
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Happy New Year! Be Back Soon!

We had a beautiful Christmas! On both Christmas Eve and Day, there was a light snowfall, which made everything look so pretty and festive. On Christmas Day, my husband and I were enjoying s a cup of coffee in our kitchen when we noticed a big, handsome mule deer buck enter our backyard.  I opened the door and stepped outside to take a video of him, which you can see on my facebook link here.  The deer saw me and actually walked right over to me and stood in front of me, just about three feet away!  I took another video of him for a few more seconds, which you can watch on this facebook link, and then I stepped back inside. It was a very special encounter with this beautiful animal, and one I will never forget! (All photos will enlarge for easier viewing if clicked on)

We had a wonderful feast on Christmas Eve with my family.  I made both fish and meat for dinner, as some of my guests prefer one over the other, and dessert was Christmas cookies as well as a trifle.  We ate and ate and laughed and had a good time

Our grandchildren enjoyed opening their gifts ....both at our house on the eve and theirs on the day.

They are the light of our lives and bring us so much joy!

I will be taking a short blog break again, as I will be having eye surgery this week. Please keep me in your prayers for a good outcome and a complication-free recovery. If you missed my posts about the surgeries I will be having, you can catch up here and here. As soon as I am able to see my computer screen again I'll let you know how everything went.  In the meantime, have a very Happy and Healthy New Year! May 2016 bring only wonderful blessings to your life, and peace to our world. I look forward to "seeing" you all again in the new year.

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  1. You certainly had a wonderful Christmas!! You are in my prayers, Pat, for your surgery....complication free and expected great outcome!!

    Happy New Year!!

    L, dana

  2. Keeping fingers crossed but I'm sure everything will go ok this time as well...

  3. Hello Pat, your Christmas looked wonderful. Your grandchildren are just adorable. I will keep you in my prayers, wishing all goes well with your eye surgery.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. What a wonderful holiday feast and that video is magnificent Pat...he sensed you were safe. I am sending you healing prayers for your surgery and recovery...and wishing you a blessed New Year!

  5. Praying for this next surgery. Hope everything goes well for you. Looks like you made the most of your Christmas with loved ones!

  6. Good luck with your time out for surgery. Will be thinking of you!

  7. That was an amazing encounter with the mule deer. Looks like he was hoping you would feed him. Bet he has been hand fed before. Visiting from Through My Lens.

  8. What a beautiful deer!! I love how they just make themselves at home where my son lives. Great picture with the grandchildren.

  9. Hi Pat,

    I'm praying that this surgery turns out as nicely as the first. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday and a Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year, Pat! Sending positive thoughts that all goes well with this next surgery. Take care!

  11. Wonderful photos, all of them! That second collage has me running up for a snack...everything looks so delicious.

  12. Beautiful. Wish you Happy New Year.

  13. Isn't Colorado a great place to live with our snowfalls and abundant sunshine? Best wishes with your eye surgery.

  14. You know that my prayers and thoughts are with you --through this next surgery. Hope things go as well as the first time.

    Your Christmas looked AWESOME... That is just what Christmas is all about: family, food, and SNOW...


  15. Such lovely shots! Wishing you a healthy coming year.

  16. Prayers for you, Pat, for your eye surgery. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  17. Pat,
    Beautiful pictures! What a wonderful deer video; he is gorgeous! Glad that your Christmas was a good one. I will be keeping you in my prayers and hope that all goes well during your surgery! All my best!


  18. I can relate to your situation but not to that severe degree. At least I hope not but will find out this week. I had cataract surgery, but regret it. Not the same. Wishing you the best as I want to keep my eyes as long as I can.

  19. Happy new year to you. I wish you the very best on the eye surgery. These things can be quite frightening. I can not count the number of times I comforted patients and told them everyone would do their very best for them, but when the patient is me, I find all those thoughts of little comfort! It is just a different ball game now, and pretty humbling, I have to say. All the best to you, and I await your return!

  20. Very loving and festive holiday shots! ~ May you continued to be blessed with love and healing with your eye surgery ~ do take good care of you ~ you are precious!

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year,
    artmusedog and carol

  21. You'll always remember this year Pat as the one with the pet deers. :-) I liked your short videos on FB and know you're having surgery now but want to thank you for participating in Mosaic Monday.
    All the best for 2016 to you and your hubby.

  22. Just getting around to visiting Pat. Hope your eye surgery is over and successful. Your grand children as precious. I love seeing family get to gethers. Makes me feel hopeful for our country. Happy New Year to you and all your family.

  23. Good luck with the coming surgery. I certainly hope this one is a speedy recovery without complications.

  24. Lovely photos. I always love visiting Colo. with you! I miss it.
    Praying your surgery goes well.

  25. Take all the time you need Pat, to heal. We'll be here when you return. Happy New Year to you.

  26. Wishing you a quick and full recovery and a joyous New Year . That is a beautiful family portrait of you two with your grands! Just think you have them close by ( and their parents too of course ;)) and then you get beautiful Colorado thrown in as a bonus!

  27. I'm thinking of you, Pat. Loved your Christmas photos. Those Grands are adorable!

  28. Pat - my prayers for your surgery and recovery! Hope all goes well.
    Wow, what a cute bunch of little ones you have. They are having too much fun in their adorable outfits.
    Looks like it was a feast and everyone had a wonderful time.

  29. It looks like a wonderful Christmas at your house! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery. Take care. And Happy New Year!

  30. Precious, wonderful Christmas shares Pat! I shall think of you with good thoughts lifted to Him on your behalf. All shall go fine for you! Happy New Year to you and yours~

  31. Hope that your eye surgery will go very well. What a special Christmas you had with your family. The picture of you and your husband is wonderful! You are so blessed to have souch beautiful grandchildren, Happy New Year!

  32. Beautiful Christmas in all ways that make it merry and bright and meaningful. Love seeing you and your husband with your grands and I love having my own sample. = D

    So you're becoming the deer whisperer? Be careful now...

    Keeping you in prayer through this next surgery. You've done so well through the first that I can't wait for you to be safely through this process and able to get back to doing the things you enjoy.

    A Happy New Year to you and yours!

  33. My prayers are with you. Wishing all the best in the recovery from your surgery so that you will continue to enjoy that wonderful family of yours.

  34. I just stopped by to tell you I am thinking of you and praying for a very successful surgery. I also am praying for your healing.


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