
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Home Again ... and a Wedding Story

I hope everyone had a safe, happy and reflective Memorial Day weekend. It was good to remember and honor the brave men and women in the military who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom throughout our country's history.

I am sorry that I have not been around for the last week to visit your blogs, but I flew out to Denver, Colorado, last weekend to help baby sit my grandson, as my daughter-in-law was preparing for her sister's wedding this weekend.

( All photos will enlarge when clicked on and then clicked on again.  Use your browser back arrow to return to the post)

I just love all the charming little cottages that I see in parts of Denver, and I can never resist taking photos of them, and I have many more photos of them from past visits on this link.

Of course my little grandson also kept my camera busy this week...... he is a happy bundle of energy and is beginning to have a lot to say!

We played lots of "basketball games" -- his favorite activity of the moment.

Then at the end of the week we all flew from Denver to Alexandria, Virginia.

Old Town Alexandria is a wonderful colonial period town, full of beautiful and historical sights to see, but we were there for a very special reason....

....a wonderful country themed wedding in a Virginia garden for a couple who met and fell in love in college in Virginia Tech

Everything was absolutely perfect ......

....from the lush garden setting where the air was full of bird song..... the accompaniment of classical melodies by a string quartet.

The beautiful bride and handsome groom exchanged their vows and now will begin a long life together. I wish the new couple much love and happiness always!

Little grandson was dressed up to be the wedding ring bearer in the ceremony.........

...but when the time came he could not be peacefully lured away from watching the string quartet play.  Luckily it was not totally unexpected, and the best man had the real rings!

Inside a wonderful wedding celebration was about to begin..........

....and I am happy to report that little grandson put on his dancing shoes and had a good time at his Aunt and Uncle's wedding!   All in all it was a wonderful week with my little one and I already miss him so much ... until next time.

I'm adding this beautiful garden wedding to the "Outdoor Wednesday" event over at Susan's blog A Southern Daydreamer. Please visit Susan and see her aways wonderful contribution, and to see links to other participating blogs and their many other outdoor events

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  1. Your grandson is a cutie pie. & the country wedding looks so romantic. I am glad you had good weather too!

  2. How fun that you got to spend a week in Denver. It was fun peeking in to the country wedding.

  3. Wow! What happened to your little baby boy? He grew up so fast! He is now a darling little man. Very very cute. I can see why you would love to spend every minute you can with him.

    The wedding was very pretty. Glad you had a great time.


  4. So glad you got to see your little fella, both in Denver and in Virginia. Looks like he had lots of fun.

  5. Your grandson is adorable!
    Wonderful photos of Denver and such a beautiful moments.

    Have a great week Pat.

  6. Oh, Pat, I enjoyed your family wedding almost as much as I did my son's wedding this month! Your grandson is so adorable. I can't wait till I have one ( or a granddaughter ) of my own. I'm crossing my fingers that Laura will be pregnant soon.

    At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
    ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

  7. What a beautiful setting for a wedding & your little grandson is adorable!!
    Stop by my blog for my Summer GiveAway!!

  8. Pat, what a fabulous week!! I miss our babies so much. That wedding looks like it was planned with a lot of love- Virginia is one of my favorite states and Denver is a place I've always wanted to go
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Nothing beats family time - especially time with your grandchildren. It looks like things were perfect at the wedding and that handsome grandson looked like he was getting into the celebrating spirit!

    Welcome home.

  10. Hi

    Hasn't your grandson grown from last year! Awwwwwww!!! And isn't he adorable?? You must be one happy and proud grandma - of course!

    I love these Denver houses!! All individual and all very pretty! It's nice when a house is "owned" like this - nice to know people take pride in how their home looks. And not only that - they keep the houses' history intact and enhanced. Fantastic!

    And the wedding! Oh I love a good wedding! This is just so romantic - string quartet, outdoor setting and a sweet little ring bearer!! Beautiful!

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful pics of unique Denver houses and of your lovely grandson! Glad you had a great holiday and I hope you get to visit again soon.

    Take care

  11. You sound like you had a very enjoyable week. Baby sitting that gorgeous grandson must have been a delight. The wedding looked wonderful. Lovely weather and garden as well as a fun filled reception. Feet back on the ground now.?

  12. Thank goodness you had your camera with you in Denver and Virginia. What beautiful pictures you shared. Your grandson is growing up so quickly. I am sure you must miss him after spending so much time together. The country wedding was gorgeous! I am so happy you included a picture of the good looking bride and groom.

    Welcome back!

  13. Welcome home Pat. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Your grandson has really grown a lot.

  14. Oh My! how he grown up!!! He's such a cutie.
    My best whishes to the newlywed too.
    I'm leaving for a short trip to Tuscany tomorrow, hope to catch up when I'll be back!

  15. Hi, Pat! Welcome home! Your grandson is such a super cutie-pie! Your photos from Denver & VA are wonderful. Old Town Alexandria is lovely--especially in spring/summer. The wedding looked a dream-day... love all the pretty touches to flowers, arrangements, etc. Wishing the happy couple all the best! :o) ((HUGS))

  16. Oh Pat - your little guy is growing so fast and beautifully. What fun that he now has a lot to say! The wedding was gorgeous - what a beautiful way to start married life. Amid garden blooms.

  17. Oh...what a great post! Your grandson is just precious. I love the photo of him with his pacifier and hairbrush.

    It looks like a most beautiful wedding! I clicked on the collage of the outdoor many neat ideas for serving beverages...and decorating. I may just borrow a few.

    Thanks for sharing your visits to Denver & Virginia with us.

  18. You are the best mother in law!! Your little guy is growing into the cutest toddler now. The wedding looks like it was just perfect...the weather sure did cooperate.
    ♥, Susan

  19. Such a beautiful setting for a wedding! Goodness, your grandbaby has grown so fast. He's adorable! Sorry to learn that you were ill for part of the time and I do hope that you are feeling 100% now.

  20. How lucky for them that you're able to go and help with the babysitting. He continues to grow beautifully. That looks like a special wedding. Glad you're back home safe and sound.


  21. Sounds like you spent a great week with your grandson! He's adorable!

    great shots of Denver and a very pretty wedding!

  22. Hi, Pat

    WHat a cutie you have--i think he looks like Grandma!

  23. What a fun week you've had Pat. I just love the collage of Denver bungalows--they really are charming. I'd love to peek inside each one.

    Alexandria, VA is only a few hours from where I live in North Carolina. The wedding looks so lovely. I did catch your video of your little guy dancing at the wedding--that's a real keeper. He is so cute all dressed up in his wedding finery.

    I hope you're catching your breath back home in Brooklyn now!

  24. How beautiful! The evening celebration looks spectacular! Best wishes to the happy couple! ♥

  25. Hi Pat, What a precious grandson... He's so funny with that 'pacy' in his mouth... One of my three sons did that---and when he turned two we took it away from him... That wasn't easy!!!!

    Beautiful wedding... Looks like you had a wonderful week.

  26. the wedding was gorgeous, but i was
    too distracted by your adorable

    we love colorado, too, and have a 2nd
    home there. someday, it will be our
    only home.

    i just want to say that i am very honored
    that you would ever visit my blog. yours
    is so amazing!

  27. Looks like it was a perfect outdoor ceremony in every way. And great shots of the cottages too. I really enjoyed them.
    Jane T.

  28. It looks like you had a perfect time at the wedding, and with your family esp. your adorable grandson. He looks like he would keep you on your toes! I liked the pics of the cottages in Denver, I was born there but don't have any old memories of the place. Thanks for sharing your nice outdoors with us this week!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  29. I love the houses in Denver, too. The last time I was there it was fall and I am always amazed by how different the city is from what I imagine as a New Yorker.

    Beautiful outdoor wedding!

  30. Looks like a FUN trip... the little one is getting so BIG... WOW!!!

  31. Everybody happy! That's great!!!

  32. Oh Pat what a gorgeous little boy your grandson is and I believe you when you say you miss him already.They live so far away. The wedding looked wonderful, beautiful young couple hoping to have a life long together. All we can do is wish them all the best.

  33. Pat you always have the most delightful pictures! I have to meet you sometime when you come to visit in Denver! Beautiful wedding, lovely cottages around Denver and your grandson is adorable! Hugs Anne

  34. Fantastic post....such a cute grandson.

  35. I never visited Denver, but somehow I never pictured cottages there--just huge houses to protect from the cold! The wedding looks like it was delightful and, of course, the grandson was the star!

  36. Wow! That wedding looks so beautiful...and little Mr L looks very handsome:)...What great photos you took Pat...I can feel the celebration just looking at them...

  37. What a wonderfull and beautiful post. I wish the newly married couple all the best.
    So glad the day was so perfect for you all. How special to be there with all the family- and how cute that little one of yours is~ and how BIG already!
    take care~

  38. Your little fellow has so much hair...and mine has so little...too funny! Yours is such a little man. He's a doll. I know you had a ball with him.

    Love those cottages. My first house looked a lot like those. I wish the old neighborhood would go through a revitalization like others have in the city. I would move back over there and fix it up.

  39. Pat, I loved seeing your pictures, and of course you know how much I enjoyed seeing Leo! Oh, how CUTE! Look at him! And are those little Birkies on his feet on the dance floor? He's such a doll!

    And I'm laughing about Leo not being able to be bribed to leave his post watching the string quartet. Sounds like you have someone with very good taste like his grandparents who love symphony music. Me thinks he will love opera one day.

    That looks like it was a lot of fun. I'm so glad you got to be there to help with Leo. Cute as a button he is. Thanks for sharing. OH, and the wedding was wonderful, too!



  40. Great pics and great account! As the father of the bride, it was fun to see the wedding through your experience. Thanks much.


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