
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pink Saturday Hair...and a Thank You!

Last week, while I was walking along the new High Line park, high above the streets of the Chelsea neighborhood in Manhattan, I was attracted to the very pink hair of this young lady who was walking in front of me.

Of course my first thought when I saw her was of Beverly's blog How Sweet The Sound Pink Saturday event. She was perfect!
Go to Beverly's blog today to see links to many more participating blogs and their wonderful pink discoveries. Also, please come back to my blog in a few days when I'll be showing more of the High Line walkways and gardens on my blog. It is a very unique new park, and has become a very popular attraction in New York City since it opened this summer.

Beverly also asks us to introduce a new blog we discovered each week during our Pink Saturday visits, and I'd like to recommend Susie Jefferson of 1st Floor Flat. She composed the Html code for the cute little Pink Saturday blinkie you see below. Susie, who lives in London, England, is a wonderful mixed media artist, designer of rubber art stamps and jewelry, and is also a book binder. Susie has a Pink Saturday post up today with scans of pages from a very fascinating antique cookery book. Please make sure to pay her a visit!

I'd also like to say a special "Thank You!" to Jeanne of the Backyard Neighbor blog. I won a wonderful give-away that she recently had on her blog. The package arrived today and as I opened it I found this beautiful vintage picnic hamper inside. It was so heavy! What else could be inside it?

I opened the lid to find it full of an array of wonderful gifts!

There were two wonderful cook books, a set of four matching napkins, place mats and napkin rings, blue kitchen towels, coasters, a fabric wine carrier bag, four white plastic dishes and matching sets of white handled silverware, two bags of vanilla potpourri, a package of Halloween napkins, and a cute Halloween candle holder!

Jeanne, you were so generous! It felt like Christmas as I opened this wonderful gift! I will truly enjoy using this basket to carry our picnic equipment in the future. I am also enjoying all the little gifts that were included inside. I already saw a few recipes I'd like to try right away! Thank you again, it has always been a pleasure to visit your cheerful and interesting blog.

Jeanne has a wonderful Pink Saturday post today about an amazing collection of antique buttons! Please make sure to visit her always delightful blog and say hello.


  1. Cool hair and Congratulations! Neat basket! Is there a picnic to one of your wonderful "finds" scheduled?

  2. What a great giveaway you won! Perfect for you as I know how much you love to cook.

    Can't wait to learn more about that new area/park. Since I'm coming back to NY in the spring I'm writting down different things on your blog so I can be sure to check them out.

    I may have to rent you out as my tour guide when I come! LOL


  3. I saw the High Line park mentioned on another blog recently. I can't wait to read your assessment of it. The walkway looked so crowded in your picture, I wondered how much walking you have done.

  4. Happy Pink Saturday!
    Great post and captures!

  5. fab hair what a generous give a way by jeanne lucky you to win it have a fab pink saturday

  6. What a great prize! Not sure about the hair....Thanks for sending us to Susie.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  7. Now I've seen it all. I've heard of a bad hair day, but never a pink hair day. What a hoot. It would have been my luck not to have my camera with me to catch this moment.

    I just dropped by from Bev's to wish you a Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. What a great "pink" shot!...I'm dying to get Mr O to NYC to visit the Highline...hopefully this autumn :)

  9. I love that photo. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  10. Happy Pink Saturday, Pat. And, thank you for introducing everyone to Susie. She is so talented.

    The pink hair gave me a big smile. I just let my gray grow out. Maybe I should have gone pink. Ha!

    I new you would love Jeanne's giveaway prize. She always finds neat things.

  11. I thought also, lucky you had your camera for the pink hair. I am looking forward to the park post also, since you are so good at that. You have a super gift there. Who ever thought blogging would be so much fun.

  12. Love the pink hair ~ at one point I had a swatch of pink in my hair (many years ago) so thanks for another great memory!

    You hit the mother lode with your win! Maybe you can get in a picnic before winter time ..


  13. Hi Pat- Why DO girls do this to their hair?! Cracks me up...
    Wow, you sure won a really cool picnic hamper. Love all the goodies inside, too. Hope all is well. Have a good weekend! hugs, Sue

  14. Wow ... THAT was certainly PINK HAIR! Congratulation on your 'win' ... very nifty ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  15. Pat, How wonderful to get a gift like that! The pink hair is a very fun statement.
    ♥, Susan

  16. Bless you ! Thank you so much for that wonderful testimonial!

    I love the pink hair, isn't she perfect. Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie!

  17. That pink hair is very special. Those jeans are too. LOL.
    YOu won a beautiful prize. Now that is generous gift. Beautiful.
    Happy pink Saturday

  18. Happy Pink Saturday! What a fun idea - kudos to her and kudos to you snapping the photo. Congrats on the picnic basket and goodies - it's wonderful for you because you will make grand use of it!

  19. What a great gift you won. Love the pink hair. We thought the High Line was terrific - a great oasis up there with so many juxtapositions. Can't wait to read your take on it.

  20. The air is cooler, the days are shorter, winter is on its way. From now until April of next year I will have to rely on Pink Saturday for my pink fix!

    Thanks for participating this week and for helping my day be just a little bit more pink and sweet!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with the love of family and good friends.

  21. certainly stands out in a crowd..reminds me of Tonks from Harry Potter :) Congrats on your win too! Gx

  22. Well, you brought me a smile as I was reading your post. The pink hair did it for me. Only you could capture pink hair on a "pink Saturday".

    What a generous, thoughtful gift you received. I am sure it did feel like Christmas for you.

    Thank you for all the blogging sites info that you provided for us. I continually learn much from my visits here.

  23. Congratulations. What a wonderful gift. Susie is the best and continues to inspire me to learn and use new tricks on my blog. Happy Pink Saturday just a little late.

  24. Congratulations and it does look like Christmas, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  25. Oh, Pat! What a wonderful giveaway you won from Jeanne! Such a fun gift!

    And I will check out the blog you mentioned. Loved the pink hair...


    Sheila (who is happy to have Old Faithful back today!) :-)

  26. Hi Pat, Great job catching a shot of that amazing pink hair!!

    I can't wait to see more of the High Line walkways and gardens--it sounds like it's a very interesting place. I know you'll be a great tour guide.

    Your package is wonderful--enjoy all your goodies. Jeanne is such a sweet person.

  27. First of all, excellent use of Pink Saturday! :-)

    And second -- what a GREAT prize! Congratulations!! I just love the blogosphere.


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