
Friday, August 1, 2008

I've Been Tagged -- Name Five Embarrassing Songs I Enjoy

I was tagged by both Steviewren of A Little Birdie Told Me So and Kat of Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes with a a fun little tag to name five songs I would be embarrassed to say I enjoyed.

I love all kinds of music, and I have an eclectic collection of vinyl albums and Cd's by many different music genres and artists, but I don't think I own many that I would be embarrassed by, so thinking about this tag lead me down a memory lane to my younger pre-teen and early teen years.

When I was growing up my Mom always had the radio on. One song I absolutely adored as a child was one that had a very catchy tune.

# 1) "Que Sera, Sera -- "Whatever Will be, Will Be," by Doris Day. Listen on Youtube. I sang that song so much the lyrics are engraved on my memory forever!

I have an older brother and sister, and they watched Dick Clark's "American Bandstand." Elvis Presley was the heart throb of the day! My brother grew his hair long in front and had the cute Elvis type curl, and my sister wore the saddle shoes, bobby socks and the flare skirts that were then fashionable at the time. They both use to argue over who was better, Elvis or Fabian, and while I think I liked Fabian more, I always loved this song the best:

# 2) You Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog -- "The King" -- Elvis Presley -- Youtube performance. Go Elvis go!

Transistor radios became the "in" thing to own in the early 60's, and who was singing on all of them? The Beatles! I loved Richard Starky, better know as RINGO, the best and use to write his name in hearts on all my notebooks. I still love Ringo!

# 3) "She Loves You" -- The Beatles -- You have to watch this Youtube performance. Oh Ringo! He's such a happy Beatle! This was such a simplistic song, but it always makes me happy when I hear it! Remember the early Beatles on The Ed Sullivan show?

In 1966 I finally become a teenager, and I faithfully watch these music TV shows: Dave Clark's "Where The Action Is," "Hullabaloo," and "Shindig."

I absolutely loved the group that appeared frequently on these shows called Paul Revere and The Raiders. They dressed up in colonial outfits, and I think the costumes helped cement a "bubble gum pop" image to their legacy.

# 4) "Kicks" - Paul Revere and The Raiders -- You can see the Hullabaloo dancers dancing as they sang on this Youtube performance. My friends and I all wanted to be Hullabaloo dancers! I had those same white "Go-Go" boots. Oh, the memories I have listening to this song! Phil Volk, the bass player better known as "Fang," was my favorite Raider.

Then The Monkees TV show phenomena appeared, and I became a big fan! Hearing the theme song always brings back happy memories. Peter Tork was my favorite Monkee, and I soon had his name written in hearts all over my notebooks.

#5) " The Monkees Theme" -- The Monkees -- Youtube. The Monkee show was seen on re-runs in the eighties, and my daughter also loved them when she was a little girl! I believe Davy Jones was her favorite. Did you write his name all over your notebooks L?

My musical selections became a little more refined after the age of 14, and I can't say I have many songs that I've enjoyed since then that I'd be embarrassed to admit I enjoy now, but the early tunes I listed here today really made me smile with fond recollections, even if they are a little embarrassing by today's standards.

Now here are the tag rules:

1. Post the link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post

I tag Vee, Beverly, Cori, Diane, Sherry, Alex, Dana....but of course only if you haven't already done this, and only if you want to!


  1. Cute post! Loved your list, Pat!

    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. I just noticed the picture of your cat Pepper, Pat and Pepper looks just like my Gilbert! Cats are a wonderful addition to our lives, aren't they? I love the Anatole France quote too.

    Your song choices were delightful. I really enjoyed listening to the Doris Day - that was from The Man Who Knew Too Much, wasn't it?

    You were(are) a Ringo fan, eh? I was a tad young to appreciate them in their heyday, but I loved Ringo's song, You're Sixteen! I have since come to really appreciate all the wonderful music they produced.

    Likewise, with Elvis. I kind of missed out him as well, but really like the song, Love Me Tender.

    I love the Monkees and own their greatest hits on cd. They wrote so many good songs that are relatively unknown.

    I tagged you for this as well, but makes no matter, it's all in fun, wherever it originates!


  3. Hi Pat,
    What a great song collection and memories to go with them. I was always going to grow up to marry Micky Dolenz of the Monkeys, but I did like Davy's accent.
    This is fun...I'll post later this evening. Sweet hubby and I are going to see Mummy 4 w/Brendan Frazer. Have a great day.
    :) Cori

  4. Fun pix, Pat! Doris Day is the greatest! :)

  5. Fun pix, Pat! Doris Day is the greatest! :)

  6. Hi Pat,
    Great list...don't know if there are any that I'm embarrased of...but I'll think real hard.
    Thanks for thinking of me!

  7. Hi Pat!
    I also love Que Sera, Sera! What a fun tag!! I will do it as soon as I can.
    Thank you so much for your prayers! I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off me. God is sooo good!
    Please email me at if you would. I have something for you but couldn't get your email addr to work. I need to mail it to you.
    Hugs, Sherry

  8. Thanks for the trip down "memory lane". Even though I was prety young when all that took place I still remember it as my brothers and sisters are all older then me and was into all of that as I was a young one.

    Except the Monkeys. I loved the Monkeys! Oh dear, what was I thinking? LOL

    I went on a cruise last year and one of the nights had a group that sang and dressed up like the Monkeys. It was fun and everyone was singing all the songs.


  9. OMG! What memories! Que Sera, Sera was my favorite and I have all of Doris Day's 45's. They were my moms. I think I just might get them onto a cd, if I could/ha.

  10. Also, you have the "most" beautiful songs on your playlist! The Rachmaninoff has always given me chills! Is it not awesome? I'm gonna update my Ipod thanks to you.

  11. Great job, Pat. I'll see what I can come up with.

  12. Hi Pat,

    We are around the same age. I can relate to all of your songs.

    Shindig, Where the action is, you have brought back some serious memories!

    I may have to get up and do the jerk-lol.


  13. Pat --thanks!

    Poetikat-- I'm so sorry I forgot you also tagged me! Thanks for there reminder. I added your blog to the post.

    Cori -- thanks! Glad you'll join in!

    Willow -- thanks! I love Doris too :-)

    Lisa --thanks my darling daughter and I never knew that about David Bowie! X0X0

    Diane --Thanks! I hope you can think of some --you'd be surprised how many will come up!

    Edie Marie's Attic-- thanks Sherry! I wonder why my e-mail isn't working? I had lots of trouble with Blogger yesterday, and it seems like I wasn't the only one.

    Joanne --I was the young one in my family too for the longest time.
    Yes -- the Monkees were so popular with many age groups!

    Nanny --welcome and thanks! Glad you enjoyed my playlist

    Beverly -thanks and glad you'll join in! :-)

    Barb --lol! Doesn't the dancing look so funny now?

  14. Hi Pat,
    Computers make me insane! Right after I posted about my songs, which by the way I love them too, I got that box. So I went over to your blog and it was there to. Then I went to Tara's and it was there too! WHAT DID I DO!!! I think I'm a paranoid blogger and it never occurs to me that it just might be the computer...duh. Anyway, I spent a good part of my evening trying to figure it out, but never could.
    Beverly said that several people who have sitemeter on thier blogs were having problems. We're up and running again, but outdoors sounds like a good thing to do.
    Have a woderful rest of the weekend.
    :) Cori

  15. I LOVE the Monkees!!! :) And I will do this in a day or so. Thanks for the tag. This will be fun!

  16. Great post Pat, I loved Doris day and have recently been playing her music, I grew up listening to much of the same songs as you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, hugs, Kathy

  17. Pat, listening to your choices has brought back so many fun memories. Que Sera, Sera is engraved in my mind too. I was surprised to find that Doris Day sang it in The Man Who Knew Too Much when I saw it on TCM or AMC a few years ago. I was a big fan of Paul Revere and The Raiders. There She Goes was one of my favorites.

  18. Kat tagged me with this one too, although I haven't done my post yet, but I will! These songs are a little before my time, sorry Pat! My mum loved Elvis, much to me and my brother's disapproval! She also loved John Lennon and was most upset when he died. I was born in 1964 and I remember watching the Monkees on the TV around at grannie's house! Great post Pat. x

  19. You're So Vain...
    reminds me of an old boyfriend!

  20. Ha! I actually like many of these songs myself! Except for she loves you..that just gets in your head, all those "yeah yeah yeahs" and won't go away!

  21. I have the Monkees on my Zune! I loved them when I was a kid.

  22. Dearest Pat :D

    Love your tags!! And the music selection...well, kinda close to mine anyway, hugs :)

  23. Paul Revere and the Raiders AND the Monkees made my head spin years ago! Oh how I loved them. I think I still can sing every lyric without missing a beat!
    This was such a fun post to read!



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