
Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Came In Like A Lion

Snow clouds over our area, of the Front Range of Colorado, tell me that March is coming in like a lion this year. No surprise, as traditionally March is the snowiest month. Spring may be only 19 days away on the calendar, but it takes its time to arrive at our higher elevations.  (All photos will enlarge for easier viewing if clicked on)

When I lived in New York City, my experience taught me not to plant anything outside before the middle of May, even if we had a few weeks of mild weather before.  In our area of Colorado, I wait even a little longer, as rain can turn quickly into a snow shower, even in June! Snow is relished here, as it means moisture for our high desert climate.

Even though the Denver area broke a 103 record for snowfall this year of 22.1 inches, we've had a very mild winter so far with many days in the '60s and even some in the '70s.  The changeable weather keeps life interesting!

Winter holds a beauty all its own!

It pulls its white blanket of snow over the landscape...

...and makes the red rocks look like gingerbread frosted with icing...

...and the deer seek shelter and warmth under the pine trees.

I enjoy Winter's silence, and its message to slow down and be patient. Spring will arrive and the earth will be reborn. In the meantime, I am enjoying this season and its promises of what is to come.

Thank you all for your kind messages of sympathy for the loss of my dear friend Lucie.  There was extra heartbreak in that her son, who was also battling cancer the past two years,  passed away, just two days after Lucie did. Please keep their family in your prayers as they deal with this tremendous loss and their feelings of grief.  Although Lucie and her son's lives were so short, they were lives well lived, and I know that brings their family comfort as they hold onto their precious memories.

I hope you enjoyed my last two posts about a recent visit I made to New York City. I still have more interesting and unusual places to show on that trip. I also returned last week from a quick visit to New Orleans, Louisiana and I will soon be showing some highlights from that delightful city.

How did March arrive in your area? Like a lion or like a lamb? I know we are all looking forward to Spring!

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  1. March came in with blue skies and sunshine here, though there was a hint of frost at early morning.
    You live in such a beautiful place. It sounds as though you have adjusted to the beat of life there and know how to live in the climate.
    If there are mistakes in spelling it
    If there are mistakes in typing it is because I am typing blind. For some reason the curser is moving but I am unable to see what I am typing. Very strange!

  2. Colorado is such a beautiful state. I didn't know that March is the snowiest month! Holy Cow, that seems so late!

  3. Such beauty!! I love how you always share the brightest parts of wherever you are, Pat!! blessings ~ tanna

  4. Beautiful, Pat. It's wet, grey, and cold here. Guess that's considered a lion in TX. '-) It's certainly not spring like weather.
    I'm sad to hear of your friend's passing and that of her son. Too much loss this year.
    Take care and know that you are in my thoughts.

  5. Beautiful photos! We have never had such mild weather in Utah. Haven't even needed a coat. Did you ever receive my book?

  6. March arrived quite tame. We had the warmest February ever recorded here in the Seattle area. You look so wintery beautiful at your place!

  7. I'm so sorry to read about the passing of your friends, Pat. My son and I came to Denver the last week in April for a CU campus visit when he was selecting a college and got caught in a snowstorm. I had never seen such crazy weather. We could be outside in shorts one day and up to our knees in snow the next. Your pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Today was beautiful here at high altitude, Pat. However, we're hoping for more snow tonight. It went above freezing today but the weekend had temps in the teens. Changeable indeed in CO! Your photos show the incredible beauty of our state. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friends.

  9. March arrived here like a lion, but with the ferocity of a cub. Meaning drizzling, sporadic showering, but nothing too terrible. So sorry to hear your friend's son left this world right after his mother, how hard that must be, but they are together in His kingdom.

  10. Truly amazing winter scenes. Loved watching all of these. I hope spring will show its head soon.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  11. Pat, you do live in a beautiful area.. I love the views.. March came in like a lion here with some snow changing to an icy mix! So Sorry to hear about your friend and her son, that is sad news..Have a great day and new week ahead!

  12. Hi Pat,

    March came in with a SMILE here in Florida. We're expecting to reach 80 today!

    Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  13. That deer is beautiful, do they come close to the house? We have deer at
    the shore line they spook easily.
    Hope you do not have any temps below 30 that is easy. We had 26 below in the AM and 19 above at noon, My sinuses are going crazy. It looks beautiful.

  14. March came in, but not necessarily like either a lion or a lamb....just a miserable day of drizzle and cold in Texas. Not a good day at all, for sure. We stayed bundled in. You are quite a traveler and I enjoy your photos.

  15. The scenery is just stunning!

  16. peace and love, to lucie and her son,
    who suffered so much from cancer.

    cheers, what a sad blue.

  17. Pat, as always, I am enjoying how you capture our homeland (Front Range of Colorado) with your camera. The photos of the white white snow on the red rocks are especially striking.

    So sorry to read that your friend's son passed so quickly after his mother. I am praying for them.

    Looking forward to the expected pictures from New York, and New Orleans.

  18. Wonderful pictures as always!!! March came in like a lion here too!!! But "hope springs eternal." Very bad pun!!! Have a grand day!!!

  19. Your weather sounds a bit like ours. March came in with ice and rain, but today we're climbing to 60 with long-lost sunshine. Tomorrow down to freezing again and so it goes.

  20. Beautiful photos, Pat. I would have to say March is coming in like a lamb here, and that's fine with me!

  21. Beautiful sots of the place. I would very much like to be there.

  22. Hi Pat, I stopped by earlier and it looks like the comment disappeared. Just as I went to send it it disappeared. So here I am back again, noting the snowy month of March that is starting. We always get lots of snow in March and I am already tired of it all! I haven't looked out the window but I heard earlier that we would get more snow after six o'clock this evening. The entire country has had snow except Florida! It is the weirdest year for weather! Great photos and have a nice week.

  23. absolutely beautiful scenery!

  24. The scenery in Colorado is amazing and made even more so by your gorgeous photography, Pat! I didn't know that March was the snowiest month for your state.
    I'm sorry about your friend and her son. So sad.
    Take care and I'm looking forward to more of your beautiful snow scenes!

  25. Oh, Pat, your photos are so very beautiful!
    Here we didn't notice much difference, when March came. This winter has been unusually mild, just like the previous one was. There is still much snow, but it starts to be wet...
    Happy March!

  26. A beautiful post. The scenery is magic and your words so calming and a reminder to be patient.
    march is supposed to bring us cooler mornings and beautiful days but we are going to be hit by a heatwave rolling in from the outback desert.Summer is going out with a blast.

  27. I don't think that March came just seems as if February stayed.

    Your cloud formation photos are stunning and what a great shot of the deer!

    Your poor friend's family...hard to even imagine :(

  28. Pat your pictures are stunning.

  29. Maybe March will go out like a lamb and spring will be upon you before you know it. It's really gorgeous out west, especially in the snow. Your pictures make me realize how big the skies are there. I had no idea Lucy's son passed away. How much can one family take. They along with you will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers.

  30. Goodness Pat but you have exceptional landscapes to enjoy where you live now in Colorado. I always like to see you pet deer out the back too. LOL
    We heard driving home yesterday your state was in for another huge amount of snow.
    Hope you're keeping warm.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  31. Indeed, winter DOES have a beauty all its own. Tired as I am of snow(at least 4feet on the ground here)it is (or can be) beautiful... However I'm more than ready for spring. You certainly are enjoying a whole different life in CO, after NYC.

  32. Colorado's unpredictable but beautiful winter - nice shots!

  33. How terrible to lose two members within one family so soon after one another. I am pleased to hear they lived their lives to the full, perhaps a lesson to us all. Your photos are beautiful and indeed winter does have a beauty all of its own.

  34. I always plant after Mid-May in Illinois. I didn't know Colorado could even get snow in June. Sorry to hear of two close members dying so soon after one another. It teaches us to enjoy each moment that we have with each other for sure. Enjoy the quiet moments and the beauty around you.
    JM, IL

  35. Here in Florida none of the weather adages are appropriate; things are just different here. We have experienced some of that changeable Colorado weather ... our 'kids' carry outer-wear for layering in their car at all times. Your winter pix are lovely and I look forward to catching up on your recent travels.

  36. Enjoy the BEAUTY of your March, the frost, the snow, the colours of your Winter, I think there's no comparison with anything else in Nature now ... I also love snow Winter silence, but this year our Winter was too mild, almost an early Spring, and now we've already temperatures normal for April, not for the beginning of March ... enjoy your cold for me too, my dearest Pat, and think of me when your cheeks begin to become red for it!
    Sending much love to you and your lovely family, hugs and love to you all

  37. I knew with our mild winter here in Utah we would be dumped on in March and maybe April too. We had a ski party planned for some youth this Saturday so it turns out great but we sure were spoiled.
    Glad the cupcake cups arrived. All of my relatives saw the giveaway and I had to buy them all some. I am delivering them to Texas this week when I go visit!

  38. The snow on the high desert looks so beautiful! Great photos.

  39. Hello Pat, just stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  40. Love that deer so clear and large.

    Beautiful animal.

  41. Beautiful scenery and that Deer is gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend.

  42. Gorgeous, snowy scenery.

  43. Beautiful nature photography ~ Deer is Wow!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  44. Stunning photos, Pat! Just breath-taking!

    So sorry to hear about your friend and her son. We had a similar situation a few years ago when we got a call from my hubby's sister (in Oregon) to tell us that our b-i-l had passed (we knew he was battling esophageal cancer) but then she also said that their daughter, our niece, died several days later. It was such a shock! I will pray for this family as they go through this deep and heart-breaking loss!

  45. My condolences to you and your friends. The mule deer is spectacular.

  46. Hello!:) I have just discovered your blog and enjoyed looking at your post with so many beautiful photos.The snow scenes are lovely and the deer capture too. Loved the winter skies in you part of the world.
    Best Regards.


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