
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shchav - Russian Swiss Chard Soup

One of the green vegetables that become plentiful in Spring is Swiss Chard. It also happens to be one of my favorite vegetables to eat. I often chop it, saute it in a little olive oil with garlic and onions, and sometimes I'll add either some crushed tomatoes, or precooked beans, or boiled cubed potatoes to the skillet as a change of pace.

Last weekend I wanted to try something entirely different and my daughter told me about this recipe she saw on

It was quick, easy and absolutely delicious!

Here is my slightly modified version:


1 lb. cleaned Swiss chard

0ne medium chopped red onion

three potatoes peeled and chopped into small cubes

2 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. flour

1 1/2 c. chicken broth (canned or freshly made)

1/2 c. milk or sour cream

First melt butter in a wide, heavy pan. Add chopped or thinly sliced stems of Swiss chard and chopped red onion and cook, covered, for 3-4 minutes. Stir in chopped leaves and cook for 3-4 minutes more.

Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons flour and stir until blended. Gradually blend in chicken broth and potatoes and cook until potatoes are soft.

Slowly add milk or sour cream, cook and stir until slightly thickened.

If a smooth green soup is preferred, whirl mixture in a blender or with an immersion blender until it has the consistency desired.

Season to taste with salt and and pepper.

Makes 4-6 servings.

I did not blend the soup this time as I wanted to keep it a little hearty, as it was our whole meal with the addition of some seasoned croutons, but I may try blending it the next time I make it and serve a smaller amount as a first course.

If you like Swiss chard you'll love this soup -- it's a nice taste of Spring in your bowl!


  1. I love soups:) I often get swiss chard in my organic veggie box. Puts a smile on my face when I see it:)I saute it with onion, garlic and golden raisins then a splash of balsamic vinegar! Yum.

  2. Hmmmmm.... I'd love to try it.

  3. Can you believe I have NEVER eaten Swiss Chard? This recipe looks and sounds wonderful, Pat. I will certainly give it a try! Thanks again for another great idea. Dana

  4. I haven't has Swiss Chard in a long time. My ex husband's grandmother used to raise it in her garden and give it to us. I loved it's flavor. The soup sounds really good and healthy. I'll try and find some in the store.

    Last weekend I cooked a pot of Kale while I made my St Paddy's day boy's birthday meal. I was busy when it came time to season it, so my son did it for me. It was so delicious. He used some Italian seasons, basil, red pepper and I don't know what else. I plan on asking him next time I see him. I want to make that again.

  5. I've never had swiss chard either but this recipe certainly looks good and healthy. I might try it!

  6. It looks healthful and a Swiss chard lover's delight. I'm certain that I can find someone who likes Swiss chard around here and who needs some spring in a bowl...such a nice way of putting it!

  7. Wow, I was just telling my husband about shchav! That was a little weird. We were talking about my Nana, who came over from Russia with her family when she was a little girl. I was actually wishing out loud that I wished I had her recipe for her cabbage soup, but I never asked for it before she passed. My husband asked what else she made that I miss, and the shchav came to mind along with her chicken soup (which I can make) and her matzah brie. There must be some vintage Russian energy in the air today. Thanks Pat.
    ♥, Susan

  8. Pat, I've bought Swiss Chard a few times, and each time it's just sat and gone bad in the fridge. Never got around to making it, mixed with not sure what to do with it. It just looked so *healthy* in the supermarket!

    Thank you for this recipe. Will print off and keep handy for the next time the swiss charg urge strikes me!

  9. That sounds really good! I love chard, kale etc... Thanks for the recipe!

  10. Looks delicious Pat. Thanks for posting the recipe!

  11. Pat, have never used this veggie before... now I know what I can do w/it! Thanks for posting. Sue

  12. This looks delicious and easy to make!

  13. This looks delicious! The recipe sounds delicious too, so it must be. I'll try it. Bibi has greens on her St. Paddy's day post that look similar to swiss chard. Not sure if it is though...

  14. The soup looks great. Would you's another gal that has no idea what Swiss chard tastes like. Maybe this soup would be a good way to taste-test.

  15. I too love soups! Swiss chard is a new flavor to me but I think I'll look for it at the farmers market and give the soup a try. It looks really yummy.

  16. Hi Pat

    This soup looks excellent. I hAVE always wanted to know what to do with swiss chard!

  17. That looks delicious, but not nearly as delicious as Leo looks in those bunny ears!

  18. I am hungry..and I would love to try that Pat. Here's to a great week ahead, hugs/M

  19. That looks so good, Pat! I just love Swiss Chard...and most any kind of soup! I hope to try some Swiss Chard in the little veggie patch this year. :o) Happy week, my friend ((HUGS))

  20. It does look and sound like a wonderful spring soup.

    I watched a TV show this weekend (so rare for me). It was Samantha Brown (Travel channel) visiting her homegrounds in Brooklyn. I immediately thought of you and the wonderful stories you tell us about NY and its environs.

  21. You have the best recipes! I love a good, hearty soup.

  22. It looks really good an healthy.

  23. This soup looks delicious Pat, we have not tried swiss chard either. hope you have a wonderful week, hugs, Kathy.

  24. Looks wonderful; I swear, I gain weight just visiting your blog!
    BTW, I think one of the Rose of Sharon seeds has sprouted. Something just popped up after the rain. I'll post on my seedlings later in the week.

  25. This soup looks really wholesome and tasty...

  26. Thanks for putting this link the comment on my blog, Pat. I've pinned it to my recipe board and hope to make it before long. Sounds delicious.


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