
Monday, May 8, 2023

May Days

 " Never yet was a springtime when the buds forgot to bloom"  
~Margaret Sangster

Spring weather has finally come to my part of Colorado and as always it is a joy to see nature come alive again.

My first sighting of a robin this spring was on May first!

I am in a "Colorado Gardening" group on Facebook, and many of the participants are anxious to begin planting their vegetables in their gardens, but the wise ones who have lived here longer are advising them to wait a bit longer as we may still have frost and even snow.  When I lived in New York City I learned to wait to plant until after Mother's Day, which is May 14th this year, so I can be patient a bit longer.

My son planted tulip bulbs in their garden last fall and this spring they all bloomed so beautifully! 

With afternoon skies that often look stormy like these, one would think we would have had a lot of rain, but the clouds move East quickly and we remain dry.

The Rocky Mountains are still covered with snow, and we had a great view of them in the distance at our youngest grandson's little league baseball game this past week.

Spring also means we have been attending our oldest grandson's lacrosse games...

...where we saw a large herd of elk grazing the new grass...

...and some pretty canyon views on our drive home.

Please click on the photo to enlarge it

A strange sight along a major highway in our area recently.  I'm guessing a truck cab sale? In the background, tucked into the hogback mountain, is a famous Colorado racetrack called Bandimere Speedway Bandimere Speedway, also known in the NHRA as Thunder Mountain, is a quarter-mile dragstrip located just outside Morrison, Colorado, and Lakewood, Colorado. It opened in 1958 and hosts the NHRA's Dodge//SRT Mile-High Nationals. The facility has a seating capacity of 23,500 spectators. This will be its last season in this location as they sold their property. They hope to relocate and re-open in a new location. We pass it all the time but have never been there. 

So this is our spring so far, with more busy times ahead with the end of the school year for our grandchildren and their sports and activities. I hope you are also having a good spring (or fall)! Let me know what you are planning for summer in my comment section below.

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  1. Things are starting to come up in the garden here in western New York but we know not to plant until the third or fourth week of May. I wouldn’t chance it before then, because we had snow just a little bit ago. I don’t know if there are happier people to see spring than those of us who have very long winters. I am so looking forward to this gardening season…Michelle

  2. Really beautiful photos! You have some really breathtaking one of the mountains! Thank you! Cathy

  3. You live in such a beautiful area! *_* It's a pleasure to see your photos and read your posts.
    Many greetings from a cloudy (and rainy until a couple of days ago) Italy!!

  4. Spring is looking promising in your corner of the world. Our 'grand' sports days are still mostly in the future for us. That will fill out Spring and Summer days! Beautiful photos. Smart to wait to plant. So far our summer plans only have a trip to Dallas planned for our twin siblings 60th birthday bash!

  5. Well your spring so far has been wonderful.
    Lovely selection of birds, flowers, wonderful views and family photographs.

    Here in the UK, we've just enjoyed a very special Coronation weekend.

    Enjoy your May days.

    All the best Jan

  6. Thanks so much for joining us this week at I always enjoy seeing your breathtaking scenery.

  7. Ah, spring! the most glorious time of year in my opinion. Enjoy! and have a fabulous week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday

  8. It's always lovely to see the signs of Spring starting to appear! Lovely Mountain view!

  9. I always like to come and look at your blog, even if I don’t comment, because you always have such lovely photos; this time again you show great flowers and mountain photos. I don’t have much of a garden since I am still monthly traveling between Atlanta and Nashville, but I visit public gardens. I do have a couple of magnolia trees though and buds are starting to show.

  10. I'm so glad spring has finally come to your world. It looks beautiful in each and every photo, Pat! Birds, blooms, sunshine and time with the grands -- all good!

  11. Yay for spring appearing where you are! I know you’ve had snow even when other locations are having springtime temperatures. I have heard the saying “May 10th Cold Spell” in the past, and I think that’s why many wait until after the middle of May for planting tender things like tomatoes. Our grandson is in his first year at NYU, and we’ve followed the weather there. He had expected it to be colder, and it has been interesting that the temperatures have been just about the same as ours here. You are good at finding the beauty around you, wherever you are!

  12. You do live in such a beautiful place. It has been a while since I have visited Colorado, but I need to again!

  13. Nice photos! I'm featuring you tonight at the Home Matters Link Party. Hope to see you drop by to take a look. Thanks for sharing with us!

  14. There are so many great "memory flowers" here, particularly the broody, moody sky shots. :)

  15. Wonderful series of Spring time photos ~ favorite are the elk ~ never get to see them ~ what a treat ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. The flowers are gorgeous. the Robin sitting on the post is a great photo and the mountains are amazing to see. Thanks for sharing.

  17. ...spring looks great in your neck of the woods. Enjoy it.

  18. Beautiful tulips - I do love spring and miss the northern flowers like tulips.

  19. A busy Spring post. Summer has just left us here in Oz. Somehow Autumn didn't last long we have had winter temps in the mornings, which makes our morning walks a bit crisp.

  20. Thank you from your SSPS Vroom Vroom Team for sharing your links with us. Please check back Monday to see if featured on the blog post or by any of the co-hosts.
    To ensure that you are properly recognized in case your entry gets featured in our TOP 5, please provide your entry numbers in the blog comments along with your Facebook Page and Instagram handles.
    This will make it easier for me to tag you.

  21. Pat - love your son's tulips! I learned the hard way not to plant my annual pots and baskets until the end of May, lest I have to spend night after night covering them in case of frost!

    We have lots planned this summer, especially some long-awaited back-country camping trips. Last summer we did not do as many since my husband was investing much of his spare time on his pilot's license.

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  22. I'm glad springtime finally came. I know Colorado can be freezing cold still pretty late. A few years ago we ran into a snowstorm driving to our nephews graduation in Colorado Springs and a few years before that, son and I about froze when our niece graduated from Colorado State.

  23. Thank you being part of


    I enjoyed your post again so much.
    Hugs by Heidrun

  24. Such a pretty time of year. Nice seeing the kids out playing sports!

  25. May has been so gorgeous so far. Happy Mother's Day.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  26. Oh yes, I always wait until after mother's day (or perhaps even Memorial day if it's a colder year than usual) before planting anything outside just to be on the safe side! These are lovely photos of May in your area.


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