
Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Walk Between Rain Showers


We have been having an abundance of rain this spring! 

Our hills and meadows have turned lush and green. 

All last week thick clouds rolled in and it rained daily.  We did not get hail in our area but some parts of the Colorado front range had golf ball size hail.

I've been missing my walks, so one evening when the sky cleared I chanced a long walk along a nearby trail in my community.

The trail passes by many large red rock formations... you see the person standing on top of one of them?

We saw many deer along the way including a young buck growing his first set of antlers. After a long harsh winter, they are enjoying eating all the fresh new green growth.

This deer doe will be having her fawn pretty soon.

We also saw some neighbors riding their horses in the meadow.

The horses must have missed their walks too!

It was nice to see a good flow of water in all the creeks...

...and the first wildflowers and cacti coming back to life.

There are many beautiful trails in our area, and I'm glad you came along with me on this one!

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  1. Hello,
    I have been trying to get out for walks every day too. Your views are beautiful. I love the deer and seeing the horse and riders. Take care, have a wonderful new week.

  2. I love the dramatic skies and the rock formations

  3. I'm in Northeastern Colorado. Things are only green in patches here. We did have three days of nonstop rain.

  4. You have the most breathtaking photos! I'd love to go on a walk with you! Have a grand week! Thank you for your visit! Cathy

  5. ...those red rocks are amazing! Take care and have a wonderful week.

  6. Amazing pictures, so green and beautiful.
    I visited you via The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 20
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    We hope to meet you there virtually.

  7. What lovely photos views and scenery the skies are just like here in London on most days :-)

    Have a scenictastic week Pat 👍

  8. Great light in the pics #BlueMonday

  9. You know, Colorado really looks great with lots of rain. My sister and her husband live on acreage southeast of Colorado Springs and some summers have been bone dry.

  10. Wonderful mosaics
    Have a nice week.
    Mine is HERE


  11. Isn't it wonderful to see the world waking up again? Those skies are so dramatic and that grass so vibrant. Wonderful sites, all!

  12. You have a beautiful place to walk. I'm glad you could finally get out and enjoy the sights!

  13. We love our walks, too, and the weather this week has been perfect! In fact, I did 2.28 miles with a young mom and her stroller bound son :)
    I'm so glad you were out and about and I LOVE your photos.

  14. How beautiful….so lush and green….. Michelle

  15. I have always loved Colorado and thank you for sharing the beauty you see with us!!
    Such gorgeous photos! I would love to have joined you on that walk!

  16. Absolutely awesome!!! Thank you so much for sharing and have a wonderful day! I'm visiting my one & only cousin on my dad's side early tomorrow so I have to get some sleep. She turned 85 God bless her & today was hubby's birthday! I'm getting pooped just talking about it. Have a great day!

  17. Yes, this was a wonderful trail in this nature. Are you on the rock?

    There are many interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun

  18. That nearby trail is stunning.
    Thank you from your Vroom Vroom Team for sharing your links with us at #262 SSPS Linky. Please check back weekly to see if featured on the blog post or by any of the co-hosts.

  19. To see all this green is beautiful indeed. I wish we had some rain here. It is now late May and evidently the second dryest month on record. The farmers are worried, especially in our grain growing region. Enjoy your spring. Take care. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

  20. Those are such beautiful walking views!

  21. Stunning countryside and beautiful photos. I love cloudy days like this, perhaps because we don't get them all that often. Nice to see the horseback riders!

  22. Amazing scenes. Eagerly waiting for monsoon season here in India

  23. Nice to see the lush greenery and wildlife thriving after the rain. I especially liked the horse-riding shots, so much fun!

  24. Hello Pat,
    You do have gorgeous views on your walks. I like the red rock formations. We see the horseback riders often on our fire roads. I love seeing the horses and the deer. Pretty wildflowers and beautiful skies! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy Memorial Day weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  25. Pat - thank you so much for your comment on my blog - I remember well your posts about the trip to Genoa - so glad your husband had that opportunity before some of the family passed away.

  26. Pat - I am so glad you are getting rain - it will help drought, and hopefully delay fire season. And I am glad to be able to come along with you for such a gorgeous stroll, especially with those fabulous cloud formations!


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