
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Colorado!

The table is set. 
The turkey is ready. 
The family is gathered.  
It is Thanksgiving once again! 

Offer unto God thanksgiving;
and pay thy vows unto the most High.
~ Psalms 50:14

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving.
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
~ Psalms 95:2

Some scenes from my house Thanksgiving Day last year.  
We have much to be thankful for!

Enjoy the parade! 
Enjoy the pumpkin pie!

A Prayer for you today...

Lord, behold our family
here assembled. We thank Thee
for this place in which we dwell;
for the love that unites us;
for the peace accorded to us this day;
for the hope with which
we expect the morrow;
for the health, the work;
the food and the bright skies
that make our lives delightful;
for our friends in all parts of the
earth, and our friendly helpers.

~Robert Lewis Stevenson

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you, one and all, for reading my blog, leaving nice comments and being friends! I count you all among my blessings.

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  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day with your Colorado family.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Pat. Enjoy turkey, family and all the love your heart can hold.

  3. it must be a special day for the Americans !
    Happy thanksgiving, even if I am late, sorry !

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Day, my dear Pat, I wish you much Joy with your dears in your enchanted land !
    Sending much love and hugs

  5. Lovely post, Pat! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  6. Looks like it's going to be a great day at your house Pat. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  7. Wow - the scenery is just gorgeous! Enjoy your day.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful Western Thanksgiving with your family!

  9. Lovely Thanksgiving post. Enjoy the day.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Pat. Beautiful post.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! Love your blog and all beautiful pictures...

  12. All of that food looks delicious!

  13. Beautiful family!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Lovely photos, quotes, and verses! Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Amen, amen, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Everything looks amazing!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving Pat! Your photos are so very beautiful. I hope you are having a most wonderful family time.

  17. Beautiful post. I loved the beautiful pictures and very moved by the scriptures reminding us to give thanks to God.

    Very lovely prayer by Robert Lewis Stevenson.

    Enjoy your nice family mosaic depicting your Thanksgiving Day.

  18. This is a really beautiful post, Pat! I wish I could dive into a pie like that gal in the parade, but then, I would end up wearing it around my waist, just like she's doing! Ha-ha!

  19. Thank you for sharing such a lovely wish, I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving with your family.

  20. I'm just far too late over here to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving...but I am sure it was well-celebrated at your place! Beautiful photos and scriptures. Wishing you and your family a blessed advent season.

  21. Thank you Pat, and you are much appreciated too. It's always a joy to visit your blog. Blessings to you and your family.

  22. Stunning mountain sceneries! Beautiful post too.

  23. Beautiful post. I love seeing all of your nature photos and your family looks like they are having a blast.


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