
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Celebrations! 40 Year Anniversary and a Retirement!

Forty years ago today my husband and I began our walk through life together as husband and wife.

We were so young, and so very much in love! Life has been good to us over the years, and God has blessed us in so many ways in our marriage. We are more in love today than we could have thought possible forty years ago! We have seen so many of our dreams come true, and we know we can weather any storm together, and grow stronger because of it. Through all life's ups and downs, we have remained each other's best friends and have supported each other. That is the "secret" to our long and happy marriage--we have always been best friends, enjoyed each other's company, trusted each other explicitly, and shared the same desires and goals. I guess we were truly made for each other, and I pray God grants us many more decades together!

We have another reason to celebrate, as after working more than forty years in the insurance industry my husband has retired!  We are so excited now to be able to spend all our full days together. We are looking forward to doing many projects around the house and traveling more often.

We already celebrated a little early on my husband's last business trip for an insurance convention that was held in Atlanta, Georgia, a couple weeks ago. It was so gratifying to hear many men and women in the industry thank my husband for all his hard work and expertise over the years of his career, and tell him that he would be missed!

His Colorado office mates also gave him a wonderful retirement party at a co-worker's home. It was so sweet to see the affection and admiration my husband has for them all--they were really like a second family to him after we moved here a year and a half ago. It is a blessing to have such good friends!

The celebrations have just begun, as we have a retirement party and an anniversary trip planned for the future.  There is no longer any rush, as our lives are our own again. Every day will now feel like Saturday....(said with a big smile!)

Life is good--thank you for sharing our happiness!

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  1. Pat, wonderful memories of your 40 years together.. Happy anniversary to you and your hubby!

    Lovely images! Enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Awww - you guys are an inspiration to us all!

  3. Happy Anniversary and Happy Retirement to your hubbie!

  4. Congratulations and best wishes! I hope the next forty years are even better than the first forty!!


  5. Happy Anniversary!! All the best to you and your husband!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. Happy anniversary to you both and congratulations to Vinny on his retirement. Life is very good for you guys and I'm so happy for you. Time flies when you're having fun.

  7. Congratulations on all your great events. 40 Years is great, and those pictures tell exactly when the wedding was. Hubby hasn't changed much at all, and probably so happy to be retired. Again, congrats!

  8. Happy Anniversary AND Retirement! I can only imagine how you'll be spending your days in style. Look out Colorado! :)

  9. Happy Anniversary Pat and Vinny....I love that Vinny had the mustache even 40 years ago....has there ever been a time where he shaved it off....and I wish you had let use know that you were going to be in and Joyce would have loved to have met you for lunch...she lives right down in Buckhead...Enjoy your celebration and many more...we are coming up on 44 years on the 31st...

  10. Happy Anniversary to you two! That's awesome you can retire so young and enjoy many happy healthy years together in the future. I was looking at your wedding dress and I'm pretty sure it looks exactly like mine! I'll post a pic to you on FB if I can find one on my computer. I was married 37 years ago August. Blessings to you both. Pam

  11. Pat, congratulations to you both! On your anniversary, and your husbands retirement. This next season of your life is sure to hold just as many wonderful memories for you to make together!!

  12. YeeHaw! Happy Anniversary and Happy Retirement to Vinny. Enjoy the celebrations.

  13. Congratulations, Pat! A good marriage is truly a blessing in life like no other. I'm grateful to be married to my best friend as well. Retirement offers amazing freedom. Enjoy!!!

  14. Sending along the best of blessings to you and your husband for your 40 years together! Best wishes to you! Hope his retirement is all he has wanted it to be! xo

  15. Beautiful wedding photos! Happy anniversary!

  16. Double congratulations to you both . . . two great milestones to celebrate. I love your husband's 70's hair in those wedding photos, and good for him, he has kept his moustache all these years! Wishing you many more years of blessings together.

  17. Congratulations on your 40th and your husband's retirement, Pat! My gosh, I wonder if we were in Atlanta at the same time? We were there for a wedding from September 18-21.

  18. Congratulations you beautiful young people. I am wishing many, many more years of love and friendship together. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  19. My hubby is a Vinny too. :-)
    Happy anniversary to you both and best wishes for a happy retirement to Vinny!

  20. Two amazing milestones for the two of you. Happy Happy Anniversary and retirement!

  21. Congratulations to the both of you on a long and loving marriage. I'm sending many happy retirement wishes your way as well!

  22. A big congratulations, Pat and Vinny, on both the 40th wedding anniversary and the retirement. (I love the "old" pics!) Enjoy each new day together.

  23. Double congratulations. 40 years together is quite an accomplishments. It is nice to have those qualities that you discuss but you also have a determination to stick together through the not so good times. It is quite a testament to you both.

    And congratulations to your husband on his retirement. What a testament to him from his coworkers.

  24. Happy Anniversary AND retirement! You have so much to look forward, too! I'm very happy for you both...what fun you'll have! Hugs, Diane

  25. Congratulations on your anniversary and best wishes on your husbands retirement. Can't wait to hear your travel plans.

    I am looking forward to retirement also.

  26. Two lovely things to celebrate - a marriage that is going strong after 40 years and a well-deserved retirement. Congratulations to both of you.

  27. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary, Pat, and on your husband's retirement! Two wonderful milestones in life!! There is nothing better than having a wonderful spouse and soulmate to share your life with; it sounds like you both have a lot to look forward to. :)

    Visiting from Mosaic Monday -- have a great week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  28. Happy Anniversary and retirement! I loved seeing your wedding photos. You both look so happy and in love. Here's wishing you and your beloved many, many more years of happiness!

  29. Happy Anniversary Pat, and best wishes to your hubby on his retirement.
    Yes, every day does feel like Saturday and many mornings when I wake up I have to look at my watch to see what day it actually is. :-)
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday and sharing these two important events.

  30. Dear Pat, Congratulations on your 40th anniversary and your husband's retirement. Your wedding pictures clearly show the love you had for each other. You were beautiful then and still are inside and out. To still be in love and have a great relationship together is a great accomplishment. Your post made me feel so happy for you both today.

    It is no surprise to me that your husband had a successful career and made many friends during his many years of working. You are both blessed in every way.

    With much admiration and best wishes to you both,


  31. Happy Anniversary... Love seeing your photos from the wedding and when you were younger... NEAT!!!! AND---congrats to your Sweetie for his retirement. You two will enjoy every second of life together now doing exactly what YOU want to do....


  32. Happy Anniversary (Such a cute couple) and Happy Retirement. Let the good times keep on rolling!

  33. Happy anniversary....and many more wonderful years to come!

  34. HAPPY, HAPPY 40TH Pat & Vinny! :o) Wow, that is a long and beautiful milestone. LOVE seeing your wedding photos!! And wishing your Vinny a very happy retirement. With you both retired now--even more time for the grands and fun! LOVE seeing all the happy smiles and happy eyes here. :o) Good to be catching up with you here after being offline some days. ((LOVE & HUGS))

  35. Oh Pat - My favorite thing about your blog is the love that shines through between you and your husband. You are both such special, loving people and you deserve all the blessings that life has offered you. You set such a good example for your children and for all those who know you. May you continue to be as happy together forever as you are today.

  36. By the way, you're beautiful now, but you were gorgeous on your wedding day!

  37. What wonderful photos. I just had to come back and look at them again. You two always look so happy! I hope your husband's retirement will be wonderful.

  38. I wish you the happiest of anniversaries and a wonderful retirement. May it be the start of a beautiful life ahead for you both.
    Sending hugs your way.

  39. Ahh, correction my friend - every day is Saturday except for Sunday, as my brother who retired at age 54 three years ago says!

    Happy Anniversary & Happy Retirement! You kids have earned it!

  40. Congrats all around...I just retired several months ago and I never looked back...loving every minute of it.

  41. Congrat's to you both on your anniversary! And 'Happy Retired Bliss' to your hubby. No rush...just slow down and enjoy every moment!

  42. Far too glad for your Anniversary I wish you both other 40 years togheter lived with so much love, and happy Retirement to your hubby, you're so special !!!
    Have a blessed and joyful new week
    With much love

  43. A lovely warm fuzzy post. Your love for one another is to be admired and congrats on 40 years of togetherness. I too hope that you have many more years together. You are both entering a new phase of your life. One with less stress (less money) but loads of fun and freedom. The only trouble with retirement is that you don't get public holidays......hee hee.
    Love your wedding photos.

  44. Where does the time go? It flys when you are having fun.

    Wishing you both many happy years ahead.

  45. Wishing you many more wonderful years, with good health.

  46. Congratulations on both the retirement and the wedding anniversary. It will be so nice for you to spend more time traveling and exploring-hopefully, things you will blog about and share. Good luck. Thanks again for the canvas prize. I haven't sent if off yet, but I'm excited.

  47. Congratulations for your annyversary, best wishes for many more to come!

  48. Dear Pat, congratulations on your and Vinnys 40th wedding anniversary! Your love and support for each other shines thru everyday and is very special. Best Wishes for retirement to Vinny! Wishing you many special everyday moments and amazing future adventures together! Wishing much happiness to a very special couple! Thank-you for sharing your joy and exploring. I love your wonderful photos and your interesting facts and quotes and more! Besides being talented, your genuine love of life and caring for people truly enriches! Margaret from B.C.

  49. I love this post and how beautiful you two are as a couple. Nothing like it in the world. Congratulations on your journey together.
