
Monday, October 10, 2016

Our Autumn Anniversary

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
~L.M.Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

My husband and I celebrated our 42 anniversary recently! Every year has been a blessing, every year has given us new joys and also the strength to weather life's storms. We chose October for our wedding month as autumn is our favorite time of the year, and our anniversaries gave us more reasons to love it even more over the years. (All photos in this post will enlarge if clicked on)

We wanted to celebrate our anniversary by going somewhere for a long weekend where we had never visited before, and we chose Seattle, Washington. We enjoyed our visit to this beautiful city very much and did all the touristy things, such as visiting the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, the Chihuly Glass and Garden, taking a ferry ride to Whidbey Island and a Clipper Cruise through Puget Sound and a visit to San Juan Island to whale watch, all the while indulging in delicious seafood at most of our meals. We had a wonderful time, and made a promise to each other that we would definitely return again to the Pacific Northwest in the future to visit more areas of this beautiful part of our country.

Autumn in Colorado is magnificent in legendary proportions and before I return to blogging about our trip to Glacier National Park--read part one on this link--I would love to share the following glorious autumn photos.

My family made its annual visit to a local farm's pumpkin patch, with 14,000 foot high Longs Peak in the background, to chose our special pumpkins for the season.

We also made our annual road trip up to the high country to enjoy Nature's show of changing aspen leaves. In Colorado, autumn color change begins in mid September in altitudes over 8,000 feet and then slowly filters down through the following weeks towards the lower Front Range altitude. It makes autumn color last a long time!

It fills aspen valleys with stupendous color!

Every leaf turns many shades of gold!

The golds, oranges, and reds twine within the evergreens like yarn ..... a long and colorful knitted scarf.

The trees glow as warm and golden as the sun....

 ...and share the scenery with the deep green forests and distant blue mountains in a splendid mosaic.

Autumn has been especially exquisite this year and has now reached my neighborhood in all its glory. I hope you are also seeing its magic in your area and that its beauty will bring you joy!

Next post I will return to Glacier National Park and shiw more of the wonderful sights we saw there.

I'm linking this post to the following blog events:

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  1. Would love to visit Seattle one day. Colorado is so gorgeous. My eldest boy lives there and is in his senior year of college. He's a nature boy so enjoys it very much. Happy anniversary! We will celebrate our 22nd on October 20. Have a great week!

  2. Wow, October is our anniversary month, too. We'll celebrate our 37th on the 20th whilst vacationing on the beach of the Greek island of Rhodes, we leave today.
    The aspens are stunning and all I can hear in my head now is John Denver singing Aspen Glow, what a wonderful start to my day,thanks for bringing the glowing aspens to Mosaic Monday today!

  3. What a lovely and happy wedding picture! Congratulations. I celebrated 25th with my second husband at Midsummer... Time flies!

    Wow - what splendid autumn colors! I have never seen as splendid trees. Stunning.

  4. Happy belated Anniversary. What a wonderful way to spend the day. Love your photos

  5. I agree with you and "Anne"! October is a glorious month. Your photos are lovely and your trip was fantastic.


  6. Wow, the colors are fantastic! Thanks for sharing the beauty you saw on your trip with us...and happy anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary! AND WOW! The colors are spectacular! Enjoy your week. I'm sure it's gorgeous looking out your window this morning! Hugs, Diane

  8. Never been to Seattle, but it appears to be a lovely state. To me Colorado is the most gorgeous place ever this time of the year. You captured some great sights.

  9. Beautiful Autumn shots :-) I really like

  10. Loved following your visit to Seattle on FB ... one of my favorite places as my step-daughter and grandson live there. I miss the aspens. From the time I could drive (!!!), I would drive into the mountains just to see the aspens ... sit and listen to them ... the amazing sound they made as the breeze would gently blow through the leaves. Dick and I married in October ... in the mountains of NM... sweet memories ... thank you!

  11. Happy anniversary! How wonderful to get away to Seattle -you were just 3 hours north of me! :) You'll have to visit Oregon sometime. Your fall photos of the aspens are lovely! One of these days I want to visit CO when the fall colors are at peak.

  12. What a wonderful couple you were and still are, dearest Pat, Happy belated Wedding Anniversary !

    Your Colorado amazes me more and more, especially in this season, I've been watching your glorious shots so many times .. and I'm having a look back after writing my comment, be sure !

    Hope your week is off to a good start,
    I'm sending blessings on your days to come

    Xx Dany

  13. So happy you could enjoy our great area in this world of ours. You hit some great highlights for sure. Dear and I are heading off on a little drive today to see if we can spot more fall colors. Happy Anniversary and may God continue to bless your years together.

  14. Happy Anniversary!
    Your wedding photo is beautiful!

  15. Happy Anniversary and wishing you many more years of joy together.The Autumn scenes are breathtaking.Such color,such incredible beauty.WOW!!! Thanks for sharing these. We are now mostly leafless and waiting for snow to decorate the branches.

  16. Happy Anniversary, Pat! What beautiful autumn photos you shared today. The aspens are such a bright golden colour. Glad you enjoyed your time in Seattle!

  17. Cheers on 42 years! What an achievement. And what glorious sceneries you get to enjoy daily.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  18. Seattle is also one of our favorite places to visit. You make me miss the aspens as we moved to Florida from the mountains of New Mexico 12 years ago. Thanks for your beautiful photos!

  19. Hello Pat, Congratulations on your Autumn wedding anniversary. Fortytwo years is a wonderful anniversary to celebrate. Next thing you know it will be 50 years. Time flies by so quickly. Autumn is my favorite time of the year.

    The Aspen trees are amazingly beautiful. Fall in Colorado is very lovely and I love the photos of the trees and the pumpkin farm. Your posts never disappoint.

    Seattle is a wonderful place to visit. Good choice. Our daughter-in-law's family live there and they love where they live.

    Have a wonderful week.

  20. Your autumn is magnificent! Congrats on your anniversary--you celebrated in style :)

  21. The Aspen valley is incredible!! Congrats with your anniversary this month! Your hair was beautiful on your wedding day! We are only two years ahead of you:) Many thanks sharing your anniversary and the stunning valley with SEASONS! Have a lovely week!

  22. Gorgeous fall colours! And happy anniversary!

  23. Beautiful autumn colours


  24. Pat, Thanks so much for sharing those golden aspen photos. That is stunning and incredibly beautiful. Happy Anniversary. Sylvia D.

  25. Many congratulations on your anniversary. How clever to choose an Autumn wedding so you can celebrate a wonderful time of the year in different places. We have nothing to compare with the stunning aspen trees.

  26. What perfect autumn photos!

    Happy Anniversary!

  27. Those aspens are spectacular and your photos capture them brilliantly. Congratulations on your 42nd anniversary. May you have many decades ahead to celebrate together.

  28. Congratulations on your anniversary! I am happy to read about couples who travel and stay together. Love all the fall colors you were able to capture. I found some of the colors in California but the ones in Colorado are very special.

  29. Such splendid colorful autumn colors in your photos. Happy Anniversary month. :)

    visiting from LTTL and Texture Twist

  30. I adore Autumn and can fully appreciate you choosing it for your wedding date.
    Your autumn display is far more advanced than ours here in Scotland. We have had rather a warm start to the season.
    Congratulations and Happy Belated Anniversary to you.

  31. maravillosos esos colores otoñales. Es la época del año con más color. Enhorabuena por su aniversario.

  32. Happy Anniversary, Love Birds :) Beautiful fall shots!

  33. I am bedazzled by all your autumn captures!! Thank you for the in the Colors of Autumn!!

  34. I don't recall ever seeing photos of Colorado's autumn. Always New England photos. Autumn in Colorado, and your photos of it, is brilliantly amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy Anniversary! Your weekend sounds like one I'd want to do.

  35. I'm glad you two enjoyed Seattle and hope you do get back to the PNW soon! We love it here, but must admit that Colorado wins for beautiful golden Fall color. (And probably for blue skies too, if I'm being honest.)

  36. Beautiful photos of our autumn beauty in Colorado. It's a joy to live here!!! Sally

  37. Gorgeous fall in Colorado for sure!! Breathtaking golds. We have had a gorgeous one here in UT as well. Congrats on your anniversary. Hubby and I celebrated #44 in Aug. We been to Seattle and really enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  38. I LOVE Colorado and have for 50 some years but finally getting to see the fall colors out there a couple of years ago tops many a memory. The contrast between the golds and the greens is stunning. I so look forward to going back to Seattle some time. I first went in high school and have never grown tired of going back. Blessings on another great year together!

  39. Happy Anniversary!! Your fall photos are gorgeous! I love autumn colors :D

  40. Happy Anniversary! You choose a beautiful time of year to start your life together. Your photos are stunning. Thanks for sharing your talent with the camera.

  41. No I won't be seeing any beautiful autumn colours in my neighbourhood but I can enjoy yours. The photos, colours and scenery is stupendously beautiful. I will enjoy the beautiful blue green colours of the sea and the sunny yellow sands of our beaches.

  42. Happy Anniversary to you both and many many more of them. What a wonderful way to celebrate as fall is beautiful.... You can use my Love Trumps Hate logo. I can't remember where I found it now but I didn't make it myself.... Just copy it Pat...Michelle

  43. Happy Belated Anniversary! You two never change! Stunning autumn splendor in those Colorado "hills."

  44. Really enjoyed your gorgeous photos! Stunning colors. I have only seen a few parts of Colorado - Rocky Mtn NP, Boulder, and Great Sand Dunes NM. Would love to explore the rest of the state! And I've only been there in summer - looks like fall is a great time to visit.

    Still mostly green here at sealevel in Delaware, though we are starting to see glimpses of color now.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos - and happy anniversary!


    Book By Book

  45. I always enjoy your blog posts... The posts to Glacier are wonderful.. Hope we get there sometime.

    I also love seeing Autumn in Colorado..... October is a great month. We are headed out off and on the next couple of weeks to check on some leaf colors in our area...

    Love your Anniversary pictures also...


  46. Your move from NY to CO was pretty sorry you had to leave your house empty so long! Thankfully you had an uneventful winter move...we are hoping for the same!

    Gorgeous Autumn color! I said the next time I visit CO it will be in the Fall, but we just haven't made it back. Happy Anniversary!!!

  47. Happy Anniversary Pat and many, many more. My favorite time of the year is also Autumn. And I really enjoyed looking at your exquisite photos. I remember well when living in New York how much I looked forward to the changing of the leaves into that magical gold. Your photos perfectly capture the beauty of the season.


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