
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Sharing the Hope

"In a world that seems so troubled, how do we hold on to hope?"

That is one of the poignant questions that the author Douglas Abrams, of the internationally bestselling co-author of The Book of Joy, asked Jane Goodall, the world's most famous living naturalist. In a world facing a climate crisis, growing political upheaval, a global pandemic, terrorist attacks, and hate crimes it would be easy to become depressed and lose hope, but in The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times Jane Goodall, while acknowledging these challenges, instead chooses to focus on all the amazing stories she has heard of and experienced the courage, steadfastness, and determination of those who are fighting the "forces of evil" in the world.  

Through many interview question and answer sessions with Abrams, Goodall focuses on her “Four Reasons for Hope”: The Amazing Human Intellect, The Resilience of Nature, The Power of Young People, and The Indomitable Human Spirit.  She has hope that people realize that their actions, however small they may seem, will truly make a difference. That the cumulative effect of thousands of ethical actions can help to save and improve our world for future generations.  

In the Book of Hope, she shares her own personal stories and photos from her amazing life; She shares her early years of living through World War II, her many years studying chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park in Africa, to realizing she had to leave the forest to travel in the world as an advocate for environmental justice.  She was influential in beginning a worldwide youth movement called Roots and Shoots to encourage children and young adults to take action in their own community to make effective change where they see a discord or a need, be it environmental, social injustice, pollution, and so on.   She feels through these actions these youth will gain confidence and strength and become the compassionate global leaders of tomorrow.

I found this book very inspirational.  Reading it filled me with the hope that we all can change the world for the better, that we can keep hope alive--first in our own lives and then in our community.  We can each make a difference, we just have to become proactive and do whatever we can to improve the lives of those around us. Change begins with each of us. I'm sure you will find it will also fill you with hope for the future.

 Many thanks to @CeladonBooks and @JaneGoodallInst for an Advance Readers Copy (ARC) of #TheBookofHope

Today, October 16th, 2021, is a day of "Sharing the Hope."  Celadon Books and Jane Goodall sent us an additional copy of her book and asked us to share it, along with food donation, for a Little Free Pantry in our community.  I found a pantry in the nearby town of Littleton, Colorado, and I added more fresh food to fill the box along with a copy of the book.  Donating to a Little Food Pantry is a small and easy gesture to help someone who has food insecurity, and a way to share Jane's message of hope with them. Find a Little Free Pantry in your area --search this link. Make a food donation and share hope!

#LittleFreePantry #SharingtheHope #CeladonBooks #JaneGoodallInst

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  1. A lovely post, Pat. Hope is essential for human survival, I think. In addition to Jane's 4 reasons, I would add, for those with faith, the sense that God is above all and watching his world, in spite of the mess we've made of it, is also a reason for hope.

    My two daughters and a friend (and their husbands) have built a little free pantry and it gets a surprising amount of turnover. There are many needy people.

  2. We have a couple of little libraries in my town, but I’ve never seen a pantry. That’s a good idea.

  3. I don't think I have seen free pantry's.
    We do have many food-banks and donation points, that are well used.
    A sign of the times, there are many needy folk.

    Enjoy the coming week.

    All the best Jan

  4. I really enjoyed this post, Pat. We all need hope to continue living in this crazy world. Jane Godall is an amazing woman that I admire. I will check out her book soon. You are so right, it all begins with each of us to change and give hope to this world. Food insecurity is more prevelant that any of us want to hear about.

  5. What a wonderful idea.. a little free panty is a marvelous idea.

  6. Thanks for an inspiring post. Great reminder to focus on the good that is being done and learn from inspirational people like Jane Goodall.

  7. Sounds like a great read, thanks for sharing, Pat. Hope is exactly what is needed just now.

  8. Hello Pat,

    Sounds like a great book, thanks for the review. Faith, hope and love are all important. I like the free-pantry, what a great idea. Take care, enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. Sounds like a good read for our times. The pantry is a lovely idea.


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