
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

"November comes 

And November goes,

With the last red berries

And the first white snows.

With night coming early,

And dawn coming late,

And ice in the bucket 

And frost by the gate.

The fires burn

And the kettles sing,

 And Earth sinks to rest,

Until next Spring."

"November" ~ Elizabeth Coatsworth

Colorado certainly has given many photographic opportunities to illustrate this poem

Thanksgiving 2016

In the United States the fourth Thursday of November is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day. Families gather together and give thanks for all the year's blessings before they dine on the bounty of their favorite holiday foods. It has also been a special time for our family, as our daughter was born at the end of November and we always have an ice cream birthday cake for her as part of our dessert selection.   We usually have the grandchildren lead us in saying grace, as they love that honor.

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful day full of good food and the love of family and friends. I hope you will also have a joyful day, and a year ahead filled with many new blessings to be thankful for!

I'm linking this post to the following blog events:

Thank you blog hosts!

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  1. Colorado is a beautiful place and I always enjoy seeing it through your eyes!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Wishing you a Thanksgiving as lovely as your photographs, pat.

  3. Wonderful scenes to accompany the lovely poem, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  4. Hello, lovely November scenes. Beautiful images and poem! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  5. Beautiful images. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Happy Monday, too!

  6. What pretty pictures! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. ...wonderful colors of the season. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  8. Ahhhh...loved this. Beautiful photos to complement Elizabeth’s words. We think a lot of her up here in Maine. 🙂

    🦃 A beautiful Thanksgiving week to you and your family.

  9. Love the poem and we have a family birthday at the beginning and end of November, and Thanksgiving in between - how much more organized can we get:) Heart warming that the little kids in your family learn to pray at a family gathering! A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Pat!

  10. Very lovely November photos to accompany this poem, Pat! Colorado is certainly gorgeous any season. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ♥

  11. I wish you much happiness as you celebrate Thanksgiving.
    Thanks for linking up at

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Enjoy that special time with your family.

  13. Pat - Loved it. A heart-warming poem and the perfect pictures to match. Couldn't think of a better lead-in to the holiday. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this time with your family.

  14. true autumn post - with all the colours, textures and smells.

  15. Here's to a very Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful Ice cream cake all round!
    Wren x

  16. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Pink Saturday, Pat. I count our friendship among my blessings. I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season.♥

  17. Lovely sights of the season.
    Lovely pictures. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Pat. :)

  18. Wonderful poem. It's so nice to live in the part of our country with 4 distinct seasons. Lovely photos to go with the poem. A very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Pat!

  19. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends! I am sure you guys will have plenty to eat and to be grateful for.

  20. wonderful and beautiful pictures Pat. #southerndaydreameroutdoorwednesday I just started blogging 3 weeks ago and wrote a post on my winter day trip to Mt. Rigi, Switzerland if you get a chance please read it and let me know your feedback in comments section Thanks, Manisha Have a great Thanksgiving with your family !!

  21. Your photos so aptly illustrate the lovely poem. Happy Thanksgiving and I wish I was a member of your family for this feast that you so wonderfully prepare.

  22. Thank you - the poems and your photos are beautiful together. Have a great Thanksgiving

  23. Absolutely lovely! Thanks for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. Beautiful photos. I wish you and your family a great Thanksgiving!!

  25. Dearest Pat,
    trusting you and your loved ones had a beautiful Thanksgiving Day, blessed with Joy and Peace,
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
    with utmost gratitude for another so wonderful post of yours

    XOXO Dany

  26. Beautiful pictures. Colorado does indeed give such opportunities as it is a beautiful place. The food looks yummy. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  27. Such beautiful photos. I love that top one! I gather you had a lovely Thanksgiving...from the pictures you posted on IG.

  28. Beautiful series of photos and such a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend

  29. Love that top shot!! That's a long way from Brooklyn.... thanks for the Navy Yard Tour. I lived in Brooklyn for 22 years [from birth to the start of grad school], and never visited the place.

  30. such a great Thanksgiving weekend! I bet you have a great time with your loved one

  31. Beautiful images and beautiful poem! Thanks for sharing them with SYC.

  32. Lovely words and lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan


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