
Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy First Day of Spring!

This is my sweetheart grandson trying on rabbit ears at the dollar bins in Target when he was shopping with his Mommy. He seems to be a little bemused doesn't he?

For a baby everything is a first, a little miracle for them to experience!


by Celia Thaxter

The alder by the river
Shakes out her powdery curls;
The willow buds in silver
For little boys and girls.
The little birds fly over
And oh, how sweet they sing!
To tell the happy children
That once again 'tis spring.
The gay green grass comes creeping
So soft beneath their feet;
The frogs begin to ripple
A music clear and sweet.
And buttercups are coming,
And scarlet columbine,
And in the sunny meadows
The dandelions shine.
And just as many daisies
As their soft hands can hold
The little ones may gather,
All fair in white and gold.
Here blows the warm red clover,
There peeps the violet blue;
O happy little children!
God made them all for you!

Happy Spring!


  1. Hi Pat!

    Leo is so adorable! Amazing how fast they grow isn't it? The miracle of firsts is so fun and full of wonder.

    I'm so glad it's finally spring! And we are getting some nicer weather here in Ohio. What a breath of fresh air it is to go outside and not get frozen to the bone!

    Have a great day Pat and hugs to baby Leo!


  2. Pat, he is precious. The girls are going to love that handsome little guy.

    I'm happy spring is here too. My azaleas are blooming as well as the snowdrops. The Redbud trees are in full bloom also. Spring is the prettiest time of year in the South...before it gets hot and everything tries to dry up.

  3. Now that is a sweetie patetie for sure!

  4. What an irresistable grandchild. Such a sweet photo.
    Spring? It is snowing right now in Central N.J.

  5. Happy Spring to you Pat, I hear the birds chirping outside today. I love Spring! Little Leo is soo adorable!

  6. What a sweet face! I couldn't wait to see the full size version! It is so fun to see everything anew through a babies eyes! Leo is a living doll! ~ Robyn

  7. Wonderful picture and I'm loving the rabbit ears. He is so handsome and has grown so much!

    When I read Celia Thaxter's poem I had to chuckle. Not two weeks ago, my beloved wanted to buy a book of poetry by Celia Thaxter (the female Longfellow of her time) and I said, "Nah, whoever heard of her?!"

  8. Oh! Forgot to wish you a Happy Spring!

  9. He looks soooooo cute!!!

  10. Happy Spring, Pat! Spring at last...oh, that sounds so good! And here the snow is finally starting to melt--hooray! ;o) Looks like some little sweet one's dressed up as the Easter Bunny early...soooo sweet! Happy weekend ahead to you all :o) ((HUGS))

  11. Leo looks so cute in his bunny ears. What an adorable picutre. Thank you for sharing the poem. too. I'm so happy spring is here.

  12. Hi Pat!
    Happy Day!! Spring is wonderful and the baby is cute!
    great post on St. Patrick!!

    Meanwhile my India 2008 is coming to its end at Blogtrotter. I know you’re getting a bit tired, but there are still some marvels to come ;). Look forward to reading your comments! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  13. Your grandbaby is certainly growing in leaps and bounds! He is so adorable.
    Loved the photos of you ladies, and the parade- it was the perfect day for a parade. Luck of the Irish!

  14. A perfect little easter bunny...your little grandson! May you have a wonderful 'first day of spring'...and many more to follow.

  15. Firstly, Leo is too cute..I'd cuddle him if I were there..and aw..bunny ears, so sweet. So glad that spring is here :D

  16. I think for a grandmother there are so many 'firsts', too. Enjoy that baby!

  17. Hi Pat,
    I have to say, "I've seen cute bunnies before, but I don't think I've seen one as cute as Leo in forever!" He certainly looks like he's putting on a show.

    I hope you have a fun spring day!
    I've been crazy busy too. Just trying to keep up with my house work and yard...Yikes!

    xoxo Cori

  18. Cute, Cute, CUUUUUUTE! What a cuddly bunny baby. Thanks for sharing your spring dream. <3

  19. This is off the top of the cute-0-meter! Beyond beyond adorable.....He is so precious! I just want to squeeze him and kiss his cutesy little cheeks.....

  20. That is so CUTE!!!! He is adorable.

  21. Pat, How proud you must be, a more adorable little bunny I have yet to see and Leo does seem a little bemused :-). Happy spring Pat and I enjoyed the poem too. My friend came over and we had a walk by the water, it is glorious out there, have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Kathy.

  22. Hi Pat :)

    Leo looks so cute in the bunny ears!! What a face... I could just eat him up LOL

    Spring is in the air and Pat is on the streets of NY again. I had the best time catching up with you! From the parade and two more of my favorite bloggers to The Tenements, it was so interesting. Oh and that drum major was one big boy ;)

    Eva Mendes??? Her dad must have had a gun ready at all times when she was growing up! LOL


  23. Your grandson is adorable! I loved the poem ♥ Happy spring!

  24. Leo is so cute in those bunny ears!!

    Happy Spring, Pat!!

  25. Happy Spring Pat!!! Little Leo is growing so fast and he is such a cutie. I'm sooooo ready for Spring.

  26. Grandchildren are as amazing as spring ... I have 2 and delight in watching them grow. It's been a joy visiting :) Happy Spring!

  27. LOL love Leo's bunny ears! He's going to hate that pic when he's a teen. ROFL -quick make copies!

    Isn't Spring such a refreshing change.

  28. Don't you just love spring? Yesterday at work we were discussing how reassuring it was that in this topsy-turvy economic downturn, seeing spring is like a reminder from God above that these days will pass.

    Happy spring and blessings for Leo!

  29. Happy Spring to YOU!!

    I LOVED that sweet photo of The Wee One in his bunny ears and I so enjoyed the great poem.

    How wonderful that you met up with two bloggers for the parade! It looks like you had a grand time with them and watching the very loooong NYC St Pat's Parade! Our parade in KC (the main one) has grown lots over the years, but,of course, it's nothing like yours.

    Hope you are having a great weekend. Dana

  30. Hi Pat,
    Leo is adorable! I think this is one of the cutest bunny photos I've ever seen! He is growing up so quickly!

    We finally made it home last night around 10 after delays in the Atlanta airport...I'm tired, but it was all so worth it!
    :) Diane

  31. Happy Spring!
    My photo hunt today is one of the least favorite parts of spring in the south.
    That is the cutest little bunny

  32. We stopped in to say Thank You!
    kari & kijsa

  33. How cute is your little Easter bunny!

  34. I don't know about the bunny ears for the 'LION HEARTED'.....he'll cringe someday with that picture...he's looking good though. Have a great week.

  35. What a sweetie! I'm sure he was humoring his mom with those ears.

  36. I'm so happy Spring has arrived for you Pat! ..and little Leo is the cutest bunny I've ever seen! :D

  37. Pat this is a darling picture! Leo has grown so much--what a sweet little face. I have wondered what on earth babies think as they get pushed around stores in their strollers--they are at about eye level of the waists of the people around them, so what they see is much different than what we see!

    Loved seeing the photo of you with Laura and Diane at Grand Central Station. How neat all three of you could get together.

  38. Oh, Pat! He is darling beyond words! I can't believe how much he's grown, and I love the bunny ears! LOL! Thanks for sharing. I'm finally up for some air! :-)


    Sheila :-)

  39. He is SO darn cute. The face is too much..."Um, mom...what's with these things on my head?" HA!

    Here's hoping it starts to actually FEEL like spring here soon, huh?! I think Diane took the warm weather back with her. :-)

  40. Leo is such a gorgeous little fellow. Happy Spring to you and your family. x


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