
Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas Shopping

This is a collection of one month's worth of different catalogs that came in my mail! I've been saving them all in a basket to browse through them when I get a chance, in order to get some ideas for Christmas gifts. I've always loved catalogs because they make me feel as if I am leisurely window shopping in the comfort of my home. Many of them have wonderful decorating ideas, and some include gourmet recipes as a bonus! Of course, they will all go into the paper recycle bin when I am finished looking and ordering from them.

  I think I've gotten the most catalogs this year than ever before! How about you? I am so glad though, as this year all my Christmas shopping will be done through these catalogs, and through online stores, because of this...

I have a stress fracture in a bone in my foot! I really don't know how it happened.
If you know me, you know I love to walk, and lately, my foot was becoming very swollen after any activity. An x-ray and MRI later confirmed what my doctor diagnosed, and now I have to wear this funny-looking, hard-bottomed shoe for a month, and keep my foot elevated as much as possible until it heals. It could be worse, so I won't complain, and I expect to heal very quickly. I will still have lots to blog about. In fact, please come back to visit my blog tomorrow, as I will be showing a special holiday "give away" I am having just in time for Christmas! I am getting near to my 400th blog post, and my second year blog anniversary, so I wanted to celebrate these events with a special giveaway that I think many will enjoy!

Blogging has certainly made me appreciate my world a little more and I appreciate all the wonderful people from all around the world that I've met through it!

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  1. Oh no! I hope your foot is back to normal and you feel better soon.

    I wonder how that happened?

    Yes I've been getting more and more catalogs in the mail every day. I think of all the trees that are killed so we can shop at home and then toss the catalogs out.

    But like you, I love them. Always have. I like to order from them too. It's fun to get something nice in the mail rather then just bills every day.

    I sure hope you will be up to taking us Window shopping in the city this year. I really wanted to be there this holiday season to see the windows, the Santas, the lights and snow.

    Has it gotten cold there?


  2. I hope you foot will get better soon!

  3. Sorry to hear of your foot being hurt! I broke a bone in my foot 2 years ago & was in a cast for 6 weeks so it could be worse!
    Take care, kick back & enjoy those catalogs.
    p.s. I was thinking the same thing that there were an over abundance of catalogs this year....

  4. Sorry to hear about the foot. At least you have the time and excuse now to sit and read and shop on line!!

    I have been receiving catalogues for gifts etc.. and also holiday brochures for 2010!!

    Take care, Jackie in Surrey. UK

  5. Look at the bright side, you have plenty of time to shop in your own chair and you are probably up and about at Christmas. Hopefully your foot heals soon.

  6. Yikes! I'm so sorry about your foot, I know how much you like to walk. Will the doctor at least let you decorate the "shoe" for the holidays?? I have noticed more catalogues than normal this year. But I do appreciate them, because I really prefer to shop from them. Hope you're up and about in no time! Kathy

  7. I've had those before. Not fun. Hope you are back to normal soon. :)

  8. Good Morning... I am so sorry to hear about your foot problem. Hopefully, it will be better soon --and you can get back to your walking.

    I get a ton of catalogs also---and most of them I have never ever ordered anything from. I think if ONE company gets your name, then they sell it to every other company in the world. Most of the time, I just recycle them--and don't even look at them... What a waste of THEIR money!!!!

    Have a great day and take care of that foot.

  9. I love catalogs! Lots of catalogs!!
    Hope you heal soon.


  10. So sorry about your foot Pat! Get better soon! Take care, Martha

  11. Oh, bummer! I am sorry to hear about your foot problem. That is so frustrating especially at this busy time of year. Several years ago I had foot surgery that required me to be completely off my feet for two months. It was near Christmas. That was the year I discovered QVC and ordered many gifts that way. Thank goodness for catalogues and QVC. I hope you are back to normal real soon.

  12. Pat, I cannot imagine you "grounded" but I am sure it won't be for long. Thank you so much for all the wonderful NY adventures you have taken us on this year. You've been an incredible tour guide and I look forward to many more journeys in the future.

  13. OH, my goodness, sorry to learn about what's happened with your foot! Do hope you are feeling better soon...and that maybe by Christmas you can wear real shoes again! :o) A similar thing happened to my aunt--she was having pain in her foot but couldn't figure out why... come to find out she had a tiny fracture that was causing a lot of trouble. Sit back and enjoy that stack of looking and reading... Be taking good care, and have a great weekend! :o) ((HUGS))

  14. You crack me up! AND I have the matching right boot to that if you want a pair? I'm thinking maybe a little glitter and sequins to glam it up a bit. Should I send you some embellishments? You probably already know this but before you order from any on-line catalog do a search for on-line coupons. I almost always find one - for free shipping if nothing else. Give your foot my condolences! And give yourself a big hug from me!

  15. Looks like you will have some time to sit and read those catalogs, Pat. I hope it doesn't hurt too much.
    ♥, Susan

  16. Hey Pat....sorry to hear about your foot! I fractured the top of mine a few years back and wore the rocker boot! I've got tons of catalogs too. I do most of my shopping on line and did some this morning! It's been like Christmas for days around here! We haven't had to walk to the mail box as she has been bringing all the packages! HA!

  17. Ouch Pat. At least you now know what the problem is and hopefully it will get better. Have a lovely time resting up and shopping on-line. I'll email you some sweet links.

  18. Pat - I hope your foot is healing properly and that you'll be right back on track to do all the things you want to do for the holidays. In the meantime, it's great to be able to shop all those catalogues, isn't it?

  19. ACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

    Cold toes for HOW many weeks??? So sorry!

    You'll have to send Hubby out to photograph all the Christmas lights!

    So sorry, Pat!!! One word: NAOTs. :)

  20. I hope your foot feels better soon.

    I also love looking at catalogs. You are right, it's just like window shopping, without getting tired. ;)

    Mommy's Little Corner

  21. OMG, Pat. Take care of your foot. I adore your travels and need you to get stronger so you can take me with you as you blog on all of these wonderful places you have been too. Sea Witch

  22. Have a tip for those magazines an catalogs.
    I take them to the Hospital.
    Sounds like you will be resting
    and catch up on bloging and reading. Get well.

    Yvonne in Maine

  23. Oh, Pat! I'm so sorry you are hurt! I hope you heal rapidly and can enjoy getting out and about around NYC.

    I love catalogs, too. They are such fun to read, but I decided to try and buy most things in stores when I can because the merchants are struggling. Had a long talk with one the other day. But oh, how I love the convenience of mail order...


    Sheila :-)

  24. Pat, the same thing happened to my girlfriend. She said it was because her arches had fallen. Hope your foot is feeling better now that you've gotten some support for it.

    I've only gotten an American Girl catalog so far. My granddaughters love them. One wants the sewing machine for her doll. I enjoy browsing the catalogs myself.

  25. Well, it looks like you will have plenty of time for blogging...and armchair shopping...and contemplating life. So sorry about your foot...and let's hope things heal quickly and smoothly. Enjoy those catalogs...I see some there I would like to look through!

  26. Pat

    Oooh! Glad you are addressing the foor issue! Stay off it if you can for Thanksgiving! I hope you have a joyous holiday--might you be heading this way for it??

  27. Oh my goodness Pat, I'm so sorry to hear that you've got a fracture of your foot! I'm a big walker too, so I know you must be frustrated even as you're thankful that it isn't anything worse. Those hard-soled shoes are wonderful for keeping your foot supported while it heals--I will pray that it's a quick recovery.

    I get lots of catalogs too, and like you I love window shopping and real shopping from them. Sometimes it's nice not to have to trek from store to store and wait in line--with a few mouse clicks the gift is on its way to you, no fuss, no muss.

  28. I hope you will be fine soon to fully celebrate with your family.
    Gracie at

  29. i forgot to Mention that I am following your blog on my previous remarks.


  30. Just in case the other note didn't go through. ( I am using a new computer and it's a bit different from my old one. It's a christmas gift to myself.

    I would like to enter your teapot giveaway. I also am following your blog. It looks so much like a tea light lamep my niece gave me several years ago.

    I will post it on my blog and mention it on several others.

  31. Looks like you really wore out your feet with all the pounding the pavement you've been enjoying...Hope it heals quickly the meantime have fun shopping on-line and through the catalogs:)


  32. Geeze Pat, I'm sorry to hear about your foot. It does sound like a great excuse to avoid the crowded stores tho:D I say if it had to happen it was good timing! Happy catalogue and internet shopping!

    The only catalogue I've gotten this year was I think Pottery Barn Teen? I didn't even know there was such a thing. How they found me I'll never know. I've never shopped at Pottery Barn and I don't have any teens. It went straight into the recycle.

  33. ouch...for someone who has had EXTREME foot problems this year, to include surgery..I will be motherly and tell you...ELEVATE...ICE can't do it tooooo much....I had surgery in August and still spend the biggest part of my time in the recliner..
    mine was a tendon tear due to taking the antiobiotic LEVAQUIN...CIPRO does tendon tears too...have a minisquis tear in my right knee...I WARN everyone about these *black box* it...I am a mess from Levaquin

  34. Oh, Pat! How awful! I hope your foot heals well and speedily!

    Wow! That's a lot of catalogues! I don't get near that many . . . perhaps it's a good thing . . . I'd never have any money for groceries! LOL!

    Take care,


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