
Thursday, December 10, 2015

True Colors After Eye Surgery

Hello!  I'm back online for a few weeks!  Thank you all very kindly for your prayers and well wishes on round #1 of my glaucoma and cataract eye surgery. ( If you missed that blog post click here to read)

All went well during surgery on my right eye, and I am now looking forward to having the same surgery on my left eye at the end of the month. I'll admit my vision is a little confused right now.  I am still healing from surgery and remain on physical restrictions, such as no lifting or bending. So far the vision in my corrected right eye is 20/40--better than I expected!  I had to take the lens out of my glasses on the right side, otherwise, my old prescription would be overwhelming.  So for now, one eye is corrected by an external glass lens and the other internally by a new lens inserted in my eye to replace the cataract affected lens. It can be a challenge focusing, because of the differences in perception I have presently.   I find I have to close my eyes often and rest them.   I will also eventually have to be fitted for reading glasses, as my corrected lenses will be corrected for distance vision only.

To correct my glaucoma condition,  the surgeon did a trabeculectomy -- which means he made a small "bleb" on the top of my sclera which allows the extra fluid to build up in my eye to seep out inside and be absorbed by my body.  I do not feel any discomfort from this and I'm totally unaware of any drainage. My eye pressure went down drastically to a normal reading post-op, so my doctor is very pleased. I was not responding to pressure-lowering glaucoma medication any longer so this surgery was really imperative for me to have.  My doctor told me that in 25% of cases the bleb will scar over and stop working, however, so future surgery might be needed.  I am hoping and praying that I'll be in the other 75% category!

One dramatic difference I've noticed after surgery is that I see colors brighter and more natural.  My left untreated eye sees things with a yellowish-brown cast and the post-op right eye sees bright whites and blues--all colors, in general, are true colors.  It really is amazing! You can read about cataracts, and why this occurs, on this link. My major symptom pre-op was glare and loss of visual detail. I did not even know I wasn't seeing colors correctly any longer.  It was hard to see individual leaves on trees, for instance. I would see more of a blur of leaves.  When my other eye is corrected I am going to enjoy seeing the detail and true colors again!

What a miracle it is to come out of the fog and to see more clearly!

My husband has been wonderful, helping me this past week by doing all chores that require lifting or bending, and reminding me of when to use my antibiotic and steroid eyes drops that I'll need to use for a short while post-op.  We have a good laugh every morning as he helps me to put on socks.

We bought a smaller Christmas tree this week so that he could carry into the house unaided, and we are slowly decorating the house for Christmas. I will probably cut back this year on all my usual preparations, but that's OK--it is nice not feeling pressured.  My granddaughter, that we babysit for most days, has been a little confused why "Pop-Pop," as she calls her grandfather, has to do all my lifting and bending, but we are still able to have fun together.  She was very excited to see she was taller than our Santa Claus decoration this year!

I hope to get back to a regular blog schedule until my next eye surgery at the end of December.  At that time I will again be unable to use a computer, read or watch TV for five days post-op, so I will be taking another break for a week at that time.   

Please keep me in your prayers, as I continue on this journey towards better vision.  I truly appreciate all your encouragement and I hope my experiences will help others facing the same surgery one day.

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  1. I'm so glad that your surgery was successful. It must be wonderful to realize that you're seeing more clearly and in technicolor once again! Keep resting that eye. Thank goodness for husbands who are truly helpmates!

  2. Happy to hear your surgery was successful. Isn't it amazing -- the colors are so different -- the world is definitely a more colorful place! I think you should have a keeper hubby! :)

  3. Wow, Pat, I'm just catching up on your eye issues. You have been through a lot. I am so happy to hear the surgery has been successful and pray with you the bleb remains open as time goes on. You are on my prayer list now, and apologies for not checking in sooner. How wonderful for you to be able to see true colors now with your new lens and I look forward to similar good news after the second surgery later.

  4. Dear Pat, So happy that your eyesight has improved and praying that your next surgery will go well, too!

  5. Pat, I am so glad to hear that you are having success thus far! Many prayers for continued success in your future surgery!

  6. Pat, you are so good to share about your 'adventures' both in travel and now with the eye surgery(s). It is all very interesting.

    My mother has had surgery for glaucoma that sounds like your experience, and my husband had cataract surgery in both eyes 2 years ago. Your experiences seem to match what they went through. My turn for the cataracts is coming but they are not "ripe" yet. (what a term!)

    You really are an educator at heart, ya know?!

  7. I'm catching up a little and glad to hear about your successful eye surgery. I was told some years back that I will need cornea transplants some day because I'm losing cells...whatever that means. My sister had it done, but I'm a coward and haven't been back to the eye doctor in a while. So, I'm glad to hear that your first surgery went so well and will say a prayer for the second surgery to also go well. Has it really been three years since you moved? Time flies and your grandkids are growing!

  8. I am so happy that things are working so well for you. Modern medicine truly is amazing. Bringing sight back, it doesn't get any better than that.

  9. Thanks for sharing your good news! A good friend of mine had that same surgery in Chicago five months ago. Although her recovery was a bit longer than expected, the surgery was a complete success and she is back to her normal activities. Hoping your recovery continues well.


  10. Pat, good luck with your eye surgery recovery. I imagine that it will be so nice to see things more clearly. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  11. Glad your first surgery went well and wishing you the same success for the second one.

  12. This is good news indeed!

  13. Good news, Pat! I'm glad the first surgery was so successful and I hope the next will be, too. I guess one doesn't notice the slow loss of color and detail in vision until all at once it's corrected. Those who I know who have had cataract surgery say much the same thing - everything looks brighter and more intensely colored.
    Your little granddaughter is a cutie pie standing next to that tree. Enjoy your more relaxed Christmas season.

  14. Hello, Pat! I am so glad your eye surgery went well. Great news! My hubby had the bleb done years ago and it did help with his pressure too. I will keep you in my prayers. I know you will feel relief when the other eye is done and you are completely recovered. Your granddaughter is a cutie!

    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  15. Pat- what an ordeal for you, but you came through with flying colors. Thank goodness! I'm so glad you are doing well and that things are improving more than you could have hoped for. May you and your family have a blessed and happy holiday.

  16. I'm so happy your first surgery went so well. It's amazing how things have improved in the world of eye surgery. I'm sure you remember cataract surgery in the old days, the sandbags around the head so patients didn't move. Ugh! I have heard from others the amazement after cataract surgery at color and vividness and clarity. I am looking forward to having mine before long. Hope you can enjoy these days of not doing as much and letting others do for you!

  17. Wonderful! Very happy to hear how well things are going. I knew that Vinny would be a peach. Now look how that grandgirlie has grown! She is going to really love Christmas this year. And I know that you are, too.

  18. I's really amazing that you have gone through this surgery and are able to continue on with your blog, Pat! I am so happy to hear that you are seeing true colours now and do hope that you will be improving day by day. Merry Christmas and I will continue to keep you thoughts and prayers. Sheila

  19. So glad that the first surgery went well... I'll keep you in my prayers for another good one the end of the month... In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas.


  20. I'm so glad all went well and you are certainly in my prayers. Love from Sicily. x


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