
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Denver City Lights!

Denver, Colorado's City and County's building is lit up for the holidays with more than a thousand LED spot lights, 585 LED fixtures and two thousand LED rope lights.

The lights are permanently installed to save on the yearly display and the use of LED lights saves the city approximitly $180,000 a year over conventional lights.

I was impressed with the city's beautiful nativity creche that was on display on one side of the building's exterior!

The other side had a display of Santa's elves ready to play a Western tune.

The sound of beautiful Christmas carols played by bells were playing from the building's tower.

The more I see of Denver the more I like the city. It is diverse, young and hip and has a multitude of activities. Of course, the fact that my son and daughter-in-law and grandson live near Denver is a big attraction for me!

I'm linking this week with:

Lynn at Happier Than A Pig in Mud's "The Reason for the Season" party.

Outdoor Wednesday on Susan's blog A Southern Daydreamer

Sue's It's a Very Cherry World's Rednesday

Alphabe Thursday for the letter "L" on Jenny Matlock's blog

Friday Favorite Linky Party on Sandi's blog The Whistlestop Cafe Cooking

Thanks to all --be sure to join in all the fun on their blogs!

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  1. What fantastic lights! Your photos are amazing! I've never had the opportunity to visit Denver, but would love to. Can you be my travel agent? :-)

  2. Denver is beautiful.....great shots!

  3. so beautiful....would i ever love to see that in person...

    i have only seen Denver via the airport :-{

    but we were on our way to Aspen

    happy to visit here today, my friend


  4. Very interesting, Pat.... AND MODERN... Even though I am more into the traditional Christmas decorations (guess I'm too old for that type of lighting and those colors..ha), that building certainly is uniquely decorated.... Love the fact that they included a Nativity Creche... And Santa's elves are cute.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great photos and to know they have a Nativity scene in their display really pleases and impresses me. Just lovely.

  6. Ah, yes! The Civic Center I remember!!! Isn't it fun?! Thank you again!!! Cathy

  7. Wow...that's spectacular and downright beautiful...thanks for sharing your photos!

  8. Wow, that is a crazy colorful building. I love Colorado. We too, have family in Denver and Fort Collins...Ft. Collins would be my choice in a heart beat.

  9. Hi Pat, I have never seen a building lit in quite that way!! The savings is worth it, I guess. And it is also nice to see the nativity on the public land!! Did you notice that the one at the Staten Island ferry terminal had to be removed? Makes me sad although I guess I am in the minority. Thanks for the tour of Denver. I remember being snowed in there long go, flying People's Express to go skiing! Linda

  10. Denver is beautifully lit up for Christmas. I can well imagine that the magnetic force would be quite impossible to resist with such dear ones close by there.

  11. I like that...the LED spotlights. We use strings of LED lights...and they need to be strung up there every year. Maybe one of these years we will switch to LED spot lights. Denver looks like a great place to visit...whatever the season.

  12. Wow, what a light show that is!!!

  13. The building is amazing, it's stunning!! And that video, who wouldn't want to go there, it's so divirsified it would be like going around the world all in one place.

  14. Amazing! They really know how to deck the halls. And I'm also impressed with a very visible nativity scene.

  15. Fantastic! Thank you for this wonderful post, Pat.

  16. The creche is truly beautiful. It is a wonder to see what other cities do in commemoration of the holidays. I am always so fixated on NYC!

  17. I love those beautiful lights! Gorgeous!

  18. Pat, these photos are amazing. How do you capture such brilliant color at night? You are an awesome photographer!
    Our niece and her young family live in Denver. I agree, it is a great city! ~ Sarah

  19. Wow is that beautiful! Denver is such a great city and I know you love being there with your precious family. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos!

  20. Fabulous night shots. What is your secret. The Building is very colourful and I'm glad to hear it is using low level energy lights. It sur does sound a beautiful city. Couldn't find the video.

  21. That building is amazing. I'm sure glad and surprised to actually see a manger scene there.

  22. What amazing photos!!! I couldn't imagine seeing up live and close!

  23. WOW! That is bright!

    I love to hear Christmas carols played by a peal of bells.

  24. Awww WOW!!WOW!! Look at all these pretty pretty lights!! WOW!! I love it - yay for Denver for being a bit snazzy and funky with their Christmas lights!! But the best is that nativity set!! Awwww for some reason I don't see them anymore - nativity scenes - but here is one in all their beautiful bright and breezy glory!!!! Yay!!

    I can't wait to get home to watch the video (yes I am sneaking this comment in at work)!!!!

    These pics are just fab!! Thanks for sharing - take care

  25. WOW... those light displays make the building look like something from Las Vegas... haha! VERY FUN! Happy Day, Pat :o) ((HUGS))

  26. Wow this is beautiful Pat! So nice to see them display the nativity in a City building. Here in Philly there was a huge legal problem this year because near City Hall there is a wonderful display that is called "Christmas Village". They had to take the sign down because someone wanted it relabeled "Holiday Village". The mayor actually asked them to put the sign back up...
    I enjoyed my time in Denver too! Thanks for joining in:@)

  27. What a spectacular light display. We have been switching to LED's for two years. They are pricey but shine very bright.

  28. When I grow up, I want to be able to take such wonderful photos, lol!

  29. Beautiful photos Pat. LED lights are soooo cool.

  30. How fantastic is it? I like the colors so very much, so very joyful!

  31. I love how they did a Santa display on one side and a nativity on the other.

    And I love that you were in Denver soaking up Grandbabies...present and future.

    What a lovely stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

    Your blog is amazing.


  32. Intended or not, you shared an incredible light show with us. I really enjoyed seeing Denver at Christmas through your eyes. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  33. Thank you for showing these beautiful scenes from Denver. My son lived in Littteon for years, but I never got to see sights like this.

  34. I haven't actually gotten used to the colors of the LED lights on trees and such, but I love them lighting up this building and the Nativity. Everything just pops...your photo's are magnificent!
    ♥, Susan

  35. Wow, those buildings almost don't even look real, ha. They are beautiful shots.

  36. Denver looks to be almost as exciting as NYC, O yeah!..looks like I need to put this on the list of must see's.

    I enjoyed the video too.

  37. I don't think I have ever seen a more brightly colored public building during the holidays! Crazy! Even though I am of mixed religions...and not very religious at that...I like the fact that there is a public display of the nativity scene.

  38. I love christmas ligths. I have never seen anything like this before.

  39. Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous light display! Good for Denver!

  40. AMAZING! So much COLOR! They need you to take their official photos! These are awesome! ♥♥♥

  41. WOW! That display of lights is IMPRESSIVE! And, it is amazing how much the LED lights saved, too! I know the brightest light in Denver for you is that grandson! LOL! I enjoy Colorado every time we visit!!

  42. Hi Pat!! Amazing colours!! Incredible night shots...

  43. What a beautiful light display!

  44. too colorful for me but I'm sure people love it

  45. Your camera captured the vibrant colors of this display beautifully.

  46. I am stunned at the depth, intensity and beauty of these photos! A perfect L post to "lift" me into the holiday spirit.

  47. hi pat...guess what? rain is on the way off the pacific....yipppeeeee

    happy to see you today, my friend


  48. Pat, wow!!! great shots ... that must have been fun to see!

  49. Looks like a glowing rainbow!


  50. WOW! Pat, those lights are just dazzling :) Merry Christmas..with love/M

  51. I love the lights and the creche scene. I am glad some cities still put one up.

  52. WOW! Gorgeous light displays! It's beautiful and so festive!

  53. Wow! Spectacular! And I love that the city is saving the taxpayers some money, by using the LED lights. Go Denver!
    Happy REDnesday!

  54. Your photos always astound, Pat. I loved the tour through Denver and appreciate all that citis do to make the holidays so festive.

  55. I love downtown Denver at Christmas!!

  56. How beautifully colorful are the Christmas lights of Denver. Nothing subdued about them or their display. I love it all, Pat.

  57. what a colourful decoration. the lights are fantastic.

  58. So pretty and I wonder what their electric bill is this time of the year? Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  59. Good morning Pat, We have been busy finishing our shopping for the multitudes in my family. I have not had a moment to be on the computer. We were snowed in for a few days and everything was on hold. Sigh. We had a marathon shopping day yesterday and I am done. I am happily wrapping and bagging today. I have neglected my dear blogging friends.

    I am happy you had a wonderful visit with your precious son and family. When is the next grand due? Exciting time for you my friend.
    Now, the lights and photos you shared are so beautiful. The led lights are amazing. It is good to know there is energy being saved, not to mention 'money'. We have been in Denver countless times because we skied out west for many years. Also, my longtime friend used to live there. I have to say we know more about the airport than the city. Lol.

    Happy holiday wishes to you and yours,
    Warm hugs, Jeanne

  60. Denver rocks! I don't live very far and visit occasionally's a fun place. How fun to go see family!!!

  61. That is a great light display...very cool!I'm so glad they included a Nativity!

  62. Oh my goodness, if I didn't hate snow so much I would have to go to Denver at Christmas time just to see those beautiful lights. Wow! For now I will thank you for sharing and hope that you don't mind if I let other people know about your fabulous fotos!

  63. Thanks for that. I live in Longmont about an hour north of Denver and every year we drive down to see these lights. Thanks for showcasing part of our wonderful state!

  64. Amazing! Never seen anything like it!

  65. You have managed to capture the feel of the city~~ beautiful!
    Another friday's favorite for sure :-)

  66. That may be the most uniquely decorated government building in the US. I love it that they have a creche there. Way to go Denver!

  67. Great tour, My husband opened the first donut shop in Denver and then in Houston. He was a yankee
    and when he moved to Houston wanted to go get donuts. NO SUCH THING..
    I liked Denver.

  68. What gorgeous colours Pat but it was the elves which brought a smile to my face. So cute!

    Thanks for sharing.

  69. Wonderful pictures...again! The lights are fantastic. I love Denver but maybe I'm biased because my nephew lives nearby.
    Wonderful area.


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