windows. We had one made to hide a blank brick wall view once and it transformed the whole bathroom. I wish I'd brought it with me when we moved. :)

  31. Such marvelous stained glass windows, thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. :)

  32. Such GORGEOUS stained glassed... "The Annunciation" depicted is just dazzling--I've got goosebumps!! A year or so ago in an art magazine I read a wonderful article on Tiffany's stained glass and it feature a great deal of photos. To seem them for real must be a wonder! :o) Happy Days, Pat ((HUGS))

  33. What a beautiful museum experience! A kaleidoscope of color. I'll have to visit someday Pat. Thanks for the tip and the photo-tour!

  34. Oh my, Pat. I believe I would have been speechless and overcome with such magnificence!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  35. Wow! What a beautiful collection of stained glass. There is a lot of beauty out there, isn't there?


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