
Monday, November 12, 2018

a Family Celebration and Montauk, Long Island

My husband and I flew to New York in October to celebrate the very special anniversary of my older brother and sister-in-law.  Fifty years of marriage, a beautiful family of three sons, three daughters-in-law and nine grandchildren are blessings beyond measure for them!  They had a lovely party with family and friends and we were so happy to be able to celebrate with them all! (All photos will enlarge if clicked on)

Since we were on Long Island, New York, we decided to also continue celebrating by spending a few days in Montauk.  My husband and I had celebrated an anniversary there almost 30 years ago and we thought it might be nice to make a return visit,  Montauk is at the very eastern end of Long Island. Long Island earns its name by being 114 miles long with Brooklyn at its westernmost end and Montaulkat its easternmost end.

As we drove east we passed many towns and scenic sights along the way.

We stopped to stretch our legs and take a hike along the Hither Woods nature trail. Don't you love that name?

After checking in to our hotel in Montauk we headed over to Gosman's Dock for an early dinner. I was in heaven having their award-winning clam chowder and lobster roll!

Afterward, we wanted to walk along the shore, so we headed for a public beach.

The sky was moody but the air temperature was still warm.

We were the only people walking on the beach, with the exception of...

...some very fast piping plovers and seagulls.

The next day, after breakfast, we drove to the very tip of Long Island to see...

I wrote a blog post about the Montauk Point Lighthouse and the Memory Motel in 2010 --Click Here- to read that post.  The Montauk Point Lighthouse is the oldest lighthouse in New York State. It was authorized by the Second Congress, under President George Washington, in 1792. Construction began on June 7, 1796, and was completed on November 5, 1796. This historic landmark has been part of Long Island's land and seascape for over 200 years and still serves as an active aid to navigation.

Unfortunately, the lighthouse wasn't open the day we visited, but we enjoyed walking around it and along the coastline.

Because of erosion from waves and storms. the easternmost coastline has been reinforced with large boulders.

View looking out at the very end of Long Island to what is referred to as "the end of the world" by the locals.

Here is a short video I took that day that is also on my Mille Fiori Favoriti Facebook page at this link We sat for quite a while on a bench that was along the shore enjoying the sound of the waves and the sights at the end of Montauk. Be sure to click on the sound in the video to hear the ocean.  I lived most of my life in Brooklyn, NY, not far from the shore, so it was nice to listen to the Atlantic Ocean again for a few days.

It was also nice to enjoy fresh east coast seafood, and, as you can see by the photo collage above, we indulged in all our favorites during our trip.

We were also able to visit our family and some friends in Brooklyn before flying back to Denver after a short, but memorable, trip.  I'm always sad to leave my hometown, but always happy to return west to Colorado.  It's nice to have a piece of my heart located in two states!

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I'm linking this post to the following blog events:

Amaze Me MondayMosaic MondayAll SeasonsBlue Monday,  Through My Lens MondayInspiration Monday, Blogging GrandmothersHearth, and Soul Link PartyYou Are the Star Blog HopGood Random FunNature NotesGrand SocialTravel Photos, Photo Tunes, Happiness Is HomemadeTuesday TreasuresPictorial TuesdayOur World TuesdayRuby TuesdayTuesdays With A TwistParty in Your PJ'sWordless WednesdayNanahood WWOh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful WednesdayOutdoor Wednesday, Words On WednesdayWhimsical WednesdayYour Whims WednesdayWednesday Around the WorldWonderful Wednesday,  Share Your CupLittle Things Thursday, A Blogging Good TimeThankful ThursdayThursday Favorite ThingsThursday Traffic Jam Weekend LinkyPretty Pintastic PartyFriendship FridaysFriday Photo JournalSkywatch FridaySweet Inspiration, Pink SaturdaySaturday CrittersOver the MoonHappiness Is HomemadeWandering Camera (monthly-last Thursday of the month)

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I read and appreciate them all.

  2. So much to see or sea, literally. And eats from the sea too. Wonderful.

  3. Oh Pat, how beautiful. I'm so glad you shared the video because I haven't heard the ocean in a long while either. I would have been walking the beach with the gulls for sure.

    It sounds like the perfect way to combine a beautiful and happy family occasion with a little two by two getaway, and what a great spot to visit.

  4. Hello Patricia, looks like a fun trip and anniversary celebration. The beach and lighthouse look beautiful. The nature trail looks like my kind of place too. The lobster roll and food looks delicious. Great trip photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  5. Looks like a fantastic place to visit. I have never been there before! The food has me drooling. Have a wonderful week!

  6. Enjoyed all your photos. Congrats to your brother and his wife!

  7. How wonderful to be with them to celebrate! That's such a happy event! And I love your photos, especially at the beach. Isn't it amazing that you can be on the one else there! I always wonder, why aren't more people here enjoying this spectacular place! Enjoy your week sweet friend!

  8. ...great sights and food! I should head out there one of these days!

  9. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Beautiful shots!

  10. I loved this post.
    All of your photographs are so lovely, and as I do love Lighthouse's it was so nice to see your photographs showing the Montauk Point Lighthouse.

    All the best Jan

  11. We stumbled over here by a different website and thought I might check things out.
    I like what I see so i am just following you.
    Look forward to checking out your web page for a second time.

  12. Your photos show amazing gorgeousness. I still recall my short time visiting the east coast once a long time ago. Your photos have me wanting to visit again for much longer.

  13. What a nice trip Pat - combining a visit with dear relatives and a trip to Montauk - a truly beautiful part of New York State.

  14. The scenery -- the family -- the memories -- and oh, that food! What a fabulous getaway..I'd love to visit that part of NY; the beach is wonderful.... Somewhere in our travels, Bill learned to love calamari fixed in the Italian way -- I assume that one dish in your collage is that. He might want to travel there right now if I showed him the picture as we have not often had good luck in finding anything similar to what he remembers.

  15. Pat - I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of green space that showed in your pictures - I always imagined Long Island to be more crowded/populated. I like the beach/sound of waves/ocean breezes/some seafood; I am not sure I can manage all the items you shared in your mosaic! Fifty years of marriage is a milestone that I aspire to - a wonderful celebration! Thanks for giving us a peek through Mosaic Monday!

  16. Gorgeous shots and so scenic! And such a lovely celebration too.

  17. My mouth is watering for your delicious meal. Lovely photos and such a joyful trip!

  18. Such gorgeous shots of this beautiful place. Happy Anniversary to your brother and sister-in-law. We are coming up on 50 ourselves!

  19. Great you could come back here! Oh you got me with that lobster roll, Pat! Love the light house -so pretty. An am surprised to see a windmill! Yes, the ocean has such a comforting sound! Many thanks for sharing all these details of this wonderful trip with All Seasons! Have a great week, Jesh

  20. Fresh seafood is such a delicious treat, and I'm envious of the lobster roll. Yum! What beautiful views of the ocean and lighthouse. Thanks for sharing.

  21. As if the landscape isn't enough---you showed all that food---I could just die for it all. Gorgeous post!

  22. What a great trip.A celebration and a beach getaway.Lovely photos and video. You two sure know how to do good food.

  23. The seafood is a favorite with me, I had an aunt that lived there many years ago.50 years deserves lots of praise! great share

  24. Congrats to your family on their anniversary! And lucky you getting to spend some time in Montauk. I've only been once but that was enough for me to know that I want to go back. My daughter's living in the city and I keep telling her that I'm coming up for another visit to LI. We just haven't worked it out yet. Loving your photos - they brought me down memory lane.

  25. Patricia ~ what a lovely and happy family ~ gorgeous nature photography and yummy looking foods! So glad you had a great time ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. This may be a repeat ~ got distracted ~ sorry.

    Patricia what a lovely family and anniversary photo ~ great nature shots of the area and yummy foodie photos too ! ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. What a handsome family and a beautiful place to celebrate the special event. Love that lighthouse!!

  28. There is nothing like family, at least that is what I think. So nice to see you keep all of those connections! Thanks for linking up today!

  29. Nice photos. Munching on greens right now, but I'd rather have the lobster roll.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  30. I've always been intrigued by Montauk. My first memory to it is from it being mentioned in Billy Joel's song, Downeaster Alexa. Then, after watching the Showtime series, The Affair, which was set there, I became more intrigued. Perhaps one day I'll get there and explore this charming looking town.

    Visiting from Sharon's Souvenirs

  31. Looks like you all had a nice time. Enjoyed seeing the photos!

  32. I never realize how much I miss the ocean and the seafood, until I see pictures or video of it. I'll bet it was lovely to be back for that short time :) It's gorgeous there!

    And Happy Anniversary to your brother and sister in law!


  33. I follow you on Instagram now Pat but I don't post anything, I just look at everyone elses posts... Happy Anniversary to them. Our 36th in on Sunday....Michelle

  34. Happy Anniversary to your brother and SIL. What a beautiful place to visit. Thanks for sharing your photos with Pictorial Tuesday.

  35. Montauk and Denver, two totally different worlds. Isn't it nice that you could celebrate with your family and enjoy a little time on Long Island too.

  36. Congrats to the brother and his wife! You found some wonderful things to share with us on your trip. I have to say I like a Long Island Tea but have trouble getting one here in NZ as there is a limit to the amount of liquor that is put into a drink!


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