
Monday, March 23, 2015

The US Air Force Cadet Chapel

Last weekend my husband and I accompanied a community club to an outing at the United States Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs, to attend a brunch held at the officer's club, The Falcon Room. While there, we also went for a quick visit to the Cadet Air Force Chapel--a building I have often seen in photos and wanted to see in person. This iconic Colorado landmark was begun in 1959 and completed in 1963. Its principal designer and architect was Walter A Netsch, a Chicago native. (All photos, and photo collages, will enlarge for easier viewing if clicked on)

The US Air Force Academy is nestled along with the scenic front range, east of the Rampart Range of the Rocky Mountains, in an area north of Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It holds a dual role as an Air Force installation and a military academy university for officer candidates for the United States Air Force. The altitude of the campus is 7,258 feet.

The buildings in the cadet area were designed in a modernist style and are set around a large square pavilion known as "The Terrazzo." Portions of the campus are open to the public to tour, and Cadet Chapel is one of the most popular sites, drawing a half million visitors a year.  The Cadet Chapel's aluminum, glass and steel structure soars more than 150 feet high. Its 17 spires can be easily spotted from Interstate 25, several miles east.

The chapel spires reach toward the deep blue Colorado sky and are very inspiring to see!

The granite steps in front lead to the main level and the Protestant chapel. Cadet Chapel was designed specifically to house three distinct worship areas under a single roof  The Protestant nave is located on the upper level, while the Catholic and Jewish chapels and a Buddhist room are located beneath it. Beneath this level is a larger room used for Islamic services and two meeting rooms that can be utilized for other faiths. Each chapel has its own entrance, and services may be held simultaneously without interfering with one another. There is also an outdoor Earth-Centered area called the Falcon Circle.

Inside, the main chapel's soaring roof is illuminated by stained glass windows and draws one's eyes forward towards the front ...

Where the 46-foot high cross...

 ...and Italian marble back altar can be seen.

The side windows are also trimmed with stained glass, and along with the glass in the roof gives the chapel a warm glow.

The ribbons of stained glass keep changing colors with the light and the effect is mesmerizing.

This photo was taken from the altar, looking towards the narthex in the rear of the chapel, where you can see the choir balcony and organ. The main chapel can seat 1,200 people.

We were also able to visit the Catholic Chapel, which can seat 500 people. It was rimmed by beautiful stained glass windows, which also contained panels depicting the Stations of the Cross.

Of course, the reason for our visit to the Air Force Academy this time was to enjoy a buffet brunch with our community club members in the Falcon Club, where we were treated to a choice of many wonderful entrees. The Falcon club is open to retired and active Air Force and employees of the USAF.

Regretfully, I did not take my Nikon DSLR camera along with me on this visit, as I was not sure if cameras would be allowed on the base, so the photos in this post were taken with my cell phone and a smaller camera. I hope to be able to take a longer visit to Cadet Chapel in a future post and explore more of the grounds, but I hope you enjoyed this introduction to one of Colorado's most-visited man-made attractions!

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  1. Pat, your phone camera took some impressive photos! That chapel is beautiful.

  2. Beautiful post.
    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Pat,

    Wow, you cell phone takes amazing shots!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Pat, you couldn't have better pictures, and that chapel is amazing. I'm sure it was a lovely visit.

  5. The USAFA chapel and cadet area are some of my favorite places in Colorado. We have many family memories made there. No matter what camera a visitor uses, the results are amazing.

  6. Thank you for this glorious tour. My son was stationed thee several years ago.

  7. Amazing shots of this beauty!

  8. Your photos are excellent, Pat. What a treat to be able to visit the Academy. And on such a beautiful day, too.

  9. When my sister lived in the Springs we could see the Academy and Pike's Peak from her house on a hill. I never made it over the the Academy. What a stunning chapel inside and out.

  10. I loved seeing the inside of this chapel, it's beautiful! We were by there nearly 40 years ago and just did a drive-by on our way to Colorado Springs. Our daughter was just 3 years old then. I have wanted to go back again, but we usually stay on Interstate 70 going through the state. Very interesting post, Pat. I enjoyed it very much!

  11. What an amazing chapel. My husband and I would love to go there sometime. What a treat for us to see this though your camera.

  12. Great shots of a magnificent chapel ~ It is awesome and bet you had a delightful time!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  13. You took amazing pictures with that phone! Thank you for the tour of a place I'll never be able to visit in person. Enjoyed it.

  14. What a unique and modern chapel...all taken with your phone!
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Pat.

  15. Pretty nice photos with your phone, Pat! How nice to be able to visit here!

  16. A nice tour of this iconic chapel. I've posted on it several times, as it's a great photographic subject - my most recent captures of it were at night. The organ is fully functional, I've seen an organ recital there recently. I've never had an issue bringing my DSLR (and bag full of lenses) to the Academy, but better safe than sorry :)

  17. We so enjoyed our visit to that very place a few years ago!

  18. Great post. I spent a long weekend way back when and I really loved the campus and the chapel. The cadets and the teachers were very nice also.

  19. My friend Sherrie's son-in-law was stationed there about 6 years ago! It was wonderful to visit with them because we live so close! My father was a life long Notre Dame football fan and we watched many games there at the AFA! Ah...I was able to see Joe Montana play against AF twice in his college career and I think my nephew still has a football signed by him! It is situated in such a way you can see it from the highway! Thanks for sharing.

  20. wow what amazing architecture on this church. I was amazed it was built so long ago. It looks very modern. I love all the lines and shapes.
    Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  21. wow what amazing architecture on this church. I was amazed it was built so long ago. It looks very modern. I love all the lines and shapes.
    Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  22. Love this chapel. The inside shots are amazing. have a blessed week.

  23. Beautiful shots. The structure of Cadet Air Force Chapel very unique.

  24. We were there several years ago at the Academy, my hubby loved it because he is an Air Force Vet. We were just in Colorado Springs last week on Spring Break. The blues are beautiful.

  25. What a beautiful chapel. You got some great pictures of the details. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Oh my goodness this is my first time seeing this amazing chapel. What an experience for you and your husband. Looks like you both had a fun time.
    JM, IL

  27. Pat, This is on my list of things to see when we travel after retirement. It is a favorite stop of our Boy Scouts when they go to the Philmont Scout Ranch in NM, and I have a wonderful photo of my husband and two kids in Scout uniforms (my daughter was a Venture Scout) standing inside the Chapel. Your photos are so amazing, with the light coming through the stained glass!! I'm looking forward to seeing more when you return to the grounds! Linda

  28. Your phone did a great job! That is a very impressive building.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. That's an impressive building. Interesting that so many faiths can worship there. I really learned a lot from this post, and your photos were great!

  31. A place my husband would surely enjoy!

  32. Wonderful shots even without your bigger camera! We have been to there and enjoyed our visit--it was quite a few years ago! Great shots of the base itself, and I loved all the creative views of the Chapel!

  33. very powerful air force and chapel.

  34. Pat, The chapel building is absolutely wonderful. Love the stained glass. The white angels in the Catholic chapel are especially nice. Thanks for sharing
    Sylvia D

  35. That is a beautiful and wonderful place. Love the photos, thank you for sharing them with us. XX Don

    please visit my Promote Thanet Blog

  36. Hello Pat, what a beautiful chapel. I love both the inside and the outside, lovely photos. Thanks for sharing your visit.. Have a happy weekend!

  37. Thanks for the tour. The architecture is amazing!

  38. What a beautiful chapel. The stained glass is especially pretty.

  39. Thanks for sharing your visit with us! Always fun to see where others go.

  40. Fascinating and most interesting about this church and architecture!

  41. Fascinating and most interesting church and architecture!

  42. This is just stunning. So different and quite beautiful!


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