
Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yesterday, I introduced my son and daughter-in-law who live in beautiful Denver, Colorado.

Master Degree graduation ceremony at The University of Colorado, Boulder, May 2007

They gave my husband and I a very happy surprise recently, just in time for Mother's Day!

Above is a sonogram photo of our first grand baby-to-be! Just the size of a kidney bean when this picture was taken, but already loved and cherished more than words can say!

My daughter-in-law's due date is very early December, so we have quite a wait ahead of us, but we're so excited we can't wait any longer to share our happy news!

Please keep my daughter-in-law in your prayers that she has a happy, healthy pregnancy, and that my son, "soon to be an aunt" daughter, husband and I, will be able to be patient as we await the arrival of our bundle of joy!

You can be sure that my husband will be a:

And that he and my son will have grand baby-to-be, whether a boy or girl, become a Yankee baseball fanatic like they are!

And, this I know for sure:

That saying is on a pretty apron I received as a gift from my son and daughter-in-law!

I am so excited!

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.
~ Carl Sandburg


  1. Oh Pat, How wonderful and exciting! You must be over the moon with joy! What a wonderful Mothers Day surprise:>) Congratulations to you and your family!

  2. Oh, Pat

    You are such great grandma material! This little one does not know how lucky he/she is! You must be on cloud nine, so glad for you!


  3. Such wonderful exciting news...Congratulations on the new little wonder about to arrive in the family ((HUGS))

  4. congratulations! What an exciting time for you and your family. Enjoy the next few months Grandma!

  5. What wonderful news! I am so happy for you :-)

    My daughter has 8 weeks left.....the time went by so least for me. HA! She came to visit yesterday to keep my mind off not being able to eat. We ended up watching baby delivery shows all afternoon. :-)

    It will be fun sharing all this with you, Grandma!
    ((hugs)) Rosie

  6. This is the most thrilling news! I am so happy for all of you. It is always a blessing to welcome a new life into this world. My, oh my, I have tears in my eyes because I love such news so much.

  7. Wow! Congratulations to you and your whole family! That is so exciting! What an amazing Mother's Day gift! I bet you will all have a great time planning and anticipating baby's arrival! And then even more fun after sweet baby arrives!

    Mrs. B

  8. Hi Pat,
    Congratulations on your first grand baby! That's exciting news and you couldn't have been given a better Mother's Day gift. I will keep you all in my prayers. When I get home from work I'll email you directions for adding music and congratulations again!
    :) Cori

  9. Pat, how exciting!

    I love this joy-filled post. It says it all and having just come from a blog where we were lamenting all of the world's woes to this and that life-affirming quote...well, it's turned my day around.

    A new baby in the family is such a blessing!

  10. Pat, that is such wonderful, exciting news!

    Many congratulations to you and yours. :D

    (I will be looking forward to lots of updates.)

  11. Thank you for your recent visit to my blog. Congrats on your wonderful news!!! My little grand girl is almost two. I can't imagine living so many years without her in my life---what a blessing. Being a Grandmother is just the icing on the cake. Best wishes to your family.

  12. Pat - a huge congrats, that's great news!! My sister is due in Nov so lots of new babies around for Christmas!! When my little one was born a year and a half ago I couldn't believe the joy and happiness she brought to everybody's lives besides ourselves! Both sets of grandparents are besotted and it has given them a new lease of life! These days they are nearly in bed before her she has them so tired out after having her for the day:)

  13. Congratulations soon to be Grandma! I have 1 Grandchild so far and she has been the most wonderful gift to our family! They grow up so fast so enjoy every minute! Sometimes I can't believe how fast 7 yrs have gone by. Being a Grandparent brings you to a new and exciting time in your life. Have fun!!!

  14. I'm so happy for you Pat!! How wonderful! The time will fly by and that grandbaby will be here in no time!!

  15. CONGRATULATIONS! What a darling photo in that picture frame. That is a perfect way to tell a someone they are going to be a grandma!

    I will keep you all in my prayers.

  16. Hi Pat,
    Great music! Allison Krauss has a gorgeous voice and the song is just perfect for your post. I took another look at the ultrasound picture. Your grand baby is so cute! Isn't it amazing how clear the details are? That you can actually see the tiny little hands and feet. We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made!

  17. WOW, fabulous news Pat! I'm so happy for you all, so much to look forward to and what an extra special Christmas you'll be having this year too! Gxox

  18. Pat, I am so excited for you and your family. You already know you are going to love being a grandmother. I just adore my little guy.

    Please keep us posted. I will pray for good health and love.

  19. I am so happy and excited FOR you sweet Pat!
    This is going to be such a wonderful adventure for you all.
    How lucky this new baby will be to have you for a grandma!
    Wow..your Mother's Day was extra special!

    Congratulations to you all. Prayers and blessings...


  20. Congratulations! From one Grandma to are gonna love it!

  21. Very exciting news. December seems so far away, but it will be here before you know it, and maybe even a Christmas baby to herald the season!

    That duckie picture frame is so cute, and I love that groovy grandpa'll have to get a groovy grandma tee as well!

  22. Oh Pat! I'm sooo excited for you!!!
    You are going to be a FABULOUS Grandma! There's nothing like it, you'll see. I think it's one of the best roles God ever designed for us!
    Hugs to you Grandma Pat!!
    PS I love the week countdowner, what a great idea!

  23. Pat,

    Congratulations! What an exciting time.

    You are in for a huge blessing! I am so excited for you.

    Have a GREAT day!


  24. Oh Pat!! Congratulations!!!!!! I'm so happy for you :) Are they going to wait and find out if it's a boy or girl?? Whatever it is, I know it's a lucky baby to have such a wonderful grandma :)

    Congrats again!

  25. What a great present. They really knew the right thing to give you didn't they. My first grandchild was born on my birthday near by birthtime. We're 50 years and 5 minutes apart. Good luck to your daughter and son-in-law and to you and your husband. It's the best job ever. Have a great trip to Ireland.

  26. Congrats PAT, so happy for you :)

  27. Great news about the grandbaby! They do make life grand! Tonight I have the older one here...Connor....we are having Bible School this week. He sleeps in the middle in our big king size bed!


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