
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pink Saturday Christmas Teapot Give Away!

I am approaching 400 blog posts, and my second year blog anniversary, so I thought it would be fun to have a give away of something that would be useful for the Christmas holiday!

It is a brand new, full size, Lenox china "Holiday Gatherings" teapot!

Detail of the lid

The pretty holly design is on both sides of the teapot.

It is also microwave and dishwasher safe!

I'll also include a box of Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spice Holiday Herb Tea and a few other little surprises to the lucky winner!

I will write everyone's comment number on a slip of paper and have my husband pick it out of the teapot, on Tuesday, the first of December , so that the winner will receive the teapot in plenty of time to use it for the Christmas season.

To enter for a chance to win, please leave a comment on this blog post.

To receive a second entry for the give away please become a "follower" of my blog, and let me know that you have done that in your comment -- if you already follow my blog I will give you two entries.

If you blog about my give away on your blog you will be entered three times. Please let me know when you have done a blog post about it.

If you do not have a blog please leave an e-mail address in your comment with which I can reach you in case you win.

Good Luck!

Thank you for your friendship and interest in my blog. I love sharing my little corner of the world with you, and I love to read your comments and visit your lovely blogs in return.

It's Pink Saturday today on our wonderful host Beverly's blog "How Sweet The Sound," and as my contribution I'd like to show you how my once blue hydrangea flowers have changed to a beautiful dark shade of pink this autumn! This was the first time they changed to this color so late in the season.

Please visit Beverly's blog today to see links of other participating blogs showing off their lovely "pinks" today, and thank you for entering my Christmas give away!

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  1. Hi Pat....what a pretty teapot..I love the plaid on the lid...I am a plaid kinda person..I am already a follower and I'm doing a post tomorrow on Melky Cabrera so I will mention your giveway at the bottom of the post since I have already written it so I'll be able to add it to the end.....make sure to stop by and see what I have to say about my favorite Yankee....

  2. Hi Pat, things have finally settled here for a few moments and I'm able to come visit. I've missed your blog and have some catching up to do.

    The teapot is just lovely--I am a bigtime tea drinker and I have a small collection of teapots including a couple my sister sent me from England when she lived there years ago. I would love to win it, and I have been a happy follower of your blog for a while!

    We have lots of hydrangeas in our yard here in NC--they are among my favorites, perhaps because I remember them from my yard in Rockville Center growing up.

  3. Oh Pat,
    Happy Pink Saturday sweetie.
    I so love this teapot. It is just as cute as it can be, and so festive for the holiday. I love it. Thank you for sharing with me, and giving me the opportunity to win it. I am already a follower, I so love your posts.

    I will be copying one of the pictures and going to my blog and posting about it also. Thanks for sharing sweetie.

    Please stop by and say hi. I so love the company. Country hugs...Sherry

  4. Oh, Pat, what an absolutely adorable teapot! I adore Lenox and would love to be entered in your giveway. The tea looks wonderful, too.

    I have followed your blog since I first discovered it, and I have enjoyed all your posts.

    Love to you...


    Sheila :-)

  5. Hi Pat,

    Congrats on your 400 posts! That's a lot of wonderful New York info for us and I for one have enjoyed every word of it.

    What a beautiful tea pot. I have a Christmas tea party every year so this would be a wonderful addition to my table. I can't tell you how excited I would be to have a New York memory on my Christmas table every year.

    So please do add my name to the hat.

    I'm also a follower so put me down again.

    Since I really want this I had to think if blogging about it would only make my chances of winning lower or not.

    But, I thought I would take the high road and be a big girl and do a post for you. Not only to tell the world about your wonderful blog but also to give everyone a fair chance at winning.

    I may regrete this later. LOL

    Hope you are staying warm in NY.

    Hugs from CA,

  6. Here is the link to the post about your giveaway on my blog

  7. Pat. i Am new to your blog but wanted to sign up for th giveawy. What a lovely tea pot@ I must go check out th rest of your posts now. please keep me in mind.
    Blessings to you,


  8. Good morning Pat. The pink of your hydrangea is beautiful. LOve it. I will not participate in your beautiful give away because I am in Europe and postage will terribly expensive. Little things in an envelope are ok but boxes with beautiful teapots, like yours will be too expensive.But I congratulate you on your 400th post.And I will surely keep following you.

  9. congratulatins for you 400 post and thank you for sharing your part of the world. I hope I get to visit it someday soon. I would love to be part of the give away. I drink alot of tea and I am already a follower of you blog. (bloglovin) Have a nice weekend

  10. Hia Pat of course I follow your blog hun. You are in my "blogs I stalk" so I hopefully don't miss one of your interesting posts.

    I do like hydrangeas- they are blue because of the soil in the Lakes but in Oxfordshire they are pink.

    Congrats on 400 posts what a lovely idea for a giveaway.

  11. Hi, Pat, I'm Holly and that tea pot has my name on it! ☺

    I am now a follower! I've never known anyone from NY city so this will be fun! ♥

  12. what a pretty teapot!
    Congrats on your 400 posts!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  13. Good Morning Pat..Happy Pink Saturday..what a pretty teapot. The plaid is so lovely not typical of Lennox I love it. The Hydrengeas are so pretty. Grace

  14. very pretty pat...i cant believe its almost christmas....

  15. Hi Pat, this is a beautiful teapot. I would love to be entered and I'm already a follower. Love the shot of your hydrangeas. I had no idea that they changed color that dramatically. Do they all do that, or is it based on the type or where you live? Very interesting. Have a wonderful weekend. Kathy

  16. Congratulations on the success of your blog. It is all of us who are blessed by knowing you.

    Now you know I am definitely a follower of you. I am a member of Pat's Fan Club. And, I did list the giveaway in the Pink Saturday post today.

    This teapot is just exquisite. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win.

    And, that hydrangea is gorgeous. I've never seen one turn such a spectacular rose color. Magnificent.

  17. Hi Pat!
    What a great giveaway! Darling teapot!! Please enter me in your giveaway. I'll post an ad for it on my sidebar too.

    Bet you're still celebrating the Yankees win! Chris will be in NYC for the Macy's Parade with her cousin. The Pickerington Central HS band will be marching with Chris' young cousin in it! Such fun!!

    Big hugs & much love to you and yours, Sherry

  18. Pat, that is a beautiful teapot and boy, I do drink a lot of tea!

    Please enter me in your Giveaway. I`m already a follower and I posted about it on my this morning.

    Love the pics of your flowers.


  19. What a generous giveaway, Pat. Thank you and congratulations on reaching such a high achievement.

  20. Oh Pat, that teapot is so special! Pink hydrangeas are so beautiful.
    Have a very lovely pink day!!
    xo Tami

  21. The teapot is just beautiful Pat. Whether I win or not doesn't matter because I really enjoy following your blog for the educational value of all your interesting posts and the great photos of New York and elsewhere too. You and your blog are a NY treasure.

  22. Beautiful tea pot Pat. And the Hydrangea are gorgeous. I have mine sitting in a vase in my family room all nice and dried :-)

  23. I adore that teapot, please enter me. This is so sweet of you. Nice blog too!

  24. Me, me, me! Pick me! ME!!!!!! Oh...ummm.... ok. Calm down Jenny. Ummm... Dear Ms. Pat, I would very much like to be entered into your lovely giveaway for this beautiful and useful teapot. Sincerely, Jenny

  25. I am officially "Stollower" That is a combination of stalker and follower so enter me again. That would be "tea-riffic"

  26. Yes, it's me. Yet again. I am posting a link to this a bit later in the morning when I announce the winner of my Alice giveaway! Oh, and the pink hydrangea petals were pretty, too.

  27. Hi Pat!!
    I have already made room for this beautiful tea pot on my hutch amongst all the Christmas decor!! Just send it out.... LOL!!

  28. Congratulations for the goals (almost) achieved! And congratulations to me for having found you LOL
    Gracie at

  29. Pat,
    That is such a wonderful giveaway!

    I thought I was already a follower of your, but I am for sure now! LOL

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Lovely post filled with beautiful pinks! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend ;-)
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs and blessings,
    My Pink Post is at Happily Retired Gal

  31. Hi Pat :)

    I just finished catching up with you and had a great time! I really enjoyed Central Park :)

    I would love to win that darling tea pot! I'll post a link on my sidebar.

    (((hugs and Happy Thanksgiving)))

  32. I'm not a blogger, but your teapot caught my eye on Rue's Peanut Butter and Jelly site. So I hope you'll enter me me in your giveaway, as this is my favorite Christmas pattern. I've just added you to my google blogreader as well. Susie

  33. That is so cool how the hydrangea changed color, I didn't know they did that. Hope you'll stop by for a visit.

  34. Hi Pat! Ooooh, I love your teapot. I would be so honored if I won. I became a follower too. Your photos of your hydrangeas look like a postcard.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Thanksgiving.

  35. I love the pink hydrangea and the teapot is quite beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Congratulations on approaching 400 posts. That really is a milestone.

  36. How fun. The teapot is gorgeous...and that tea looks so fun. I haven't seen it before. Love your hydrangea's's fun to watch them change color through the months. I think I've been following're listed on my blog roll...I"ll have to go check your followers list. Hope you're having a grand weekend.

  37. Your flower pics are just lovely. And, your giveaway is so generous. A follower and encouraged by the Helen Keller quote. Vermont is a lonely place and I too wonder if there are real people out there.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  38. Greetings from Norway!! I'm on a roll findng new blogs tonight and stumbled upon yours...yes, the free giveaway announced on another blog certainly enticed me without hesitation to your blog but I was very glad to have found you...your cats are great- Bo looks like our cat Stuart Little!! And your dog is adorable..small but adorable..I guess in New York having gigantic dogs like mine would be difficult..I'm fascinated by New York, never been there and think I'd be terrified to be there because it's so big, but at the same time I'm fascinated...I'll be back again!! And I've joined your followers ;-)) 2 chances to Norway!! ;-))

  39. I have been reading your blog for over a year and as a NY area resident I enjoy it very much. I am also an avid fan of the opera. (I would like to tell you more about that privately!) Your beautiful teapot has enticed me to "follow".

  40. Beautiful hydrangeas and a generous giveaway! The teapot is so lovely - perfect for the holidays. Happy Pink Saturday!

  41. I so adore hydrangeas and have never been able to grow them successfully in the Texas heat. Thank you for sharing yours!
    The Christmas teapot is so pretty. What a fabulous give-away!
    PS I just became a follower!

  42. Happy catalog season!
    I love the teapot!
    And I am a loyal follower!


  43. Oh what a stunning teapot....I LOVE it....Please throw me into the hat too...I'm thinking it would be the sweetest tradition to have tea on Christmas in memory of my's the thing I miss the most about not having her here....She always put on the pot as we walked in the door.

    Warm blessings,

  44. My 20 yr old daughter asked me for a teapot for Christmas this year. She has been influenced by the 'Pride and Prejudice' movies; elegance in an era gone by that she wants to live. She is so NOT the teapot type, but I love that she wants one. Would love to win this for her.
    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  45. What a beautiful shade of pink for the hydrangeas. I'm always fascinated how hydrangeas can change color like that. Love the teapot. Thanks for entering me. Congratulations on your blog. Happy Pink Saturday and Blessings for Thanksgiving! ~ Sarah

  46. Congratulations two times around!
    Thank you for the chance to be the lucky winner of that beautiful teapot!!!

  47. Hi Pat, that is a beautiful teapot. I am a follower, just can't get my picture on there due to Google glitch. I will put on my post and loved your picture for Pink Saturday. I'll be glad when this birthday month is over. Too confining in what I can post about, since I made a commitment.

  48. Oh my...what a lovely tea pot...I am crossing my fingers that my name is picked!

    Donna H.

  49. Beautiful hydrangeas...amzing at this time of year. Maybe you can add a touch of pink to your holiday decor this year!

    The teapot is pretty special as well!

  50. Oh what a lovely teapot. I would so love this. I drink tea everyday -- although I often just microwave a cup for me.

  51. That is such a lovely teapot! What a sweet giveaway.

  52. Pat! Has it only been two years? It feels as though I've "known" you forever:)Your blog is a cheery, interesting and warm place to visit.
    What a delightful giveaway:)Thank you so much!

  53. First off, I love your hydrangeas! My most fave flower.

    I would love to win that precious tea pot. I am already a follower and I will post this on my side bar. Pink Blessings!

  54. I know your injury is from the marathon that you ran and did not tell us about:) hope your foot feels better. Not sure I could sit down for a full month as I run around so much. I love the teapot and please enter me in the contest and as a follower too. Off to see Santa today with the baby so wish us luck that he does not cry for the 3rd year in a row:)

  55. Very nice teapot, I can see how this would be wonderful for the Christmas season. Your hydrangeas are very beautiful, I still have roses blooming.

  56. How lovely! Put a little sticky something on my comment so that hubby draws it whether he aims to do so or not.

    And congratulations! 400 wonderfully creative blog posts is awesome! Who else would take us from Wall St. to a rodeo?!

  57. I just love your blog! That teapot is the prettiest one I've seen in a long time and it's just so "Christmasy!"

  58. Hi: Just joined your blog! Please enter me in your give away. Congratulations on your 2 years. Blessings, Martha

  59. What a beautiful tea pot! I would be thrilled to win! I am a new follower, hope you'll visit me soon, too! Thank you!

  60. Hello Pat, what a beautiful teapot and what a wonderful give a way. I would be honored, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  61. Pat congratulations on your 400th post to come! I never thought I would have so much to say, did you? Whoever receives your generous gift will be a lucky winner.

    I still have pink begonia blooming outside...I think I'll go take a picture.

  62. Pat, This is a lovely give away for a big milestone!
    ♥, Susan

  63. Hi again..okay, now I am following you.
    ♥, Susan

  64. First, what a lovely't just gorgeous, and I would so love for it to be mine. I will give it such a loving home. :). I have become a follower of your pretty blog...and I love your Pink Saturday flowers. I never knew the blue ones would change to a deep pink in the autumn.. Happy Pinks and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  65. Hello from New Jersey :) I found you through various wanderings in blogland which started at Sugar Pie Farmhouse. I'd like to be entered in your teapot give-away, how very generous of you! Enjoy the last hours of the weekend.
    Smiles, DianeM

  66. Hello I am so happy you stopped over by my blog, now I am a follower and I would love to sign up for your lovely teapot giveaway.

    I have added your giveaway to my side bar.

    I am following.

    It was so lovely to meet you.

    Stop over any time


    (¸.•´ (¸.+´♥♥¸.+´
    (¸.•´ (¸.+´♥ Heidi ♥)

  67. Hi Pat,
    What a lovely and generous give-away! Sue at Rue Mouttard sent me over and I can see I have some catching up to do:>) Please enter me ok?

  68. No wonder you have 67 comments. Who wouldn't want to win this gorgeous gift! You are one generous, kind lady, and I think you chose a perfect gift to give away for your 400th post. Quite honestly, I feel like each one of your posts is a gift. Please keep posting. I am learning so much from my visits.

  69. Congratulations Pat! Its a wonderful teapot for a give away! The plaid pattern is a beauty! I am a follower on my google reader!

    Hope your foot heals soon!

  70. Hi Pat! Amazing how you managed to increade the number of comments... ;))
    Congrats on the 400!! Take care and keep running!! All the best!!

    Blogtrotter has an astonishing display of works of art by contemporary artists in the streets of Bilbao for you to enjoy. Have a great week!

  71. Lots of people have been here. Happy Pink Saturday! I knew that was Lenox before I read it. I love Lenox and that teapot is gorgeous. How did you know I was having a Christmas Tea Party? Right now I am making mini pecan tarts for it. That teapot would be perfect. Please draw my name. :) :) xo Lynn

  72. This is lovely tea pot. It looks like a match to a lamp with tea light that my niece gave me several years ago for Christmas. I would like to enter for the give away and will post it on my blog and leave a comment on several others.

  73. What a lovely teapot!!!! I am a follower and I will mention your giveaway tomorrow. I love your blog and all of the wonderful pictures on NY......

  74. Hi Pat
    How are you? I am amazed that you ae almost at 400 posts. I'm glad I stopped by today so I have a chance at winning your giveaway. I love teapots!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  75. The big 400...Congratulations!
    I am new to your blog and am a new follower. Looking forward in tagging along!

  76. I love the teapot.. I have become a follower Thansk for the giveaway

  77. Pat, what a gorgeous teapot, I would love to have a cuppa from it. I read some of your previous posts and I am enjoying your Blog. I am going to follow your Blog and share your give away on my Blog. Happy Thanksgiving and can't wait to see what Dec brings us all!


  78. I am so excited to visit your blog. Found the link to it at my friend Jenny's blog. Love the teapot and of course would love to win something so beautiful for this Christmas season. I chose to follow you and will also post this on my own blog, Unveiled. It is not a craft site but will advertise it there. My blog is for women who experience domestic violence and is private but there are ladies who would love to be able to link to your beautiful blog. Robin

  79. It's a pleasure to visit your beautiful blog! This is such a nice giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win! I have become one of your followers and I will be back to visit often! Thank you for your very kind comments on our blog. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Twyla

  80. I love the teapot. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.
    I have signed up to become a follower. I found you via another blog. It will be fun reading about NYC via your blog! Happy Thanksgiving. Love & blessings from NC!

  81. Happy blogoversary to you! The giveaway is gorgooues of course, but I am here for you and your grand insights.

  82. No need for me to enter your giveaway Pat, I've already won by being able to call you my friend. I'm so glad we met through our blogs, hopefully one day we'll meet in person. 400 posts and a blogoversary! What an accomplishment!!

  83. Wow! 400 post give-a-way! I'm new to blogging but proud of my 10 posts so far. What a beautiful Christmas teapot. Please enter me in your give-a-way. I just became a follower too.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  84. GORGEOUS teapot, Pat! That is such a pretty pattern... and such a very generous gift! If you get a chance, stop by my place--I'm having a gift giveaway this week too to celebrate Thanksgiving week! :o) Those pink hydrangea are sooo lovely... Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))

  85. Thanks for response.
    I also like Opera, Gardening,Art,
    History,Antiques. I have seen Ghost and Mrs Muir at least 6 times.
    Did You know Stephen King lives in Augusta Maine?


  86. Love the pot!! Count me in. Thanks.

  87. It's so pretty! I hope I win. :)

    Btw, I am now following you. ;)

    Have a great day!

    Mommy's Little Corner

  88. Good Day Pat!
    I've been out and away and found this lovely post. That tea pot would fit perfect in my home...
    What a beautiful gift as you honor all your blogging friends.
    400 Posts! Congratulations...
    I love to follow your blog on your travels as you navigate us through New York.

  89. Got my post done,,,,finally,,,,been a busy day!

  90. Happy Pink Saturday...I haven't been in PS for a few weeks and am missing it! What a gorgeous tea pot you are giving away! I became a follower, blogged on my blog to send traffic your way and am leaving a comment!! Maybe I will be lucky! thanks for the opportunity to be entered!

  91. Hi...I'm Nanny...and Nanny sent me...confused now...LOL!

    What a wonderful Christmas Gifty! I am commenting, following and have posted...all fingers and toes crossed that I win!

  92. Pat, it was so nice for you to drop in and say Hello! Thank you also for taking the time to leave such a sweet note! It was greatly appreciated.
    Your tea pot post is absolutely gorgeous. I can understand why you have almost 100 entries! I also collect teapots. (I think I collect everything) I always appreciate all of the beautiful things that one can just gaze at and appreciate all of the artwork.
    Thank you again for your sweet words,

  93. Hi Pat!

    I'm glad you stopped by the other day! Nice to "see" you. Congratulations on 400 posts! I love the teapot and would love to be entered!


  94. Such a lovely teapot, especially for the holidays. I love teapots and would collect a bunch if they didn't take up so much darn room. I would love to have a chance to win yours...maybe a start of a collection. I also just listed myself as a follower. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  95. many comments! Firstly good luck to whoever who wins it.

    Just wanted to say, happy 400th post Pat, and you know, some of my best pals are bloggers, you included, so I am thankful for your friendship in every way. Love you Pat, and one day..who knows, we have the chance to meeting each other.


  96. Here I am checking in after being away for a long time and you're having a giveaway!...nearly two years!...Congrats!

  97. Lucky winner is right! What an absolutely darling teapot Pat!! What a generous gift!!!
    I can't believe its been nearly 2 years of blogging. Crazy.

  98. I am a lover of tea pots and the one you are giving away is a lovly piece of art.

  99. The teapot is absolutely precious. I would love it if you would enter my name and I will certainly become a follower!

  100. Hi Pat, just found your blog from Beverly's love love the teapot! stop by and visit me!

    Have a blessed week,

  101. Pat, I just blogged about your teapot giveaway!


  102. Morning girl!!! What a beautiful teapot!!!!! Hope all is well with you and yours my friend and that you have a glorious Thanksgiving surrounded by family and love and sweet memories!!!! ~Picket~

  103. I love this teapot!! I would love it to add to my collection. I don't have a Christmas teapot and this one would be perfect! Congrats on your 400th post!

  104. Hi Pat,
    How are you doing? Are you ready for the Thanksgiving Holiday? I haven't even started my shopping and it's two days away...yikes!!

    Hydrangea's are my favorite flower in the world! Did you say yours goes from blue to pink? I know that the soil can effect the color, but I didn't know they would change seasonally like that.
    I hope you all have a wondeful Thanksgiving!

    Love, Cori

  105. Just the sweetest teapot and would love to show it off in one of my vignettes here at home during the holiday season. Lovely blog too!

    The Blue Ridge Gal
    Just Vignettes

  106. Congrats on reaching 400 posts! Thats a huge accomplishment!

    I simply adore this tea pot...I am a tea drinker....mmm and that gingerbread tea sounds yummy!
    This would be perfect to serve hubby tea in bed on christmas morning!

    Happy Thanks giving

    P.S. Follower

  107. IT is beautiful...and so generous..and yes..I will become a follower too...need to go browse your blog some more this morning..
    yesipray at gmail dot com

  108. The teapot is in my pattern! And how I love a nice cuppa . . . If I could figure out how to follow your blog, I would. Alas, I am a Technidiot. You're a dear to share your thoughts and a teapot!

  109. Pat, thank you for all the wonderful tours through the year. Your posts are great. Please put me in the drawing. It's a beautiful teapot. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  110. Happy Thanksgiving and congratulations on 400 posts! Wow, I have a long way to go to ever get to that point.

    I'd love to be entered into your teapot drawing--so generous of you...

  111. Greetings Pat.... What a lovely Christmas teapot I am a tea drinker from way back so that would be perfect on my Christmas table this year I just became a follower and I just posted it on my blog....Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!

  112. Thank you for the chance to win. I became a follower. I am glad I came across your blog. I was born in New York and I miss the highlights of the city.

  113. Congrats on #400! And please enter me in this fabulous giveaway!

  114. What a beautiful teapot. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog. A friend sent me! She knows I am an armchair traveler and she said you have lovely photos.

  115. Stopping back by, Pat, to wish you and your family a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am so thankful for your friendship, and I just wanted to let you know that I count it joy that I have met you.

    I hope that you are spending the holiday with those you love best, particularly one special little guy, and that you are having the time of your life!

    Love to you...


    Sheila :-)

  116. Happy 2nd blogiversary and congratulations on your approaching 400th post:-) Isn't this blogging world of ours so very amazing?!! Omigosh, that teapot is absolutely beautiful! I am a follower and I've posted about your giveaway on my blog:-) xo

  117. Hi Pat! I love the teapot and I love your blog! I don't really need the teapot as I already own four pots! I'm just posting here to let you know how much I enjoy learning about your place in this world and how much I've valued you as a blog friend!

    Love Willow

  118. What a beautiful teapot! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway! I will be a follower of your blog too! I plan to post about your giveaway on my sidebar!
    Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! I too, am having a giveaway, so stop by and read my rules for entering! Contest ends Saturday night.

  119. Wow, what a beautiful tea pot! I would love to have it!

    I found your lovely blog through "Pea's Corner."


  120. what a sweet idea Pat! The teapot is beautiful.
    I am happy to have found your interesting blog. It is always a pleasure to come visit & see what you are sharing in your posts.
    Congratulations on two wonderful years!

  121. Pat:

    I've never been to NYC but perhaps one day. I think too many people . I prefer the backroads and the roads less travelled .

    I stumbled here from Leslie's Blog

    and someone is going to be receiving a very nice tea pot. You are very generous

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  122. I love your blog. I am new to all this blogging business and I eagerly signed up to follow your blog! I love your teapot and as a collector of teapots I say "Please enter me in your giveaway!" I have always been intrigued with NYC and one day I hope to visit there. Thank you so much for sharing!

  123. Hi there! Gorgeous teapot - I've always been fond of holly designs and Lenox is always lovely quality. So count me in and I just signed up to follow....

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  124. What a gorgeous teapot and your blog is lovely.
    I came to your blog via my dear friend Shelagh.
    Merry Christmas
    Love Jeanne♥

  125. What an absolutely beautiful teapot and what a great christmas piece....well I haven't been a follower but I am now...and I did a post on my blog about your give away.....I would love that for Christmas....Tea anyone

  126. Wow, Pat! You've had quite a response to your give-away . . . and no wonder . . . that teapot is gorgeous!

    I'd love a chance to win the teapot! I'm a follower and will be happy to post about your give-away on my sidebar!

    Thanks for sharing!


  127. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful teapot!! Such a generous giveaway. I have signed up as a follower! Thanks for entering me.

  128. The teapot is beautiful. Please add my name to the giveaway.


  129. Hi Pat...

    I hope that you've had a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend! I'm still trying to clean up after the "aftermath"! Hehe!

    Ohhh my...I just adore this pretty Christmas teapot!!! It really is the prettiest Christmas teapot that I've seen...and I would love to have it!!! I would love for you to enter me in your fabulous giveaway! You're so very sweet to do this for us!!!

    I am now a follower of your delightful blog! This is my first time to visit and I had fun looking down through some of your past posts! So very nice to meet you, my friend!!!

    I also wanted to let you know that I posted your giveaway photo in the sidebar of my blog! Ohhh...I'm crossin' my fingers!!!

    Thank you so much!
    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  130. Well, I see I am very late...but I want to congratulate you on almost 400 posts and 2 years. I will be there sometime in February! Love the teapot.

  131. I love your site, and all things New York! Please enter me in your give away! Beth @

  132. I love the little teapot and of course being that my name is Holly I would love to win it! :) I'm always keeping my eye out for Holly items.

  133. What excellent taste you have in teapots! Thank you for the opportunity.

  134. Hi Pat. I discovered your blog from reading about it on Sweet Pea's. Very nice to meet you!

    What a lovely teapot - so delicate and Christmasy. Please enter my name in your drawing as well (I also became a follower!) :)


    PS I think we are neighbors. I'm in Northern NJ.

  135. What a lovely teapot! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  136. Hi Pat,
    Oh, I almost missed your giveaway! This teapot is beautiful! I don't have a pretty Christmas teapot. Please enter me in for a chance to win! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

  137. I'm new to your blog, came over through a link on another blog, and have so enjoyed my visit. I live in Oregon, but my brother is in Manhattan so it's alot of fun to see parts of the city through another's eyes.
    I would love to be entered into your giveaway. That teapot is gorgeous!
    Have a wonderful day. I'm off to read more of your posts!

  138. I hate to do it, but I'll have to ask you to deduct one of my entries...I no longer "follow" blogs, but I did comment and is so lovely....and hopefully now that I've got some things off my chest at my place, I can settle down in one spot and finally reach 400 posts some day...LOL!

  139. giveaway. I now follow you. That teapot is gorgeous. And the tea looks so enticing. I would love to win these as it would be perfect for a nice cozy evening. Thanks, linda

  140. Hi Pat!

    Congradulations on your 400 posts. I absolutely adore the teapot, it would look so cute in my kitchen.

  141. this is a wonderful giveaway!
    zachsgran1 at yahoo dot com

  142. I follow
    zachsgran1 at yahoo dot com

  143. That is gorgeous!
    I have been MIA for a few days..DIL had emerg surgery and we have been helping with the 4 kids..No time to blog!
    Happy 400th post..and I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  144. HI! Just found the Pink Saturdays and then your blog. The pot is beautiful and since I've started taking a 'sit down and enjoy' tea break in the afternoon it would be great.

    I've added your blog to my bookmarks under the folder "Tea & Tablescapes".

  145. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Congratulations on your 400+posts. The teapot is just beautiful and would make a great addition to my collection.

  146. Hi Pat, this is a lovely teapot, and I can picture it on my buffet in the dining room!! Do you know you were the first person to ever comment on my blog - so good look on your 400th post!

  147. Hi! Kathleen sent me! I love the teapot and I'm anxious to read more of your blog posts. Congrats on reaching 400! Wow!


  148. I'll follow you anywhere. :-)

    I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving!! I spent the weekend cleaning closets, overhauling piles and throwing out bills from like 10 years ago. Good times! :-) But I feel almost ready to take on the week. Almost.

    Lisa will be sad you missed her Daring Bakers challenge. :-) Those shells were a pain in the you-know-what. As someone commented on my post, I work in need to ever make my own cannolis, lol! When I have a full day I hope to master the shells. One of these days...

  149. Hi Pat, I thought I entered your give-away, but I might have been in a daze.... Anyhow, I posted a link to your site and I follow, as you know! Congrats on the 400th!! I always enjoy learning from you.
    hugs, Sue

  150. this is so pretty. it would make a wonderful gift for my grandma
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  151. This is such a beautiful teapot and Im sure the tea is wonderful too. I would love to win. Thank you for the chance.

    I just became a blog follower.

    I blogged about this giveaway on my blog a few minutes ago.

    -- Chelsea S.

  152. Hi Pat,

    I just found your blog and look forward to visiting more often :) Thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway. The Teapot is just beautiful!

    Congratulations on 400 posts :)

    Have a blessed evening :)

  153. Hi Pat, I just found your blog, and wold like to be counted in, this teapot is amazing, I've never see before like this :) BEautiful!
    Thank you,

    from Hungary

  154. Congrats with your 400th post !! What a beautifull give away.
    I'm a follower of your blog and I did write about this giveaway on my blog (put a picture in my sidebar). BTW the teapot is amazing and would love to know how the gingerbread tea tasted :) The box along of the gingerbread tea is beautifull.

  155. I love the teapot! I collect them and this would fit right in. Please enter me in your drawing!


  156. I wanted to let you what a lovely teapot.I know you have already had the drawing but just in case you have not please enter my number.This is my first time visiting your blog.It is nice to meet new friends.
    God Bless.


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