
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bicycles in NYC for Pink Saturday's Second Anniversary!

With all its traffic and pedestrians it can be hard to believe that one of New York City resident's favorite modes of transportation is the bicycle!  The city has many designated bicycle paths, bike lanes and greenways ...just click on this link to look at a map showing them in the five boroughs of New York City.  I think you will be surprised! 

New York’s "Five Boro Bike Tour," sponsored by Bike New York, is the largest recreational cycling event in the United States!  Every year on the first Sunday of May, over 30,000 riders participate in the 42 mile ride around New York City. The route, closed to automobile traffic, takes riders through all five boroughs of New York City, across five major bridges, and finally across New York Harbor on the Staten Island Ferry.

Being a Brooklyn resident I am particularly fond of this video of a bicycle ride across the Brooklyn Bridge! If you have a chance to do it, a walk or bicycle ride across the bridge, is a memorable things to do when you visit NYC.  There are many establishments that rent bicycles this link which states it is NYC's official bicycle rental company.

Another wonderful place for a tourist or visitor to Manhattan to rent and ride a bicycle is in Central Park.

This New Yorker was trusting enough to leave books in their bicycle basket.

This bicycle in Greenwich Village was decoratively adorned to advocate for an NYC based environmental group that encourages bicycling to help cut down on fossil fuel use for a more sustainable and less toxic city.

The latest annual estimate of the number of bicyclists in New York City by Transportation Alternatives, found roughly 236,000 New Yorkers riding each day in 2009, up 28 percent from 185,000 daily riders the year before.

I saw this pretty pink bicycle outside a store in the East Village recently.  It reminds me of the bicycle I had as a child.  I think I practically lived on my bicycle when I was young!  I continued to ride up until my second child was born and I could no longer fit two children in bike seat, and then stopped.  Hmmmm... I still have my bicycle in the garage and I should really stop procrastinating, dust it off and get back to riding it.  Do you ride a bicycle for health, enjoyment or for environmental reasons? 

A pink bicycle is perfect for Pink Saturday and today Beverly is celebrating a very special two year anniversary of Pink Saturday events on her blog How Sweet The Sound! Did you know that at some point in time over 700 different bloggers have participated in Pink Saturday? Pretty amazing!

Make sure to visit Beverly today and wish her a happy anniversary. She is also having a give away in honor of the event.  You'll also find many links to other Pink Saturday participants on her blog today.

Happy Pink Saturday Anniversary, Beverly! It has been a fun event and you have certainly made me keep my eye open for the color pink in New York City!

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  1. Happy pink birthday celebration.. I love the bicycle with the basket of flowers. what great information on bicycling in New York.

    stop by and sign for my giveaway if you get a minute.

    Have a nice Memorial Day weekend

  2. How did you find a city street in NY that had not one car on it??....that seems impossible...Love the pink bike. I had one just like that was called the "Pink Lady"....Have a great Memorial Weekend!.

  3. Bikes are a great way to get around town. I wish I still had mine. =(

  4. I do have a bike. I got it for Christmas this year but the seat was hard for me to ride very far on. So my BIL just got me a new seat and put it on. I have not gone out yet but think I will go Sunday. You inspired me.

    I have to tell you that walking over the Brooklyn bridge was the highlight of my trip last time. Now everytime I see it on tv or movies I think of that great day.

    Do you know how far it is miles wise? I guess I could look it up.


  5. I love visiting your blog for another tour of NY. The bikeways are great in that they are fenced off from the cars. We have some like that but we have some on the side of the road too. It is good to see so many people using bikes in the city. Great pink post.
    I have my daughter's bike under our house and often think I should get it out and see if I remember how to ride.

  6. Pat, What fun it would be to ride on that pink bike!! Excellent choice to feature on Pink Saturday.
    hugs, Sue

  7. Oh my goodness.

    I loved that bicycle ride across the Brooklyn Bridge. I think I'm now suffering from motion sickness! LOL!! Oh but that was brilliant!! Brilliant!! What a fab way to cross the bridge and great to see that pedestrians can do that too.

    Oh wow. I loved that clip, thank you.

    Now for my confession. I don't ride a bicycle (or drive a car or swim!). Seriously. I'm too feeble and too much of a scaredy cat to try these things on two wheels!

    I rely heavily on public transport and my legs and I am very lucky to have these in as good a working condition as possible! :-)

    But I am full of admiration for anyonew able to do to this! It always looks like so much fun! I hope you do dust off your bike and go forth! I hope so!!

    Oh but I do like the pretty pink bicycle and best of all the peace bike - all decorated with flowers and made to look very pretty!

    I need a lie down now after that clip! I really felt like I was on that bike :-)

    Take care

  8. I liked the idea of a book called "Ethical New York" just being left to see if people had the ethic of not taking it. LOL My fav was the bicycle with the flowers decorating it.

    My bike was my winged chariot of childhood. It was how I got to the other villages in the long Summer holidays just for the pleasure of feeling the wind in my hair and seeing the fields ripen. I still have a bike (purple!) and hope to get to ride it more soon.

  9. Hi Pat! In New York I always prefer walking... ;)

    Blogtrotter Two has a sunset cruise for you! Enjoy the cocktails and the views and have a great weekend!!

  10. Hi Pat..
    great post ..I love the pink bike!
    But I prefer to walk, hike and get close to nature.
    Besides public transportation I love our two seater convertible car with a star on the hood.
    Wish you a great weekend and Memorial Day celebration.
    - Cheers Gisela.

  11. Okay, not a fan of the color pink, but I adore that pink bike!!

  12. Pat, Allie WANTS that bike! LOL Have a wonderful weekend!
    xoxo pattie

  13. Cycling would be a great way to get around the city. Bikes are really big in Paris now too. Great idea!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Best wishes,

  14. Oh, I should go to the bike garage and get mine and go and tour Paris ... dressed in pink, of course!

  15. Love the pink bicycle! Being the the third child in a line of five, my bicycle was a hand-me-down and by the time I got it, I'm not sure much color was visible. I would have loved a pink bike!

    You must be busy since your trip to sunny California! I sent an email next week. Hoping to be able to meet up with you in August.

    Happy weekend!!

  16. I'm with you. as a child in the city I lived on my aqua blue schwinn. I should get my beautiful but huge butt back on a bike again. I always enjoyed it. Sea Witch

  17. I can't believe how many bicycles you found in NYC. That pink one in the Village is fabulous, but I also like the one with the flowers in Greenwich.

    It is funny how Beverly now has all of us watching for pink. I think that's cool.

    Happy pink Saturday and have a safe and wonderful Memorial day weekend.

  18. Love the bikes, Pat, especially the pink girls, frou frou one. Too cute! I applaud those who ride around the city. With all of the traffic, it is a little scary. Have a wonderful weekend.
    ♥, Susan

  19. Happy Pink Birthday Saturday to you Pat. As always your post is filled with gorgeous images and interesting facts about your topic. I love all those Pink bicycles!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend, and many more Pink posts to come.

  20. You're never running out of interesting things to present - not in NYC. Love the video (and your photos). I used to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge on my lunch hour when I worked on Water St. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

  21. That pink bike reminds me of my old Schwinn of years back. I wish I still had it! Happy Pink Saturday!


  22. Hi Pat, I especially enjoyed your NYC bicycles. Thank-you for the links. My girlfriend and I plan to rent bicycles our next visit to NYC, June 2011!

  23. What a fun post! I like bike riding too, and I enjoyed the ride across the Brookly Bridge.
    I must say my favorite bike is the pink one!

    Have a good weekend!

  24. When I lived in Manhattan I had a bicycle - rode it regularly from Greenwich Village to Central Park and had to lug it up and down five flights of stairs - but it was cheap entertainment. I do love the bike with the flowers. Perfect!

  25. What a fun ride across the Brooklyn Bridge! Glad you enjoyed it! Have a great holiday weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  26. Oh, that was a great bike ride across the Brooklyn Bridge - how long is the walk? - in case I decide to do it next time I'm in NYC...

  27. Hi Pat. Happy pink Saturday anniversary. It is so good to see that people ride bikes in New York. In Holland everybody rides a bike from three years of age or so.So we all have one and use it every day, kids go to school on it, people go to work or to the shops.Almost every city has bike paths, especially for the kids to go to school safely and for recreation purpasses. I love the pink bike. My granddaughter had one in the same colour (hot)pink.I am not sure if she still has it. Have to go and look soon so I can take a picture.Never thought about that.
    Have a great weekend!

  28. I really enjoyed seeing all the bikes on the street. My favorite of course is the hot pink, what other color would a pinky pick..... I have my childhood bike in my garden, I'm thinking of painting it hot pink. Happy Holiday

  29. Love the pink bike. Wonderful photos Pat.
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  30. It is hard to believe that there are so many bikers in NYC. That has to be a real sight to see that many bikes going thru the city.
    Enjoy this glorious weather.

  31. A PINK bicycle ---for PINK Saturday? Life is Good... Right, Pat???? I haven't ridden a bike in years l--except the stationary bikes at the health center.

    When two of my three sons were little, we used to ride bikes ALOT... My hubby would carry one and I would carry the other. We had those cute little yellow carriers for little ones. Great memories!!!!

    Have a great Saturday.

  32. the ride around the city sounds fantastic...i think i would really enjoy that. Hubs and i walked across the brooklyn bridge last year in search of what has been touted as NY's best was good, but my cousins insist there is better. thanks for the beautiful 2 wheel journey.

  33. So pretty! Love the bikes. Great post. Hope you are having a happy pink day.

  34. Is it a bad thing to yell at pedestrians when watching that video? Ha! I really do need to chill. I was going to quit watching, but John was watching and wanted to say that he'd crossed the Brooklyn Bridge today. I really like the Peace Bike and thank you for placing it right after the video.

  35. That pink bike is divine! I didn`t know that NYC is so bicycle friendly. All your pictures were great.

  36. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Pat. We've been pinking together almost the two years. Thank you for everything you do to make Pink Saturday special.

    You know I adore every post you ever write. I've never been to NYC, but you have taken me places and taught me more than I could ever hope to see in one visit.

    And, the bonus is that I adore you, too. Thank you for your friendship.

    The bicycle I had when I was a child was blue, and the one I had as an adult was green. I loved riding a bicycle, but I can no longer ride because of the arthritis in my hip.

  37. How fun to tour New York with you on a Saturday!

    The decorated bikes reminded me of the contests we used to have at sports day when I was a see who could do the best job of decking out their bike. My bike was a blue J.C. Higgins...but my granddaughter has a lovely pink one!

  38. San Francisco, with all its hills, isn't a bicycle haven - though there are some brave, healthy, athletic souls that manage to conquer the steep rides!

    The bikes are wonderful, pink ones, the decorated ones. I wouldn't get on one now, for fear the tires would instantly deflate! I'm always fearful the treadmill will whine to a stop in protest!

    At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
    ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

  39. Hi Pat, I love your bikes for today's pink. As usual we always learn interesting things about NY and this is no exception. I for one would not like riding a bike in NY. I'll take the subway, HA.

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
    hugs, Jeanne

  40. Happy Pink Saturday!! Love your pics! Hope to see you at my blog sometime! XX

  41. Thanks for a wonderful tour of NY. I loved seeing the bikes. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! Twyla

  42. Hi, Pat! What fun--just love that pink bike with the streamers--every little girls dream, right?! ;o) I used to join in on Pink Saturday. Thought I don't have pink at my place every weekend anymore, I still like to keep up with the fun. Happy Weekend... I just love that pink sprinkler! We're just back from 2-week visit with family & friends in the US. Glad to stop by and catch up with you! ((HUGS))

  43. I last rode a bike a couple of summers ago when my friend and I had a couple to sell in our Tag Sale!! I wasn't very good, but I could be if I kept it up! I, too, lived on my bike when I was a kid...we all did. No wonder there were no chubby children back in the old days...lots of exercise computers or TV games to keep us stationary! I loved the PINK bike and your fine NY info!!!

    I hope you had a great PSat and best wishes to you and yours for a peaceful and safe Memorial Day Weekend. L, dana

  44. Pat, we ride our bikes regularly (The Professor certainly more than I do as he rides his bike to work). We live just far enough away from the center of town to make it difficult to shop on our bikes. Often, we take our bikes with us on visits to our kids' home in San Diego.

  45. Found you via Rosemary's blog and I'm also a Pink Saturday girl. This post is awesome! I'm sending it to my kids who bike everywhere.
    Love your pics. Come see me too when you can. xx's Marsha

  46. GREAT PICS...i collect and refinish (not restore) old beach cruisers..i LOVE LOVE LOVE them....have a happy memorial day..hope u r well! :-)

  47. Love that Pink Bike!
    Today was a eperfect day for a bike ride here on LI. Lovely breeze. I was too exhausted..a house full since Fri.
    Joe Biden was at Mass here yesterday morning. Interesting!

  48. As always I love taking a little trip with you. And you can ride the pink bike. I'll ride the flowery one! And then we can switch!

  49. I'm a bike rider Pat, and I love, love this post! I've walked the Brooklyn Bridge, and I'd love to bike across some day--how cool! It is amazing that with all the traffic and bustle there are so many bikers in NY, I think it's great!


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