
Saturday, July 31, 2021

My Deer Friends

One morning I raised the shade on a side window of my home to see two deer relaxing in the shade--a  yearling buck and a yearling doe.  I thought it was unusual to see them together, even if they were birth mates, as by their second year of life they usually separate and follow their own sex.

They came to the same spot almost every morning!  
Some days the doe hid under a pine tree to sleep.

The first velvety antlers were growing for the buck...he will rub off the velvet when they are fully grown.


The doe looks a little thin but she is always chewing her cud when I see her so she was obviously finding enough food in the wild, including some of my flowers!

She also enjoys drinking from my birdbath and enjoying the shade in my yard every morning. 

The Denver area has been breaking 145-year-old heat records this summer with some days over 100 degrees, so I think the heat has been stressful to them.

The buck has also been enjoying napping in the shade every morning.  

I love their visits but make sure to just observe them from my window.  

I was told by a friend on Facebook that since they are becoming frequent 

visitors I should give them you have any suggestions?

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 Mosaic MondayBlue Monday, Through My Lens MondayHearth, and Soul Link PartyYou Are the Star Blog Hop, Inspire Me MondayHome Matters Linky Party,  Good Random FunNature NotesGrand SocialTravel Photos, Travel TuesdayHappiness Is Homemade, Create, Bake, MakeOur World TuesdayRuby Tuesday, Tuesday's TreasuresTuesdays With A TwistLet's Keep In TouchWordless Wednesday on a Tuesday,  Party in Your PJ'sWordless WednesdayOh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday, Wednesday My Corner of the WorldWonderful Wednesday, Signs2 Little Things ThursdayThankful ThursdayThursday Encouraging Hearts and Home,  Thursday Thinking Out Loud, Thursday Favorite Things, Friday With FriendsFriendship FridaysA Morning Cup of JoeFriday Features Linky Party, Skywatch Friday, Weekend Toundup,  Pink SaturdaySaturday SparksSaturday CrittersSunday on SilveradoAll Seasons

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  1. That is so cool to have them be right at home on your yard.

  2. Hello Pat,

    Your deer visitors are beautiful. The buck is handsome and the doe is so sweet. Wonderful photos. Take care and have a great day! I wish you a happy new week!

  3. They have found a haven for rest on your property. Chuck the Buck and Jo the Doe.

  4. Pat - thank you so much for linking to Mosaic Monday with these lovely deer photos. I agree that the genders tend to split up by now ... What about Prince and Victoria? Or Jack and Diane? I do worry about all the animals in the heat wave - when I am out walking our back forty, I don't see much life - I think they are all in the coolest spot they can find!

  5. I like Ellen suggestions! They sure are pretty and so tame!

  6. Dearest Pat,
    what stunning moments our Nature shares with us, isn’t it?
    As for names, in this very moment I cannot help you… My mind desn’t suggest me funny names, because for every animal I’ve always chosen humorous names… Anyway, enjoy such Beauty and lucky them to have found in your property a lovely and fresh place where to rest, if your Summer is so hot as you say!
    Wishing you wonderful days to come
    Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  7. Gosh, you have a wildlife park right there in your yard! Interesting how the siblings are sticking together past the usual time. I would imagine the unusual heat is stressing animals and people alike. Here too (everywhere in the west I guess). I hope they leave a few of your flowers -- when we lived at the Lake here, I mentioned to one neighbor how much I enjoyed seeing the deer in our RV resort and she just about came unglued -- she was angry because they had decimated her rose garden that morning. Oops! (For me, by that time in our life, it was another good excuse to admire other people's flowers instead of planting our own).

  8. you are so lucky to have deer in your yard - wonderful photos

  9. LQQKING so regal and relaxed there heheh!

    Have a deertastic week 👍

  10. Lovely photos of your visitors. They sure do like your yard. How about 'Jack and Jill'?

  11. They are such beautiful animals! I would be delighted to find them in my yard.

  12. How lovely to have these deer visit you! They must appreciate the shade!

  13. They obviously feel very comfortable in your yard. That is beautiful.

  14. They love it there! Safe and secure. So sweet.

  15. Fascinating to be able to watch wildlife in your own garden.

  16. You got your own little wildlife sanctuary going on there.

  17. ...I love deer and other wild animals, but this is too close to home.

  18. I'm glad they have found a safe haven -- and a birdbath full of water -- in your yard, where the shade must be so welcome. They are so graceful and lovely.

  19. What lovely Post. I enjoyed reading so much, Pat. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  20. You have your own side show to watch from your house. Just beautiful and you got great photos! The deer always eat my hosta each year. sigh.

  21. Lovely to see your deer visitors, many thanks for sharing these photographs.
    Happy August Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. Oh my gosh, what a treat! So wonderful to see them up close. They appear to really enjoy your yard and birdbath!

  23. How blessed you are with these beautiful visitors!
    Thanks for sharing them with us at Create With Joy! :-)

  24. Greetings and Salutations! How nice to have two deer resting at your place. We have a deer and a squirrel that peeks in the window at me while I work on the computer. So cute.

  25. Aren't they beautiful creatures!
    Thanks so much for sharing at

  26. Lovely creatures. Glad they have some shade and some water in the sanctuary of your yard during this bout of hot temps. The pair do look comfortable on your lush grass and under the pine where there's a little nook that is cool and more private. I'm sure the heat has been stressful for many animals. I'm glad you're not too upset that they've sampled some of your flowers. Of course, you should name the deer. My suggestion would be to name them Declan and Dawn. Declan (pronounced DECK-lin) is an Irish name customarily given to a male, and it means "Full of Goodness." The name might help keep the young buck's spirit from getting too rambunctious and keep him from getting into mischief when the heat eases and he has more energy. I think Dawn would be a beautiful name for the sweet young doe, and most apt... since she visits you in the morning. So, Declan (or Dec for short) and Dawn.... What do you think?

    Anyway, thank you for sharing your photos of them.

  27. Hello Pat,
    I just loved your deer photos, I would love to see a buck in my yard.
    They are always a treat to see! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  28. You have the prettiest neighbors! How awesome to have them so close.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  29. Beautiful and lucky to have a water source in your yard...

  30. They are certainly a glorious sight to enjoy in your garden Pat, I would love these sort of visitors even if I lost a few flowers!
    Happy Sunday Pat.
    Wren x

  31. They are beautiful! You captured them so well.

    My latest post:

  32. How wonderful to be able to see these beautiful creatures so up close and personal, Pat. Hopefully, your weather cools down some, so they are not so stressed. Enjoy the show, Suzanne.

  33. Pat, They certainly look at home in the yard. That is hot for all creatures! Have a great week. Sylvia D

  34. It is so lovely the deer have found refuge in your garden and that you are enjoying their visits! I'm sorry it has been so very hot though. Thank you for sharing and for being a part of Hearth and Soul, Pat!


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