
Monday, March 5, 2018

A Visit to Walt Disney World!

When my daughter learned that she had to go on a business trip to Orlando, Florida, last month, she made quick arrangements for a few days' vacations afterward, and for our son-in-law and granddaughter to accompany her so that they could all go to Walt Disney World! It was going to be our granddaughter's birthday and what better surprise than to go to what is called "the Happiest Place on Earth?" My husband and I decided to fly out to meet them to enjoy a few days in Disney World ourselves.  It has been many years since we last visited, and we've always dreamed of seeing it through a grandchild's eyes. (All photos and photo collages will enlarge if clicked on)

Since it was a last-minute trip we were fortunate to be able to make reservations in one of the Disney World Resorts--they are all popular and book up quickly year-round.  We stayed at Disney's Pop Century Resort, which was fun for our granddaughter, as it had giant fad memorabilia from the 50s to the '90s on the grounds. By staying in a Disney Resort we were able to take the free shuttle bus service to all the different Disney parks.  The day we were flying into Florida from Colorado, my daughter, and son-in-law visited Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park and had a wonderful time going on a safari and taking turns going on other rides.

On our first day, we visited The Magic Kingdom Park. It was so exciting to go on some of the iconic rides we remembered from past trips and also many new ones.  Our granddaughter's favorite ride was the classic ride It's a Small WorldI remember going on a version of this ride when I was a child, in the 1964-65 New York World's Fair.  Do you want to listen to the song? Click here.

We had made reservations for a lunch buffet in the Crystal Palace, and our granddaughter was so excited to meet the characters from the 100 Acre Wood--Piglet, Eeyore, Pooh, and Tigger! 

We went on many more rides after lunch, but meeting Disney characters and princesses was our granddaughter's favorite memory.  Meeting Cinderella was a highlight! 

The evening ended with the Grand Illumination and Fireworks Show over Cinderella's Castle  The castle was lit up with many scenes and music played before the fireworks show began.  You can watch a short video of the fireworks at this link on my Mille Fiori Favoriti Facebook page. 

The next day we visited Disney World's Epcot!  We enjoyed so many exhibits there.  The "Finding Nemo" ride in the Seas Pavilion and the aquarium. At the Living With the Land Pavilion, we enjoyed a boat ride through the greenhouse,  and the ride "Soarin Around the World." We also enjoyed the Journey to the Imagination Pavilion, and we were happy to see the character "Figment" was still part of the exhibits. We took the Spaceship Earth ride inside the giant globe and took a family-friendly Mission into Space in Future World. In the afternoon we visited the eleven countries of the World Showcase. Our granddaughter's favorite was Norway, as they had a Frozen After Ever ride.  We had a delicious dinner in the Marrakesh Restaurant in the Morrocan Pavilion.
Happily, we had the foresight to rent a stroller for three days to take our granddaughter around the parks, as there is quite a bit of walking required. At the end of our day in Epcot, my Fitbit told me I walked eight miles! 

One of my favorite shows in Epcot was the special Disney on Broadway Concert Series, where the original Broadway stars sang songs from Disney on Broadway Plays It has a limited run, and we were thrilled to be there to enjoy this production.

You can hear Mary Poppins sing in the Disney on Broadway Concert Series in the video above, which is also on my Mille Fiori Favoriti Facebook page on this link

On our last day at Disney World, we visited Disney's Hollywood StudiosMany new attractions are in the works to open for this theme park, including the largest exclusive Star Wars area and a Toy Story area, but we enjoyed what was already opened. We sat in the audience for the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular, remembering seeing this timeless stunt show with our children many years ago. When my husband and daughter and son-in-law went to ride the Rock N Roll Rollercoaster, my granddaughter and I went to the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration, which turned out to be one of our favorite shows of all!  It actually snowed in the theater during the last song! Again, my granddaughter had a good time meeting Disney characters, especially Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, and Chewbacca. We went to the Muppet Vision 3D movie, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, and the Star Tours--the Adventure Continues ride.

All in all, we had a wonderful time! There is so much to see and do in Disney World that one visit can never be enough, and I know my family will be back one day. We returned home with many happy memories. Walt Disney World really is the "Happiest Place on Earth," where everyone can be a child at heart! 

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  1. ...a classic fun place! It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for stopping by, please come again.

  2. A magicaltrip for all. Have a great week ahead.

  3. Oh my, what brilliant color you experienced in costumes and scenery. And the weather must have been extraordinary! Wishing you well!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My granddaughter of five luvs Daisy and has quite a number of Daisy toys.
    Thanks for your lovely share. Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  6. Tha happiest place on earth hat a wonderful treat for you all and you packed so much into your visit! Your post brought back happy memories of our trip to Orlando last July and now I'm ready to go back just not in the summer.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

    P.S I love Figment too!

  7. How wonderful for you all to celebrate your granddaughter's birthday in Disney World. It's been a while since we have visited, but we are Disney nuts! I used to get annual passes as my husband had business down there and I would go frequently with him. It is indeed a glorious happy place! ♥

  8. We have many wonderful memories of visiting Disney World (and once Disneyland) with our daughter when she was small. We went back to Disneyland a few years ago so our grandson and son-in-law could have the experience, and I have to say it wasn't the same. Perhaps had we gone to Disneyworld it would have been a better experience. Or maybe it's because we are older now. :-) The food was outrageously expensive and none of it very good, which is one thing they fell down on badly. But the kids did seem to have a great time and that's what mattered.

  9. What a great way to celebrate with your granddaughter. There's a lot to see and do at Disney World. Looks like a lot of fun.

  10. Disney really does it right with the variety and activities!!
    What a fun trip!!

  11. Oh my gosh Pat -- you guys did pretty much every thing ... I'm impressed by your stamina (I probably would have needed that stroller). We took our children to DisneyLAND a couple of times (because we were in Oregon) and had great times, but our favorite visit there was when we went with our daughter and sil and our three grandkids. That time was so special, so I know exactly how much you loved being with your sweet granddaughter at this magical place.

    I did not need to click the link to "Small World" because just the mention of that sets up an earworm (but all good memories, so that is OK). But I will go and listen to the other songs you linked -- of course Epcot would be a new thing for us -- we need a great grandchild or two to take with us!!

  12. Such a nice trip! We haven't been there since our kids were little. I think we should go again, maybe this time with the grandkids!

  13. Oh what fun you had! And so special to share it with your grandchildren.

  14. I love Walt Disney World. I think I had as much fun (maybe more) as an adult. Loved seeing your visit and remembering mine! Happy Monday!

  15. Pat, do you believe in magic? Thanks for sharing.

  16. How wonderful that you could fly out and enjoy seeing your granddaughter take in the wonderful world of Disney. I'm looking forward to being at Disneyland in the future at with little Addy, Lord willing.

  17. That must have been so special for yourgranddaughtxr to have her grandparents there as well as the parents.Many happy memories have been made,I'm sure.

  18. The showmanship and creativity of Disney is truly a delight.
    Thanks for sharing at

  19. How wonderful that you got to spend time there with the little ones. There's nothing so special! Happy MM! Hugs, Diane

  20. Oh yes where providing happiness to kids is a very big business! It is fun and beautiful and you took lots of beautiful and memorable photos.

  21. Many thanks for sharing Disney World with All Seasons! Wow, that's a long way from Colorado! Since I lived an hour from Disney Land for 30+ years, it kind of belongs to the landscape. Some say Disney world is more interesting because of the Epcott center. Have a fun week!

  22. Looks and sounds like you all had a fabulous time!! WOW! You worked your Fitbit overtime, huh?

  23. I absolutely loved Disneyland. I have only been there once. Seeing it again through my grandkids eyes would be extra special. How fortunate you were to be able to share that time with your granddaughter. Your photos share some of the Disney magic.

  24. Now this sounds like fun. I've never been.

  25. Disney is always great fun! Though the lines drive me kind of bonkers. Have a great week.

  26. Isn't Disney a blast! We have not been for many, many years but I do have some wonderful memories.
    I enjoy seeing your enthusiastic posts and your marvelous way of embracing life and family. Beautiful!

  27. What a wonderful place that I need to go.

  28. A lovely post filled with the wonder of it all.
    What a great vacation. Good for you and your family!

  29. It looks like a lot of fun. I would like to go take pictures as I am not a ride guy and am perfectly happy to hold wife and son's soft drinks for them as they go on rides.

  30. Julia had a 5th birthday that is a little girl's dream! Love seeing her smiling face hugging and posing with all the characters. I bet you slept well after the 8 miles at Epcot!

  31. Fun, fun, fun! Your photos are so cool. They have me wanting to go to Disneyland, which I have yet to experience in my 60+ years of loving.

  32. Oh what fun and such fantastic photography!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. What fun! It's been quite a few years since we've been there.

  34. Pixie Dust and Magic! Nothing like it!

  35. Pat - I have memories of Disney World as a child (we lived in St. Pete for three years) and as a parent. I look forward to another layer of the experience with a grandchild since you have given me a peek inside that world! Based on all you saw, I am not surprised you walked eight miles! I'd like to think this was part of Walt's design - get us out and walking around! Thanks for the memories!

  36. What a fabulous experience for your grand-daughter and also for you to share with her... There is nothing like Disneyland and the first trip... I hope that you took lots of pictures. There are lots of memories there especially the ones shares together.... captured through the eyes of a child..... WONDERFUL TRIP !!!!! Hugs

  37. So glad you were able to take advantage of the trip your daughter had planned and be a part of it. It looks like you thoroughly enjoyed it all and saw a lot! Nice memories for you all.

  38. It's always such a delight to come and visit you here, Darling Pat, I heartily thank you for what you share!

    Wishing you a most lovely day,
    I'm sending blessings across the many miles

    XOXO Dany

  39. I remember going to Disneyland in Anaheim the year it opened. I was still in elementary school and it was such an exciting experience. And to me, an experience that is especially exciting will always be an E-ticket Ride. - Margy

  40. What a wonderful and memorable get-away...from beginning to end! Disneyland and Disneyworld are best when experienced with children...such fun!

  41. I bet that was a fun place to visit.

  42. So much fun! Bet you were tired afterwards.

  43. Great photos, thanks for sharing :)

  44. How fun to experience Disney again with your granddaughter! Last year my family had passes to Disneyland and we went with our grands and had a ball. Your photos of the fireworks are impressive! I've never been able to get good photos at night there . . .

  45. I love the photo of the castle! Haven't taken our granddaughter to Disneyland yet, but likely we will soon. Thanks for sharing the experience!

  46. It looks like your granddaughter had an absolute blast Pat and wow you guys packed a lot into those three days. Disney World is a very special place

  47. Wow!
    So much fun - so good to see your lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  48. a fun place for families but for myself I stick to the movies :) Always loved Disney, who don´t?

  49. Disney World really is the happiest place. We took our grandson for his first visit. So many wonderful memories.

    Happy Pink Saturday, dear Pat. Thank you for always making Pink Saturdays special by sharing your adventures. This post is being featured on my Pink Saturday post this week as "the one that caught my eye".

  50. So much fun! I’m on my way home from a vacation with grandkids right now. We went to San Diego Zoo! Thanks for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty


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